Modify response from CouchDB POST/GET _session - couchdb

I am storing additional attributes in my '_users' db records. In the case where I have multiple users sharing a database, where one is the owner and one is the reader/writer, I would like to get that user's db property to see what database they have permissions to write to.
Is it possible to modify the response of POST _session or GET _session to respond with the cookie, but also with the db property from a '_users' record in the response body? Thanks in advance.

No, that is not possible at this time. This idea has been proposed, but not implemented a few reasons. (it's a long thread, but I felt it was relevant)
It sounds like you may want to take advantage of the database security object. This configuration allows you to set up specific users or roles with read/write capabilities per-database. (plus, this object will be sent to validation function, and it allows custom fields in addition to the mandatory ones)


Access Control in a Web Application

I'm currently reading a lot about access control possibilites/mechanisms that can be used to protect resources in an application or web application. There's ACL, RBAC, ABAC and many other concepts out there.
Assuming I have developed a simple webservice that returns knowledgebase articles on a route like '/api/article'. The 'controller' connects to the database and fetches all articles and returns them as XML or JSON.
Now I would like to have control over which article in the database is accessible for which user or group. So for instance if user 'peter' accesses the route '/api/article' with his credentials, the webservice shall return only articles that are visible for 'peter'.
I would want to use ACL to control what each user/group can read/write/delete. But what I don't quite understand:
Where does one enforce the access control? Do I just fetch all records in the controller if a user accesses the route '/api/articles' and check each single record against an access control list (that doesn't sound very good performance wise)? Or is there a way that the 'SELECT' statement to the database only return the records that can actually be seen by that specific user?
I really tried hard to find more information on that topic, and there is a lot about different access control mechanisms, but not about where and how the actual enforcement happens...and it even get's more complex if it comes to other actions like modification, deletion and so on...
This is really a matter of implementation and everyone does it its own way. It also depends on the nature of the data, particularly on the size of your authorization (do your have 5 roles and users are attached to them or does each user have a specific set of articles he can access, different for each user - for instance)
If you do not want to make the processing on the controller, you could store the authorization information in your database, in a table which links a user to a set of KB articles, or a role (which would then be reflected in the article). In that case your SELECT query would just pass the authenticated user ID. This requires that the maintenance of the relationship is done of the database, which may not be obvious.
Alternatively you can store the ACL on the controller and build a query from there - for specific articles or groups of articles.
Getting all the articles and checking them on the controller is not a good idea (as you mention), DBs have been designed also to avoid such issues.

OWIN with Identity 2 - avoid regularly hitting the database for common objects

I have just taken the plunge and started to learn the OWIN style of authorizing users into MVC applications. One issue I'm having is storing objects since the move away from session objects and into claims.
Traditionally what I would do is authenticate the user, and then store the User object in the session. This is useful when you are regularly using the data from that object all over the application.
Now that I have moved to OWIN with Identity, I instead store the UserId as a claim. I understand that the use of complex objects is best avoided with claims.
So I find that I'm regularly having to hit the database to read User information based on the UserId.
Here is how I am reading the UserId claim:
List<Claim> claims = HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication.User.Claims.ToList();
var ret = claims.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Type == StaffClaims.OrganisationId);
Is there a way that I can avoid taking this ID and reading the corresponding record from the DB each time? I want to achieve something like having the User object stored in memory somewhere.
Alternatively, does Entity Framework 6 allow caching so that I don't hit the database when repeating the same query (unless I know it has changed and should be re-read)?
First, storing the user object in the session is a hugely bad idea. Don't do that ever.
Second, you don't need to store the user id in a claim; you can get it anytime with User.Identity.GetUserId().
Third, Entity Framework does utilize caching, but not in a way I'd consider it as something you could rely on. If you want to cache something, then do it explicitly with System.Runtime.Caching. You can also utilize the OutputCache attribute on actions to cache the rendered view, which has the side effect of not requiring database calls to render it again.
Finally, this is not a big deal in the first place. Just fetch the user when you need it. Before you worry about this one simple query, there's probably 10,000 other areas of your application and could and should be optimized first.

Ensuring query restrictions are honored during SaveChanges - Breeze security

Consider a typical Breeze controller that limits the results of a query to entities that the logged in user has access to. When the browser calls SaveChanges, does Breeze verify on the server that the entities reported as modified are from the original set?
To put it another way, does the EFContextProvider (in the case Entity Framework) keep track of entities that have been handed out, so it can check against malicious data passed to SaveChanges? Or does BeforeSaveEntity need to validate that the user has access to the changed entities?
You must guard against malicious data in your BeforeSaveEntity or BeforeSaveEntities methods.
The idea that the EFContextProvider would keep track of entities that have already been handed out is probably something that we would NOT want to do because
The EFContextProvider would no longer be stateless, which was a design goal to facilitate scaling.
You would still need to guard against malicious data for "Added" entities in the BeforeXXX methods.
It is actually a valid use case for some of our users to "modify" entities without having first queried them. security

