What is the correct way of using the xcdatamodels parameters in the apportable config file? I believe this is for using Core Data - apportable

Maybe I didn't set the correct APPORTABLE config parameters when using CoreData. I can ADD,EDIT,DELETE and List down the current records when the app is running. But when I remove it from the current running apps and tried to Open my app again all of the data are gone. Maybe setting the correct parameter would eliminate this bug I am encountering right now?

You shouldn't have to set the xcdatamodel list in the configuration.json unless you have a special apportable-specific xcdatamodel. the model should now automatically be compiled and put into the app bundle. in fact, if you were using our coredata before this change, i recommend undoing everything you have done in order to get it to work. it should just work.
as for your issue, would you mind creating a test case and then emailing it to sdk # apportable.com? it's tough to debug without a reduced test case that demonstrates the bug.
update: we didn't have hasChanges properly implemented in NSManagedObjectContext. We've implemented it better, and now the test project works. Look for it the next version of the SDK (could be a few days to a week for that), and let me know if you still have trouble.


Android Studio: StringBuilder content not shown in preview of debugger

I'm implementing an app, which uses (kotlin.text.)StringBuilder instances at various points. Since today, I have to double-click the variable name and, after that, double-click 'value' to see the content shown as one character per line (next to 'value', it also says e.g. char[20]). Until yesterday, I was able to see their contents in the variables view of the debugger right after double-clicking the variable name and - what is even more important - in one single string line. I have to compare the content of several instances and therefore cannot work efficiently with this view.
Is there some kind of setting, which needs to be reset? Has anyone else experienced this? Is this an intended behavior or am I the only one having this bug/behavior?
After getting this, I already tried restarting android studio, as well as upgrading all components to the latest version. I also tried creating an entirely new project with only one StringBuilder to rule out any problems in my current project - but, no luck so far.
Any hint would be much appreciated!
You need to add a .toString() call to your string builder to get the value of the string.
I finally figured out the solution to the problem. It was indeed a setting I had to reset. As I did not actively change it, this solution might be useful to others, too.
Via 'Setting > Build, Execution, Deployment > Debugger > Data Views > Java', I found the option 'Enable 'toString()' object view:'. After selecting this option, everything worked again as before.
Thanks to everyone, who tried to figure out the solution!

NetSuite 2015_2 PHP-SDK Two Factor Authentication

We currently have Two Factor Authentication working in the 2017_2 release of the NetSuite PHP Toolkit, but we have some code that has broken due to changes between 2015_2 and 2017_2. It seems that in 2017_2 it is also far easier to set up Two Factor Authentication.
Looking at the code, however I do see references to TokenPassport and TokenPassportSignature, which tells me that I should be able to get TBA working in 2015_2, which would give us time to figure out the rest of the issues.
My question is: How would I actually go about that? I have set $service->passport to the generated TokenPassport object. I know that my TokenPassport object works in 2017_2, and I assume it would be the same, but I don't know for sure, and I can't seem to find any information up on Elgoog.
ETA: I have seen examples of this working in 2015_2 in Ruby, but not in PHP. The backend is there, but I can't seem to be able to do this in PHP, and the Ruby examples were only snippets.
Okay, so I solved this for myself, but I may not have done it the "right" way. Here's what I did:
I took the makeSoapCall and setTokenGenerator methods from the new instance of NSPHPClient.php, and I added them to the OLD version. I had to modify the setTokenGenerator method to not require an instance of iTokenPassportGenerator, but I could have just as easily copied over that interface as well.
Basically, all that needs to happen is that we need to send the tokenPassport header, which the older version of the SDK can generate but doesn't have a method to actually send that I could find.

Resolving warnings when building Azure SDK 2.3 project?

I'm getting 110 warnings in my build after installing Azure SDK 2.3 that I don't recall seeing before. They are all for the file "Microsoft.WindowsAzure.targets".
An example of one such warning is:
The element 'PropertyGroup' in namespace 'http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003' has invalid child element 'CloudToolsVersion'.
Has anyone else encountered this problem or know the right way to fix it?
Well, it looks like I just needed to close any open editors for msbuild project files to get those to disappear. Other answers I found suggested on the web were to disable schema validation or to extend the schema myself.
Very scary! From your solution and hints from other similar questions, I think I know what's going on: When any build script file (such as a .props) is open in a text editor, it turns on /validate. This is used to see red wavies in the editor and gives the warnings when the project is loaded by any MSBuild task. The schema holds the various element used by the MS targets infrastructure, and doesn't know anything else. I'm not sure what good that is, but there you have it.

Iterators from the same ViewObject do not communicate

I am using JDeveloper
I am facing a strange behavior here. I have created 2 AppModules and in each AppModule I have DataControls from the same View Object (not only but also). When I create a new row using Page1 for example using DataControl from AppModule1 and then navigate to Page2 that uses DataControl from AppModule2, the Commit and Rollback buttons are enabled. Even if I redeploy the application in this case I have to Commit also in Page2. If I do this, then the problem will not show any more.
So even through I commit in the first case, I have to commit also in the second page. As I said the EO and VO are the same, just the AppModules are different.
Does anyone know why this happens and/or how to fix this?
If anyone knows that this is a known bug please tell me.
Well I hurried a little, I just found the solution (the problem actually). Apparently different app modules are completely ignored one by other and have their own db connections. The explanations is here:

where do I access the comment field for a core data model to add the "xmod" for mogenerator?

where do I access the comment field for a core data model to add the "xmod" for mogenerator?
hopefully not too dumb a question - but I just can't see where in my existing Xcode 4 model (*.xcdatamodel) to put the "xmod" to get mogenerator working
(reference https://github.com/rentzsch/mogenerator )
Xmo'd currently doesn't work with Xcode4. It is a .pbplugin and Apple removed support for them in Xcode4. There was a couple guys working on a new way of doing it, but I haven't seen any updates in awhile on it.
You can still use the AppleScript and command line though. You just have to manually trigger it and add the files. You lose the automation that Xmo'd gave you. Also, Xmo'd still works in Xcode3. So you can switch over to it when doing your modeling if you really wanted to.
