Haskell Ord instance paradox on Eq - haskell

I want to be able to order Polynomes with comparing first by lenght (degree), second by coefficient. Polynomes are list of doubles with [1,2,3] = 3x²+2x+1 .
But if there is a zero as last element it should be dropped, so I wrote a function doing that called realPolynom. realPolynom [1,2,3,0] = [1,2,3]
Now, my Ord instance looks like:
instance Ord Polynom where
compare a b = compare ((realLength a), reverse (pol2list (realPolynom a))) ((realLength b), reverse (pol2list (realPolynom b)))
realLength is just Length of polynom without zeros as last.
pLength :: Polynom -> Int
pLength (Polynom(a)) = length a
realLength :: Polynom -> Int
realLength a = pLength(realPolynom(a))
pol2list is Polynom p = p
pol2list :: Polynom -> [Double]
pol2list (Polynom p) = p
Problem is:
[0,2,0] < [0,2,3] true, which is good
[0,2,0] < [0,2] false, also good
[0,2,0] > [0,2] false, also good
[0,2,0] == [0,2] false, which is not good! should be equal!

Instead of deriving Eq, you should probably write
instance Eq Polynom where
a == b = compare a b == EQ

The best solution might be to ensure that no leading zeroes ever turn up in the first place. I.e. instead of ever building polynomes manually from lists, you feed them to a "smart constructor" that eats away zeroes before packing the Polynome data type.
May seem a bit of a OO-ish thing to do, but sometimes this kind of encapsulation is just the way to go, even in functional languages.

Something like this should work:
instance Eq Polynom where
x == y = pol2list (realPolynom x) == pol2list (realPolynom y)
Unfortunately, in this case the derived Eq instance is not the intended one.


Haskell: "Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Eq Bit" and "No instance for (Eq Bit) arising drom a use of '=='"

data Bit = One
| Zero
deriving Show
type Bits = [Bit]
bits2String :: Bits -> String
bits2String [] = ""
bits2String (x:xs) | x == One = "1" ++ bits2String xs
| x == Zero = "0" ++ bits2String xs
This Code causes following error message:
No instance for (Eq Bit) arising drom a use of '=='
For this error you can find a lot of solutions on SO. They always say you need to add Eq like that:
bits2String :: (Eq Bit) => Bits -> String
bits2String [] = ""
bits2String (x:xs) | x == One = "1" ++ bits2String xs
| x == Zero = "0" ++ bits2String xs
But this doesnt work for me and causes following error
Non type-variable argument in the constraint: Eq Bit
(Use FlexibleContexts to permit this)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} doesnt work either.
The original error message is the key one:
No instance for (Eq Bit) arising drom a use of '=='
This arises because you are using the == operator, which is only available for instances of the Eq typeclass - and you haven't given such an instance.
That's easily fixed though. For one you can easily provide the instance manually:
instance Eq Bit where
One == One = True
Zero == Zero = True
_ == _ = False
I wouldn't recommend that you do that though. You can ask Haskell to generate that exact instance for you by simply adding a deriving clause to the type definition. In fact you're already using one, so you can just add Eq to the list of instances you want to derive:
data Bit = One
| Zero
deriving (Show, Eq)
Adding this instance is a good idea in general, because you might well need to compare Bits for equality at some point, especially when working with lists of them - many list functions such as elem depend on Eq instances for their members.
But you can rewrite your bits2String function to not need an Eq instance at all, by pattern matching on the two data constructors:
bits2String :: Bits -> String
bits2String [] = ""
bits2String (One:xs) = "1" ++ bits2String xs
bits2String (Zero:xs) = "0" ++ bits2String xs
In fact, you've basically reimplemented the map function here, so what I would likely do is to define:
bitToChar :: Bit -> Char
bitToChar Zero = '0'
bitToChar One = '1'
(especially as it's the kind of general utility function that you may well want for other things)
and then
bits2String = map bitToChar
None of those require an Eq instance - but it's likely a good idea to derive it anyway, for the reasons I mentioned.
You make use of x == Zero, so of the (==) :: Eq a => a -> a -> Bool function, but you did not make Bit an instance of Eq. You can do so by adding it to the deriving clause, such that Haskell can automatically implement an instance of Eq for your Bit data type:
data Bit = One
| Zero
deriving (Eq, Show)
By default two items are the same if the data constructor is the same, and the parameters (but here your data constructors have no parameters, so it will only check equality of the data constructors).
That being said, you do not need these to be an instance of Eq, you can use pattern matching instead. Indeed:
bits2String :: Bits -> String
bits2String = map f
where f Zero = '0'
f One = '1'
Here we make use of map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] to convert a list of items to another list by applying a function to each of the items in the original list. Since Bits is a list of Bits, and String is a list of Chars, we can thus map each Bit to a Char to obtain a String of '0's and '1's for the Zero and Ones respectively.

