Grails search/filter multiple parameters - controller logic - search

Using Grails (or hibernate), I was wanting to know if there is a specific design pattern or method we should be using when implementing a SEARCH of our domain.
For example, on my website, I want to be able to filter(or search) by multiple properties in the domain.
EG: For I have a page which displays a list of HOTELS. When I submit a search form, or if a user clicks "filter by name='blah'", when I enter the controller I get the following:
String name
String location
if( && params.reference) {
// Find name/reference
} else if( {
// Find name
} else if(params.reference) {
// Find reference
} else {
// Find all
As you can understand, if there are more properties in the domain to search/filter, the longer the controller gets.
Any help. Please note, I do not want to use the 'searchable' plugin, as this is too complex for my needs.

I would embed these in a named query in the Domain class itself. For example:
Class Hotel {
String name
String city
String country
boolean isNice
static namedQueries = {
customSearch { p ->
if (p?.name) eq('name',
if (p?.city) eq('name',
if (p?.country) eq('name',
if (p?.isNice != null) eq('isNice', p.isNice)
Then later in a controller somewhere ...
def results = Hotel.customSearch(params)
Of course this is a very simple example, but you can expand on it using the same named query or even adding others and chaining them together.


null ContentItem in Orchard

First - disclaimer: I know I should not do it like this, but use LazyField instead and that model should not contain logic and I will modify my code accordingly, but I wanted to explore the 1-n relationship between content items and orchard in general.
I'm creating a system where user can respond to selected job offer, so I have two content types - Job, which lists all available jobs, and JobAnswer which contains my custom part and provides link to appropriate Job content item:
public class JobPart : ContentPart<JobPartRecord>
public ContentItem Job
if (Record.ContentItemRecord != null)
var contentItem = ContentItem.ContentManager.Get(Record.Job.Id);
return contentItem;
var nullItem = ContentItem.ContentManager.Query("Job").List().First();
return nullItem;
set { Record.Job = value.Record; }
This works, but I'm not sure how should I handle returning a null contentItem, when creating new content item, now it just returns first Job content item, which is far from ideal.

in a civicrm webform, create multiple 'groups' fields

In CiviCRM webform, you can 'enable tag and groups'. Configuring those allows you to create option elements in the webform.
This creates one 'widget', one dropdown or set of checkboxes. I have two field instances where I want the user to select a group - say for example
which mailing lists do you want to receive (a,b,c)
what food are you interested in (d,e,f)
a,b,c,d,e and f are all groups. I can not change that.
How could I do that ?
A technical suggestion below, but first, I'd suggest that your real solution is to not use groups for the second question. Groups are set up nicely to handle mailing lists, but if it's to track interests, you'd be better off setting those up as custom fields. It'll solve this immediate issue, and it'll make it easier to deal with tandem searches and so forth (on list b and likes food d).
Now if you must have them as groups, you can create a fake field and move checkboxes into it using jQuery. Create the fake field with one option that you don't care about, but label it "What food are you interested in", or equivalent. Then, edit the Groups field that CiviCRM generated: label it more specifically as "which mailing lists...", and choose Static Options so it doesn't start offering up just any group for someone to choose.
Now, add the following javascript:
// first remove the dummy checkboxes in your fake field
$('#yourdummyfield .form-item').each( function() { $(this).remove(); });
// now move things into the dummy field
$('#yourdummyfield').append( $('#groupsfield .form-item-d');
$('#yourdummyfield').append( $('#groupsfield .form-item-e');
$('#yourdummyfield').append( $('#groupsfield .form-item-f');
From the form processing perspective, they'll all be evaluated as the "groups" field. However, they'll look separate. For better or worse, this will have to be adjusted as you add new groups fields.
After using Andrew Hunts suggestion for a while, I finally solved this on the server side, in a custom module, using webform logic as described here
Basicly, on presave, I look for 2 custom fields containing group ids (mailing and food in the example). Then I add these to the CiviCRM groups field.
I'll add the code below, which has some more logic:
to make it flexible, I use one hidden field to contain the fieldkey
of the civicrm groups selector to add the other fields in. that
field is called 'the_groups_element' (but its not the groups element, it contains the key of the groups element)
there is only one foods group allowed, so before it adds you to a food group, it removes all other food groups from the groups selector.
You could probably make it even more generic, but since I had different logic for the different groups, this was suitable for me.
function getFoodGroups() {
// return foodgroups
function getMailGroups() {
// return mailgroups
function MYMODULE_webform_submission_presave($node, &$submission) {
$groupselm = '';
$groups_cid = false;
$foods_cid = false;
$mailings_cid = false;
foreach($node->webform['components'] as $cid=>$comp) {
if ($comp['form_key']=='the_groups_element') {
$groupselm = $comp['value'];
if ($groupselm) {
foreach($node->webform['components'] as $cid=>$comp) {
if ($comp['form_key']==$groupselm) $groups_cid = $comp['cid'];
if ($comp['form_key']=='the_foods') $foods_cid = $comp['cid'];
if ($comp['form_key']=='the_mailings') $mailings_cid = $comp['cid'];
$group_gids = $submission->data[$groups_cid];
if (!$group_gids) $group_gids=array();
if ($foods_cid!==false && $submission->data[$foods_cid]) {
// remove all current foods
foreach ($group_gids as $gidx=>$group_gid) {
foreach (getFoodGroups() as $foodgroup) {
if ($group_gid==$foodgroup['gid']) {
if ($debug) drupal_set_message('removing foodgroup '.$foodgroup['gid']);
// validate and add submitted regions
$foodsgids = $submission->data[$foods_cid];
if (!is_array($foodsgids)) $foodsgids = array($foodsgids);
foreach ($foodsgids as $foodsgid) {
foreach (getFoodGroups() as $foodgroup) {
if ($foodsgid==$foodgroup['gid']) {
break; // only one food allowed
if ($mailings_cid!==false && $submission->data[$mailings_cid]) {
// just add submitted mailings, dont remove any
$mailinggids = $submission->data[$mailings_cid];
if (!is_array($mailinggids)) $mailinggids = array($mailinggids);
foreach ($mailinggids as $mailinggid) {
foreach (getMailGroups() as $mailing) {
if ($mailinggid==$mailing['gid']) {
if ($debug) drupal_set_message('adding mailing '.$mailing['gid']);
$submission->data[$groups_cid] = array_unique($group_gids);

