So I have this issue wherein my puppet master generates a catalog, this catalog is sent to the server which then runs it, but then nothing happens.
I did a printout with:
puppet master --verbose --compile billyjean > derp
"tags": ["class","file","authorized_keys","node","billyjean"],
"type": "File",
"parameters": {
"source": "puppet:///modules/basetoolkit/ssh/authorized_keys",
"ensure": "file",
"path": "/home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys",
"require": "File[sshfolder]"
"exported": false,
"file": "/etc/puppet/manifests/site.pp",
"title": "authorized_keys",
"line": 122
So I am expecting it to copy my authkeys to the machine from location "modules/files/basetoolkit/ssh/authorized_keys" to the server, but nothing happens. It also seems there are other things that are not being run, but for now I am testing with this as it is the most non-critical.
On the client check
There is probably some problem with the code you are attempting to apply on the client
By carefully reading this quite verbose file you should see a clue to what the problem is
Seems to have worked to remove inheritances and other stuff that is deprecated or marked as "don't use", but for some reason still in most of the manual:
I'm currently struggling with a bug(?), which completely breaks Sublime after some time of using it and requires a complete OS reboot to make it work again. The only correlation I found so far is that this always happens whenever a tree view refreshment is triggered (either manually or by creating or deleting a file or directory). Though, it also happened once when I hit tabulator for auto completion, so I'm not quite sure.
The first time this happened was after I opened a very large SQL file by mistake and killed the process, because, you know, Sublime and large files.
I already tried deleting the session files, but that didn't change anything.
I have absolutely no idea what this could be about, so I'd be very thankful for any kind of ideas, that could lead to the right direction.
Operating System: Arch Linux. Maybe that's of some relevance, I don't know. I'm using the official stable channel for pacman, though.
Package Control / Packages: A File Icon, AdvancedNewFile, Alignment, All Autocomplete, Autoprefixer, Case Conversion, CodeFormatter, Color Highlighter, CSScomb, DocBlockr, Emmet, FileDiffs, Git, GitGutter, Grunt, HTML-CSS-JS Prettify, Inc-Dec-Value, jQuery, Less, Local History, MarkdownEditing, Material Theme, Package Control, PHP-Twig, PyV8, Sass, SFTP, SideBarEnhancements, SQLTools, SublimeCodeIntel, SublimeLinter, SublimeLinter-php, Sublimerge 3, Symfony2 Snippes, Terminal, Xdebug Client, zzz A File Icon zzz
"always_show_minimap_viewport": true,
"bold_folder_labels": true,
"color_scheme": "Packages/Material Theme/schemes/Material-Theme.tmTheme",
"dictionary": "Packages/Language - English/en_US.dic",
"ensure_newline_at_eof_on_save": true,
"font_size": 10,
"line_padding_bottom": 3,
"line_padding_top": 3,
"material_theme_bright_scrollbars": true,
"overlay_scroll_bars": "enabled",
"remember_full_screen": true,
"show_encoding": true,
"show_line_endings": true,
"theme": "Material-Theme.sublime-theme",
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"trim_trailing_white_space_on_save": true
I have heard that Dot net core only generates dll file and the only way to run them is using the command
dotnet myapp.dll
I have a chrome extension and i am trying to do some operations . For example, on chrome extension i enter two numbers and then click send button. this triggers the native messaging and a windows executable/dll is called which takes these 2 numbers as stdin and returns the sum as stdout which would be displayed on chrome extension .
