node.js claims/roles access control module - node.js

I'm building a new node.js/Sails application. Authentication is easy. I'm using a third party OAuth2 provider (Microsoft Azure, don't ask!) and passport.js.
I need to now implement resource authorisation. I don't want to use anything specific to my OAuth2 provider (Azure Graph API) incase I want to support other providers in the future.
I would like to implement a claims based authentication system but I'm not wedded to claims.
What is the best approach to authorisation in a large express/sails app? I need it to be fully dynamic and granular.
I have found node-acl which looks good but there doesn't seem to be much else to compare and contrast.


Centralized identity management with different providers

I am going to build a web application that allows users to sign in with their Google or Twitter account. I think OpenID Connect(OAuth2) is the standard today to verify the identity.
I also want to provide several API services that can be only accessed with a valid access token from either Google or Twitter.
For example, all the four API's above are going to be public and so I have to protect from unauthorized users. For NodeJS based API services I can use to protect all APIs.
Assume, in the future the number of API's will be grow for example up to 20 API's and sign in with Facebook account will be also allowed.
Again, all the API's have to be protected and I have to do it 16 times with
In addition add the new provider Facebook, I have to do the changes on all 20 APIs.
The question is, is their a way to keep centralized, which means in the future when I will provide more the providers for example GITHUB for sign in I would like to do changes in one place not in 20 places.
Is the tool what I need?
These are perhaps the two primary features of OAuth 2.0 and Open ID Connect:
Federated sign in to your UIs via multiple identity providers and the ability to easily add new options such as GitHub in a centralised manner
Full control over claims included in access tokens, so that your APIs can authorize requests however you'd like
You should aim to avoid ever using these in your apps. Your UIs and APIs should only use tokens issued by your own Authorization Server (Ory Hydra), which manages the connection to the Identity Provider. Adding a new sign in method will then just involve centralised configuration changes, with zero code changes in either UIs or APIs.
Maybe have a look at the Curity Identity Server and its free community edition - use sign in with GitHub, which has strong support for both of these areas:
Many Authenticators
Many Options for Issuing Claims
One exception to the above is that your APIs may occasionally need to access a user's Google resources after login, by calling Google APIs. This would require the token issued by Google. It can be managed via an embedded token approach - though it doesn't sounds like you need that right now.


I have a naive question.
I am looking for some web application that implements Authentication and Authorization mechanism using api keys.
Example Case: Users authenticate themselves using an api key (apikey generation
mechanism is either GOOGLE or any other free service). The logic identify the user along
with the provided apikey and release resource access delegation accordingly]
For me the optimal case is to use Grails framework with oracle database.
Is there any web application for that?, otherwise how would I follow step by step to accomplish it?
I would do a search on the Grails plugin site for oauth plugins:
Look at what they offer, and maybe look at the code to see how you can extend them to get what you want.
I would also take a look at the Spring Security Rest plugin.
It really depends on authentication methods that you're using. I suppose in order to secure REST APIs, you can probably write a filter/interceptor to check against any third party auth that you desire. I reckon that you're probably having the idea of using JWT authentication for this, right?

which authentiation to use

Our application is currently written in .NET Framework + Razor, and traditional Membership authentication.
I am trying to modernize it, so I stawted to work on a .net core + react solution, but it has to cooperate with the existing application.
So currently, we have the old monolit, and an other .net core apis, called by react. The react is embedded inside the Razor.
Now I need to choose what authentication to use. I guess membership and other session based authentications can't be used, because there are multiple apps in multiple domains. So I need tokens.
I am not really sure about which solution can or should I use. I know buzzwords like bearer token, .NET Identity, OAuth + OpenId, but can I use any of them in this situation, to use it to protect the API and as well for the "traditional" razor app?
And where should I store the token? Should I store it in a session of the razor app, and pass it to the React too?
I need a solution where user credentials are stored in our own database, not something list Google's or Facebook's single sign on.
Is there a good tutorial for this?
You're asking for a lot here. I would suggest brushing up on this topic from the beginning. If you only know the buzz words you won't get anywhere quick. I can give some quick advice but if you aren't familiar with the basics this won't really help. There is no quick solution for your answer.
I would suggest authentication on the edge of the application to achieve a nice separation to work with the existing app. I would create a light weight method that receives the request from the client and gives the api gateway proof of the user identity in a way the API can verify. I would go with OAuth and OpenId Connect protocol to achieve this separation. Also, take a look at IdentityServer, it is an open source product that makes it easy to implement single sign-on and access control(Authentication) in web applications and HTTP APIs.
OpenId Connect to authenticate users
OAuth to limit collaboration for these light weight method calls
JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) for user identities
Now the problem with this solution is that there is a high level of trust between this light weight method call and the rest of the system. The principle of defense in depth would suggest to implement a layering strategy, so that if this layer is compromised another layer is there as the next line of defense. I'll leave the rest up to you.

