Is Map a function with Two Arguments? - haskell

I'm trying to solve a multiple choice question that states the following
map is an overloaded function
map is a polymorphic function
map is a curried function
map is a higher-order function
map is a function with two arguments
I know that map is overloaded, polymorphic, curried and higher-order. Does that mean that map is a function with just a single argument ? (I realize that this is a consequence of a function being curried, and haskell only has functions with single arguments with multiple argument functions being applied through currying and partial application)
Is the reasoning correct ? And if so, how does the map function evaluate a function through partial application ?

Like all Haskell functions, map is a single-argument function. Let's have a look at its type signature:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
which is equivalent to:
map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
I think this signature is easier to understand in your case: map gets one argument - a function from a to b - and returns another function, this time from [a] to [b].
Essentialy, map "lifts" a function - it takes a regular function and "lifts" it so it'll work on lists. This idea of lifting appears in several places in Haskell.
For example, even is a function from Int to Bool - it takes a number and returns true iff it is even. And map even is a function from [Int] to [Bool] - it takes a list of numbers and returns a list of boolean values. map even is just even working in a different "context" - lists instead of single values.

You can say map takes two argument, but in reality every function in Haskell takes only one argument. Inspect it's type:
λ> :t map
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
So map seems to take two argument according to it's type definition. But since curring takes place in Haskell, you can say that it takes an argument of type (a -> b) and returns [a] -> [b]. And because of currying you can do stuffs like this in which it takes one argument as a parameter and doesn't throw compile error:
λ> let a = map (+ 3)
The point is knowing the difference between how curring makes any function to take one argument and return one argument and understanding the general type definition of any function to see what it takes. Every function in Haskell actually takes only one parameter because of currying.

The original question was taken from
Which of the following statements about the Prelude function map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b] is false:
"map is a function with two arguments"
"map is an overloaded function"
Actually they agree that "map is an overloaded function" is False, and so "map is a function with two arguments" becomes True.


A Haskell function is higher order if and only if its type has more than one arrow?

A professor teaching a class I am attending claimed the following.
A higher-order function could have only one arrow when checking its type.
I don't agree with this statement I tried to prove it is wrong. I tried to set up some function but then I found that my functions probably aren't higher-order functions. Here is what I have:
f x y z = x + y + z
f :: a -> a-> a -> a
g = f 3
g :: a -> a -> a
h = g 5
h :: a -> a
At the end of the day, I think my proof was wrong, but I am still not convinced that higher-order functions can only have more than one arrow when checking the type.
So, is there any resource or perhaps someone could prove that higher-order function may have only one arrow?
Strictly speaking, the statement is correct. This is because the usual definition of the term "higher-order function", taken here from Wikipedia, is a function that does one or both of the following:
takes a function as an argument, or
returns a function as its result
It is clear then that no function with a single arrow in its type signature can be a higher-order function, because in a signature a -> b, there is no "room" to create something of the form x -> y on either side of an arrow - there simply aren't enough arrows.
(This argument actually has a significant flaw, which you may have spotted, and which I'll address below. But it's probably true "in spirit" for what your professor meant.)
The converse is also, strictly speaking, true in Haskell - although not in most other languages. The distinguishing feature of Haskell here is that functions are curried. For example, a function like (+), whose signature is:
a -> a -> a
(with a Num a constraint that I'll ignore because it could just confuse the issue if we're supposed to be counting "arrows"), is usually thought of as being a function of two arguments: it takes 2 as and produces another a. In most languages, which all of course have an analagous function/operator, this would never be described as a higher-order function. But in Haskell, because functions are curried, the above signature is really just a shorthand for the parenthesised version:
a -> (a -> a)
which clearly is a higher-order function. It takes an a and produces a function of type a -> a. (Recall, from above, that returning a function is one of the things that characterises a HOF.) In Haskell, as I said, these two signatures are one and the same thing. (+) really is a higher-order function - we just often don't notice that because we intend to feed it two arguments, by which we really mean to feed it one argument, result in a function, then feed that function the second argument. Thanks to Haskell's convenient, parenthesis-free, syntax for applying functions to arguments, there isn't really any distinction. (This again contrasts from non-functional languages: the addition "function" there always takes exactly 2 arguments, and only giving it one will usually be an error. If the language has first-class functions, you can indeed define the curried form, for example this in Python:
def curried_add(x):
return lambda y: x + y
but this is clearly a different function from the straightforward function of two arguments that you would normally use, and usually less convenient to apply because you need to call it as curried_add(x)(y) rather than just say add(x,y).
So, if we take currying into account, the statement of your professor is strictly true.
Well, with the following exception, which I alluded to above. I've been assuming that something with a signature of the form
a -> b
is not a HOF*. That of course doesn't apply if a or b is a function. Often, that function's type will include an arrow, and we're tacitly assuming here that neither a or b contains arrows. Well, Haskell has type synonyms, so we could easily define, say:
type MyFunctionType = Int -> Int
and then a function with signature MyFunctionType -> a or a -> MyFunctionType is most certainly a HOF, even though it doesn't "look like one" from just a glance at the signature.
*To be clear here,a and b refer to specific types which are as yet unspecified - I am not referring to an actual signature a -> b which would mean a polymorphic function that applies to any types a and b, which would not necessarily be functions.
Your functions are higher order. Indeed, take for example your function:
f :: a -> a -> a -> a
f x y z = x + y + z
This is a less verbose form of:
f :: a -> (a -> (a -> a))
So it is a function that takes an a and returns a function. A higher order function is a function that (a) takes a function as parameter, or (b) returns a function. Both can be true at the same time. Here your function f returns a function.
A function thus always has type a -> b with a the input type, and b the return type. In case a has an arrow (like (c -> d) -> b), then it is a higher order function, since it takes a function as parameter.
If b has an arrow, like a -> (c -> d), then this is a higher order function as well, since it returns a function.
Yes, as Haskell functions are curried always, I can come up with minimal examples of higher order functions and examples:
1) Functions that takes a function at least as parameter, such as:
apply :: (a -> b) -> a -> b
apply f x = f x
2) at least 3 arguments:
sum3 :: Int -> Int -> Int
sum3 a b c = a + b + c
so that can be read as:
sum3 :: Int -> (Int -> Int)

Example of deep understanding of currying

it states :
Much of the time, currying can be ignored by the new programmer. The
major advantage of considering all functions as curried is
theoretical: formal proofs are easier when all functions are treated
uniformly (one argument in, one result out). Having said that, there
are Haskell idioms and techniques for which you need to understand
What is a Haskell technique/idiom that a deeper understanding of currying is required ?
Partial function application isn't really a distinct feature of Haskell; it is just a consequence of curried functions.
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
In a language like Python, map always takes two arguments: a function of type a -> b and a list of type [a]
map(f, [x, y, z]) == [f(x), f(y), f(z)]
This requires you to pretend that the -> syntax is just for show, and that the -> between (a -> b) and [a] is not really the same as the one between [a] -> [b]. However, that is not the case; it's the exact same operator, and it is right-associative. The type of map can be explicitly parenthesized as
map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
and suddenly it seems much less interesting that you might give only one argument (the function) to map and get back a new function of type [a] -> [b]. That is all partial function application is: taking advantage of the fact that all functions are curried.
In fact, you never really give more than one argument to a function. To go along with -> being right-associative, function application is left-associative, meaning a "multi-argument" call like
map f [1,2,3]
is really two function applications, which becomes clearer if we parenthesize it.
(map f) [1,2,3]
map is first "partially" applied to one argument f, which returns a new function. This function is then applied to [1,2,3] to get the final result.

