I have a spare time project which involves training a neural network with a dynamic data set. I think I've implemented it correctly, and for some starting networks I can train them to match sample data. I've noticed that positive weights can't become negative with training and vice-versa. This leads to 2 questions:
Does the "barrier at 0" limit what behaviours a given starting
network can learn?
If yes: How can I modify the delta rule so that
weights can go between positive and negative?
This is the code I am using at the moment (It's in Haskell). There might be mistakes in it that are obvious to someone else, but it's basically working.
import Data.List
import System.Random
type Layer = [[Double]]
type NNet = [Layer]
sigmoid :: Double -> Double
sigmoid t = 1 / (1 + exp (-t))
-- This is the derivative given the sigmoid value.
-- For the derivative given x: use sigmoidDerivative . sigmoid
sigmoidDerivative :: Double -> Double
sigmoidDerivative fx = fx * (1 - fx)
feedforward = flip (foldl' feedlayer)
feedlayer i = map (sigmoid . sum . zipWith (*) (1:i))
backprop :: Double -> [Double] -> [Double] -> NNet -> NNet
backprop rate i t n = fst $ backprop' i t n where
backprop' i t (l:n) = (nw:r,be) where
hs = feedlayer i l
(r,e) = case n of
[] -> ([], zipWith subtract hs t)
x -> backprop' hs t n
we = zipWith (\oe w ->
map (*oe) w
) e l
nw = zipWith3 (\wl dl h -> let sdh = sigmoidDerivative h in
zipWith3 (\w d x ->
w + rate * d * sdh * x
) wl dl (1:i)
) l we hs
be = map sum $ transpose we
randomNNet :: RandomGen g => g -> [Int] -> NNet
randomNNet _ [_] = []
randomNNet gen (i:r#(n:_)) = let
frl g _ = mapAccumL (\g _ -> let
(a,g') = randomR (-0.05,0.05) g
in (g',a)) g $ replicate (i+1) ()
frg g = mapAccumL frl g $ replicate n ()
(gen',l1) = frg gen
in l1 : randomNNet gen' r
I had made a mistake
When an error signal reaches a node, this should happen:
-->Multiply by weights-->Propagate to earlier nodes
-->Update weights.
What was happening in the code I posted above was this:
-->Propagate to earlier nodes
error-->Multiply by weights
-->Update weights
This is the fixed code, including the comments I inserted to help myself figure out what was going on.
backprop :: Double -> [Double] -> [Double] -> NNet -> NNet
backprop rate i t n = fst $ backprop' i t n where
backprop' i t (l:n) = (nw:r,be) where
-- hs: output of this layer
hs = feedlayer i l
-- r: the next layer updated
-- e: the error of this layer's output
(r,e) = case n of
[] -> ([], zipWith subtract hs t)
x -> backprop' hs t n
-- we: Error divided among weights
we = zipWith (\oe w ->
map (*oe) w
) e l
-- nw: New weights for this layer
-- wl: weights leading to current node
-- h: this node's output
nw = zipWith3 (\wl d h -> let sdh = sigmoidDerivative h in
-- w: The current weight
-- d: The error assigned to the current node
-- x: The input to the current synapse
zipWith (\w x ->
w + rate * d * sdh * x
) wl (1:i)
) l e hs
-- be: Errors to propagate back to earlier nodes
be = map sum $ transpose we
I'm trying to make what I think is called an Ulam spiral using Haskell.
It needs to go outwards in a clockwise rotation:
6 - 7 - 8 - 9
| |
5 0 - 1 10
| | |
4 - 3 - 2 11
..15- 14- 13- 12
For each step I'm trying to create coordinates, the function would be given a number and return spiral coordinates to the length of input number eg:
mkSpiral 9
> [(0,0),(1,0),(1,-1),(0,-1),(-1,-1),(-1,0),(-1,1),(0,1),(1,1)]
(-1, 1) - (0, 1) - (1, 1)
(-1, 0) (0, 0) - (1, 0)
| |
(-1,-1) - (0,-1) - (1,-1)
I've seen Looping in a spiral solution, but this goes counter-clockwise and it's inputs need to the size of the matrix.
