j2me wtk find memory leak - java-me

I built a game in j2me and I have memory leak because from time to time I get out of memory exception, now I want to spot where this leak is coming from and I heard you can do it with sun's wireless tool kit. Can someone explain me exactly what is this wireless tool kit, how I install it and how to use it in-order to find memory leaks ? Thanks in advance !

After you download wtk,Go to \bin\utilsw.exe.Under Utilities you will see "Memory monitor".Here you can graphically view app memory/RAM usage.

I do not know oracle sdk 3.4, but in wtk2 memory monitor was only partially useful for finding memory leaks, because it only shows how many (and which) objects are live, but not where they are referenced from. So it takes a review of corresponding piece of code.
Memory leaks are easier to find with a java profiler. You need to get one that suits you (I prefer YourKit, but it is commercial product with a trial period), modify emulator's command line in order to allow the profiler to connect (that should be covered by profiler's documentation, it is basically about adding -agentlib or -Xrun... option) to it, and do actual profiling (every profiler comes with a guide of how to do it).


Debugging Memory Leak

I'm trying to figure out where my memory leak is coming from since lately i'm experiencing a lot of performance drop when just opening a new tab on my browser FireFox ver.51
Just to be sure I've disabled all non-Microsoft startup services in msconfig even after reboot it still gets stuck on this.
Looking up on the vendors updates for this machine then it would be up to date on the drivers, i do occasionally check for Intel Chipset and onboard Graphics drivers (stable versions only) myself that are a few years newer then the vendor.
MS Resource monitor
MS Taskmgr Perfomance monitor
In the Taskmgr Performance monitor you can see I'm barely using any CPU and I/O leaving out any form of I/O wait issues due to swapping.
When looking in the Resource monitor actual physical RAM in is about 6.3GB while Cached is only 1.6GB making it roughly 4GB RAM missing where it's usage is coming from.
So i did do a offline MemTest (oh yes the old blue gorgeous BIOS screen) and all checks were passed, luckily it's only 8GB RAM so the downtime is manage-able ;)
Any ideas or other handy tools I can use to find the culprit?
Already fixed it, seems like my pagefile is storing too much cached memory for some reason, will look into it myself why it stores so much memory

SuperCollider without jack server

One of the requirements in my project is to reduce runtime footprint on an embedded system. It looks like jackd is required on Linux and seem like it's currently a hard dependency and it cannot use libasound directly instead, is it true? It'd be also great to hear from someone who use jackd on an embedded device and could summaries it's resource usage. Although, I'm planing to use BeagleBone with relatively enough memory, I'd rather spare it for a longer delay line instead of running jackd.
Jack is definitely the standard way of doing it for SuperCollider on Linux. There is an AUDIOAPI flag in the cmake build settings - you can set -DAUDIOAPI=portaudio when you make your own build. (There's no direct libasound implementation; supercollider is cross-platform.) However, be warned that the portaudio approach is rarely used and might not even work at the moment. If you need help getting a build working, ask the sc-devel mailing list.
On the other hand I know people have run jack+supercollider on small ARM devices such as beaglebones. You might find it a better use of your time to go with the flow and use jack.

Android NDK remote debugging: why is gdb so slow?

Using NDK r8c, Eclipse 4.2, Windows 7 64
I've used remote debuggers before (on other platforms, via gigabit ethernet) for large C++ codebases that felt no different than local debugging. The Java debugger that comes with the SDK runs fast too. Therefore I'm quite baffled why gdb is so slow to connect and step over lines of code.
In my current application, which is around 20 static libraries and 1500 source files, it takes about 15 seconds to connect, and about 2 seconds to step. I'm more concerned about stepping.
Has anyone ever profiled gdb to see what the problem is? If so, any suggestions?
I have. My cohorts and I at NVIDIA have contributed several commits to AOSP to address this problem, although our focus has been on shared libraries (symbol load performance, and pending symbol resolution.) We have sped up solib load processing by a factor of 6x. (Although, after doing our own work we discovered that 3x of that 6x had already been solved upstream by GNU, in 7.5... so we abandoned our reinvention, and submitted the relevant 7.5 patches up to Google's NDK repository, which was based on the older 7.3 GDB.) I believe all of our speedups are present in r8d... but I haven't checked.
I cannot think of any reason why static libraries would slow things down, but I must admit I haven't given any thought to them. Do you have a specific reason for believing so, or was that just comment to give perspective about the size and scope of your debugging needs?
We have begun to work on the stepping problem, but don't have anything to share yet. Basically, the bottleneck is ADB (especially on Windows.) Additionally, there is a lot of chatty communication between GDB and gdbserver, when stepping, especially if you are using an IDE with local window, register window, expression window, stack window, etc., all updating with each step. That's a lot of chatter that could likely be optimized for the IDE use-case.
Just some of the fixes that we are considering for speeding up stepping will be IDE-specific:
Using python scripting to pre-process watch expressions in GDB, rather than in the IDE.
Implementing "super-packets" communicating between GDB and gdbserver... packets that encapsulate IDE-specific communications in a way that minimizes chatter between GDB and gdbserver.
We intend to share all of this with the Android community.