How to safely call Azure Function with function level authorization in Xamarin mobile app?

I'm making an iOS/Android app using Xamarin (not Xamarin.Forms, just regular Xamarin). I'm using the shared library set up rather than PCL. I want my app to call an Azure function but I'm unsure of the safest/best way to handle this. I have it set to "Function" for the "Authorization level". The test URL includes the "?code=..." portion in it. I was under the impression that if I put that in my C# code with the "code" value exposed that it was considered a bad idea from a security perspective.
I'm lost as to the safest/best way to deal with this. I've read that setting it in app.config is also a bad idea. I found some references for a web app that suggest using the connection strings that are available in the azure portal, but since this isn't a web app, I'm unsure of how I'd actually retrieve those values in my code (or if that's even possible).
So how would you suggest I handle setting the value for "code" so that I can call my function and avoid a security problem?
UPDATE: Providing more info as per request:
I'm using MSAL to authenticate my users with a B2C active directory. I already have that part working and have received a token authenticating the user.
I also just now enabled authentication in my functions.
I was under the impression that to call my function from my mobile client I had to make a new HttpRequestMessage. I'm unsure of then what I'd place in it to pass my token along.
Just to make sure I understand, your concern is about embedding secrets (the ?code=XXX value) in your iOS/Android app, correct? If so, yes, this is generally considered bad security practice. It's best to assume that anyone who can download your app will have the ability to discover these secrets and use them any way they want.
The recommended way to authenticate with a backend service, such as Azure Functions, from a mobile device is to use interactive authentication - i.e. some kind of OAuth flow. You can build it yourself, or you can use the built-in functionality of Azure Functions and Azure App Service to help you (Azure Functions is built on top of App Service). Here is a resource which might be useful:
The API Key (code) is indeed not meant to be used by clients you distribute externally, so it shouldn't be used by your mobile app.
The most straight forward option here would be to use the built in App Service Authentication features with Azure Functions and implement an authentication flow in your app, which would allow you to securely authenticate the user.
Sharing more information about your scenario may help identify alternatives.

Azure Mobile App Authentication using Xamarin

I read these two articles and to find out what is best way to perform authentication against an Azure Mobile App when the API on the server is using Claims based custom authorization and the Xamarin client calling it is using the MobileServiceClient framework. I am unable to finalize which of the two examples in those links is the better way to go.
In the first link there doesn't seem to be any dependency on platform specific code like it has in the second link, which means I don't need to write any code in the Driod or IOS or Windows projects and can get away with doing everything in a class library itself.(Am I right here?)
Also, the first link seems to not require any provider like the second link does because I am invoking a direct service call to a Url. The second link on the other hand only seems to support Facebook, Twitter, MicrosoftAccount, Google and WindowsAzureActiveDirectory. The mandatory MobileServiceAuthenticationProvider parameter doesn't seem to provide for Custom Authentication against a sql server based User table. I am not sure about this part and cant find documentation that says otherwise.
If LoginAsync doesn't provide for Custom Authentication then its clear that I will need to follow the InvokeApiAsync route. If it does provide it then the question is: should I write platform specific(Droid/IOS/windows) code in each target project like in the second link or should I handle all the service calls in a class library as can be done in the example shown in the first link? In other words should I go with LoginAsync or InvokeApiAsync? Which of the two is the recommended way?
The first article shows off custom authentication, as you intimated. The second article shows off App Service Authentication, which has a known list. If you need to do a custom username/password, then go with the former. If you need to go with social auth or enterprise auth, then go with the latter.
My general recommendation is don't require the user to create yet another username unless you have to - which means social authentication for consumer apps and enterprise authentication via AAD for enterprise apps.
My other recommendation is to always use the client SDK for doing the authentication part. This allows you to follow the very latest practices from the provider (facebook, twitter, etc.) in respect to security, refresh tokens and other authentication requirements. Once you have the provider token, it's easy to swap it for an Azure Mobile token by using LoginAsync() with a token. See the Azure Documentation for information on this.
In all cases, you are going to need platform specific code - that means using the DependencyService (as in the second example) to execute your login code. I generally create a singleton class that wraps the MobileServiceClient in the PCL. Then create an ILoginProvider interface which has LoginAsync/LogoutAsync code in it to handle the platform dependency code. My singleton class then calls the DependencyService to get the code. You can find an example in my GitHub Repository that covers iOS, Android and UWP.