I also found this code which does what I need but it seems to go counterclock-wise, stepping up rather than stepping right then clockwise :(
type Spiral = Int
type Coordinate = (Int, Int)
-- number of squares on each side of the spiral
sideSquares :: Spiral -> Int
sideSquares sp = (sp * 2) - 1
-- the coordinates for all squares in the given spiral
coordinatesForSpiral :: Spiral -> [Coordinate]
coordinatesForSpiral 1 = [(0, 0)]
coordinatesForSpiral sp = [(0, 0)] ++ right ++ top ++ left ++ bottom
where fixed = sp - 1
sides = sideSquares sp - 1
right = [(x, y) | x <- [fixed], y <- take sides [-1*(fixed-1)..]]
top = [(x, y) | x <- reverse (take sides [-1*fixed..]), y <- [fixed]]
left = [(x, y) | x <- [-1*fixed], y <- reverse(take sides [-1*fixed..])]
bottom = [(x, y) | x <- take sides [-1*fixed+1..], y <- [-1*fixed]]
-- an endless list of coordinates (the complete spiral)
mkSpiral :: Int -> [Coordinate]
mkSpiral x = take x endlessSpiral
endlessSpiral :: [Coordinate]
endlessSpiral = endlessSpiral' 1
endlessSpiral' start = coordinatesForSpiral start ++ endlessSpiral' (start + 1)
After much experimentation I can't seem to change the rotation or starting step direction, could someone point me in the right way or a solution that doesn't use list comprehension as I find them tricky to decode?
Let us first take a look at how the directions of a spiral are looking:
R D L L U U R R R D D D L L L L U U U U ....
We can split this in sequences like:
n times n+1 times
_^_ __^__
/ \ / \
R … R D … D L L … L U U … U
\_ _/ \__ __/
v v
n times n+1 times
We can repeat that, each time incrementing n by two, like:
data Dir = R | D | L | U
spiralSeq :: Int -> [Dir]
spiralSeq n = rn R ++ rn D ++ rn1 L ++ rn1 U
where rn = replicate n
rn1 = replicate (n + 1)
spiral :: [Dir]
spiral = concatMap spiralSeq [1, 3..]
Now we can use Dir here to calculate the next coordinate, like:
move :: (Int, Int) -> Dir -> (Int, Int)
move (x, y) = go
where go R = (x+1, y)
go D = (x, y-1)
go L = (x-1, y)
go U = (x, y+1)
We can use scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a] to generate the points, like:
spiralPos :: [(Int, Int)]
spiralPos = scanl move (0,0) spiral
This will yield an infinite list of coordinates for the clockwise spiral. We can use take :: Int -> [a] -> [a] to take the first k items:
Prelude> take 9 spiralPos
The idea with the following solution is that instead of trying to generate the coordinates directly, we’ll look at the directions from one point to the next. If you do that, you’ll notice that starting from the first point, we go 1× right, 1× down, 2× left, 2× up, 3× right, 3× down, 4× left… These can then be seperated into the direction and the number of times repeated:
direction: > v < ^ > v < …
# reps: 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 …
And this actually gives us two really straightforward patterns! The directions just rotate > to v to < to ^ to >, while the # of reps goes up by 1 every 2 times. Once we’ve made two infinite lists with these patterns, they can be combined together to get an overall list of directions >v<<^^>>>vvv<<<<…, which can then be iterated over to get the coordinate values.
Now, I’ve always thought that just giving someone a bunch of code as the solution is not the best way to learn, so I would highly encourage you to try implementing the above idea yourself before looking at my solution below.
Welcome back (if you did try to implement it yourself). Now: onto my own solution. First I define a Stream data type for an infinite stream:
data Stream a = Stream a (Stream a) deriving (Show)
Strictly speaking, I don’t need streams for this; Haskell’s predefined lists are perfectly adequate for this task. But I happen to like streams, and they make some of the pattern matching a bit easier (because I don’t have to deal with the empty list).
