Nginx and multiple domains - node.js

I bought some domains at (i.e for my droplet at (i.e I run a nodejs application on port 80 on the droplet. From, I forward with masking to and I could see may app.
Now I want to run on several node applications on different ports, using ngnix as reverse proxy. I followed the instructions here (
My nginx .conf file is
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
# same as in the link above
(and I am sure it is read: when ngnix start if I put an error there, ngnix reports it).
I start the nodejs application on port 3000:
I try, but ngnix shows always the welcome page.
Also doing 3000 does not work,
it works only with
From, if I forward with masking the to I can see may app.
But I do not like this solution. I would like domains pointing to my droplet, without specifing the port and admin them with nginx.
How can I get a domain name to use with ngnix as reverse proxy to select my apps, mapped on different domains on different ports? I suppose that forwarding from is somehow limited.

In your server go to /var/log/nginx and do a tail -F *log. Now in another shell restart nginx.
I suspect that your domain name is too long and nginx will complain about its hash_bucket_size is too small. If this is the case open /etc/nginx/nginx.conf and make sure that the line
server_names_hash_bucket_size 64;
exists, has a value of 64 and is uncommented. Then do sudo service nginx reload, and check if all works as expected.

I am going to detail step by step how I am able to do it in my aws ec2 instance;
I set up a DNS record to my instance, so i can set to (my specific IP).
Inside my instance I have forever running my node.js app in port 3000 (I test it work by issuing curl localhost:3000 from the command line)
I then download this .sh file in order to properly intantiate nginx; curl -o
I configure nginx with this configuration file. Put this file in; /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
Start nginx with this command; sudo sh start
PS.: For multiple apps just replicate the lines that routes the requests to specific ports, very easy...! If not needed you can eliminate lines regarding out SSL.


How do I set up my Linux Azure VM so that I can connect via a browser?

I'm working on a Linux VM on Azure which was set up by someone else (so I don't know all the details). I'm trying to connect it to a domain name.
The server has a "Hello World" program, so when I go to "" I should be seeing "Hello World". Currently I'm just getting
Safari can't open the page "" because Safari can't find the server "my"
I thought I'd start with making sure that the IP address connects to the server (which it did at one point. So I enter the IP address of the server (let's say it's "12.345.678.901") in the browser, and it can't connect... I get the error
Can't open the page "12.345.678.901" because the server where this page is located isn't responding
There's an Inbound port rule to allow connections for port 8080, so I tried "12.345.678.901:8080" but this time got
Can't open the page "12.345.678.901:8080" because Safari can't connect to the server
I don't know what to try next. Presumably something needs to be enabled on the server to allow the browser to connect?
The other inbound port rules are ssh on port 22 (TCP) and then what I assume are the standard Azure ones (I can't edit or delete them anyway).
To view your Linux VM inside the browser, you need to install a web server. Easiest to install and get working straight away is nginx.
First thing you need to do is SSH(port 22) into your VM using the username and IP address of the machine:
ssh username#ipaddress
Which will prompt you to enter a passphrase to gain access to the VM.
This also assumes your SSH public key exists inside ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on the VM. If you don't have this setup then you need to get the owner of the VM to copy your public key into this file. Otherwise you won't be able to connect and get a Permission denied (publickey) error.
Assuming the above works, you can install the nginx webserver with the following two commands:
sudo apt-get -y update
sudo apt-get -y install nginx
Then once this web server is installed, add an HTTP inbound port 80 rule inside the network settings. For security reasons, having your web server listen on this port is probably unsecure long term. Its just easier to get working when you choose this port to begin with, because its the default.
You can see what the default listening port by viewing the server configuration host file with cat /etc/nginx/sites-available/default:
#server {
# listen 80;
# listen [::]:80;
# server_name;
# root /var/www/;
# index index.html;
# location / {
# try_files $uri $uri/ =404;
# }
Which shows the default port of 80. You can change this default port to 8080, then run sudo service nginx restart to restart the server and apply the changes. Additionally, you can have a look at this How to make Nginx Server Listen on Multiple Ports tutorial, which goes into more depth on how to configure listening ports for nginx webservers.
You should then be able to view your VM from a browser window(blurred out my IP address for security reasons):
You can also have a look at this Quickstart: Create a Linux virtual machine in the Azure portal tutorial for a step by step on how to get this setup in Azure.
You should first check to see if you have an entry for The reason could be that you do not have a DNS Entry and when you are trying to connect to it via the browser. Since you tried connecting to it via IP and it still did not work, I would suggest you check your Webserver configurations to make sure it is correctly listening for port 8080. Also, ensure that your webserver is also turned on as well. You can tail the webserver log and try to hit it via the IP like you did earlier and see if you see any errors in the logs. It would at least tell you if your request you are making on your browser is actually getting to the webserver.

Nginx is refusing to connect on AWS EC2

I'm trying to use nginx to setup a simple node.js server, I'm running the server in background on port 4000, my nginx config file is
server {
listen 80;
listen [::]:80;
location / {
include /etc/nginx/proxy_params;
I saved it in /etc/nginx/sites-available and also symlinked it to sites-enabled, the nginx.conf file has the include line already to load files from sites-enabled, then i restarted the service using
sudo service nginx restart
I tried going to and it refuses to connect, however going to with port 4000 it is working, but I'm trying to make it listen on port 80 with nginx, i tried putting my .ml domain as server_name and no luck, and i have the IP as the A record in the domain dns settings, and I'm doing this on an AWS EC2 Instance Ubuntu Server 16.04, i even tried the full ec2 public dns url no luck, any ideas?
Edit: I solved it by moving the file directly in sites-enabled instead of a symlink
There is few possible things. First of all you need to verify that nginx server is running & listening on port 80. you can check the listening ports using the following command.
netstat -tunlp
Then you need to check your server firewall & also the selinux policies. ( OR disable selinux for test )
Then you need to verify that AWS security group configured to access the http/https connections on port 80.
PS : Outputs from the following command & configurations will be helpful for troubleshooting.
netstat -tunlp
iptables -L
* AWS Security Group Rules
* Nginx configurations ( including main configuration if changed )
P.S : OP fixed the problem by moving the config file directly into site-enabled directory. maybe, reefer the comments for more info if you are having the same issue.
Most probably port 80 might not be open in your security group or nginx is not running to accept the connections. Please post the nginx status and check the security group
check belows:
in security group, add Http (80) and Https (443) in inbound section with ip as follow:
for 80 :
for 443 :
in Network ACL, allow inbound on http and https. outbound set custom TCP role as follow:
inbound roles:
outbound roles:
assign a elastic ip on ec2 instance, listen to this ip for public.

Where do I put my Node JS app so it is accessible via the main website?

I've recently installed a nodejs app (keystone) app in my home/myusername/myappname directory.
When I visit, nothing displays - even after turning on my nodejs app.
Where should these files be?
I am running ubuntu 16.04.
In the past I have worked with a var/www folder, but I am not using apache - do I need to manually create this folder?
For your app to be visible it has to be running (obviously) and accessible on port 80 (if you want it to be available without adding a port number to the URL).
It doesn't matter where it is on the disk as long as it's running.
You don't need Apache or nginx or any other server. Your Node app may listen on port 80. But alternatively it can listen on some other port and your other server (Apache, nginx, etc.) can proxy the requests to that port.
But if your app is listening on, e.g. port 3000 then you should be able to access it as
Also, make sure that your domain is configured correctly. It's A record for IPv4 (or AAAA for IPv6) of the www subdomain should be equal to the publicly accessible IP address of your server.
And make sure that the port you use is not blocked by the firewall.
To see how you can set the port with Keystone, see:
It can be either changed in the config or you can run your app with:
PORT=80 node yourApp.js
instead of:
node yourApp.js
but keep in mind that to use the port number below 1024 you will usually need the program to run as root (or add a special privilege which is more complicated).
It will also mean that this will be the only application that you can run on this server, even if you have more domain names.
If you don't want to run as root or you want to host more application, it is easiest to install nginx and proxy the requests. Such a configuration is called a "reverse proxy" - it's good to search for info and tutorials using that phrase.
The simplest nginx config would be something like this:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
You can set it in:
or in a different file as e.g.:
and then symlinked as /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/example
You need to restart nginx after changing the config.
You can find more options on configuring reverse proxies here:
You need to make a proxy between Apache and your Node.js application because Node.js has a built-in server. Supose your Node.js app is served on 9000 port. Then you need to make a proxy to redirect all trafic in 80 port to 9000 port where the Node.js app is running.
1. Enable mod_proxy
You can do this through a2enmond.
sudo a2enmod proxy
sudo a2enmod proxy_http
2. Set the proxy
Edit the /etc/apache2/sites-available/ file and add the following lines:
ProxyRequests Off
Order deny, allow from All
ProxyPass / ProxyPassReverse /
This basically say: "Redirect all traffic from root / to The host is where your app is running.
Finally restart apache to enable changes.

node.js application running on a port should have no port visible in the URL bar

I have 5 domains pointing to the same machine, let's say these domains are:
My server has a virtual host file managed by apache, which controls these 5 domains.
I have a node.js app running on port 3000.
If I connect to any of the 5 domains, and type :3000 at the end, I can see the node.js app splash screen.
For example, if I connect to it serves me the same page (the node.js app) that can be reached by connecting to and, etc. I understand why this is happening.
However, I am trying to edit my configuration such that the following criteria are met:
Users can only connect to the node app when they type in, and not any of the other domains.
Users do not have to type in the port number,, when trying to reach the node app.
I have searched and found some information which leads me to believe this is normally achieved by setting up a reverse proxy, but most examples I find are using nginx or node. It would be nice to figure out a reverse proxy solution with apache so I don't have to re-write all my virtual host logic with node or nginx.
You need to set up a reverse proxy. An easy way to do this is to use nginx. Install and start nginx and in your config file put the following:
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
And then run your node server on port 3000.