Variable scope in a higher-order lambda function

In working through a solution to the 8 Queens problem, a person used the following line of code:
sameDiag try qs = any (\(colDist,q) -> abs (try - q) == colDist) $ zip [1..] qs
try is an an item; qs is a list of the same items.
Can someone explain how colDist and q in the lambda function get bound to anything?
How did try and q used in the body of lambda function find their way into the same scope?
To the degree this is a Haskell idiom, what problem does this design approach help solve?
The function any is a higher-order function that takes 2 arguments:
the 1st argument is of type a -> Bool, i.e. a function from a to Bool
the 2nd argument is of type [a], i.e. a list of items of type a;
i.e. the 1st argument is a function that takes any element from the list passed as the 2nd argument, and returns a Bool based on that element. (well it can take any values of type a, not just the ones in that list, but it's quite obviously certain that any won't be invoking it with some arbitrary values of a but the ones from the list.)
You can then simplify thinking about the original snippet by doing a slight refactoring:
sameDiag :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
sameDiag try qs = any f xs
xs = zip [1..] qs
f = (\(colDist, q) -> abs (try - q) == colDist)
which can be transformed into
sameDiag :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
sameDiag try qs = any f xs
xs = zip [1..] qs
f (colDist, q) = abs (try - q) == colDist)
which in turn can be transformed into
sameDiag :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
sameDiag try qs = any f xs
xs = zip [1..] qs
f pair = abs (try - q) == colDist) where (colDist, q) = pair
(Note that sameDiag could also have a more general type Integral a => a -> [a] -> Bool rather than the current monomorphic one)
— so how does the pair in f pair = ... get bound to a value? well, simple: it's just a function; whoever calls it must pass along a value for the pair argument. — when calling any with the first argument set to f, it's the invocation of the function any who's doing the calling of f, with individual elements of the list xs passed in as values of the argument pair.
and, since the contents of xs is a list of pairs, it's OK to pass an individual pair from this list to f as f expects it to be just that.
EDIT: a further explanation of any to address the asker's comment:
Is this a fair synthesis? This approach to designing a higher-order function allows the invoking code to change how f behaves AND invoke the higher-order function with a list that requires additional processing prior to being used to invoke f for every element in the list. Encapsulating the list processing (in this case with zip) seems the right thing to do, but is the intent of this additional processing really clear in the original one-liner above?
There's really no additional processing done by any prior to invoking f. There is just very minimalistic bookkeeping in addition to simply iterating through the passed in list xs: invoking f on the elements during the iteration, and immediately breaking the iteration and returning True the first time f returns True for any list element.
Most of the behavior of any is "implicit" though in that it's taken care of by Haskell's lazy evaluation, basic language semantics as well as existing functions, which any is composed of (well at least my version of it below, any' — I haven't taken a look at the built-in Prelude version of any yet but I'm sure it's not much different; just probably more heavily optimised).
In fact, any is simple it's almost trivial to re-implement it with a one liner on a GHCi prompt:
Prelude> let any' f xs = or (map f xs)
let's see now what GHC computes as its type:
Prelude> :t any'
any' :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool
— same as the built-in any. So let's give it some trial runs:
Prelude> any' odd [1, 2, 3] -- any odd values in the list?
Prelude> any' even [1, 3] -- any even ones?
Prelude> let adult = (>=18)
Prelude> any' adult [17, 17, 16, 15, 17, 18]
— see how you can sometimes write code that almost looks like English with higher-order functions?
zip :: [a] -> [b] -> [(a,b)] takes two lists and joins them into pairs, dropping any remaining at the end.
any :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> Bool takes a function and a list of as and then returns True if any of the values returned true or not.
So colDist and q are the first and second elements of the pairs in the list made by zip [1..] qs, and they are bound when they are applied to the pair by any.
q is only bound within the body of the lambda function - this is the same as with lambda calculus. Since try was bound before in the function definition, it is still available in this inner scope. If you think of lambda calculus, the term \x.\y.x+y makes sense, despite the x and the y being bound at different times.
As for the design approach, this approach is much cleaner than trying to iterate or recurse through the list manually. It seems quite clear in its intentions to me (with respect to the larger codebase it comes from).