Next, I define a type for directions, as well as a function specifying how they interact with points:
-- Note: I can’t use plain Left and Right
-- since they conflict with constructors
-- of the ‘Either’ data type
data Dir = LeftDir | RightDir | Up | Down deriving (Show)
type Point = (Int, Int)
move :: Dir -> Point -> Point
move LeftDir (x,y) = (x-1,y)
move RightDir (x,y) = (x+1, y)
move Up (x,y) = (x,y+1)
move Down (x,y) = (x,y-1)
Now I go on to the problem itself. I’ll define two streams — one for the directions, and one for the number of repetitions of each direction:
dirStream :: Stream Dir
dirStream = Stream RightDir $ Stream Down $ Stream LeftDir $ Stream Up dirVals
numRepsStream :: Stream Int
numRepsStream = go 1
go n = Stream n $ Stream n $ go (n+1)
At this point we’ll need a function for replicating each element of a stream a specific number of times:
replicateS :: Stream Int -> Stream a -> Stream a
replicateS (Stream n ns) (Stream a as) = conss (replicate n a) $ replicateS ns as
-- add more than one element to the beginning of a stream
conss :: [a] -> Stream a -> Stream a
conss [] s = s
conss (x:xs) s = Stream x $ appends xs s
This gives replicateS dirStream numRepsStream for the stream of directions. Now we just need a function to convert those directions to coordinates, and we’ve solved the problem:
integrate :: Stream Dir -> Stream Point
integrate = go (0,0)
go p (Stream d ds) = Stream p (go (move d p) ds)
spiral :: Stream Point
spiral = integrate $ replicateS numRepsStream dirStream
Unfortunately, it’s somewhat inconvenient to print an infinite stream, so the following function is useful for debugging and printing purposes:
takeS :: Int -> Stream a -> [a]
takeS 0 _ = []; takeS n (Stream x xs) = x : (takeS (n-1) xs)
In Haskell, ridge regression can be expressed as:
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
createReadout :: Matrix Double → Matrix Double → Matrix Double
createReadout a b = oA <\> oB
μ = 1e-4
oA = (a <> (tr a)) + (μ * (ident $ rows a))
oB = a <> (tr b)
However, this operation is very memory expensive. Here is a minimalistic example that requires more than 2GB on my machine and takes 3 minutes to execute.
import Numeric.LinearAlgebra
import System.Random
createReadout :: Matrix Double -> Matrix Double -> Matrix Double
createReadout a b = oA <\> oB
mu = 1e-4
oA = (a <> (tr a)) + (mu * (ident $ rows a))
oB = a <> (tr b)
teacher :: [Int] -> Int -> Int -> Matrix Double
teacher labelsList cols' correctRow = fromBlocks $ f <$> labelsList
where ones = konst 1.0 (1, cols')
zeros = konst 0.0 (1, cols')
rows' = length labelsList
f i | i == correctRow = [ones]
| otherwise = [zeros]
glue :: Element t => [Matrix t] -> Matrix t
glue xs = fromBlocks [xs]
main :: IO ()
main = do
let n = 1500 -- <- The constant to be increased
m = 10000
cols' = 12
g <- newStdGen
-- Stub data
let labels = take m . map (`mod` 10) . randoms $ g :: [Int]
a = (n >< (cols' * m)) $ take (cols' * m * n) $ randoms g :: Matrix Double
teachers = zipWith (teacher [0..9]) (repeat cols') labels
b = glue teachers
print $ maxElement $ createReadout a b
return ()
$ cabal exec ghc -- -O2 Test.hs
$ time ./Test
./Test 190.16s user 5.22s system 106% cpu 3:03.93 total
The problem is to increase the constant n, at least to n = 4000, while RAM is limited by 5GB. What is minimal space that matrix inversion operation requires in theory? How can this operation be optimized in terms of space? Can ridge regression be efficiently replaced with a cheaper method?
Simple Gauss-Jordan elimination only takes space to store the input and output matrices plus constant auxiliary space. If I'm reading correctly, the matrix oA you need to invert is n x n so that's not a problem.
Your memory usage is completely dominated by storing the input matrix a, which uses at least 1500 * 120000 * 8 = 1.34 GB. n = 4000 would be 4000 * 120000 * 8 = 3.58 GB which is over half of your space budget. I don't know what matrix library you are using or how it stores its matrices, but if they are on the Haskell heap then GC effects could easily account for another factor of 2 in space usage.
Well you can get away with 3*m + nxn space, but how numerically stable this will be I'm not sure.
The basis is the identity
inv( inv(Q) + A'*A)) = Q - Q*A'*R*A*Q
where R = inv( I + A*Q*A')
If A is your A matrix and
Q = inv( mu*I*mu*I) = I/(mu*mu)
then the solution to your ridge regression is
inv( inv(Q) + A'*A)) * A'*b
A little more algebra shows
inv( inv(Q) + A'*A)) = (I - A'*inv( (mu2 + A*A'))*A)/mu2
where mu2 = mu*m
Note that since A is n x m, A*A' is n x n.
