Gnuplot plot error bars every 10 data points - gnuplot

I want to plot my data with error bars. It is to do with the syntax
plot "xyz.dat' u 1:2:3 w yerrorbars
However, since my data file has 10000 data points, plotting all error bars would make the error bars overshadow the line shape of the data. So I want to plot error bars every 10 data points. How can I do that?

plot "xyz.dat" u 1:2:3 every 10 w yerrorbars
Also look at:
How do I plot every nth point


Gnuplot - Multiplot autoscale displays x-axis and y-axis units twice on each other

In Gnuplot I want to display 2 plots on the same graph with the help of multiplot. The display works fine, but the scaling redisplays and the same units are put on each other, because i use autoscale.
My question is, how do i display the scaling only once?
Here is my code:
set border 1023-128
set autoscale
set multiplot
plot strDsDir.strInputFile using 1:($6/1000000) skip 1 w filledcurves x lc rgb "#00aa22"
replot strDsDir.strInputFile using 1:($7/1000000) skip 1 w filledcurves x lc rgb "#80e45f"
unset multiplot
I tried unsetting autoscale, between the "plot" and "replot", but then I lose autoscaling, and graphs slip.
I also tried unsetting xtics and ytics, but then i lose the set border 1023-128 above.
Here is the picture, where my units lapse on eachother :
And here is the picture, where units dont lapse on each other, but my "set border option" disappears :
The dataset what im trying to display doesnt matter.
Thank you.
The purpose of multiplot usually is to plot several plots beside each other. If you want to plot several curves in a single plot, use a single plot command like plot x, x**2:
plot strDsDir.strInputFile using 1:($6/1e6) skip 1 w filledcurves x lc rgb "#00aa22", \
"" using 1:($7/1e6) skip 1 w filledcurves x lc rgb "#80e45f"

gnuplot. How to not print a point at the beginning of a graph?

I want to have just one point of a certain shape on the whole graph. For that goal, I'm using pi property:
plot 'a.txt' every 1000 using 1:3 with linespoints pi 30 title "A",\
'b.txt' every 1000 using 1:3 with lines points pi 30 title "B",\
'c.txt' every 1000 using 1:3 with linespoints pi 30 title "C"
The problem is, gnuplot prints the first point of each of these graphs and then prints another one in the middle of the graphs. I don't want to have that first point (actually, A, B and C start from (0,0) and that makes the graph look awful).
Try to plot with lines then with points and set the first point in every clause:
plot 'a.txt' every 1000 using 1:3 with lines title "A",\
'a.txt' every 1000::2000 using 1:3 with points pi 30 notitle,\

gnuplot: how to set error bars and label simultaneously

I want to plot a curve that has error bars. I used with yerrorlines for that.
Now I want to show a label for each point that should be done by: with labels
How can I use both of them simultaneously? I tried with yerrorlines ,labels but not worked!
You must plot the data twice:
plot 'data' using 1:2:3 with yerrorlines title 'title',\
'' using 1:2:4 with labels offset 0,2 notitle
You must probably adapt the label offset such that the label it doesn't overlap with the error bars.

How can I plot a smoothed curve as well as the original data?

I want to add markers to some of my plots using pointtype. If I plot data like so:
plot "somedata.txt" w linespoint pointtype 6
or a function like so:
plot cos(x) pointtype 6
I get exactly what I want: a line between and a marker on top of all data points. Right now I want to achieve the same, but after "smoothing" out a dataset using smooth bezier:
plot "somedata.txt" w linespoint pointtype 6 smooth bezier
However pointtype doesn't seem to do anything. I can set linecolor, linewidth and linetype as before, but not pointtype.
Does anyone know of a work-around that can still produce markers on top of a smoothed plot?
I have the same issue that gnuplot does not plot points on top of a smooth curve. I speculate that since gnuplot is plotting a function derived from the data points, it does not bother putting the point markers on top of the original data points
Note that a bezier curve will not necessarily overlay the original data points.
My workaround would involve plotting the data twice in different ways:
plot 'data.txt' with points title 'original data', \
'' smooth bezier title 'smoothed data'
I agree with #andyras. I have this issue a few weeks algo and couldn't find a way to put both, the smoothed curve and the data. Thus, I plotted two series, one with the smoothed curve and another just for the points.
Edit: sorry for adding a new answer. I'm on my phone and couldn't find a way to comment under #andyras answer

How to add custom label to Gnuplot graph legend?

In a graph I'm making with gnuplot I draw some grey lines (set arrow command), which represent the physical boundaries of my experiment (i.e., walls)
I would like to know how I can add this information on the legend of the graph, so it says "Walls" and have a grey line next to it.
I thought about creating a new series that contained this information, but I was wondering if it's possible to explicitly add it.
You can't add information directly to the legend. You can, however, either draw the legend explicitly, or plot a line which will not appear within the range of the plot, e.g.
plot [][0:1] 2 lc rgb 'gray' t 'Walls'
Or, if your x and y limits are already set:
[set x and y limits here]
plot 1e20 lc rgb 'gray' t 'Walls'
Just wanted to note: since plotting a single line tended to mess up a graph of mine, a better solution for me was to plot a single point; but as found in Plotting single points « Gnuplotting, that is kinda difficult (especially if insertion at arbitrary plot legend/key position is needed) - unless redirection is used... This is what worked for me:
plot "filename" using 1:8 \
... # more plot lines here
"<echo '-1 -1'" lc rgb 'white' with points title '---' \
... # more plot lines here
One simple way is to make the name of the data file the legend which you want and then plot that data file.