Orchard CMS front-end all possible content filtering by user permissions

Good day!
In my Orchard, I have several content types all with my custom part attached. This part defines to what users this content is available. For each logged user there is external service, which defines what content user can or cannot access. Now I need access restriction to apply everywhere where orchard display content lists, this includes results by specific tag from a tag cloud, or results listed from Taxonomy term. I seems can’t find any good way to do it except modifying TaxonomyServices code as well as TagCloud services, to join also my part and filter by it. Is this indeed the only way to do it or there are other solutions? I would like to avoid doing changes to built-in modules if possible but cannot find other way.
Thanks in advance.
I'm currently bumbling around with the same issue. One way I'm currently looking at is to hook into the content manager.
public class ModContentManager : DefaultContentManager, IContentManager
//private readonly Lazy<IShapeFactory> _shapeFactory;
private readonly IModAuthContext _modAuthContext;
public ModContentManager(IComponentContext context,
IRepository<ContentTypeRecord> contentTypeRepository,
IRepository<ContentItemRecord> contentItemRepository,
IRepository<ContentItemVersionRecord> contentItemVersionRepository,
IContentDefinitionManager contentDefinitionManager,
ICacheManager cacheManager,
Func<IContentManagerSession> contentManagerSession,
Lazy<IContentDisplay> contentDisplay,
Lazy<ISessionLocator> sessionLocator,
Lazy<IEnumerable<IContentHandler>> handlers,
Lazy<IEnumerable<IIdentityResolverSelector>> identityResolverSelectors,
Lazy<IEnumerable<ISqlStatementProvider>> sqlStatementProviders,
ShellSettings shellSettings,
ISignals signals,
//Lazy<IShapeFactory> shapeFactory,
IModAuthContext modAuthContext)
: base(context,
signals) {
//_shapeFactory = shapeFactory;
_modAuthContext = modAuthContext;
public new dynamic BuildDisplay(IContent content, string displayType = "", string groupId = "") {
// So you could do something like...
// var myPart = content.As<MyAuthoPart>();
// if(!myPart.IsUserAuthorized)...
// then display something else or display nothing (I think returning null works for this but
//don't quote me on that. Can always return a random empty shape)
// else return base.BuildDisplay(content, displayType, groupId);
// ever want to display a shape based on the name...
//dynamic shapes = _shapeFactory.Value;
Could also hook into the IAuthorizationServiceEventHandler, which is activated before in the main ItemController and do a check to see if you are rendering a projection or taxonomy list set a value to tell your content manager to perform checks else just let them through. Might help :)

In Orchard, how to query based on current user's content picker field?