So one algorithm would be
Compute C = A*A' + mu2
Do a cholesky decompostion of C, ie find upper triangular U so that U'*U = C
Compute the vector y = A'*b
Compute the vector z = A*y
Solve U'*u = z for u in z
Solve U*v = z for v in z
compute w = A'*z
Compute x = (y - w)/mu2.
I need to solve a linear equation with matrix multiplication.
I am using Hugs, so I tried the following:
import Matrix(multiplyMat)
// more code follows
When I call this in the console, the console is telling me:
Can not find imported module "Memo".
But it is in the directory of all modules, so why is there an error?
The file is called Matrix.hs:
-- Some simple Hugs programs for manipulating matrices.
module Matrix where
import List
type Matrix k = [Row k] -- matrix represented by a list of its rows
type Row k = [k] -- a row represented by a list of literals
-- General utility functions:
shapeMat :: Matrix k -> (Int, Int)
shapeMat mat = (rows mat, cols mat)
rows :: Matrix k -> Int
rows mat = length mat
cols :: Matrix k -> Int
cols mat = length (head mat)
idMat :: Int -> Matrix Int
idMat 0 = []
idMat (n+1) = [1:replicate n 0] ++ map (0:) (idMat n)
-- Matrix multiplication:
multiplyMat :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int -> Matrix Int
multiplyMat a b | cols a==rows b = [[row `dot` col | col<-b'] | row<-a]
| otherwise = error "incompatible matrices"
where v `dot` w = sum (zipWith (*) v w)
b' = transpose b
-- An attempt to implement the standard algorithm for converting a matrix
-- to echelon form...
echelon :: Matrix Int -> Matrix Int
echelon rs
| null rs || null (head rs) = rs
| null rs2 = map (0:) (echelon (map tail rs))
| otherwise = piv : map (0:) (echelon rs')
where rs' = map (adjust piv) (rs1++rs3)
(rs1,rs2) = span leadZero rs
leadZero (n:_) = n==0
(piv:rs3) = rs2
-- To find the echelon form of a matrix represented by a list of rows rs:
-- {first line in definition of echelon}:
-- If either the number of rows or the number of columns in the matrix
-- is zero (i.e. if null rs || null (head rs)), then the matrix is
-- already in echelon form.
-- {definition of rs1, rs2, leadZero in where clause}:
-- Otherwise, split the matrix into two submatrices rs1 and rs2 such that
-- rs1 ++ rs2 == rs and all of the rows in rs1 begin with a zero.
-- {second line in definition of echelon}:
-- If rs2 is empty (i.e. if null rs2) then every row begins with a zero
-- and the echelon form of rs can be found by adding a zero on to the
-- front of each row in the echelon form of (map tail rs).
-- {Third line in definition of echelon, and definition of piv, rs3}:
-- Otherwise, the first row of rs2 (denoted piv) contains a non-zero
-- leading coefficient. After moving this row to the top of the matrix
-- the original matrix becomes piv:(rs1++rs3).
-- By subtracting suitable multiples of piv from (suitable multiples of)
-- each row in (rs1++rs3) {see definition of adjust below}, we obtain a
-- matrix of the form:
-- <----- piv ------>
-- __________________
-- 0 |
-- . |
-- . | rs' where rs' = map (adjust piv) (rs1++rs3)
-- . |
-- 0 |
-- whose echelon form is piv : map (0:) (echelon rs').
adjust :: Num a => Row a -> Row a -> Row a
adjust (m:ms) (n:ns) = zipWith (-) (map (n*) ms) (map (m*) ns)
-- A more specialised version of this, for matrices of integers, uses the
-- greatest common divisor function gcd in an attempt to try and avoid
-- result matrices with very large coefficients:
-- (I'm not sure this is really worth the trouble!)
adjust' :: Row Int -> Row Int -> Row Int
adjust' (m:ms) (n:ns) = if g==0 then ns
else zipWith (\x y -> b*y - a*x) ms ns
where g = gcd m n
a = n `div` g
b = m `div` g
-- end!!
Your Matrix file exports nothing.
To export, write the header like this:
module Module (function, value, Type(Constructor))
Again I'm requesting comments about how a given design should be implemented in Haskell.
