Azure Packaging in Visual Studio Online - azure

I have an Azure cloud project stored in VSOnline. Is there a way to automatically package the cloud project and drop to a location in VSOnline itself? I have tried the AzureContinuousDeployment.11.xaml template which does not meet my requirement since it deploys the application to cloud service.


How to add Function App to Resource Group project in Visual Studio 2017?

I'm working on my Azure project for gaining some experience especially in deployment via Powershell. I already created a solution, and added an Azure Resource Group deployment project. Here you can add resources to your group, but there is no Function App, WebJobs or anything similar to Function App, or FaaS stuff.
I checked the automation script created by Azure portal about a manually created Function App, but it is quite heavy. It will take time to figure out how it works.
Is there a way to do it using this tool?
There are two pieces to this puzzle.
1) Is the "Infrastructure as Code" or IaC. In your case the Azure Functions PaaS Service. This can be deployed using an Azure Resource Manager (ARM) template, built using Visual Studio 2017. This is the "runtime/host" that your function will be deployed to. See the Azure Resource Group deployment project type, part of the Azure SDK. Top tip - if you have an Azure Resource Group with a Functions PaaS instance in it, go to the instance and click on Platform Features -> Automation Template. This will give you the foundation for building your resource group deployment project.
2) Is the function itself. This needs to be deployed to your Azure Functions PaaS service. Azure functions have their own project type in Visual Studio 2017, however the template needs to be download. See Visual Studio 2017 Tools for Azure Functions.
Once you have built your function using (2) above, you publish to your function PaaS instance deployed (which was either manually deployed or deployed using (1) above).
Top Tip 2: You can build and test functions locally using the Azure Functions CLI.
Top Tip 3: Use the Azure Resource Explorer to help understand how the ARM structure looks for your subscriptions.

How do I package and deploy a single Azure web app containing several virtual apps from Visual Studio Team Services (previously VS Online)?

I have a Visual Studio solution that contains two web applications (our main site and our WebAPI project). I am able to host them locally in IIS Express as a single site using the applicationhost.config, but I want to package them (in our Build) and then deploy them (in our Release) as a single site from Visual Studio Online (which hosts our code) to Azure.
My Visual Studio Team Services Build configuration packages each of the Visual Studio projects into its own Web Deploy package. The Web Deploy packaging is done during my Build phase, and the deployment to Azure is done during the Release phase - this is done so I am not recompiling source every time I do a deployment, which is unnecessary and would slow down the process.
The first web application identifies "HelloAzure" as the DeployIisAppPath in its pubxml file. The second one (the WebAPI project) identifies "HelloAzure/api" as the DeployIisAppPath in its pubxml file.
Currently, I am using two of the "Azure Web Site Deployment" steps (the one that uses Service Endpoints to perform a deployment). I name the same web app name for both steps. When the second project is deployed, it seems to overwrite the first one rather than adding a second application to the existing site. I believe I must not be following the intended practice for deploying several Web Deploy packaged applications into one web site from Visual Studio Team Services to Azure, but I can't find the recommended practice documented anywhere.
I do need to have both applications hosted within a single site. Deploying them as separate sites is not an option.
It appears that Kudu has some options that might support this scenario, but I am not deploying from source code, I am deploying from Web Deploy packages created by our Team Services build.
The MSDeployAllTheThings VSTS extension supports deployment to a virtual app in an Azure site.
Microsoft also seems to have added official support for deploying to virtual apps from VSTS to Azure to the AzureRM VSTS extensions according to this thread:

How can I deploy a html website using Azure Resource Manager

I've got a website (basic html) and I want to deploy it using Azure Resource manager. It doesn't have a visual studio sln file and I don't want to create one.
I've found this tutorial for an angular website that does something along the lines that I am trying to do.
The problem I want to solve is that I have the Microsoft Azure SDK for .NET (VS 2015) 2.8.2 which allows me to add resources to my resource group project. The tutorial writes everything itself, rather than use visual studio to create the resources.
Does any one know how to do this?
I've got my application to build the website using a website.publishproj (found at the tutorial) so I have my zip file, what I am now lacking, is how to upload the zip file to azure using the already existing powershell that comes with the 2.8.2 SDK.
So far i've added the below code under the Import-Module statement:
C:\"Program Files (x86)"\MSBuild\14.0\bin\msbuild.exe 'C:\Source\website.publishproj' /T:Package /P:PackageLocation=".\dist" /P:_PackageTempDir="packagetmp"
$websitePackage = "C:\Source\dist\"
If you're ultimate goal here is the ability to simply deploy and changes to the Azure Web App, one solution is to setup automated deployment from a local Git repository into an Azure Web App. Firstly, you'd create the RG in the Azure portal then configure Continuous Deployment. You can then use something like Visual Studio Code to trigger the deployment from any code changes.
Good run through here:
Assuming your website is under source control eg. GitHub - you can use an ARM template to point at the GitHub repo, so when it creates a new website it will automatically pull the content into your newly created site. Great walkthrough here: or just the code can be found here:
You can use Azure CLI from non-Microsoft world to deploy eg.
azure group deployment create...
If this has helped, please mark as answered.

Azure Continuous Deployment from Visual Studio Team Services with multiple projects

While using Github (or anything other than Visual Studio Team Services) I can use the following page to customize deployment:
I'd like to customize my deployment as I currently have both a web app and a web api project. I want the web app to be deployed, as default it deploys the web api project. Using project Kudu the settings (.deployment file or even better, the app settings on Azure itself) works great, but not when you deploy from Visual Studio Team Services.
I've spoken with David Ebbo from Project Kudu, and he explained that VS Team Services doesn't use Kudu at all, but probably MS Build. So my question is, how to specifically deploy the web app.
I managed to change the Build Definition and specify the web app .csproj as the Projects To Build. This works. However, I also want to deploy my web api.
Deploying the web api project with Kudu is easy as I can create a separate website, connect to the some repository (and solution) and specify the Project App setting so that it deploys the correct .csproj. How should we do this for MS Build? When I change the Build Definition, it will always deploy the project specified in there.
Just saw another answer on Stackoverflow that looks to solve this problem: Publish Multiple Projects to Different Locations on Azure Website

Azure Web Role Deployment

I have a Web Role in Azure that is under development. I would like to make a package that can be published and tested in staging environment without the help of Visual Studio. Is there a way to publish if just the package is provided?
You can use cspack to actually create the package, but from your question it sounds more like you are asking can you publish an already created package. The answer is yes.
There are multiple ways to do this and I'll provide three:
1) The management portal: you can deploy a package if you have the cspkg and csconfig files. Under the Cloud Services you can select a cloud service and select to deploy to the production or staging slot. You can also do this as part of creating a new cloud service in the portal.
2) You can use Windows Azure PowerShell and CLI command line tools to deploy an already packaged deployment. In fact, you can also automate packaging and deploying.
3) Using a tool like Cerebrata's Azure Management Studio you can also deploy already created packages :
In additiont to being able to deploy an already created package, for Cloud Services you can also wire up to the hosted TFS service and have it deploy your web app when you do a check in.
