VS 2013 application does not running on VS 2010 - visual-studio-2012

I have make an application on visual studio 2013 and I want to run this application on visual studio 2010 and dotNet framework 4.0 on my windows xp system but when I run my application I am getting an error below:
To run this application, you first must install one of the following versions of .Net Framework; .Net Framework, Version=v4.5
And also .Net Framework, Version=v4.5 does not support on windows xp
Kindly suggest me what should I do, waiting for your reply.

in your project properties, go to the dropdown "framwork" and select version 4.


Unknown error when publishing standalone WPF Net core 5 application from Visual Studio 2019 for linux x64

I'm trying to create a WPF Net Core 5 app from Visual Studio Community 2019 on Windows and publish it with standalone deployment mode (runtime included) for use on linux X64 without having to install the runtime on the target. When publishing, Visual Studio shows an error. Reviewing the log, "The source of the problem could not be determined."
If I select "Framework Dependent" deployment mode it works correctly.
What can be the error?
If I select "Framework Dependent" deployment mode, it works correctly. But I try to avoid installing the runtime on the destination.
WPF is a Windows-only technology, it won't run on Linux. Some cross-platform alternatives that are similar enough are MAUI and Avalonia.

Visual Studio 6.0 apps on Azure

Can I run apps created by Visual Studio 6 on Azure? Im thinking of already compiled legacy ones that give console output that can be piped. What are my options?
Apps are written in Both visual Basic and visual C++ 6.
Assuming you mean Visual Basic 6.0 applications, then yes, deploy a Virtual Machine with any of these OSes and run your application on it.
The Visual Basic team is committed to "It Just Works" compatibility for Visual Basic 6.0 applications on the following supported Windows operating systems:
Windows 10
Windows 8.1
Windows 7
Windows Server 2019
Windows Server 2016
Windows Server 2012 including R2
Windows Server 2008 including R2
The Visual Basic team’s goal is that Visual Basic 6.0 applications continue to run on supported Windows versions. As detailed in this document, the core Visual Basic 6.0 runtime will be supported for the full lifetime of supported Windows versions [...]
(From https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/visualstudio/visual-basic-6/visual-basic-6-support-policy)
You can probably use Azure Container Instances as well with Windows containers, but building a container image for VB6 may be tricky.

Running VS2017 application in Windows 7

I developed the VC++ application using Visual studio 2017 in Windows 10 OS. My target system is Windows XP or Windows 7 32 bit. What are all the changes I should do to make the application work properly? Thanks in advance.
You can get VS 2017 code to work on Windows XP Service Pack 3 by using the v141_xp platform toolset which uses a Windows 7.1A SDK and setting _WINNT_WIN32=0x0502.
You need to install the optional component that adds Windows XP support via the Visual Studio Installer.
You also need to avoid using any APIs that are unsupported on Windows XP, but that's a case-by-case problem you'll likely have to solve by trying to run the code and debugging launch failures.
See this blog post for some additional notes related to DirectX headers.

CRegKey Visual Studio 2012

I am trying to build a setup bootstrapper which needs to run on every OS from XP to 8. I need a way to detect if the .NET Framework is installed.
I am currently using CRegKey, but when upgrading to Visual Studio 2012 CRegKey does not seem to exist (atlbase.h). This MSDN article says that "This class and its members cannot be used in applications that execute in the Windows Runtime."
Is there another class I can use to read from the registry, or can I detect the installed .NET version another way?

Is Window Forms Application created with Visual C++ 2005 will run without .netFramework on other computers

Is Windows Forms Application created with Visual C++ 2005 will run
without .netFramework on other
and how i can check that application
on my computer that it will rum on
other computers without .net Framework
No. You could use a bootstrapper like dotNetInstaller to check and install .NET Framework before the setup of your application is installed.
I do this for a number of applications successfully.