Earlier it was an exe file which was working fine. Now i have migrated the code to dotnet core 2.0 . My unit tests work fine but the dll is unable to execute . i dont see any logs as well . my best guess is that the dll is not getting called at all. somehow i have no idea how to check if the app is getting called from chrome extension
"name": "myapp",
"description": "myapp",
"path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\myapp.dll",
"type": "stdio",
"allowed_origins": [
I was able to solve this by creating a bat file which in turn calls the dll file by the following command
dotnet my_app.dll
Also my bat file looks like this
#echo off
:: Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
:: Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
:: found in the LICENSE file.
dotnet "my_app.dll" %*
and my app_manifest looks like this
"name": "myapp",
"description": "myapp",
"path": "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\myapp.bat",
"type": "stdio",
"allowed_origins": [
I have created a VMSS (VM scaleset) with the Azure portal, and I want to add a custom script extension to it to install some software on it. How do I do this? I have tried using azure vmss config extensions set with a json file, but that doesn't seem to work. My json file looks like
"extensions": [
"name": "bigstream spark",
"properties": {
"publisher": "Microsoft.Azure.Extensions",
"type": "CustomScript",
"typeHandlerVersion": "2.0",
"autoUpgradeMinorVersion": true,
"settings": {
"fileUris": [<some files....>
"commandToExecute": "./"
"protectedSettings": {
"storageAccountName": <accountname>,
"storageAccountKey": <secret>
Azure CLI 1.x does not have great extension support - the 'config' usage is confusing and I wouldn't recommend it. Fortunately the new CLI 2.0 based on Python does have a sensible add extension command for scale sets. When you create one I wouldn't put a space in the extension name though.
One more thing, take a look at this tool: -
It helps out with basic extension CRUD (though shouldn't be needed so much after CLI 2.0).
I have a lot of redundant and strange output from eslint and I don't know how it can be disabled. On the screenshot below you can see that there are 5 or 6 repeated problems in every file that not related to actual problems with code.
For example first line of every file contains this warning.
Rule 'no-reserved-keys' was removed and replaced by: quote-props
In .eslintrc rule quote-props is disabled.
"quote-props": 0
But no-reserverd-keys rule enabled instead
"no-reserved-keys": 1
They defined in additionalRuleMetadata section:
"no-reserved-keys": {
"severity": "w",
"help": "",
"priority": "major",
"category": "Possible Error"
"quote-props": {
"severity": "i",
"help": "",
"category": "Stylistic Issue"
So the question is. How to get rid from these redundant warnings?
It appears you're defining ESLint 1.0 rules but are using ESLint 2.0.
According to the ESLint docs for no-reserved-keys:
Replacement notice: This rule was removed in ESLint v1.0 and replaced by the quote-props rule.
You can remove the no-reserved-keys rule from your ESLint configuration, but leave the quote-props as is and the redundant warnings should go away.
The same is true for:
Each was replaced with the rule mentioned in the warnings you're seeing. More info on migrating to ESLint 2.0.
I have a Cassandra cluster that I need to connect with Nitrogen? I installed Cqerl as instructed yet cannot make the connection. I do not think i installed the dependency correctly. When trying to make the connection from the console i get "undefined function cqerl".
I have run the "make test" and have got connect "failed".
Could someone guide me on installing the dependency and making the connection.
If you're using a standard Nitrogen installation, then adding the following line to your rebar.config in the "deps" section should properly bring in the cqerl dependency:
{cqerl, "", {git, "git://", {branch, master}}},
This should make the whole deps section of your rebar.config look something like this:
{deps, [
{cowboy, ".*", {git, "git://", {tag, "1.0.1"}}},
%% CQERL Dependency
{cqerl, ".*", {git, "git://", {branch, master}}},
%% Uncomment the following lines and comment the bottom lines with specific
%% tags to always pull the latest versions
{simple_bridge, ".*", {git, "git://",{branch, master}}},
{nprocreg, ".*", {git, "git://", {branch, master}}},
{nitrogen_core, ".*", {git, "git://",{branch, master}}},
{sync, ".*", {git, "git://", {branch, master}}}
I have no experience with cassandra or cqerl, so I can't give any advice on how to properly use cqerl, but that should get it installed as a dependency properly. If there are configs that need to be used, make sure to add them to your Nitrogen installation's etc directory.