Sails JS Waterline join of multiple models - node.js

Hi i'm trying to join multiple tables with populate method, i googled and couldn't find
efficient way of doing it, i do not want to query db several times to build the result, is it possible to solve it with sails version "~0.10.0-rc7" i'm building quit big project with more then hundred of tables.
var co = {
adapter: 'someMysqlServer',
autoCreatedAt: false,
autoUpdatedAt: false,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
priority :"int",
co_group_c_id :"int",
timezone_c_id :"int",
lang_c_id :"int",
currency_c_id :"int",
name_used :"string",
name_official :"string",
co_tax_no :"int",
co_vat_no :"int",
co_vat_reg :"int",
co_reg_record :"string",
co_representative :"string",
collection: "co_address",
via: "co_user_id"
module.exports = co;
var co_address = {
adapter: 'someMysqlServer',
autoCreatedAt: false,
autoUpdatedAt: false,
attributes: {
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true,
address_c_id:"int" ,
address_street_first: "string",
address_street_second: "int",
address_street_third: "int",
address_postalcode: "string",
address_city: "string",
co_user_id: {
model: 'co_user'
co_id: {
model: 'co'
collection: "co_address_opening_hours",
via: "co_address_id"
module.exports = co_address;
var co_address_opening_hours = {
adapter: 'someMysqlServer',
autoCreatedAt: false,
autoUpdatedAt: false,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
day_c_id: "int",
time_from: "datetime",
time_to :"datetime",
co_address_id: {
model: 'co_address'
module.exports = co_address_opening_hours;
.exec(function(e, company) {
if(e) console.log(e);

In SailsJS 0.10+ you can use model associations to do database joins. You can read more about them here:
Basically you first define an association in your model;
var someModel = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: 'text'
var someOtherModel = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: 'text'
associationProp: {
model: 'someModel'
In the code above someOtherModel contains association (relation) to someModel. To do a join query you can use .populate() method. For example retrieve all someOtherModel entities and populate associative properties;
For MySQL and PSQL adapters there's also .query() method available where you can write some hand written SQL queries to be executed (this also works in sails <0.10);
Model.query(<sql query>, <optional data>, callback);


Sequelize: Virtual column is not returned in query results

I can't get this very simple virtual column to work (surnameName). It is not returned in query results, but it does not throw any error either.
My model (I removed irrelevant fields):
const Person = connectionPool.define('person', {
ID: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
autoIncrement: true,
allowNull: false,
primaryKey: true
name: Sequelize.STRING,
surname: Sequelize.STRING,
surnameName: {
type: Sequelize.VIRTUAL(Sequelize.STRING, ['surname', 'name']),
get() {
return this.getDataValue('surname') + ' ' + this.getDataValue('name');
This is how I query the model:
const cfg = {
where: {},
limit: 10,
raw: false, // tried with and without this line
attributes: ['surnameName']
.then(results => {
And this is what I get in the console log:
person {
dataValues: { surname: 'Baggins', name: 'Frodo' }, // all other fields are autoexcluded by Sequelize
{ isNewRecord: false,
_schema: null,
_schemaDelimiter: '',
raw: true, // is true even if I set 'raw' to false in findAll options
attributes: [ 'surnameName', 'surname', 'name' ] // <= surnameName is there!
Virtual column is not returned in the results, however the logged instance shows that the internal _options.attributes array does contain the field, so Sequelize somehow acknowledges that it should be added. I tried explicitly turning raw=false, as I read that raw excludes virtual columns, but it has no effect. The results are definitely not raw.
What can be wrong here? Any help will be appreciated!
It is possible to hide properties javascript object. Here is an example
function Person(fName, lName) {
this.fName = fName;
this.lName = lName;
Object.defineProperties(this, {
fullName: {
get : function () {
return this.fName + " " + this.lName;
const ratul = new Person("Ratul", "sharker");
Look closely that console.log(ratul) does not print fullName, but fullName is sitting here, returning it's value seen in console.log(ratul.fullName).
Similar thing can be found in this answer.