Thanks in advance to everyone providing helpful comments. Also I hope this could be an aid to other Haskell novices like me, having a practical sample code.
This time, we have a polymorphic function doSampling (in module Samples) that takes a generic function f and
a list of reals (indexes) and returns a Samples (indexes, values=f(indexes)). We want implement doSampling only once, as it doesn't matter if is f is a Polynomial or a Sinus. For that,
we have introduced an interface Function, and have Polynomial and Sinus types implement it.
The following is the design being implemented:
Edit 1:
There is a debate on the Function interface (class in Haskell). It has been suggested it is not actually necessary, as doSampling may take a "nude" function (Double -> Double) instead.
But, how to do it, if you need some extra state within the nude function (coeffs for a polynomial, amp+freq+phase for a sinus?
Edit 2:
Very good answers by kosmikus and by Chris Taylor. Thanks.
A key idea in both: have
doSampling :: (Double -> Double) -> [Double] -> Samples
This is: it takes a function (Double -> Double) (instead of Function) and list and returns samples.
My intention was to keep the state of Polynomials and Sinuses. That is not regarded in Chris answer, but it is in kosmikus'. On the other hand, the weak point in kosmikus version could be how to extend its Function definition if you don't have access to the source code.
I would also point out:
Chris' idea of encapsulating a polynomial or a sinus into a function (Double -> Double) by means of a factory function mkPolynomial or mkSinus that generates (using currying?) the desired function taking the apropriate parameters. (Although you can't consult the parameters later).
kosmikous' idea of using value to transform (also using currying?) a Function into a (Double -> Double)
Both answers are worth reading as they have other little Haskell tricks to reduce and simplify code.
In sum
Chris answers does not support keeping the state of a Polynomial or of a Sinus
kosmikus answers is not extensible: adding new type of functions (Cosinus ...)
my answer (being verbose) does overcome the previous downsides, and it would allow (this not necessary for the problem) impose Function types to have more associated-functions apart of value (in the sense of how an java-interfaces work).
My own approach
main (usage)
import Polynomial
import Sinus
import Function
import Samples
-- ...............................................................
p1 = Polynomial [1, 0, 0.5] -- p(x) = 1 + 0.5x^2
s1 = Sinus 2 0.5 3 -- f(x) = 2 sin(0.5x + 3)
-- ...............................................................
-- sample p1 from 0 to 5
m1 = doSampling p1 [0, 0.5 .. 5]
m2 = doSampling s1 [0, 0.5 .. 5]
-- ...............................................................
-- main
-- ...............................................................
main = do
putStrLn "Hello"
print $ value p1 2
print $ value s1 (pi/2)
print $ pairs m1
print $ pairs m2
module Function where
-- ...............................................................
-- "class type" : the types belonging to this family of types
-- must implement the following functions:
-- + value : takes a function and a real and returns a real
-- ...............................................................
class Function f where
value :: f -> Double -> Double
-- f is a type variable, this is:
-- f is a type of the Function "family" not an actual function
module Samples where
import Function
-- ...............................................................
-- Samples: new data type
-- This is the constructor and says it requieres
-- two list, one for the indexes (xs values) and another
-- for the values ( ys = f (xs) )
-- this constructor should not be used, instead use
-- the "factory" function: new_Samples that performs some checks
-- ...............................................................
data Samples = Samples { indexes :: [Double] , values :: [Double] }
deriving (Show)
-- ...............................................................
-- constructor: it checks lists are equal size, and indexes are sorted
new_Samples :: [Double] -> [Double] -> Samples
new_Samples ind val
| (length ind) /= (length val) = samplesVoid
| not $ isSorted ind = samplesVoid
| otherwise = Samples ind val
-- ...............................................................
-- sample a funcion
-- it takes a funcion f and a list of indexes and returns
-- a Samples calculating the values array as f(indexes)
doSampling :: (Function f) => f -> [Double] -> Samples
doSampling f ind = new_Samples ind vals
vals = [ value f x | x <- ind ]
-- ...............................................................
-- used as "error" in the construction
samplesVoid = Samples [] []
-- ...............................................................
size :: Samples -> Int
size samples = length (indexes samples)
-- ...............................................................