Haskell Eq between different types

I need to use this data structure data D = C Int Float and I need to compare it with an Int, for example a::D == 2.
How can I create an instance to define this kind of Eq ?
Thank you!
I would implement a projection:
getInt :: D -> Int
getInt (C i _) = i
and then compare with it:
getInt myD == 5
you can even include this into a record:
data D = C { getInt :: Int, getFloat :: Float }
if you like
You can't; == has signature a -> a -> Bool, so it can't be used like this.
Using the convertible package you can define
(~==) :: (Convertible a b, Eq b) => a -> b -> Bool
x ~== y = case safeConvert x of
Right x' -> x' == y
Left _ -> False
(==~) :: (Convertible b a, Eq a) => a -> b -> Bool
(==~) = flip (~==)
instance Convertible Int D where ...
-- or D Int depending on what you have in mind
Without depending on convertible, you could just define a conversion function either from Int to D (and write a == fromInt 2) or vice versa.
A less recommended route (for this specific case I think it's simply worse than the first solution) would be to define your own type class, e.g.
class Eq' a b where
(=~=) :: a -> b -> Bool
instance Eq a => Eq' a a where
x =~= y = x == y
instance Eq' D Int where ...
This can be done, but I doubt you will want to do this. As Alexey mentioned the type of (==) is Eq a=>a->a->Bool, so the only way to make this work would be to make 2 have type D. This may seem absurd at first, but in fact numbers can be made to have any type you want, as long as that type is an instance of Num
instance Num D where
fromInteger x = C x 1.0
There are still many things to work out, though....
First, you need to fully implement all the functions in Num, including (+), (*), abs, signum, fromInteger, and (negate | (-)).
Second, you have that extra Float to fill in in fromInteger. I chose the value 1.0 above, but that was arbitrary.
Third, you need to actually make D an instance of Eq also, to fill in the actual (==).
instance Eq D where
(C x _) == (C y _) = x == y
Note that this is also pretty arbitrary, as I needed to ignore the Float values to get (==) to do what you want it to.
Bottom line is, this would do what you want it to do, but at the cost of abusing the Num type, and the Eq type pretty badly.... The Num type should be reserved for things that you actually would think of as a number, and the Eq type should be reserved for a comparison of two full objects, each part included.

