Python tkinter Copy Widget to New Master - python-3.x

I wrote a collapsible frame widget and was hoping to give it a dock/undock property. From what I've read, widgets can't be placed "over" other widgets (except on canvases, which I wish to avoid) so I can't just "lift" the frame, and their master cannot be changed so I can't simply place the frame into a new Toplevel. The only other option I can think of is to copy the widget into the new Toplevel. Unfortunately, I don't see any options on the copy or deepcopy operations to change the Master before the new widget is created.
So, the question:
Are these assumptions accurate, or is there a way to do any of these things?
If not, do I have any other options than the solution I put together here:
def copywidget(self, frame1, frame2):
for child in frame1.winfo_children():
newwidget = getattr(tkinter,child.winfo_class())(frame2)
for key in child.keys(): newwidget[key] = child.cget(key)
if child.winfo_manager() == 'pack':
for key in child.pack_info():
newwidget.pack_info()[key] = child.pack_info()[key]
elif child.winfo_manager() == 'grid':
for key in child.grid_info():
newwidget.grid_info()[key] = child.grid_info()[key]
elif child.winfo_manager() == 'place':
for key in child.place_info():
newwidget.place_info()[key] = child.place_info()[key]

There is no way to reparent a widget to a different toplevel. The easiest thing is to make a method that recreates the widgets in a new parent.
Widgets can be stacked on top of each other, though it requires care. You can, for instance, use grid to place two widgets in the same cell, and you can use place to put one widget on top of another .

Using this answer you are able to copy one widget onto another master. Then, you simply forget the previous widget, and it will work as a moved widget.
Example code:
root = tk.Tk()
frame1 = tk.Frame(root, bg='blue', width=200, height=100)
frame1.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=(0, 5))
frame_to_clone = tk.Frame(frame1), y= 15)
tk.Label(frame_to_clone, text='test text').grid(row=0, column=0)
frame2 = tk.Frame(root, bg='green', width=80, height=180)
frame2.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=(0, 5))
# Move frame_to_clone from frame1 to frame2
cloned_frame = clone_widget(frame_to_clone, frame2), y=15)
# frame_to_clone.destroy() # Optional destroy or forget of the original widget


Why is Python Tkinter grid method separating the buttons

I am trying to make a game using python 3.8, where I have 1 canvas/frame and 2 buttons. I want the buttons to be right next to each other but whenever I run the code, there is always white space in between the 2 buttons. I tried using pack() but when you click on the buttons, it makes the buttons go above the canvas/frame instead of to the right of it.
My code:
from tkinter import *
# windows, canvas, and frames
root = Tk()
WatchRun = Canvas(root, bg="green", width=600, height=500)
WatchRun.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=25)
Upgrade = Frame(root, bg="yellow", width=600, height=500)
# button functions
def show_upgrade(widget, widget2):
global upgradeBtn
global WatchRunBtn
widget2.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=25)
def show_watchrun(widget, widget2):
global upgradeBtn
global WatchRunBtn
widget2.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=25)
# variables and buttons
distance = 0
started = 0
money = 0
startImage = PhotoImage(file='start.png')
stopImage = PhotoImage(file='stop.png')
upgradeBtn = Button(root, text="Upgrades", width=9, command=lambda: show_upgrade(WatchRun, Upgrade))
upgradeBtn.grid(row=0, column=1)
WatchRunBtn = Button(root, text="Watch run", width=9, command=lambda: show_watchrun(Upgrade, WatchRun))
WatchRunBtn.grid(row=1, column=1)
It appears you're trying to use rowspan to try to force the widgets apart. That's not a good solution.
While there are multiple ways to solve the problem of the buttons not being together, the one I recommend in this specific case is to treat your GUI as if it had three rows (or maybe four, depending on what you want to happen when you resize the window).
Row 0 holds the first button, row 1 holds the second, and row 2 takes up the rest of the GUI. Then, the canvas can span all three rows.
So, start by adding a non-zero weight to the third row so that all unallocated space goes to it.
root.grid_rowconfigure(2, weight=1)
Next, add your buttons to rows 0 and 1:
upgradeBtn.grid(row=0, column=1)
WatchRunBtn.grid(row=1, column=1)
And finally, have your canvas span all three rows. It will force the window to grow larger, with all extra space being given to the third row. This allows the first two rows to retain their natural small height.
WatchRun.grid(row=0, column=0, rowspan=3)
An arguably better solution involves using pack and an extra frame or two. The UI seems to clearly have two logical sections to it: a canvas on the left and a column of buttons on the right. So, you can create one frame for the left and one for the right. Then, put the buttons in the right frame and the canvas in the left frame.
See my comments that indicates the changes in the code. If you have questions left on it, let me know. You may find this Q&A helpfull as well. PEP 8
import tkinter as tk #no wildcard imports
#free functions under imports to ensure function is defined
def show_frame(widget, widget2):
'''common function for upgrade_btn and watchrun_btn
- packs the appropiated widget in the left_frame'''
distance = 0
started = 0
money = 0
#variable names lowercase
root = tk.Tk()
#split window in two containers/master/frames
left_frame = tk.Frame(root)
right_frame= tk.Frame(root)
#leftframe content
watchrun = tk.Canvas(left_frame, bg="green", width=600, height=500)
upgrade = tk.Frame(left_frame, bg="yellow", width=600, height=500)
#rightframe content
upgrade_btn = tk.Button(right_frame, text="Upgrades", width=9, command=lambda: show_frame(watchrun, upgrade))
watchrun_btn = tk.Button(right_frame, text="Watch run", width=9, command=lambda: show_frame(upgrade, watchrun))
#geometry management

