Scope of variable in jinja2 template - scope

I am writing jinja2 template based application. I am trying to write a logic to set variable.
{% set last_item = none %}
{% for u in users %}
{% if not u.username == user.username%}
{% if g.user.is_bestfriend(u) %}
{% set last_item = 'true' %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
but after {% endfor %}, last_item value is again set to none, instead of true. Is there any way to set it to true in jinja2 template?

Since version 2.10 you can do this using a namespace variable, set before entering the scope:
{% set ns = namespace(found=false) %}
{% for item in items %}
{% if item.check_something() %}
{% set ns.found = true %}
{% endif %}
* {{ item.title }}
{% endfor %}
Found item having something: {{ ns.found }}
See also the documentation:

Due to scoping rules in jinja2, you cannot access a variable outside the scope that it was set in. Sorry :(


How to render HTML to a variable

I need to render a list of HTML elements with content and put it into a variable. How can I do this efficient in twig?
e.g. I need to render the post tracking URLs from an order which can have several shippings / parcels.
{% for delivery in order.deliveries %}
{% for trackingCode in delivery.getTrackingCodes() %}
{{ trackingCode }}<br/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Instead of printing this directly into the output I like first to put this rendered output into a variable like
{% set output = ... %}
{{ output }}
How can I do this in twig?
Just the concatenate the html to the output variable. Keep in mind you'll need to define to the variable outside the for-loop in order to use it outside the loop.
{% set foo = '' %}
{% for i in 1..10 %}
{% set foo = foo ~ ''~i~'' %}
{% endfor %}
{{ foo|raw }}
After long search I found a better more efficient way
you can use {% set var %} with {% endset %} as a whole output block. Means the whole output will be set to the variable. This makes the life much easier and readable.
{% set trackingText %}
{% for delivery in order.deliveries %}
{% for trackingCode in delivery.getTrackingCodes() %}
{{ trackingCode }}<br/>
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
{% endset %}
{% if trackingText|trim is not empty %}
You can track the delivery by using the following URL:<br/>
{{ trackingText }}
{% endif %}

Passing position values into Twig

I need to pass some values into my twig file. The defaults should be:
{% set|default(0) %}
{% set pos.right |default(0) %}
{% set pos.bottom |default(0) %}
{% set pos.left |default(0) %}
If no new values are given I don't need to use those, however, if either of the four is not 0 I need to add inline style
{% if ...(top == 2)... %}
style="position: relative; top: 2px"
{% endif %}
How do I put it together?
Something like this should work.
{% set addInline = false %}
{% for key, value in pos %}
{% if value != 0 %}
{% set addInline = true %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if addInline %}
position: relative;
{% for key, value in pos %}
{% if value != 0 %}
{{ key }}: {{ value }}px;
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

TWIG REPLACE not Working

I have the following twig code:
{% set button_class = button_class_off|default('toggle toggle-thumbs-down') %}
{% set button_toggle_swap = button_toggle_swap|default(['toggle-thumbs-down', 'toggle-thumbs-up']) %}
{% if value == '1' %}
{% dump(name) %}
{% for swap in button_toggle_swap %}
{% if swap in button_class %}
{% dump(swap) %}
{% dump(button_class) %}
{% set button_class = button_class|replace({swap: ""})|trim %}
{% dump(button_class) %}
{% else %}
{% set button_class = button_class ~ ' ' ~ swap %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
The dump shows:
"toggle toggle-thumbs-down"
"toggle toggle-thumbs-down"
I have no idea why the replace does not work. I have tried this with and without the trim. The result is that the replace of swap with "" is ignored.
Any idea what I am doing wrong here?
OK. There appears to be some missing details in the documentation. If using a variable (not an absolute string) the the variable must be wrapped in parenthesis ().
This code works:
{% set button_class = button_class_off|default('toggle toggle-thumbs-down') %}
{% set button_toggle_swap = button_toggle_swap|default(['toggle-thumbs-down', 'toggle-thumbs-up']) %}
{% if value == '1' %}
{% for swap in button_toggle_swap %}
{% if swap in button_class %}
{% set button_class = button_class|replace({(swap): ""})|trim %}
{% else %}
{% set button_class = button_class ~ ' ' ~ swap %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
Thanks to this answer to str_replace in twig