Haskell - Maybe Either

-- | Convert a 'Maybe a' to an equivalent 'Either () a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'eitherUnitToMaybe'.
maybeToEitherUnit :: Maybe a -> Either () a
maybeToEitherUnit a = error "Not yet implemented: maybeToEitherUnit"
-- | Convert a 'Either () a' to an equivalent 'Maybe a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'maybeToEitherUnit'.
eitherUnitToMaybe :: Either () a -> Maybe a
eitherUnitToMaybe = error "Not yet implemented: eitherUnitToMaybe"
-- | Convert a pair of a 'Bool' and an 'a' to 'Either a a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'eitherToPairWithBool'.
pairWithBoolToEither :: (Bool,a) -> Either a a
pairWithBoolToEither = undefined -- What should I do here?
-- | Convert an 'Either a a' to a pair of a 'Bool' and an 'a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'pairWithBoolToEither'.
eitherToPairWithBool :: Either a a -> (Bool,a)
eitherToPairWithBool = undefined -- What should I do here?
-- | Convert a function from 'Bool' to 'a' to a pair of 'a's. Should be inverse
-- to 'pairToFunctionFromBool'.
functionFromBoolToPair :: (Bool -> a) -> (a,a)
functionFromBoolToPair = error "Not yet implemented: functionFromBoolToPair"
-- | Convert a pair of 'a's to a function from 'Bool' to 'a'. Should be inverse
-- to 'functionFromBoolToPair'.
pairToFunctionFromBool :: (a,a) -> (Bool -> a)
pairToFunctionFromBool = error "Not yet implemented: pairToFunctionFromBool"
I don't really know what to do. I know what maybe is, but I think I have a problem with either, because Either a a makes no sense in my mind. Either a b would be okay. This is either a or b but Either a a is a?!
I don't have any idea in general how to write these functions.
Given that I think this is homework, I'll not answer, but give important hints:
If you look for the definitions on hoogle (http://www.haskell.org/hoogle/)
you find
data Bool = True | False
data Either a b = Left a | Right b
This means that Bool can only be True or False, but that Either a b can be Left a or Right b.
which means your functions should look like
pairWithBoolToEither :: (Bool,a) -> Either a a
pairWithBoolToEither (True,a) = ....
pairWithBoolToEither (False,a) = ....
eitherToPairWithBool :: Either a a -> (Bool,a)
eitherToPairWithBool (Left a) = ....
eitherToPairWithBool (Right a) = ....
Comparing with Maybe
Maybe a is given by
data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing
so something of type Maybe Int could be Just 7 or Nothing.
Similarly, something of type Either Int Char could be Left 5 or Right 'c'.
Something of type Either Int Int could be Left 7 or Right 4.
So something with type Either Int Char is either an Int or a Char, but something of type Either Int Int is either an Int or an Int. You don't get to choose anything other than Int, but you'll know whether it was a Left or a Right.
Why you've been asked this/thinking behind it
If you have something of type Either a a, then the data (eg 5 in Left 5) is always of type a, and you've just tagged it with Left or Right. If you have something of type (Bool,a) the a-data (eg 5 in (True,5)) is always the same type, and you've paired it with False or True.
The maths word for two things which perhaps look different but actually have the same content is "isomorphic". Your instructor has asked you to write a pair of functions which show this isomorphism. Your answer will go down better if pairWithBoolToEither . eitherToPairWithBool and eitherToPairWithBool . pairWithBoolToEither do what id does, i.e. don't change anything. In fact, I've just spotted the comments in your question, where it says they should be inverses. In your write-up, you should show this by doing tests in ghci like
ghci> eitherToPairWithBool . pairWithBoolToEither $ (True,'h')
and the other way round.
(In case you haven't seen it, $ is defined by f $ x = f x but $ has really low precedence (infixr 0 $), so f . g $ x is (f . g) $ x which is just (f . g) x and . is function composition, so (f.g) x = f (g x). That was a lot of explanation to save one pair of brackets!)
Functions that take or return functions
This can be a bit mind blowing at first when you're not used to it.
functionFromBoolToPair :: (Bool -> a) -> (a,a)
The only thing you can pattern match a function with is just a variable like f, so we'll need to do something like
functionFromBoolToPair f = ...
but what can we do with that f? Well, the easiest thing to do with a function you're given is to apply it to a value. What value(s) can we use f on? Well f :: (Bool -> a) so it takes a Bool and gives you an a, so we can either do f True or f False, and they'll give us two (probably different) values of type a. Now that's handy, because we needed to a values, didn't we?
Next have a look at
pairToFunctionFromBool :: (a,a) -> (Bool -> a)
The pattern match we can do for the type (a,a) is something like (x,y) so we'll need
pairToFunctionFromBool (x,y) = ....
but how can we return a function (Bool -> a) on the right hand side?
There are two ways I think you'll find easiest. One is to notice that since -> is right associative anyway, the type (a,a) -> (Bool -> a) is the same as (a,a) -> Bool -> a so we can actually move the arguments for the function we want to return to before the = sign, like this:
pairToFunctionFromBool (x,y) True = ....
pairToFunctionFromBool (x,y) False = ....
Another way, which feels perhaps a little easier, would to make a let or where clause to define a function called something like f, where f :: Bool -> a< a bit like:
pairToFunctionFromBool (x,y) = f where
f True = ....
f False = ....
Have fun. Mess around.
Perhaps it's useful to note that Either a b is also called the coproduct, or sum, of the types a and b. Indeed it is now common to use
type (+) = Either
You can then write Either a b as a + b.
eitherToPairWithBool :: (a+a) -> (Bool,a)
Now common sense would dictate that we rewrite a + a as something like 2 ⋅ a. Believe it or not, that is exactly the meaning of the tuple type you're transforming to!
To explain: algebraic data types can roughly be seen as "counting1 the number of possible constructions". So
data Bool = True | False
has two constructors. So sort of (this is not valid Haskell!)
type 2 = Bool
Tuples allow all the combinations of constructors from each argument. So for instance in (Bool, Bool), we have the values
(False,True )
(True, False)
(True, True )
You've guessed it: tuples are also called products. So the type (Bool, a) is basically 2 ⋅ a: for every value x :: a, we can create both the (False, x) tuple and the (True, x) tuple, alltogether twice as many as there are x values.
Much the same thing for Either a a: we always have both Left x and Right x as a possible value.
All your functions with "arithmetic types":
type OnePlus = Maybe
maybeToEitherUnit :: OnePlus a -> () + a
eitherUnitToMaybe :: () + a -> OnePlus a
pairWithBoolToEither :: 2 ⋅ a -> a + a
eitherToPairWithBool :: a + a -> 2 ⋅ a
functionFromBoolToPair :: a² -> a⋅a
pairToFunctionFromBool :: a⋅a -> a²
1For pretty much any interesting type there are actually infinitely many possible values, still this kind of naïve arithmetic gets you surprisingly far.
Either a a makes no sense in my mind.
Yes it does. Try to figure out the difference between type a and Either a a. Either is a disjoint union. Once you understand the difference between a and Either a a, your homework should be easy in conjunction with AndrewC's answer.
Note that Either a b means quite literally that a value of such a type can be either an a, or an a. It sounds like you have actually grasped this concept, but the piece you're missing is that the Either type differentiates between values constructed with Left and those constructed with Right.
For the first part, the idea is that Maybe is either Just a thing or Nothing -- Nothing corresponds to () because both are "in essence" data types with only one possible value.
The idea behind converting (Bool, a) pairs to Either a a pairs might seem a little trickier, but just think about the correspondence between True and False and Left and Right.
As for converting functions of type (Bool -> a) to (a, a) pairs, here's a hint: Consider the fact that Bool can only have two types, and write down what that initial function argument might look like.
Hopefully those hints help you to get started.