Tkinter - How to center a Widget (Python)

I started with the GUI in Python and have a problem.
I've added widgets to my frame, but they're always on the left side.
I have tried some examples from the internet, but I did not manage it .
I tried .place, but it does not work for me. Can one show me how to place the widgets in the middle?
import tkinter as tk
def site_open(frame):
window = tk.Tk()
StartPage = tk.Frame(window)
FirstPage = tk.Frame(window)
for frame in (StartPage, FirstPage):
frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='news')
lab = tk.Label(StartPage, text='Welcome to the Assistant').pack()
lab1 = tk.Label(StartPage, text='\n We show you helpful information about you').pack()
lab2 = tk.Label(StartPage, text='\n \n Name:').pack()
ent = tk.Entry(StartPage).pack()
but = tk.Button(StartPage, text='Press', command=lambda:site_open(FirstPage)).pack()
lab1 = tk.Label(FirstPage, text='1Page').pack()
but1 = tk.Button(FirstPage, text='Press', command=lambda:site_open(StartPage)).pack()
After you have created window, add:
window.columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
More at The Grid Geometry Manager
You are mixing two different Layout Managers. I suggest you either use The Grid Geometry Manager or The Pack Geometry Manager.
Once you have decided which one you would like to use, it is easier to help you :)
For example you could use the Grid Geometry Manager with two rows and two columns and place the widgets like so:
label1 = Label(start_page, text='Welcome to the Assistant')
# we place the label in the page as the fist element on the very left
# and allow it to span over two columns
label1.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky='w', columnspan=2)
button1 = Button(start_page, text='Button1', command=self.button_clicked)
button1.grid(row=1, column=0)
button2 = Button(start_page, text='Button2', command=self.button_clicked)
button2.grid(row=1, column=1)
This will lead to having the label in the first row and below the two buttons next to each other.

Why the tkinter window does not open when using the method "grid()"?

from tkinter import *
# ==================================================Settings=======================================================
root = Tk()
root.title("Video Youtube Downloader") # set up the title and size.
root.configure(background='black') # set up background.
root.minsize(800, 500)
root.maxsize(800, 500)
# ==================================================Frames=======================================================
top = Frame(root, width=800, height=50, bg='yellow').pack(side=TOP)
bottom = Frame(root, width=800, height=50, bg='red').pack(side=BOTTOM)
left = Frame(root, width=550, height=450, bg='black').pack(side=LEFT)
right = Frame(root, width=250, height=450, bg='blue').pack(side=RIGHT)
# ==================================================Buttons=======================================================
btn_clear_url = Button(right, text="Clear Url", font=('arial', 10, 'bold')).grid(row=1, columns=1)
I am trying to add buttons to the right Frame, but for some reason when I run the program the IDE shows that it is running but there is
no window. When I delete .grid(row=1, columns=1) the window appears.
How can I fix this bug, and add btn_clear_url button to the right Frame?
First of all, you need to invoke Tk's mainloop at the end of your code (you can see here why).
Another problem is chaining method calls like that. You're actually assigning return value of the last call to the variable, which is None in case of grid() and pack() - therefore, all your variables end up having None as the value. You need to separate widget instantiating call and grid or pack call and put each on its own line.
Other than that, you're setting both minsize and maxsize to the very same size - if you're really just trying to make your window not resizable, set the size with:
root.geometry('800x500') # for instance
...and after that configure resizable attribute:
root.resizable(width=False, height=False)
Also, I suggest you get rid of from tkinter import *, since you don't know what names that imports. It can replace names you imported earlier, and it makes it very difficult to tell where names in your program are supposed to come from. Use import tkinter as tk instead.
When you place widget in a tk window you cannot use grid and pack at the same time in the same window, so you use should use pack () instead of grid()
The problem starts with this line of code:
right = Frame(root, width=250, height=450, bg='blue').pack(side=RIGHT)
With that, right is set to None because .pack(side=RIGHT) returns None.
Next, you do this:
btn_clear_url = Button(right, ...)).grid(row=1, columns=1)
Because right is None, it's the same as Button(root, ...). Since you are already using pack for a widget in root, you can't also use grid.
The solution -- and best practice -- is to separate widget creation from widget layout:
top = Frame(root, width=800, height=50, bg='yellow')
bottom = Frame(root, width=800, height=50, bg='red')
left = Frame(root, width=550, height=450, bg='black')
right = Frame(root, width=250, height=450, bg='blue')
With the above, right will be properly set to the frame instance, and adding a widget to right and using grid will no longer fail.

