Set resources with different expression in Arena Simulation - arena-simulation

I need to create a model with two servers (resources) at billing station. Both have different service rates and hence each has a different delay expression (time to "process" the order) one has UNIF(mean,std dev) and the other one has EXP(lambda).
How do I assign the expressions in Arena model? It prompts only for one common expression to the servers in a process.

Make your service time an attribute of the entities with an assign. When you edit the process modules (or delay modules) make the time not expression based, but instead attribute-based.


How to use a state chart as the flow chart for an agent

I have two processes I want to juxtapose. The first is a Manual workflow that is well represented by the Process library. The second is a software System that performs the same work, but is better modelled as a state transition system (e.g. s/w component level).
Now in AnyLogic, state models are for agents, that can run through processes with animations (counts), or move across space. What if I want to use a state chart to run an agent through? so I have a System state chart/agent and a Job state chart/agent?
I want Jobs from Population A to go through the Manual process flow chart and Jobs from Population B to go through the System state flow chart, so I can juxtapose the processing costs. I then calculate various delays and resource allocations for each of the Jobs going through and compare them.
Can anyone explain how to setup a state chart as the base process, another agent will go through? Is this even possible?
Please help
This will not work as you would like it to, for these reasons:
You can't send an Agent into a flowchart. (Not sure how AnyLogic is handling it internally, maybe a generic token, or no flow at all, just changes to the state).
In AnyLogic there can only be one state active (simple or combined state) per state chart, so you can't represent a population with several members.
Agents can't be in more then one flow at a time, so even if it would be possible to insert an Agent into a statechart, this limitation would also apply.
The conclusion of this is: State charts are suitable for modeling individual behaviour (inside one Agent), whereas process flows can be both used for individual behaviour (inside one Agent, running a dummy Agent through) as well as for groups (multiple Agents running through process).
The normal use case would be to add the state chart to the Agent type running through your process flow (as you already noted in your question), applying the changes caused by the state chart to the individual agent.

vm.runInContext vs child_process.fork in terms of memory and safety

I have user scripts that could be considered as "untrusted" to be executed when some random events fired. Number of those user scripts are on scale of hundreds. I need to isolate user scripts because they may have unwanted code blocks.
I think I have two options: using vm.runInContext and using child_process.fork. I have tried to measure memory consumption by some load tests but I am not confined to select either options.
Do you have any similar requirements, any advices that I have to take into account, suggestion of another options or at least any proper test scenario that will indicate the scalability of two approaches?

Managing dynamic conditional dependencies with generated state machines?

Greetings SO denizens!
I'm trying to architect an overhaul of an existing NodeJS application that has outgrown its original design. The solutions I'm working towards are well beyond my experience.
The system has ~50 unique async tasks defined as various finite state machines which it knows how to perform. Each task has a required set of parameters to begin execution which may be supplied by interactive prompts, a database or from the results of a previously completed async task.
I have a UI where the user may define a directed graph ("the flow"), specifying which tasks they want to run and the order they want to execute them in with additional properties associated with both the vertices and edges such as extra conditionals to evaluate before calling a child task(s). This information is stored in a third normal form PostgreSQL database as a "parent + child + property value" configuration which seems to work fairly well.
Because of the sheer number of permutations, conditionals and absurd number of possible points of failure I'm leaning towards expressing "the flow" as a state machine. I merely have just enough knowledge of graph theory and state machines to implement them but practically zero background.
I think what I'm trying to accomplish is at the flow run time after user input for the root services have been received, is somehow compile the database representation of the graph + properties into a state machine of some variety.
To further complicate the matter in the near future I would like to be able to "pause" a flow, save its state to memory, load it on another worker some time in the future and resume execution.
I think I'm close to a viable solution but if one of you kind souls would take mercy on a blind fool and point me in the right direction I'd be forever in your debt.
I solved similar problem few years ago as my bachelor and diploma thesis. I designed a Cascade, an executable structure which forms growing acyclic oriented graph. You can read about it in my paper "Self-generating Programs – Cascade of the Blocks".
The basic idea is, that each block has inputs and outputs. Initially some blocks are inserted into the cascade and inputs are connected to outputs of other blocks to form an acyclic graph. When a block is executed, it reads its inputs (cascade will pass values from connected outputs) and then the block sets its outputs. It can also insert additional blocks into the cascade and connect its inputs to outputs of already present blocks. This should be equal to your task starting another task and passing some parameters to it. Alternative to setting output to an value is forwarding a value from another output (in your case waiting for a result of some other task, so it is possible to launch helper sub-tasks).

difference between passing control to different program using return() and calling a program using xctl

If I have ,say, 2 screens. First is the prompt screen which asks for, say, some record key and the next screen displays the information about the record.
Now when I want to transfer the control to the second screen (after doing the job of the 1st screen) I can do that by :
exec cics
end exec.
where trans-id is that of the 2nd screen.
Then what is need for using a calling function such as xctl when we already have the return() available in cics?
Using XCTL or LINK or dynamic CALLs confines your processing to one CICS transaction.
If you so desire, you can design your application to spread different business functions across multiple transactions, passing data with a commarea.
Historically this wasn't done for a number of reasons. Thirty years ago, some CICS Systems Programmers felt transaction IDs were a limited resource and encouraged application designers to keep processing to the minimum number of transactions possible.
Security in CICS is handled at the transaction level, so your user must have authority to execute all transactions that comprise the business function they must perform.
Resources such as temporary storage queues are often named in part using the transaction ID to differentiate and keep them separate.
Prior to CICS TS version 2 (I think) the data to be shared between those transactions was limited to the size of a commarea (32K). All supported versions of CICS now have channels and containers, allowing you to pass significantly larger amounts of data.
My experience is that it is simpler to code and easier to maintain pseudo-conversational transactions with screen interactions if the code is all in one transaction. You really want your transactions to be pseudo-conversational or non conversational. I believe this to be the overriding reason you see transactions designed to use XCTL, LINK, or dynamic CALLs.
XCTL also doesn't allow dynamic routing (you always stay in the same CICS region), and is one way only. Pseudo-conversational return as above will let the user update the screen, and then only when they press an Attention Identifier (such as Enter) will the next program run. XCTL will run immediately.

Sequential and contextual process identifier

I have a CLI application of which I can run multiple instances simultaneously. I need to associate a unique, sequential and re-usable identifier to each instance. It should also be contextual/independent for each process type.
The first, second and third instances get ids 0, 1 and 2, respectively.
Now if the second instance dies and another instance comes up, that new instance should be given id 1 since it was "freed" by the dying instance.
If I run a different process type, I should be given id 0.
The obvious choice would be to use the processes' PID but that would give me too many different and too sparse identifiers.
Is there something built-in in Unix/Linux or some service that gives me that?
I would prefer a system native or Node.js solution.
I'm using Graphite to generate stats of an application and I don't want to potentially create thousands of buckets of the same stats using the processes' PIDs. If there's an alternative solution to this problem, I would also be interested in knowing that.
Thank you!
Since I didn't find any system that meets my requirements, I have created an app myself and hosted it at GitHub:
It's a Node.js app that deals sequential and reusable process ids through an HTTP endpoint. Thus, it can be used by any other program.
