Componentizing markup with relative js and css - components

I've been thinking of a way to include components of markup in a modular fashion. For example if I were to include a slider I would have to include the relevant css and JS for it to function correctly. Is there any known method of including these as one component?
<div> {{slider}} </div>
{{slider}} then would import slider.html, slider.css and slider.js but to their respective directories. css/slider.css and js/slider.js
Is this possible given our current array of production tools?


How to architecture the use of components in front- and backend simultaneously?

Let's suppose I have a frontend application, let's just use Vue as an example, that has a Text component which takes in a prop text which it renders out on route /my-page:
<div>{{ props.text }}</div>
Now I would like to create a corresponding backend that lets me change this text. What I thought would be cool, is if I was to go to a certain route, e.g. /backend/my-page that looked exactly like /my-page in the frontend (i.e. it pulls in my-page as a component), but allowed configurability of the text and whatever.
What I thought about doing was to extend my text component and basically check whether I am in the backend (by looking at the route) and then render out a CK5Editor to be able to change the text. This text would be sent to the database, then in turn be rendered out in the frontend:
<editor v-if="route.startsWith('/backend')" />
<div v-else>{{ props.text }}</div>
While I suppose this approach would work, I am wondering whether this would be the right way to do it, or whether instead to separate these two components into one and if so how to do that.

Is there a way to have the user upload an SVG file but then render the SVG source?

Using 2sxc on DNN, I have a website that uses SVGs for icons in content types. The client wants to be able to upload the SVG icons to 2sxc via a Link field but then instead of rendering <img src="#Content.SVG" />, they want it to render the source code of the SVG (so we could manipulate the fill color via CSS). Is this even possible and how could it be done?
Basically 2 steps
Get the real file name using 2sxc and DNN
Then load the file as a string using normal .net stuff System.IO and add it to your html -
ca. like this
Some examples of how to do this can be found below
Using the fetch API
How to convert image (svg) to rendered svg in javascript?
Older methods such as XMLHttpRequest or jQuery
Include SVG files with HTML, and still be able to apply styles to them?
Using D3
(Embed and) Refer to an external SVG via D3 and/or javascript
Using a custom JS library
One example: SVGInjector
Interestingly Dnn is doing this nowadays and you can look at the code here. If you ignore the caching, you might be able to do similar in a View.
And that is called from above, see ~line 71, so they are doing a real inject of the file contents to inline. Obviously caching file-access stuff should be a priority for caching if the website is high-traffic, but otherwise it is not needed or at least secondary.

Adding additional content blocks in KeystoneJS with handlebars

I'm using handlebars with KeystoneJS and am trying to extend the main import in the default template. At the moment it only includes the {{{body}}} tag imported through the view plus the partials that I'm using.
Is there any way to add a couple of other imports (i.e. intro content, page title, additional scripts). In the jade version on the demo site it just imports it as a content block. Is this a limitation of handlebars?
You can do this with handlebars just fine using partials.
Put your partial in the folder indicated below:
Then in your layout ('default.hbs' in this case) reference the partial like you would normally in handlebars.
<div id="header">
{{> navigation this}}
The '>' means insert partial.
In this case 'navigation' is the
partial name in the partials folder.
'this' is the data context. Its what you want to do with the '' object passed into handlebars by keystone. Using 'this' will pass the whole lot through whereas doing something like '' would pass the navigation object through to the partial making it directly accessible in the partial (good for DRY).
Hope that helps. The partials specific documentiation for handlebars is here if you are interested in looking into a few more things you can do with scope etc

load external html files with handlebars

I would like to create external Handlebars files using the following -
1. header- Contains html codes
2. footer- Contains html codes
3. nav- Contains html codes
4. search - Contains html codes
Is there a way with handlebars to do this, so that I can include each template if and when needed in a specific page. Not sure how to go about it.
Absolutely! You can use Handlebar partials to do this. Simply register your header, nav, etc files as partials and then you can use this in your main template by doing something like this:
{{> header }}
{{> nav activePage=(activePage) }}
Have you considered using ASP.NET?
If you wanted to add content from other html files, I would highly recommend using
#RenderPage()If you use this, then you could set up a layout such as:
Some random description
- Insert some content here -
I'm certain that if you use this kind of layout, you'd get the appearance you would want. Obviously this is just an example, so you'd probably want to add some kind of CSS layout to suit your taste, but this is how I would go about it in ASP.NET.

How to embed an external JavaScript from a JSF view

How can I embed an external JavaScript library like Google maps within a JSF view?
In traditional HTML I'd do it like <script src=""></script>.
I want to know if its compulsory to use < h:outputScript> tag when I want to include an external JS library in a JSF view, because all examples I was able to find on this subject assumed that the actual JS file was included in a web application project and thus used <h:outputScript>.
You can insert standard HTML elements in your JSF views, like <div> or <script>, as in your case. Moreover, JSF will ultimately render <h:outputScript> as a plain <script> element. We normally use the former to let the JS file pass through the FacesServlet.
All of this yields that your <script> element shall be inserted 'as is'.