-- utility function to get a pair (index,value) out of a Samples
pairs :: Samples -> [(Double, Double)]
pairs samples = pairs' (indexes samples) (values samples)
pairs' :: [Double] -> [Double] -> [(Double, Double)]
pairs' [] [] = []
pairs' [i] [v] = [(i,v)]
pairs' (i:is) (v:vs) = (i,v) : pairs' is vs
-- ...............................................................
-- to check whether a list is sorted (<)
isSorted :: (Ord t) => [t] -> Bool
isSorted [] = True
isSorted [e] = True
isSorted (e1:(e2:tail))
| e1 < e2 = isSorted (e2:tail)
| otherwise = False
module Sinus where
-- ...............................................................
import Function
-- ...............................................................
-- Sinus: new data type
-- This is the constructor and says it requieres
-- a three reals
-- ...............................................................
data Sinus = Sinus { amplitude :: Double, frequency :: Double, phase :: Double }
deriving (Show)
-- ...............................................................
-- we say that a Sinus is a Function (member of the class Function)
-- and then, how value is implemented
instance Function Sinus where
value s x = (amplitude s) * sin ( (frequency s)*x + (phase s))
module Polynomial where
-- ...............................................................
import Function
-- ...............................................................
-- Polynomial: new data type
-- This is the constructor and says it requieres
-- a list of coefficients
-- ...............................................................
data Polynomial = Polynomial { coeffs :: [Double] }
deriving (Show)
-- ...............................................................
degree :: Polynomial -> Int
degree p = length (coeffs p) - 1
-- ...............................................................
-- we say that a Polynomial is a Function (member of the class Function)
-- and then, how value is implemented
instance Function Polynomial where
value p x = value' (coeffs p) x 1
-- list of coeffs -> x -> pw (power of x) -> Double
value' :: [Double] -> Double -> Double -> Double
value' (c:[]) _ pw = c * pw
value' (c:cs) x pw = (c * pw) + (value' cs x x*pw)
You certainly don't need the Function class. All this heavyweight class, instance, member variable fluff is one of the things that Haskell is designed to avoid. Pure functions can be much more flexible.
Here's a simple way of doing what you want.
type Sample = ([Double], [Double])
newSample xs vs
| isSorted xs && length xs == length vs = (indices, values)
| otherwise = ([], [])
pairs = uncurry zip
doSampling :: (Double -> Double) -> [Double] -> Sample
doSampling f xs = newSample xs (map f xs)
mkPolynomial :: [Double] -> (Double -> Double)
mkPolynomial coefs x = go coefs
go [] = 0
go (c:cs) = c + x * go cs
mkSinus :: Double -> Double -> Double -> (Double -> Double)
mkSinus amp freq phase x = amp * sin (freq * x + phase)
p1 = mkPolynomial [1, 0, 0.5] -- 1 + 0.5x^2
s1 = mkSinus 2 0.5 3 -- 2 sin(0.5x + 3)
m1 = doSampling p1 [0, 0.5 .. 5]
m2 = doSampling s1 [0, 0.5 .. 5]
main :: IO ()
main = do
print $ p1 2
print $ s1 (pi/2)
print $ pairs m1
print $ pairs m2
[Expanded my comment on request.]
I'd probably do this roughly as follows:
import Data.Functor
-- Use a datatype rather than a class. Yes, this makes it harder to
-- add new types of functions later, and in turn easier to define new
-- operations. ("expression problem")
data Function =
Sinus { amplitude :: Double, frequency :: Double, phase :: Double }
| Polynomial { coeffs :: [Double] }
deriving (Show)
-- Interpreting a Function as an actual function.
value :: Function -> (Double -> Double)
value (Sinus amp freq ph) x = amp * sin (freq * x + ph)
value (Polynomial cs) x = value' cs x
-- Rewrite value' to not require non-empty lists. This can also be
-- nicely written as a fold.
value' :: [Double] -> Double -> Double
value' [] _ = 0
value' (c:cs) x = c + x * value' cs x
data Samples = Samples { indexes :: [Double] , values :: [Double] }
deriving (Show)
-- Use Maybe to detect error conditions, instead of strange values
-- such as voidSamples.
newSamples :: [Double] -> [Double] -> Maybe Samples
newSamples ind val
| length ind /= length val = Nothing
| not $ isSorted ind = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (Samples ind val)
doSampling :: (Double -> Double) -> [Double] -> Maybe Samples
doSampling f ind = newSamples ind (map f ind)
isSorted :: (Ord t) => [t] -> Bool
isSorted [] = True
isSorted [e] = True
isSorted (e1:e2:es)
| e1 < e2 = isSorted (e2:es)
| otherwise = False
-- This is just zip.
