JHipster: Generate an entity - how to? - jhipster

When I
yo jhipster:entity MyEntity
the generated code is taking no notice of the MyEntity table definition in db-changelog-002.xml. For example, I am expecting the fields on the table to be listed in the generated html. Instead I am getting the 3 default fields for id, text and date.
The db-changelog-002.xml file has been generated by Liquibase using their instructions for generating it from a fresh start. It looks fine as far as I can tell. I put it into the \src\main\resources\config\liquibase directory, along with db-changelog-001.xml
How can I debug? Are my expectations incorrect?

If you are running in "hot reload" mode, then he Liquibase file should be generated, and the database schema should be updated. This the "normal" scenario, and it works surprinsigly well given how complex this task is.
However, the HTML page is not updated. No work has been done to implement this, but this would be a good idea, I'll have a look at it.


DiscussionComment entity has Oracle reserved word as a column causing database generation error

When I try to use the stereotype DISCUSSION with Oracle I get an error because of the entity DiscussionComment column named "comment". Although I'm using the correct dialect for my Oracle version, Hibernate is not quoting DDL as needed. This is a very common problem with simple solution. I just want to apply the solution to OpenXava.
I tried to change the DiscussionComment source in OpenXava project (the one that comes with the OpenXava IDE). I changed the column name but it had no effect.
What and where should I change to alter the mapping of the entity?
The same problem applies to "YourFirstEntity", the demo entity of every project because of the "date" column.
Add the property hibernate.globally_quoted_identifiers to true in your persistence unit in persistence.xml
To modify OpenXava Java code, XML or i18n files:
Modify the code on OpenXava/src, OpenXava/xava or OpenXava/i18n.
Execute the Ant target buildOpenXava from
OpenXava/build.xml. It compiles the OpenXava Java code and creates
Refresh OpenXava project in Eclipse (F5).
Execute the Ant target updateOX from the build.xml of your own project.
Refresh your own project in Eclipse (F5).
Credits to #javierpaniza

Duplicate files in DerivedData folder using CoreData generator

I'm trying to generate NSManagedModels from my datamodel. Generation works but after I got many errors :
error: filename "Station+CoreDataProperties.swift" used twice:
'/Users/Me/MyApp/Models/CoreData/Station+CoreDataProperties.swift' and
:0: note: filenames are used to distinguish private
declarations with the same name
I try clean build folder and derivedData directory hard delete. I'm using Xcode 8 BETA maybe it's a bug ?
I get this in Xcode 8.1
For me following steps solved the issue. Please note that order matters.
1) Create entity in Core Data model.
2) Under class section, make settings as on following image.
Module: Current Product Name
Codegen: Manual/None
3) Generate your NSManagedObject subclass.
This post greatly helped me solve this problem myself. Personally I look at this as an Xcode bug. Bug or not this is a huge chicken and egg situation.
I ran into this by:
Created a new Project using Core Data
Generated my NSManagedObject subclass+extension (while codegen: ClassDefinition)
I accidentally saved the generated classes in the Wrong folder
I deleted the generated files
Re-generated in folder I wanted
đź’Ą- Xcode used twice errors
As others have posted I kept cleaning my build (and clean build folder) but that never fixed the build issue.
I finally figured out if you originally created your NSManagedObject generated classes with codegen: ClassDefinition, as I did without knowing then you are locked in for the chicken and egg issue.
I then deleted the auto generated classes thinking I had to re-generate, so I did. Once re-generated I would get the used twice build error again. I manually went into the ../DerivedSources/CoreDataGenerated/Model/.. and deleted the duplicates. Again, I re-generated thinking I'd only have 1 copy (in my project) but I was wrong. If codegen: ClassDefinition was originally set then Xcode will keep creating the auto-generated classes+extensions and put them in the buried folder ../DerivedSources/CoreDataGenerated/Model/... I repeated this chicken and egg a few times before catching on.
I later realized you do indeed need to mark codegen: Manual/None however to get things back in sync you need to delete the auto-generated files in ../DerivedSources/CoreDataGenerated/Model/.. and in your project if you have any there still.
Be careful setting codegen: Manual/None, for me it was bit tricky because codegen: Manual/None wouldn't stick. I had to click back and forth between entities multiple times to double/triple check each entity was set to codegen: Manual/None. Then auto generate the files. At this point your only copy of the auto generated files should be in your project and not in ../DerivedSources/CoreDataGenerated/Model/...
Last, I think this is a bug because if you specify codegen: Manual/None I don't expect Xcode to auto generate files at all, yet it does and puts them in your project. More confusing if your setting is codegen: ClassDefinition, who the heck knows Xcode will put the files in a buried directory yet it is available for use in your project. My beef with this is the auto generated files aren't source controlled and if I change computer I have to know to auto-generate them on the new station.
Hope this helps someone else!
This is indeed not a bug. As #Morrowless suggests both class definition and properties extension are created. If this is not wanted, select Manual/None under Codegen before generating the code. If the code is already generated, just delete them, and try Editor->Create NSManagedObject Subclass... again from the menu (after setting Manual/None).
Note, in the picture below, the Class Name 'Contact' is specific to my project. You will see your entity name instead.
If you generated CoreData subclasses with codegen: ClassDefinition your basically screwed. The only way to fix it is to:
Delete your CoreData subclasses.
Delete your derived data folder.
Clean your project (CMD+K).
Generate new CoreData subclasses, this time select Codegen: Manual/None and Module: Current Product Module
This is not a bug. Codegen generates these files in the DerivedData folder, so you don't need to create them again in your project, hence the compile error.
From Xcode 8.0 Release notes:
Xcode automatically generates classes or class extensions for the entities and properties in a Core Data data model. Automatic code generation is enabled and disabled on an entity by entity basis, and is enabled for all entities in new models that use the Xcode 8 file format. This feature is available for any data model that has been upgraded to the Xcode 8 format. You specify whether Xcode generates Swift or Objective-C code for a data model using the data model’s file inspector.
When automatic code generation is enabled for an entity, Xcode creates
either a class or class extension for the entity as specified in the
entity's inspector: the specified class name is used and the sources
are placed in the project’s Derived Data. For both Swift and
Objective-C, these classes are directly usable from the project’s
code. For Objective-C, an additional header file is created for all
generated entities in your model. The header file name conforms to the
naming convention “DataModelName+CoreDataModel.h”.
However, if you selected Category/Extension under the codegen pulldown menu in the data model inspector (because you want to add logic to your model): codegen will wrongly generate both the class definition and properties extension.
The solution is to simply delete the properties extension (ClassName+CoreDataProperties.swift). Your project should now compile.
After following the guidance from oyalhi and Vladimir Shutyuk, (deleting the NSManagedObject files, changing the entity codegen to Manual/None), I had to restart Xcode to allow it to index again before I could re-generate the NSManagedObject files and get a successful compile.
For the sake of completeness..:
I just ran into the same error, but none of the proposed solutions worked. What puzzled me was that even switching from automated code generation to manual for the one (as I thought) problematic entity didn't do anything.
Finally, I figured out that I had several entities with the same name, but they all shared the same classname. The reason for this was that I copy&pasted one entity several times to save me some work, because they also have a few attributes in common.
Turns out XCode renames the duplicates by adding 1, 2,... to the entity name, but leaves the class name as before. And since now entity name and class name are "unrelated", renaming the entity won't change the class name either.
Hope it helps someone - I have also filed a bug report for this.