Defining Ord instance for own datatype

Being new to Haskell I am having trouble to get an Order instance implemented for my datatype,
data Polynom = Polynom ([Double])
deriving Show
p0 = Polynom([3.9,4.2,2.7])
p1 = Polynom([0.0,0.2,-3.6,9.4])
Polynomes are being a list of doubles, where i.e. p0 = 2.7x² + 4.2x + 3.9. My problem is that I just couldn't figure out the correct syntax for declaring the various if-cases, starting something like:
instance Ord Polynom where
realLength(a) > realLength(b) = a > b
where if realLength(a)) == realLength(b) = compare lastElement(a) lastElement(b)
I know this is a really bad pseudo-code, but I hope you get the idea.
I would really appreciate any hints on how to get started, I think I can figure out the different cases myself!
Figured instance Eq could be something like that, but compiler does not accept it.
instance Eq Polynom where
(realPolynom a) == (realPolynom b) = (Polynom a) == (Polynom b)
Code for realPolynom:
realPolynom :: Polynom -> Polynom
realPolynom (Polynom(m:ns))
| m==0.0 = realPolynom (Polynom(ns))
| otherwise = Polynom(m:ns)
You may be looking for
instance Ord Polynom where
compare (Polynom p) (Polynom q) = compare (length p, reverse p) (length q, reverse q)
this compares polynomials first by length (degree). When lengths coincide, coefficients are compared.
Note that this assumes the first coefficient (last in the list) of a polynomial is non-null. That is, Polynomial [0,1,0] is greater thanPolynomial [0,2] according to this ordering. You may wish to add a dropWhile (==0) to cope with this.