Linux utility for Disk health Monitoring

We are looking into implementing an in-memory utility which can recover the system in case of disk/filesystem lockup. This utility has to detect the lockup and take corrective action like rebooting or just shutting down interface.
The server platform is Gentoo Linux 2.4
Any suggestions on - any existing utility or which scripting method will work best (expect, native C++)?
you'll want S.M.A.R.T. monitoring tools (smartmontools)
Note that not all statistics correlate with impending drive failure, and sometimes (for some brands and models) you may need to pass in special flags or you will get garbage. See the wikipedia article for which attributes really indicate danger.
The command is smartctl. You may need to be sudo. smartctl --all will give a summary of all drives, spinning them up very briefly to check their health.
What type of errors are you looking for?
smartmontools and smartd which ship with most distros should be able to help you. They work at a low level with the disk.
SMART on Wikipedia

How to do power save on a ARM-based Embedded Linux system?

I plan to develop a nice little application that will run on an arm-based embedded Linux platform; however, since that platform will be battery-powered, I'm searching for relevant information on how to handle power save.
It is kind of important to get decent battery time.
I think the Linux kernel implemented some support for this, but I can't find any documentation on this subject.
Any input on how to design my program and the system is welcome.
Any input on how the Linux kernel tries to solves this type of problem is also welcome.
Other questions:
How much does the program in user space need to do?
And do you need to modify the kernel?
What kernel system calls or APIs are good to know about?
It seems like the folks involved with the "Free Electrons" site have produced some nice presentations on this subject.
But maybe someone else has even more information on this subject?
It seems like Adam Shiemke's idea to go look at the MeeGo project may be the best tip so far.
It may be the best battery powered Embedded Linux project out there at this moment.
And Nokia is usually kind of good at this type of thing.
One has to be careful about Android since it has a "modified" Linux kernel in the bottom, and some of the things the folks at Google have done do not use baseline/normal Linux kernels. I think that some of their power management ideas could be troublesome to reuse for other projects.
I haven't actually done this, but I have experience with the two apart (Linux and embedded power management). There are two main Linux distributions that come to mind when thinking about power management, Android and MeeGo. MeeGo uses (as far as I can tell) an unmodified 2.6 kernel with some extras hanging on. I wasn't able to find a lot on exactly what their power management strategy is, although I suspect more will be coming out about it in the near future as the product approaches maturity.
There is much more information available on Android, however. They run a fairly heavily modified 2.6 kernel. You can see a good bit on the different strategies implemented in http://elinux.org/Android_Power_Management (as well as kernel drama). Some other links:
I'm sure that you can find more links of this nature. Since both projects are open source, you can grab the kernel code, and probably get further information from people who actually know what they are talking about in forms and groups.
At the driver level, you need to make sure that your drivers can properly handle suspend and shut devices off that are not in use. Most devices aimed at the mobile market offer very fine-grained support to turn individual components off, and to tweak clock settings (remember, power is proportional to clock^2).
Hope this helps.
You can do quite a bit of power-saving without requiring any special support from the OS, assuming you are writing (or at least have the source code for) your application and drivers.
Your drivers need to be able to disable their associated devices and bring them back up without requiring a restart or introducing system instability. If your devices are connected to a PCI/PCIe bus, research which power states they support (D0 - D3) and what your driver needs to do to transition between these low-power modes. If you are selecting hardware devices to use, look for devices that adhere to the PCI Power Management Specification or have similar functionality (such as a sleep mode and a "wake up" interrupt signal).
When your device boots up, every device that has the ability to detect whether it is connected to anything needs to do so. If any ports or buses detect that they are not being used, power them down or put them to sleep. A port running at full power but sitting unused can waste more power than you might think it would. Depending on your particular hardware and use case, it might also be useful to have a background app that monitors device usage, identifies unused/idle resources, and acts appropriately (like a "screen saver" for your hardware).
Your application software should make sure to detect whether hardware devices are powered up before attempting to use them. If you need to access a device that might be placed in a low-power mode, your application needs to be able to handle a potentially lengthy delay in waiting for the device to wake up and respond. Your applications should also be considerate of a device's need to sleep. If you need to send a series of commands to a hardware device, try to buffer them up and send them out all at once instead of spacing them out and requiring multiple wakeup->send->sleep cycles.
Don't be afraid to under-clock your system components slightly. Besides saving power, this can help them run cooler (which requires less power for cooling). I have seen some designs that use a CPU that is more powerful than necessary by a decent margin, which is then under-clocked by as much as 40% (bringing the performance down to the original level but at a fraction of the power cost). Also, don't be afraid to spend power to save power. That is, don't be afraid to use CPU time monitoring hardware devices for opportunities to disable/hibernate them (even if it will cause your CPU to use a bit more power). Most of the time, this tradeoff results in a net power savings.
One of the most important things to think of as a power aware application developer is to avoid unnecessary timers. If possible use interrupt driven solutions instead of polled solutions. If a timer must be used then use as long poll interval as is possible.
For example if something special should be done at a certain room temperature it is unnecessary to check the temperature every 100 ms since temperature in a room changes slowly. A more reasonable polling interval is could be 60 s.
This affects the power consumption in several ways. In Linux the CPUIDLE subsystem takes the CPU (SOC) to as deep power saving state as possible depending on when it predicts the next wakeup to occur. Having a lot of timers in a system will fragment the sleep making it impossible to go to the deeper sleep states for longer periods. A typical deep sleep state for CPUIDLE turns the CPU off but keeps the RAM in self refresh. When a timer triggers the CPU will boot and serve the timer of the application.
It's not actually your topic, but it might come in handy to log your progress: i was looking for testing / measuring my embedded linux system. chris desjardins from this forum recommended me this:
I have successfully used bootchart in the past:
Here is a list of other things that may also help:
