Please explain this Vim mapping alias(?) - vim

I've found a feature, quite a while ago actually but only now am I interested in knowing what it does. It's the following:
nm <space> [space]
nn [space] <NOP>
nm [space]F :VimFiler<CR>
What exactly is this doing? What are the advantages of using this instead of just <space>? Except that it seems to work as an alias, so you can change what [space] means and that changes all the keybinds that are used by this.
How does this work? Official documentation or something that explains it in detail how it works would be more than appreciated. :)

There isn't anything special about [space]. The first mapping makes it so that pressing Space is the same as having typed those characters. The second makes it so that typing [space] on its own doesn't do anything (<NOP> is special). The last makes it so that typing [space]F does that command. You can see that this is true by actually pressing the keys [space]F and seeing that it does it too. It seems kind of like a way to emulate the <Leader> and <LocalLeader> functionality, but IMO a rather poor way of doing it.


Figuring out why keybinding is not working in vim

I installed SpaceVim to test it out and ; (semicolon) is not working. :nmap ; says "No mapping found". The thing is I could not find where it is unmapped in the source. Are there different ways to re/un-map a key in vim and how should I go about finding those in general?
There seems to be some confusion here about the difference between the « standard » vim functionality and the effects of a mapping.
Note: One of the reasons I prefer a customized regular vim is that it forced me to learn real vim and its philosophy, then to build tools on top of that. This may be the purist in me, but distros like SpaceVim make it remarkably hard to see what’s going on under the hood when you need them to do something different, whereas vim is ready-made for that. I write this because I suspect those who start with SpaceVim do not read :help and therefore lack a complete grasp of the fundamentals.
Standard vim keys are not mappings. n to jump to next search match, J to join, q to record a macro, ; to repeat the last fFtT—all are implemented in the source. Changing their default behavior would require an edit and recompile. This is why :normal! ; works no matter what—it ignores mappings and uses the source definition.
So, to answer your question, :map ; says there is no mapping because there is no mapping.
Note: I assume SpaceVim does not map ; because I could not find documentation that it did.
Of course, one can always create mappings shadowing this behavior, but it’s considered an anti-pattern to do so (esp. without at least having another sequence to do the old behavior). The reasoning goes that the original is actually considered useful, so why override it?
Note: from my glance at SpaceVim’s keybindings, SV does this a lot. They remapped q, which created macros, requiring me to type 2 extra characters to access one of my favorite—and one of the most awesome—features!

repurpose default key in vim

I heard that there is no internal function to call when typing a key combo in vim, unlike emacs. So I want to repurpose Ctrl-A to ^ (like, nnoremap < C-A> ^); however, the original function of Ctrl-A is also attractive, so I want to map it to some other keys, say Ctrl-S. How can I do this the vim way?
This question might have been asked but I searched around and did not find anything close. Thanks in advance.
PS: the stupid vim-emacs war is spamming everywhere and nowhere can i find a real solution that makes a desired feature to work in another environment.
The following should do:
nnoremap <C-A> ^
nnoremap <C-A>A <C-A>
This works because the noremap tells vim to do not apply any other mapping, thus the rhs of the second mapping above is the default <Ctrl-A>.
You will notice that the first mapping will take a delay to execute, because vim waits a while to allow you to type the second mapping. Vim-FAQ 20.16 may help if this bothers you.
But I'd advice against changing the default mapping because, as explained here, vim has many default mappings that may seems silly when you start using it. When you understand it better you will have a hard time finding another key to map it or to get used to the old/default mappings.