Sort by constructor ignoring (part of) value

Suppose I have
data Foo = A String Int | B Int
I want to take an xs :: [Foo] and sort it such that all the As are at the beginning, sorted by their strings, but with the ints in the order they appeared in the list, and then have all the Bs at the end, in the same order they appeared.
In particular, I want to create a new list containg the first A of each string and the first B.
I did this by defining a function taking Foos to (Int, String)s and using sortBy and groupBy.
Is there a cleaner way to do this? Preferably one that generalizes to at least 10 constructors.
Typeable, maybe? Something else that's nicer?
EDIT: This is used for processing a list of Foos that is used elsewhere. There is already an Ord instance which is the normal ordering.
You can use
sortBy (comparing foo)
where foo is a function that extracts the interesting parts into something comparable (e.g. Ints).
In the example, since you want the As sorted by their Strings, a mapping to Int with the desired properties would be too complicated, so we use a compound target type.
foo (A s _) = (0,s)
foo (B _) = (1,"")
would be a possible helper. This is more or less equivalent to Tikhon Jelvis' suggestion, but it leaves space for the natural Ord instance.
To make it easier to build comparison function for ADTs with large number of constructors, you can map values to their constructor index with SYB:
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
import Data.Generics
data Foo = A String Int | B Int deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable, Data)
cIndex :: Data a => a -> Int
cIndex = constrIndex . toConstr
*Main Data.Generics> cIndex $ A "foo" 42
*Main Data.Generics> cIndex $ B 0
Edit:After re-reading your question, I think the best option is to make Foo an instance of Ord. I do not think there is any way to do this automatically that will act the way you want (just using deriving will create different behavior).
Once Foo is an instance of Ord, you can just use sort from Data.List.
In your exact example, you can do something like this:
data Foo = A String Int | B Int deriving (Eq)
instance Ord Foo where
(A _ _) <= (B _) = True
(A s _) <= (A s' _) = s <= s'
(B _) <= (B _) = True
When something is an instance of Ord, it means the data type has some ordering. Once we know how to order something, we can use a bunch of existing functions (like sort) on it and it will behave how you want. Anything in Ord has to be part of Eq, which is what the deriving (Eq) bit does automatically.
You can also derive Ord. However, the behavior will not be exactly what you want--it will order by all of the fields if it has to (e.g. it will put As with the same string in order by their integers).
Further edit: I was thinking about it some more and realized my solution is probably semantically wrong.
An Ord instance is a statement about your whole data type. For example, I'm saying that Bs are always equal with each other when the derived Eq instance says otherwise.
If the data your representing always behaves like this (that is, Bs are all equal and As with the same string are all equal) then an Ord instance makes sense. Otherwise, you should not actually do this.
However, you can do something almost exactly like this: write your own special compare function (Foo -> Foo -> Ordering) that encapsulates exactly what you want to do then use sortBy. This properly codifies that your particular sorting is special rather than the natural ordering of the data type.
You could use some template haskell to fill in the missing transitive cases. The mkTransitiveLt creates the transitive closure of the given cases (if you order them least to greatest). This gives you a working less-than, which can be turned into a function that returns an Ordering.
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import MkTransitiveLt
import Data.List (sortBy)
data Foo = A String Int | B Int | C | D | E deriving(Show)
cmp a b = $(mkTransitiveLt [|
case (a, b) of
(A _ _, B _) -> True
(B _, C) -> True
(C, D) -> True
(D, E) -> True
(A s _, A s' _) -> s < s'
otherwise -> False|])
lt2Ord f a b =
case (f a b, f b a) of
(True, _) -> LT
(_, True) -> GT
otherwise -> EQ
main = print $ sortBy (lt2Ord cmp) [A "Z" 1, A "A" 1, B 1, A "A" 0, C]
[A "A" 1,A "A" 0,A "Z" 1,B 1,C]
mkTransitiveLt must be defined in a separate module:
module MkTransitiveLt (mkTransitiveLt)
import Language.Haskell.TH
mkTransitiveLt :: ExpQ -> ExpQ
mkTransitiveLt eq = do
CaseE e ms <- eq
return . CaseE e . reverse . foldl go [] $ ms
go ms m#(Match (TupP [a, b]) body decls) = (m:ms) ++
[Match (TupP [x, b]) body decls | Match (TupP [x, y]) _ _ <- ms, y == a]
go ms m = m:ms