Nested associated data through Sequelize join tables

Using Sequelize, I'm trying to get an output like this:
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Game 1",
"Teams": [{
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Team 1",
"Users": [{
"Id": 1,
"UserName": "User 1"
}, {
"Id": 2,
"Name": "Game 2",
"Teams": [{
"Id": 1,
"Name": "Team 1",
"Users": [{
"Id": 2,
"UserName": "User 2"
Note that Team 1 has 2 different users, but that's only because they're set up that way per game... so a user isn't tied directly to a team, but rather through a team game constraint. Basically, my Game HasMany Teams, and my Game/Team HasMany Users... a many-to-many-to-many relationship. I was trying to follow this thread, but it seems like what they're doing there doesn't actually work, as I tried doing this:
// models/Game.js
module.exports = (sequelize, types) => {
const GameModel = sequelize.define('Game', {
Id: {
type: types.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
Name: {
type: types.STRING,
allowNull: false
GameModel.associate = (models) => {
GameModel.belongsToMany(models.Team, {
as: 'Teams',
foreignKey: 'GameId',
through: models.GameTeam
return GameModel;
// models/Team.js
module.exports = (sequelize, types) => {
const TeamModel = sequelize.define('Team', {
Id: {
type: types.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
Name: {
type: types.STRING,
allowNull: false
TeamModel.associate = (models) => {
TeamModel.belongsToMany(models.Game, {
as: 'Games',
foreignKey: 'TeamId',
through: models.GameTeam
return TeamModel;
// models/User.js
module.exports = (sequelize, types) => {
const UserModel = sequelize.define('User', {
Id: {
type: types.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
UserName: {
type: types.STRING,
allowNull: false
return UserModel;
// models/GameTeam.js
module.exports = (sequelize, types) => {
const GameTeamModel = sequelize.define('GameTeam', {
Id: {
type: types.INTEGER,
primaryKey: true,
autoIncrement: true
GameTeamModel.associate = (models) => {
GameTeamModel.belongsToMany(models.User, {
as: 'Users',
through: 'GameTeamUser'
return GameTeamModel;
The above models create the tables just fine, with what appears to be the appropriate columns. I then do some inserts and try to use a findAll on the Game model like this:
include: [{
association: GameModel.associations.Teams,
include: [{
association: GameTeamModel.associations.Users,
through: {
attributes: []
through: {
attributes: []
The query starts to go wrong at the 2nd include with the association of the Users. Because I'm trying to nest the users inside of the teams, I figured the join would attempt to use the unique ID on the through table (GameTeams.Id), but instead, the query ends up using this:
LEFT OUTER JOIN `GameTeamUser` AS `Teams->Users->GameTeamUser` ON `Teams`.`Id` = `Teams->Users->GameTeamUser`.`GameTeamId`
I figured the ON would be GameTeams.Id = Teams->Users->GameTeamuser.GameTeamId, but I don't know why it's not, and how to adjust it... I've tried using a custom on in my include (per the docs), but it seems to be ignored completely. Anyone have any advice? Or possibly a better way of structuring this, so it works the way I want it to?
I think you are overcomplicating this thinking you have a many to many to many..and i can see that the fields for your model for GameTeam do not match up with the foreign keys you have declared in your other models...
What do your database tables look like?
Am i correct in saying, that a game has many teams, and a team has many users... however a user can only be on one team at a time, and a team is only in one game at a time? (i am assuming the game/team join and the team/user join are simply temporary records in the join tables disappearing after the game is over etc)

SequelizeJS, Is this a best way to create this JSON Result using this models

I want this result, but, is so complicated do to this in this way. There is a better way to create this result using Sequelize. Using the querys tools of sequelize to aggregate results from diferent tables, on JPA the only thing i do is annotate with join table and pass the columns ad invese columns values.
"id": 1,
"codemp": "999",
"nome": "A3 Infortech",
"limiteInstancias": "10",
"instancias": []
"id": 2,
"codemp": "92",
"nome": "Endovideo",
"limiteInstancias": "20",
"instancias": [
"id": 198211,
"ipLocal": "",
"ipExterno": "",
"hostname": "FATURAMENTO-PC",
"dataCriacao": "2019-07-01T21:40:29.000Z"
"id": 6,
"codemp": "103",
"nome": "SOS Otorrino",
"limiteInstancias": "999",
"instancias": [
"id": 199127,
"ipLocal": "",
"ipExterno": "",
"hostname": "Guiche3-PC",
"dataCriacao": "2019-07-01T21:40:32.000Z"
"id": 199164,
"ipLocal": "",
"ipExterno": "",
"hostname": "Consultorio06",
"dataCriacao": "2019-07-01T21:40:29.000Z"
"id": 15,
"codemp": "162",
"nome": "Clinica Vida e Saude",
"limiteInstancias": "10",
"instancias": [
"id": 199774,
"ipLocal": "",
"ipExterno": "",
"hostname": "ALEXANDRELEAL",
"dataCriacao": "2019-07-01T21:40:28.000Z"
I have this codes:
Empresa Model
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const empresa = sequelize.define("empresa", {
id: {
type: DataTypes.BIGINT(20),
primaryKey: true,
field: "id"
codemp: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
field: "codemp"
nome: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
field: "nome"
limiteInstancias: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER,
field: "limite_instancias"
}, {
timestamps: false,
freezeTableName: true,
tableName: "empresa"
empresa.associate = (db) => {
empresa.hasMany(db.instanciaEmpresa, {foreignKey: "id_empresa"});
return empresa;
Instancia Model
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const instancia = sequelize.define("instancia", {
id: {
type: DataTypes.BIGINT(20),
primaryKey: true,
field: "id"
ipLocal: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
field: "ip_local"
ipExterno: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
field: "ip_externo"
hostname: {
type: DataTypes.STRING,
field: "hostname"
dataCriacao: {
type: DataTypes.DATE,
field: "data_criacao"
}, {
timestamps: false,
freezeTableName: true,
tableName: "instancia"
instancia.associate = (db) => {
instancia.belongsTo(db.empresa, {foreignKey: "id_instancia"});
return instancia;
InstanciaEmpresa Model
module.exports = (sequelize, DataTypes) => {
const instanciaEmpresa = sequelize.define("instancia_empresa", {
idEmpresa: {
type: DataTypes.BIGINT(20),
primaryKey: true,
field: "id_empresa"
idInstancia: {
type: DataTypes.BIGINT(20),
primaryKey: true,
field: "id_instancia"
}, {
timestamps: false,
freezeTableName: true,
tableName: "instancia_empresa"
return instanciaEmpresa;
My Database diagram.
A picture of my database diagram
The code of my response
const db = require("../config/db.config");
const empresa = db.empresa;
const instancia = db.instancia;
const instanciaEmpresa = db.instanciaEmpresa;
const empressaResult = [];
module.exports = {
async getAll(req, res) {
return res.send(await getAllEmpresa());
async function getAllEmpresa() {
//Recover all companies from the table
let empresaList = await empresa.findAll({raw: true});
//I browse the array of companies to retrieve the instances associated with the company
for(let i = 0; i < empresaList.length; i++){
//Create the atribute Instancias[]
empresaList[i].instancias = [];
//I retrieve the list of associated instances in the InstanciaEmpresa table
let instanciasEmpresa = await instanciaEmpresa.findAll({where: {"id_empresa": empresaList[i].id}, raw: true});
//Verify if existes any item of InstanciaEmpresa
if(instanciasEmpresa.length > 0){
//If there is a run through list of instances
for(let j = 0; j < instanciasEmpresa.length; j++){
//I retrieve the Instancia in the database and add it to the company Instancias list
let inst = await instancia.findByPk(instanciasEmpresa[j].idInstancia, {raw: true});
//I add the company with the instances in a result list;
return empressaResult;
You can use include option to operate join on your tables.
Then your code would look like,
const empresaList = await empresa.findAll({
raw: true,
include: [
model: instancias,
required: false, // left join, `true` means inner join.
As you can see, you can pass array of { model, required } into include option.
You can set required to true if you want to operate inner join else it would operate left join.
--- ADDED ---
SequelizeEagerLoadingError: instancia is not associated to empresa means you're not calling associate function on db initialization.
You can write helper function like below in your db.js.
addAssociations(name) {
if (this[name].associate) {
and use it like
* this.models = [
* {
* name: 'instancias',
* model: instancias,
* },
* ... and many more
* ]
this.models.forEach((value) => {