Pair completion in Vim

I do my coding in Vim and recently have been getting more annoyed by its pair completion features. I don't really see the need for pair completion in general as I tend to naturally try to close pairs myself (by pair here I mean type the closing ')' of a set of parentheses, for example). What really annoys me is when I have text already written and to surround it by quotes for example I'll be at the beginning of the word, type ' and then two will pop up right over there rather than just 1 and then me pivoting to the end of the word and typing the other exclamation point. Anyways, that's it for my rant, so any help on stopping my vim from doing this would be appreciated. I use spfvim-13 ( and have only modified the .vimrc slightly. I wasn't able to pinpoint exactly from where this specific issue arises.
This is not a native vim behavior, it's definitely some plugin causing it. I can't pin-point a particular plugin that spf13 might be having for this, I looked for popular ones I know, like simple_pairs, delimitMate etc.
Best way to investigate what's causing is to just see the output of :verbose imap ' and you'll come to know where it's being set and then remove that plugin / setting.

Remapping a key to Escape in Vim (German keyboard)

Okay, so I've been trying out Vim (the standard console version; my OS is Linux Mint 13) and I'd like to get rid of having to use the Escape key to change modes. Preferably, I'd like to swap the Capslock and Escape keys, but as far as I've heard, that's not possible within Vim itself. Most "solutions" I've found involve changing the key on a global level (using xmodmap or whatever), but I don't really want that. If there's an easy way to swap Capslock and Escape only in Vim, please let me know.
Another common thing I've heard of is using "Ctrl-[" as an equivalent to Escape. However, because I'm using a German keyboard with a different layout, that's not an option. So, I thought I'd use noremap <C-ü> <Esc> in Vim (the "ü" key on a German keyboard is in the same place as the "[" key on US keyboards), but that didn't work, either. I'm assuming that's because "ü" isn't an ASCII character. Is there any way to get either of these options working?
UPDATE: Well, this is strange. After experimenting some more, it seems that "Ctrl-ü" does work after all. I'm not sure what happened – maybe I messed up some encoding-related settings while trying different things? If there is no good solution for remapping capslock, I guess I will stick with "Ctrl-ü".
So, yeah, eventually I decided to go with <C-ü> because it doesn't conflict with anything else and because it's the same as <C-[> on US keyboards.
However, because I'm getting tired of using the German keyboard layout for programming (for example, to get "{" you need to type "Alt Gr-7"), I'm switching my keyboard to US-International, which essentially has a similar effect as far as Vim is concerned. It also helps if you want to want to get into the habit of touch-typing; you actually can't look at the keyboard because the keys aren't labeled "correctly" ;-)
A lot of people use jk:
inoremap jk <Esc>
You can also simply do <C-c>.
Here is another alternative that may be useful to you! It involves changing the keyboard file related to VIM. I found this suggestion on this youtube video
$ cd /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/
sudo vim pc
to edit the capslock key to escape, change the capslock line to read as follows:
key <CAPS> { [ Escape ] };
:wq # to write and close the file
Log out and log back into the machine and it should be updated!

What is the difference between <C-C> and <C-[> in vim?

One of the best tips for using vim that I have learned so far has been that one can press Ctrl+C or Ctrl+[ instead of the Esc key. However I use a dvorak keyboard so Ctrl+[ is a little out of reach for me as well so I mostly use Ctrl+C. Now I've read somewhere that these two key combinations don't actually have exactly the same behaviour and that it is better to use Ctrl+[. I haven't come across any problems so far though so I'd like to know what exactly is the difference between the two?
According to Vim's documentation, Ctrl+C does not check for abbreviations and does not trigger the InsertLeave autocommand event while Ctrl+[ does.
One option is to use the following to remap Ctrl+C
inoremap <C-c> <Esc><Esc>
Extremely late answer, but I just had the same question and found one practical example which helps explain the difference, so why not.
If you select a visual block and then change it with c or append something to the end of it with A, if you then exit with <Esc>, the same change will happen on all the lines of the visual block (which is really useful! See :help v_b_A); if you exit with <C-c>, this doesn't happen, only one line gets the change. There are probably other similar things I didn't realize I was missing with <C-c>...
As it turns out, <C-[> is exactly identical to Esc, they are the same character. So no need to wonder about any difference there. :)