I have extended the built-in User ContentType with a Content Picker Field that can be used to select multiple Video ContentItems. This gives me a video multi-picker control on the Edit page of each User.
I love how Orchard CMS makes this so elegantly simple to setup.
Now that I can associate multiple Videos with a User, I'd like to create a Query that will display just the Videos that the currently logged in User has been granted access.
I was hoping to be able to setup a Query using the Projector module, in what I thought was the obvious way (see below), but this returns no results.
This is how I configured the second filter:
Clicked on the + Add a new Filter link on the Edit Query screen
Chose Videos:Ids from the User Content Fields section, like this:
Configured the new filter like this:
What am I doing wrong, or what is the simplest way of diagnosing this issue?
This is how the Content Picker field is defined:
I have spotted my error - it was due to me not having a proper understand of how the filters worked. The Videos:Ids filter in the User Content Fields section does not give access to the current user's list of videos, as I assumed. Instead, it is offering the field to be used in the filter, which would be useful if I were to write a query to produce a list of Users that had access to a specific Video.
It was wishful thinking that it worked the way I wanted, but it's obvious in retrospect how it actually works.
Update: in the hope it's useful for others, here's the custom filter I developed:
public interface IFilterProvider : IEventHandler
void Describe(dynamic describe);
public class CurrentUserVideosFilter : IFilterProvider
private readonly IWorkContextAccessor _workContextAccessor;
public CurrentUserVideosFilter(IWorkContextAccessor workContextAccessor)
_workContextAccessor = workContextAccessor;
T = NullLocalizer.Instance;
public Localizer T { get; set; }
public void Describe(dynamic describe)
describe.For("My Filter Category", T("My Filter Category"), T("My Filter Category"))
.Element("Current User's Videos", T("Current User's Videos"), T("Current User's Videos"),
(Func<dynamic, LocalizedString>)DisplayFilter,
public void ApplyFilter(dynamic context)
var query = (IHqlQuery)context.Query;
context.Query = query.ForType("Video")
.Where(x => x.ContentPartRecord<IdentityPartRecord>(), x => x.InG("Id", GetVideoIdsForCurrentUser()));
private IList<int> GetVideoIdsForCurrentUser()
var currentUser = _workContextAccessor.GetContext().CurrentUser;
if (currentUser == null) return new int[0];
dynamic item = currentUser.ContentItem;
var videoContentItems = (IEnumerable<ContentItem>)item.User.Videos.ContentItems;
return videoContentItems.Select(i => i.Id).ToList();
public LocalizedString DisplayFilter(dynamic context)
return T("Videos that have been assigned to the currently logged in user");
I created this class in a new Orchard module, which contains all my customisations for the site I'm building. Once I installed the module, the filter was immediately available. I assume Orchard uses reflection to seek out all types that implement the IFilterProvider interface.
This is how the filter appears on the Add a Filter screen:
Clicking on the filter shows this screen:
Once the filter has been saved, the query works exactly how I'd like - it shows all videos that have been assigned to the currently logged in user.

How to customize the search in play CRUD?

I'm using play framework 1.2.7 to create a simple page to search some data on a database.
I already have one of the listing pages with CRUD module. The problem is that the search is a text field that searches in all text columns. I want to customize this.
The default is:
#{ /}
I imagine I should be able to do something like:
#{ }
... search fields...
But I can't find any documentation about it.
How can I define the fields to search and how to use them?
What it worked for me was to overwrite the list method in the controller that extends from CRUD.
For example:
public static void list(int page, String search, String searchFields,
String orderBy, String order) {
ObjectType type = ObjectType.get(getControllerClass());
if (page < 1) {
page = 1;
List<YourObject> yourObjects;
List<Model> objects;
yourObjects = YourObject.yourSearch(search);
/* I also wanted to keep the standard search
so from here I also kept the standard code */