nginx not listening to port 80

I've just installed a Ubuntu 12.04 server and nginx 1.2.7, removed default from sites-enabled and added my own file into sites-available and symlink at sites-enabled. Then restarted nginx.
Problem: However going to the URL does not load the site. netstat -nlp | grep nginx and netstat -nlp | grep 80 both returns no results! lsof -i :80 also returns nothing. A dig from another server returns the correct ip address so it shouldn't be a DNS problem. I was able to connect to apache which I have now stopped its service. nginx logs also show nothing.
How should I troubleshoot this problem?
server {
listen 80;
server_name *;
access_log /var/log/nginx/access.log;
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log;
root /var/www/mysite/public;
index index.php index.html;
location / {
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$args ;
location ~ \.php$ {
fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock;
fastcgi_index index.php;
include fastcgi_params;
fastcgi_read_timeout 300;
I had this same problem, the solution was that I had not symlinked my siteconf file correctly. Try running vim /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/—can you get to it? I was getting "Permission Denied."
If not run:
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/ /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
If your logs are silent on the issue, you may not be including the sites-enabled directory. One simple way to tell that the site is being loaded is to set the error/access log path within your server block to a unique path, reload nginx, and check if the files are created.
Ensure the following include directive exists within the http context in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf.
http {
include /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/*;
I've found it helpful to approach debugging nginx with the following steps:
1... Make sure nginx is running.
ps aux | grep nginx
2... Check for processes already bound to the port in question.
lsof -n -i:80
3... Make sure nginx has been reloaded.
sudo nginx -t
sudo nginx -s reload
On Mac, brew services restart nginx is not sufficient to reload nginx.
4... Try creating simple responses manually to make sure your location path isn't messed up. This is especially helpful when problems arise while using proxy_pass to forward requests to other running apps.
location / {
add_header Content-Type text/html;
return 200 'Here I am!';
I ran into the same problem, I got a Failed to load resource: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error when connecting over HTTP, but fine over HTTPS. Ran netstat -tulpn and saw nginx not binding to port 80 for IPv4. Done everything described here. Turned out to be something very stupid:
Make sure the sites-available file with the default_server is actually enabled.
Hope this saved some other poor idiot out there some time.
You are probably binding nginx to port 80 twice. Is that your full config file? Don't you have another statement listening to port 80?
A semi-colon ; missing in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf for exemple on the line before include /etc/nginx/servers-enabled/*; can just bypass this intruction and nginx -t check will be successful anyway.
So just check that all instructions in /etc/nginx/nginx.conf are ended with a semi-colon ;.
I had faced the same problem over the server, here I am listing the how I had solved it :
Step 1 :: Installing the Ngnix
sudo apt update
sudo apt install nginx
Step 2 – Adjusting the Firewall
sudo ufw app list
You should get a listing of the application profiles:
Available applications:
Nginx Full
Nginx HTTP
As you can see, there are three profiles available for Nginx:
Nginx Full: This profile opens both port 80 (normal, unencrypted web traffic) and port 443 (TLS/SSL encrypted traffic)
Nginx HTTP: This profile opens only port 80 (normal, unencrypted web traffic)
Nginx HTTPS: This profile opens only port 443 (TLS/SSL encrypted traffic)
Since I haven’t configured SSL for our server yet in this guide, we will only need to allow traffic on port 80.You can enable this by typing:
sudo ufw allow 'Nginx HTTP'
You can verify the change by typing:
sudo ufw status
Step 3 – Checking your Web Server
systemctl status nginx
Now Check port 80 , It worked for me hope will work for you as well.
Have you checked if your nginx binary really exists? please check if
#whereis nginx
outputs the binary path and check this path with your init script from /etc/init.d/nginx. e.g.
(In my init script "test -x $DAEMON || exit 0" is invoked and in any case this script returned nothing - my binary was completely missing)
While we all think we don't make silly mistakes, we do.
So, if you are looking into NGINX issues and all signs are showing it should work then you should take a step away from the files and look downstream.
System Firewall, Hardware Firewall, Nat router/firewall.
For myself this issue was my router, I run a home lab and so I can access services behind my router from afar I use NGINX to reverse proxy as my router only handles incoming based on IP and doesn't do any handling of hostnames, I'm sure this is all fairly normal.
In any case my issue cropped up as I was securing my network a few days ago, removing some port forwarding that isnt needed any longer and I accidentally removed port 80.
Yes it was as simple as forwarding that port again to NGINX and all was fixed.
I will now walk away with my head hung in extreme shame though I leave this answer to show my gratitude to the people in this thread that lead me to find my own error.
So thank you.
In my case those network command's outputs showed nginx was correctly binding to port 80, yet the ports weren't externally accessible or visible with nmap.
While I suspected a firewall, it turns out that old iptables rules on the machine were redirecting traffic from those ports and conflicting with nginx. Use sudo iptables-save to view all currently applicable rules.
I am facing the same issue. Just reload the nginx help me
sudo nginx -t
If you got error then just delete the log.txt file
sudo nginx -s reload