pairs :: Samples -> [(Double, Double)]
pairs (Samples idxs vals) = zip idxs vals
p1 = Polynomial [1, 0, 0.5] -- p(x) = 1 + 0.5x^2
s1 = Sinus 2 0.5 3 -- f(x) = 2 sin(0.5x + 3)
m1 = doSampling (value p1) [0, 0.5 .. 5]
m2 = doSampling (value s1) [0, 0.5 .. 5]
-- The <$> maps over a Maybe.
main = do
putStrLn "Hello"
print $ value p1 2
print $ value s1 (pi/2)
print $ pairs <$> m1
print $ pairs <$> m2
I need to generate an infinite stream of random integers, with numbers to be in range [1..n]. However the probability for each number p_i is given in advance thus the distribution is not uniform.
Is there a library function to do it in Haskell?
As people have pointed out there is a function in Control.Monad.Random, but it has pretty poor complexity. Here is some code that I by some coincidence wrote this morning. It uses the beautiful Alias algorithm.
module Data.Random.Distribution.NonUniform(randomsDist) where
import Data.Array
import Data.List
import System.Random
genTable :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> (Array Int a, Array Int Int)
genTable ps =
let n = length ps
n' = fromIntegral n
(small, large) = partition ((< 1) . snd) $ zip [0..] $ map (n' *) ps
loop ((l, pl):ls) ((g, pg):gs) probs aliases =
let prob = (l,pl)
alias = (l,g)
pg' = (pg + pl) - 1
gpg = (g, pg')
in if pg' < 1 then loop (gpg:ls) gs (prob:probs) (alias:aliases)
else loop ls (gpg:gs) (prob:probs) (alias:aliases)
loop ls gs probs aliases = loop' (ls ++ gs) probs aliases
loop' [] probs aliases = (array (0,n-1) probs, array (0,n-1) aliases)
loop' ((g,_):gs) probs aliases = loop' gs ((g,1):probs) ((g, -1):aliases)
in loop small large [] []
-- | Generate an infinite list of random values with the given distribution.
-- The probabilities are scaled so they do not have to add up to one.
-- Uses Vose's alias method for generating the values.
-- For /n/ values this has O(/n/) setup complexity and O(1) complexity for each
-- generated item.
randomsDist :: (RandomGen g, Random r, Fractional r, Ord r)
=> g -- | random number generator
-> [(a, r)] -- | list of values with the probabilities
-> [a]
randomsDist g xps =
let (xs, ps) = unzip xps
n = length xps
axs = listArray (0, n-1) xs
s = sum ps
(probs, aliases) = genTable $ map (/ s) ps
(g', g'') = split g
is = randomRs (0, n-1) g'
rs = randoms g''
ks = zipWith (\ i r -> if r <= probs!i then i else aliases!i) is rs
in map (axs!) ks
Just to expand on dflemstr's answer, you can create an infinite list of weighted values using Control.Monad.Random like this:
import Control.Monad.Random
import System.Random
weightedList :: RandomGen g => g -> [(a, Rational)] -> [a]
weightedList gen weights = evalRand m gen
where m = sequence . repeat . fromList $ weights
And use it like this:
> let values = weightedList (mkStdGen 123) [(1, 2), (2, 5), (3, 10)]
> take 20 values
This doesn't require the IO monad, but you need to provide the random number generator that's used for the stream.
Control.Monad.Random offers this function in form of fromList:: MonadRandom m => [(a, Rational)] -> m a
You can use it in the IO Monad with:
import Control.Monad.Random
-- ...
someNums <- evalRandIO . sequence . repeat . fromList $ [(1, 0.3), (2, 0.2), (3, 0.5)]
print $ take 200 someNums
There are other ways of running the Rand Monad as you can see in that package. The weights do not have to add up to 1.
EDIT: Rand is apparently lazier than I thought, so replicateM n can be replaced by sequence . repeat, as #shang suggested.
There is also System.Random.Distributions.frequency
frequency :: (Floating w, Ord w, Random w, RandomGen g) => [(w, a)] -> g -> (a, g)
See https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Euterpea-1.0.0/docs/System-Random-Distributions.html