Recently I discovered how useful and easy is.
It really speeds up the development and gives you an off-the-shelf database to store all the data coming from your web/mobile app.
But how secure is it? From what I understand, you have to embed your app private key in the code, thus granting access to the data.
But what if someone is able to recover the key from your app? I tried it myself. It took me 5 minutes to find the private key from a standard APK, and there is also the possibility to build a web app with the private key hard-coded in your javascript source where pretty much anyone can see it.
The only way to secure the data I've found are ACLs (, but this still means that anyone may be able to tamper with writable data.
Can anyone enlighten me, please?
As with any backend server, you have to guard against potentially malicious clients.
Parse has several levels of security to help you with that.
The first step is ACLs, as you said. You can also change permissions in the Data Browser to disable unauthorized clients from making new classes or adding rows or columns to existing classes.
If that level of security doesn't satisfy you, you can proxy your data access through Cloud Functions. This is like creating a virtual application server to provide a layer of access control between your clients and your backend data store.
I've taken the following approach in the case where I just needed to expose a small view of the user data to a web app.
a. Create a secondary object which contains a subset of the secure objects fields.
b. Using ACLs, make the secure object only accessible from an appropriate login
c. Make the secondary object public read
d. Write a trigger to keep the secondary object synchronised with updates to the primary.
I also use cloud functions most of the time but this technique is useful when you need some flexibility and may be simpler than cloud functions if the secondary object is a view over multiple secure objects.
What I did was the following.
Restrict read/write for public for all classes. The only way to access the class data would be through the cloud code.
Verify that the user is a logged in user using the parameter request.user ,and if the user session is null and if the object id is legit.
When the user is verified then I would allow the data to be retrieved using the master key.
Just keep a tight control on your Global Level Security options (client class creation, etc...), Class Level Security options (you can for instance, disable clients deleting _Installation entries. It's also common to disable user field creation for all classes.), and most important of all, look out for the ACLs.
Usually I use beforeSave triggers to make sure the ACLs are always correct. So, for instance, _User objects are where the recovery email is located. We don't want other users to be able to see each other's recovery emails, so all objects in the _User class must have read and write set to the user only (with public read false and public write false).
This way only the user itself can tamper with their own row. Other users won't even notice this row exists in your database.
One way to limit this further in some situations, is to use cloud functions. Let's say one user can send a message to another user. You may implement this as a new class Message, with the content of the message, and pointers to the user who sent the message and to the user who will receive the message.
Since the user who sent the message must be able to cancel it, and since the user who received the message must be able to receive it, both need to be able to read this row (so the ACL must have read permissions for both of them). However, we don't want either of them to tamper with the contents of the message.
So you have two alternatives: either you create a beforeSave trigger that checks if the modifications the users are trying to make to this row are valid before committing them, or you set the ACL of the message so that nobody has write permissions, and you create cloud functions that validates the user, and then modifies the message using the master key.
Point is, you have to make these considerations for every part of your application. As far as I know, there's no way around this.

User Access Checking for Rights on Particular Database Objects or Records

I'm having a friendly debate with a developer about a situation where users are logging in and accessing documents in a web application. When we load the document for the user to view, we have the userID in session and the documentID that may be passed via QueryString.
To prevent the user from modifying the documentID on the QueryString, I propose that the stored procedure that loads the document take the UserId as a parameter to validate rights to the document.
My developer friend suggests that we run a separate procedure to determine access rights to the document earlier in the page and just run a procedure to grab the document when the document should be shown.
Are we missing something? Which is most efficient and safe? I thought passing the UserId with the DocID into one procedure call to check rights and pull the document was a more efficient solution.
I propose that the stored procedure
that loads the document take the
UserId as a parameter to validate
rights to the document.
I think this is the way to go. If for no other reason than it's safer. If you reuse this proc, and then forget to check the access - you've opened a big hole. This way it's apparent and baked in that you can't get to the doc unless you have access.
Strictly from a performance perspective, passing the UserID along with the DocumentID into one stored procedure would be best. You only have one round trip to the database server. Also, as others have pointed out, if you will be retrieving this document from other pages or applications, if you use the same stored procedure, you insure that you are not bypassing the security to do so.
However there are scenarios where having dedicated security verification stored procedures makes sense. If you have other resources that you want to protect besides documents, and your verfication code isn't trivial, you may not want to duplicate the verfication code in every stored procedure in your database. In that case it may make sense to move the security infrastructure out to your data access layer, and have the data access layer make the db call to authorize access prior to retrieving the requested resource. If you take this route, you don't want to rely on the developer to always have to remember to make an authorization db call prior to requesting a resource.
The userID should be a session variable. Right. Pass the documentID in the querystring. Yup.
Assuming the documents are stored in the database, I would have a table for permissions: a recordID a userID and a documentID. You do a join with this table when calling up the document. If you don't get a result, you don't get the document. Index it all nicely and it will be fast.