Is there a way to clone a tkinter widget?

I'm trying to create of grid of widgets. This grid of widgets starts out as labels telling me their coordinates. I then have a list of starting and ending points for buttons that will replace them.
Say I have a button that will go from (0, 0) to (0, 2), I remove the labels from this location and put a button there with the correct rowspan.
If a button will be replacing another button (not just a label), I create a frame, then I want to clone the button as a way of changing the parent (which I've read is not a possibility with tkinter) and add the new button to the frame as well. The frame will then replace the widgets (labels and old buttons) on the grid with the buttons side by side instead of overlapping.
So this example image shows a grid of Labels, then where the first button is placed, then where the second button should go, and the resulting frame with both buttons in it side by side.
The big issue for me is having to remove the first button and re-place it on the grid because it's not possible to change the parent of a widget. Although I'm welcome to better ideas on getting buttons side by side on the grid as well.
There is no direct way to clone a widget, but tkinter gives you a way to determine the parent of a widget, the class of a widget, and all of the configuration values of a widget. This information is enough to create a duplicate.
It would look something like this:
def clone(widget):
parent = widget.nametowidget(widget.winfo_parent())
cls = widget.__class__
clone = cls(parent)
for key in widget.configure():
clone.configure({key: widget.cget(key)})
return clone
To expand the answer by Bryan Oakley, here a function that allows you to completely clone a widget, including all of its children:
def clone_widget(widget, master=None):
Create a cloned version o a widget
widget : tkinter widget
tkinter widget that shall be cloned.
master : tkinter widget, optional
Master widget onto which cloned widget shall be placed. If None, same master of input widget will be used. The
default is None.
cloned : tkinter widget
Clone of input widget onto master widget.
# Get main info
parent = master if master else widget.master
cls = widget.__class__
# Clone the widget configuration
cfg = {key: widget.cget(key) for key in widget.configure()}
cloned = cls(parent, **cfg)
# Clone the widget's children
for child in widget.winfo_children():
child_cloned = clone_widget(child, master=cloned)
if child.grid_info():
grid_info = {k: v for k, v in child.grid_info().items() if k not in {'in'}}
elif child.place_info():
place_info = {k: v for k, v in child.place_info().items() if k not in {'in'}}**place_info)
pack_info = {k: v for k, v in child.pack_info().items() if k not in {'in'}}
return cloned
root = tk.Tk()
frame = tk.Frame(root, bg='blue', width=200, height=100)
frame.grid(row=0, column=0, pady=(0, 5))
lbl = tk.Label(frame, text='test text', bg='green'), y=15)
cloned_frame = clone_widget(frame)
cloned_frame.grid(row=1, column=0, pady=(5, 0))

Can you fit multiple buttons in one grid cell in tkinter?

I'm making a table, and the grid of the table is going to be filled with buttons, Is it possible to fit more than one button in a grid space?
Yes you can. Put a frame inside the cell, and then you can put whatever you want inside the frame. Inside the frame you can use pack, place or grid since it is independent from the rest of the widgets.
For example:
import Tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
l1 = tk.Label(root, text="hello")
l2 = tk.Label(root, text="world")
f1 = tk.Frame(root)
b1 = tk.Button(f1, text="One button")
b2 = tk.Button(f1, text="Another button")
l1.grid(row=0, column=0)
l2.grid(row=0, column=1)
f1.grid(row=1, column=1, sticky="nsew")
#jasonharper already provided the answer, but here's some code to go along with it.
This is just a random example with a bunch of buttons / frames using grid / pack. The pack for the buttons was arbitrary you could have used grid instead Each grid section has a random padx to show that it's in a different column and each different column within the grid contains multiple buttons
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
#Now you want another frame
for i in range(5):
gridframe = tk.Frame(root)
for j in range(3):
tk.Button(gridframe, text="%d%d" % (i, j)).pack(side=tk.LEFT)
gridframe.grid(row=0, column=i, padx=20)
