Need to set Default value in Kofax Capture Scan , Create Batch popup - kofax

I am using Kofax Capture scan 10.o
Requirement is to set the default value in Create batch window setting pages per batch to 20 instead of 0 everytime the user open this window.
Please let me know how this will be possible.
I am not aware of how to customize this window.

I don't believe it is possible to set this programmatically. However you could write a custom Scan panel that pops up a warning if a batch is trying to close without 20 pages. This would essentially do the same thing as the product functionality, but then the user doesn't have to enter the number each time.
To write a custom panel you would need to look into the Capture API documentation and the sample installed to CaptureSV\Source\Sample Projects\StdCust\OCXPanel.
Daniel is correct in saying that "Pages per batch" is not a batch field. It is a property of the batch that must be set on the Create Batch dialog. To my knowledge this cannot be set programmatically: I did not see a mention of it in the API guide.
Actual batch fields can have a default set as you can see in the Batch Class Properties dialog below. It can either be an explicit string or one of the curly brace auto replace values. And yes, you should be able to modify them programmatically from a workflow agent. Or if using KTM, enable foldering in the KTM project and then batch fields are mapped to the root folder and can be modified in KTM validation or from script in any KTM module.


Netsuite: customizing bulk process screen

I am wondering if there is a way to customize the salesorder manager form /app/accounting/transactions/
We need to add a custom field that is to be populate for the fulfillment (it is used during the one by one process, it is also needed during the bulk process)
Not sure if you can customize this page but for your use case, there is a Set Fields tab under the filters. You can choose your custom field in the tab then assign the value.

Triggering action if ONE specific file changes on SharePoint

Is there a way to trigger an action in Microsoft Flow (Power Automate) when just one specific file in SharePoint gets modified? At the moment I have the situation that 6 files are updated at once, so the same action is triggered 6 times in a row.
I use the trigger "When an item is created or modified". There I can only adjust the SharePoint site name and the list (library) of files to monitor.
Make sure your settings are set in a way the flow don't run in parallel.
In essence, you may want to limit the concurrence of the flow so it will run just once at a time.
1) First go to the settings
2) Limit the paralellism. If you just want to work on the first item then click turn on Split On which will yield a single file.
You can check here for more details.

Maximo 7.6 Change status dialog box (Notification E-mail field) default blank

Seeking for guidance, in Maximo 7.6 the change status dialog box has a field (toemailaddr) Label: Notification E-mail for work Order change status. See the picture below.
What I am seeking guidance on is how do I edit that field to where I make it to default blank over populating the user logged in e-mail by default? Is this even possible?
I have looked in the change status dialog on WOTRACK as well extracted Library.XML and did not find a way to change from it filling in by default with users e-mail to just remaining blank.
I apologize in advance if it shows to be tagged incorrectly.
Picture of what I am looking to change to show blank
It's the Maximo "" MBO class that is defaulting that value in.
If the presentation-level default values run after the MBO add() code, then a simple presentation "Default Value" control should allow you to override that.
If that doesn't work then you can try an automation script. It would need to be against the WOCHANGESTATUS object and on the "add" action. If that runs after the Java code then you could grab that field (toEmailAddr) and set it back to an empty string. I assume the screen would still update with that change.
I have not looked at the code for any downstream effects clearing this field might have. It could be that Maximo is coded to always send out that email and if the email address is empty it would likely error at that point.
create an automation script named WOCHANGESTATUS.NEW
(automation scripts that are named after a mbo followed by .NEW are executed when a new instance of a MBO is created, they can be used to initialize column values. )
put a single line in the script.
mark script active and save it

(MODx) How to set the default value of a resource setting?

In the latest MODx (2.3.1) I'd like to make the 'Container' checkbox (system key isfolder) for a document resource checked by default.
How can this be accomplished?
In modx you can set a default field value in many ways. Possible via a plugin, but you can do it easy through form-customization ( )
1. Go to Security --> Form Customization.
2. Create new profile and go edit him.
3. Inside profile create new "Set Rules" on "create resource" action,
live template blank if you do not have to limit on it.
4. Edit new set of rules and set inside property "isfolder" to 1.
5. Save and check how it works.
Within the system "you can't", what you will have to do is create a plugin that fires on one of the document save events, it's going to be a little complicated to implement but there is a discussion and some code examples here for you to follow.

How to use a list of values for a parameter?

I am using the test plugin for VS 2012 (although have just installed 2013), and need to know:
Is it possible to have a parameter pass a different value from a selected list while load testing?
I have used the sample load test located here: and created a new web test that meets my needs as below.
I have a simple journey recorded that is an email registration web page. The journey is essentially completing name & address, email, conf email, password, conf password. On submission of the form, a verification email is sent.
I need to check that this process can handle around 3000 users. The email to actually send the verification has been hardcoded for test purposes, but I need a unique email to submit the form. I would essentially like to run 3000 test cases through, and just change the email address each time.
What is the best way to do this?
The simple answer is do a web search for data driving (or data driven) Visual Studio web performance tests. You should find many articles and tutorials.
In more detail:
Outline of how to data drive a test
Firstly, Visual Studio distinguishes different types of test. A Load Test is a way of running individual test cases many times, as if by many simultaneous users, gathering data about the test executions and producing a report. The test cases that a load test can execute include Web Performance Tests and Coded UI Tests; both of these can be data driven.
Data driving a Web Performance Test requires a data source. The data can be CSV, XML, Spreadsheet, database and in TFS. I will describe using CSV.
Create a CSV file, containing something similar to the following. Note that the top line of field names is required and those names are used within the test.
Fred,,0123 456789
George,,0123 456790
Harry,,0123 456791
See also CodedUI test does not read data from CSV input file for some notes CSV file creation.
Open the test project in Visual Studio and open the .webtest file for the test. Use the context (right-click) menu of the top node of the test, ie the test's name (or use the corresponding icon) and select "Add data source ...". Follow the prompts to add the CSV file into the project.
Within the Web Performance Test expand the request to show the form parameters or query string or whatever that is to use the data. View the properties panel of the relevant field and select the appropriate property, in many cases it is the Value property. Click the little triangle for choosing a value for the property. The popup should show the data source, expand the items shown and select the required field. After selecting the field the property will show a value such as {{DataSource1.FileName#csv.Email}}. The doubled curly braces ({{ and }}) indicate the use of a context parameter. All the used data source fields are available as context parameters. All of the data source fields can be made available by altering the Select Columns property of the data source file. Data source field can be used as part of a property value by using values such as
Data source access methods
The data from the datasource can be read and used in four ways. The default is Sequential. Other orders are selected using Solution Explorer to access the properties of the file (eg FileName#csv). The Access Method property can be set to one of:
Sequential data is read sequentially through the file. After the last line of the file is read, the first line of the file will be next line to be read. Thus each line may be read more than once.
Random data is read randomly.
Unique data is read sequentially through the file. After the end of the file is read the test will not be executed again. Thus each line in can only be read once.
Do not move cursor automatically intended for more complex tests where the cursor is moved via calls from plugins.
A web test may use more than one data source file. These files may have different access methods. For example one file containing login names and passwords could be accessed Sequentially and another file with other data could be accessed Randomly. This would allow each login to try many different sets of the other data.
Data sources and loops
Web performance tests may contain loops. The properties of a loop include Advance data cursors. This allows, for example, a data source file to contain items to be found and added to a shopping basket such that each loop iteration adds a new item.