Understanding Haskell types [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Understanding Haskell Type Signatures
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I need to understand how types works and can be interpreted.
For example, if we take map function we have map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Well, how do I interpret this?
-> is a type constructor for the type of functions. It's a right-associative infix operator, meaning it's grouped together from the right. This means that we can rewrite the type by adding explicit grouping for the functions to the right side.
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map :: (a -> b) -> ([a] -> [b])
An infix expression for an operator * applied to two arguments, x and y, x * y can be written in prefix notation as (*) a b. We can rewrite the preceding type, starting with the outermost ->, which is the one in the middle.
map :: (->) (a -> b) ([a] -> [b])
And we can now translate the last type into English
map :: (->) (a -> b) ([a] -> [b])
map is a function that takes a "(a -> b)" and returns a "([a] -> [b])"
Where we interpret a -> b ~ (->) a b (here ~ means the types are equivalent) as
(->) a b
function that takes an "a" and return a "b"
And interpret [a] -> [b] ~ (->) [a] [b] as
(->) [ a ] [ b ]
function that takes a list of "a"s and returns a list of "b"s
We say "a function from a to b" as shorthand for "a function that takes an a and returns a b"
The as and bs in the type signature are type variables, they can take on any type, which we call polymorphism. Occasionally, you will see this written explicitly in Haskell as forall So, in all we could say:
map is a polymorphic value for all types a and b which is a function that:
takes a function from a to b and
returns a function from a lists of as to a list of bs.
The fact that this signature contains -> tells us it's a function. Whatever comes after the last -> is the return type of the function once fully applied. Let's look at the individual pieces.
(a -> b)
This is the first argument, and it, too is a function. This means that map is a higher-order-function -- it takes a function as one of its arguments. a -> b itself is a function that transforms some value of type a into some value of type b.
The second argument. The square brackets is special syntax that denotes list. This argument, therefore, is a list with elements of type a.
The type of the result. Again, a list, but this time with elements of type b.
We can try to reason about this now. Given a function a -> b and a list of a, map seems to be (it really is) a function that transforms that list of as into a list of bs.
Here's an example: map (*2) [1,2,3]. In this case, a is Integer (or some other integer type) and each element is doubled. b, too, is Integer, because (*2) assumes the same return type, so in the case the type variables a and b are the same. This need not be the case; we could have a different function instead of (*2), say show which would have produced a b distinct from a, namely String.
Try them out in ghci. You can type in map show [1,2,3] directly and see the result. You can query the type of the expression by prepending :t to that line.
To learn more, you should look up one of the marvelous starter resources. LYAH has an entire chapter dedicated to the basic understanding of types, and is definitely worth a read!

Haskell: beginner function syntax confusion

I'm currently trying to learn Haskell, but I'm struggling with understanding the syntax. For example, take the map function:
map :: (s -> t) -> [s] -> [t]
map f [] = []
map f (x:xs) = f x : map f xs
I understand what the function does, and that map has a function f :: s -> t as a parameter. But I read map :: (s -> t) -> [s] -> [t] as "map is a function which maps a function mapping from s to t to s and then to t", which is obviously wrong. Could someone clear this up for me?
The type (s -> t) -> [s] -> [t] can be read in two ways. One way is to treat it as a function of two arguments, the first a function of type s -> t and the second a list of type [s]. The return value is of type [t].
The other way is to understand that function arrows are right-associative, so the type is equivalent to (s -> t) -> ([s] -> [t]). Under this interpretation, map is a function that takes a function from element to element s -> t and turns it into a function from list to list [s] -> [t].
Similarly, when using the function, you can think of map foo xs as applying the function map to two arguments foo and xs. Or, since function application is left-associative, you can think of it as (map foo) xs, applying map to the single argument foo to get back a new function which you then apply to xs.
Since Haskell functions are curried, these are just two ways of looking at the exact same thing.
It might be helpful to define a couple type aliases, to make it a bit more explicit what all those arrows and brackets are doing:
type F1 a b = a -> b -- type synonym for single-argument functions
type List a = [a] -- type synonym for lists
so now you can write map's type signature as:
map :: F1 s t -> List s -> List t
which, if you're more familiar with Java or C++ or whatever, looks syntactically a bit more like:
List<T> map(F1<S, T> fun, List<S> list); // applies fun to each element in list
So you can think of it this way: map takes a function and a list, and returns another list. However, since functions are curried in Haskell, you don't have to pass all parameters at once. You could get away with partially applying map to just its first argument. So really its type signature is more like:
F1<List<S>, List<T>> map(F1<S, T> fun); // returns a function that applies fun to each element in a list
... which, when you call map with just that one fun argument, gives you something that sort of looks like:
List<T> mapFun(List<S> list); // applies fun to each element in list
So now back to Haskell: you can read map :: (s -> t) -> [s] -> [t] either as:
"map takes a function from s to t, and a list of s, and returns a list of t"
"map takes a function from s to t, and turns it into a function from a list of s to a list of t"
The former is fine; the latter is more helpful.
How about "map is a function which maps a (function from s to t) over a (list of s) giving a (list of t)"?
That is a direct translation of the type signature into English (albeit not very elegant English).
Read the signature from the end: -> [t] means returns a list of t. The rest is 'regular' parameters.
So, map takes a function that from an s makes a t, and a list of s.
Now it's easy: take a function s->t, apply it to each element of [s] and the result of it is [t].