Stale objects in Coded UI

To remove the stale object issue(ie..when we run the test script for multiple input,it fails for the second iteration as the object is not cleared at the end of each run)in my script, I have added always search configuration in the designer file. After this my script runs successfully on multiple inputs, but if there is a need to add some objects newly to the same designer file then my designer file will be regenerated and the Always search configuration changes will be lost.
Is there any way to retain the always search configuration remain in the designer file ever even when the designer file is regenerated?
When you generate a UI map there are actually two files that come with it. Firstly, as you've discovered, there's a generated file with all the ugly code that's generated by the coded UI test builder. Of course, making any changes to this outside of the code will regenerate the file. The second file is a partial class that accompanies the generated designer class. This file does NOT get regenerated but as a partial contains all the same object references and properties as the designer file (it just looks empty). You can reference the control you want to add this property to here and it will not be regenerated.
The other alternative to this, albeit probably not a good idea, is to put
Playback.PlaybackSettings.AlwaysSearchControls = true
inside of your test method/class initialize/test initialize. This will force the test(s) to always search for each and every control. As you might imagine, this can have a significant performance impact though when you're dealing with large UI maps or particularly long test methods.
You might also set the control object's search configuration to always search. Keep in mind that this will do searching for this control and all of it's children so I would not advise putting it on a parent with several children, such as the document.

Lightweight Migration, how to set the version?

I ran into my first Core Data versioning problem - learn something every day!
Following instructions found here, I made a new version of the model, added the code for lightweight migration, and then went to set the active version…
Uhhh, where do you do that? The docs don't actually say, and other threads here talk about "click on the main file". WHAT "main file"?
The original xcdatamodel has no version number in it. Is that a problem? Is the Migration Manager still going to be able to figure this out?
All I did was add a field, this seems like a lot of work…
Core Data model files don't use version numbers. The files might include a number in their name, but that's for people to see, Core Data doesn't care about it. It uses entity hashes to compare models.
The "main file" is the .xcdatamodeld that contains all the versions (which have names ending in .xcdatamodel).
Select that then look in the file inspector pane on the right. It has a pop-up menu that you use to select the current version.

Entity Framework : How can I recreate tt records from and edmx file...does the lack of tt records cause could not find conceptual model error

I have been working with some database first entity framework development against an exisiting database and lots of stored procedures. When I was doing my development I would get tt files created and these were causing conflicts with the edmx file.... I forget the exact message but many of the generated classes where being found twice. When trying to solve this problem I found that if I deleted the tt files it clear the problem up... and did not appear to have any down side with this.
My code is working and all is good.
But now I have gotten far enough along that others are trying to use my code for the first time... They get the code out of the repository and I am finding that on every machine but my original development machine the code compiles fine, but when attempting to run I am getting an error of
"Could not fidn the concetual model for type xxxxx"... I know this is related to the Entity Framework and in reading I am beginning to think this is being caused by not having the tt records on the other machines....
I don't know why it works on my machine and not others....Is it because I deleted the tt records? If so How can I generate new tt records from the edmx file? I have looked and not found anything on how to correct my mistake....
The second question is how can I keep the tt records and the edmx file from conflicting? My memory is that the tt records would create file...but then when I would update the edmx file it would start creating conflicts .... like the edmx and the tt records would out of sync...and the tt records were not being updated when the edmx file was.
This is all still development code....I am now looking at trying to do code first EF...I had read about this, but didn't think I could take advantage of it as ALL of the business logic is stored in stored procedures so I was going the database first route.... But this is not working as there are tons of GETS each of which has a slightly different set of attributes.... From what I have seen the database first works, but I am getting a whole lot of different classes when what I really need is a base class...maybe with optional or nullable values... and in same cases a full hierachy of classes... so now I am just now starting to read up on code first EF with using an existing database (which I hope supports stored procedures).