for loop counter with Twig or Swig

Anyone know of a clean way to do this in Twig/Swig:
{% for(i = 0; i < 100; i++) %}
{% endfor %}
If you have a number, then you can just convert this to an array and then use Swig's standard for tag. This is simplest if you always want to 'start' the loop from 0 though.
For example:
{% set productCount = 6 %}
{% set productCountAsArray = Array(productCount) %}
{# This will run productCount times #}
{% for x, y in productCountAsArray %}
This is for number: {{ x }}
{% endfor %}
The swig docs have since (ivoba's answer) been updated and now contain special loop variables, which include loop.index:
{% for x in y %}
{% if loop.first %}<ul>{% endif %}
<li>{{ loop.index }} - {{ loop.key }}: {{ x }}</li>
{% if loop.last %}</ul>{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
For twig its:
{% for i in 0..100 %}
* {{ i }}
{% endfor %}
For swig the docs dont mention it yet:
i cant really tell but it might be not supported in swig since its django inspired and django also seems to lack this feature nativly:
so i would like to pass the swig part to the next one.

Twig: in_array or similar possible within if statement?

I am using Twig as templating engine and I am really loving it. However, now I have run in a situation which definitely mustbe accomplishable in a simpler way than I have found.
What I have right now is this:
{% for myVar in someArray %}
{% set found = 0 %}
{% for id, data in someOtherArray %}
{% if id == myVar %}
{{ myVar }} exists within someOtherArray.
{% set found = 1 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if found == 0 %}
{{ myVar }} doesn't exist within someOtherArray.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
What I am looking for is something more like this:
{% for myVar in someArray %}
{% if myVar is in_array(array_keys(someOtherArray)) %}
{{ myVar }} exists within someOtherArray.
{% else %}
{{ myVar }} doesn't exist within someOtherArray.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Is there a way to accomplish this which I haven't seen yet?
If I need to create my own extension, how can I access myVar within the test function?
Thanks for your help!
You just have to change the second line of your second code-block from
{% if myVar is in_array(array_keys(someOtherArray)) %}
{% if myVar in someOtherArray|keys %}
in is the containment-operator and keys a filter that returns an arrays keys.
Just to clear some things up here. The answer that was accepted does not do the same as PHP in_array.
To do the same as PHP in_array use following expression:
{% if myVar in myArray %}
If you want to negate this you should use this:
{% if myVar not in myArray %}
Try this
{% if var in ['foo', 'bar', 'beer'] %}
{% endif %}
another example following #jake stayman:
{% for key, item in row.divs %}
{% if (key not in [1,2,9]) %} // eliminate element 1,2,9
<li>{{ item }}</li>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
Though The above answers are right, I found something more user-friendly approach while using ternary operator.
{{ attachment in item['Attachments'][0] ? 'y' : 'n' }}
If someone need to work through foreach then,
{% for attachment in attachments %}
{{ attachment in item['Attachments'][0] ? 'y' : 'n' }}
{% endfor %}
It should help you.
{% for user in users if and not 1 %}
{{ }}
{% endfor %}
More info:
Here's one to complete the answers with all the possibilities of Twig these days:
To achieve something like this:
{% for myVar in someArray %}
{% if myVar in someOtherArray|keys %}
{{ myVar }} exists within someOtherArray.
{% else %}
{{ myVar }} doesn't exist within someOtherArray.
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
You could also use array mapping and have the following one-liner:
(Twig >= 1.41 or >= 2.10 or any 3.x version)
{{ someArray|map(myVar => myVar ~ (myVar not in someOtherArray|keys ? ' doesn\'t') ~ ' exists within someOtherArray.')|join('\n') }}
Which outputs something quite similar.
Also see this Twig fiddle:
{% if myVar in myArray %} without keys helps me