Sequelize validations aways returns false

I'm creating a model that needs some validations, but the validations handle an error when I input the correct or wrong data.
What is the right way to configure model validations?
My model is:
return sequelize.define('books', {
id : { type: DataTypes.BIGINT , primaryKey:true, autoIncrement:true },
isbn_10 : { type: DataTypes.BIGINT , allowNull: false,
validate: {
title : { type: DataTypes.STRING , allowNull: false,
validate: {
}, { underscored :true, freezeTableName:true});
And I'm validation on this way:
.success(function(book) { console.log(book); res.render('books/create', { books:models.Book }); })
.error(function(errors) {
The form input data is:
{ Book:
{ isbn_10: '123123131',
title: '',
cadastrar: 'Submit Query' }}
The problem was solved, I update the sequelize version form 2.0.0.alpha.0 to 2.0.0.dev11 and the validations start to work again.

Sails 0.10 & Many-to-Many association - Get all associated data, not the first only

I have 2 models with a Many-to-Many association. My code to associate these two models is working well (it create a new collection item_languages__language_items with the corresponding documents inside). But then I have trouble to get all the associated data (languages) of a specific item. I'm using MongoDB.
// Item.js
module.exports = {
schema: true,
autoPK: false,
attributes: {
uuid: {
type: 'string',
primaryKey: true,
unique: true,
required: true,
uuidv4: true
languages: {
collection: 'language',
via: 'items',
dominant: true
// Language.js
module.exports = {
schema: true,
autoPK: false,
attributes: {
code: {
type: 'string',
primaryKey: true,
required: true,
minLength: 2,
maxLength: 2,
unique: true
items: {
collection: 'item',
via: 'languages'
Data stored in the item_languages__language_items collection:
/* 0 */
"language_items" : "es",
"item_languages" : "69e4f3a3-1247-4a06-ae2d-9df27ac9495b",
"_id" : ObjectId("5330bcebf8e0b61509c771d5")
/* 1 */
"language_items" : "fr",
"item_languages" : "69e4f3a3-1247-4a06-ae2d-9df27ac9495b",
"_id" : ObjectId("5330bd26f8e0b61509c771d6")
/* 2 */
"language_items" : "en",
"item_languages" : "69e4f3a3-1247-4a06-ae2d-9df27ac9495b",
"_id" : ObjectId("5330bedcc076355b09da3ccd")
Now in my ItemController.js, I want to get a specific item with all associated languages:
.findOne({uuid: '69e4f3a3-1247-4a06-ae2d-9df27ac9495b'})
.exec(function (e, r) {
But here I get my item with only 1 associated language, when I expected to get the 3 associated languages.
This appears to be a bug in the current beta implementation of sails-mongo which keeps populate from working properly with custom-defined keys. Please post this to the sails-mongo issues forum! In the meantime the only solution appears to be to use the default MongoDB primary keys.
