Lightswitch app publishing to Azure is failing on service configuration line - azure

In publishing a Lightswitch app to Azure (for the first time) I get to the Service Configuration line and the "Select a web site to host your application". I have created the website on Azure as well as a SQL database and linked them. I have download the Pay-As-You-Go-Free Trial-5-10-2014-credentials.publishsettings file and imported it numerous times, hit the refresh button--everything. The Security Settings and Data Connections are all ok. My only guess is that there is a corrupt file that needs to be deleted but I really cannot guess anymore about what has gone wrong.
The only thing that comes up in the "Select a web site to host your application: dropdown is ". Prehaps I missing some setup step on the Azure portal. I don't know.

Found the work around on these links in the Microsoft forums.


Web service migration from Local IIS to Azure

I Used Azure Website Migration Assistance to migrate my web service that was running on my Local VM's IIS. My Migration process was successful and also I was able to use this web service. But I can't find where to find the migrated source code in azure portal. All I can see is some 20Mb of data in on the dashboard graph of azure portal. If I need to changed some of my code where to do this?
What is on the Azure Web App should now match what was on your IIS server. Now, to update the web app, you can use the deployment techniques here:
The simplest method to deploy to check what content is on your web app would be to use the SCM site. This is available at: Go to Debug Console > CMD and then the site > wwwroot folder to see your web app content. You can also upload to the site via drag and drop.
Alternatively, you can download the publishing settings for your web app via the portal and then re-use the migration tool, select the site, and then upload the publishing settings. However I would suggest using the deployment techniques above first. (Disclaimer: I wrote the migration tool.)
There are multiple ways to push changes to your Azure Website/Web App. They are listed here:
One simple way is to use an FTP client like FileZilla. In the classic portal, you will find the FTP address (hostname) and the credentials in the dashboard tab. In the new portal, select your Web App and the FTP address will be displayed in the Essentials section at the top of the page. Click on Settings and Deployment credentials to set your FTP user password.
Another simple alternative is to use Dropbox. Take a look at this video for how to set instructions:

Azure Web apps missing from VS2013 Server Explorer

I'm running Visual Studio 2013 Premium and I've installed Microsoft Azure Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio 2013 v 2.5. I'm signed in with my Microsoft Account that also has admin permission in my Azure subscription.
The problem is that I can't see any web apps in the server explorer; I want to try remote debugging. I see a bunch of other Azure artifacts, but no web apps. Service bus and SQL databases lists content I expect. In screenshots I've seen on various MSDN posts, there should be a separate web apps node. I see an App Services node that doesn't list anything. All web apps are listed when I go to and
The App Service node has a context menu that allows me to create a new site. I did that and things got created correctly but nothing is displayed under the node.
This problem exists on both my home machine and work machine; both running a version of Windows 8.1. On my home machine I've re-installed the Azure tools without any effect.
I thought this too, for months. They renamed web sites to web apps, and are still seemingly renaming/moving things around. I just discovered my web site now live in Azure\App Service\<resource group> within Server Explorer. I can't see the individual slots, though I don't know or remember if that was possible previously...
I'm having a similar issue. Mine is a bit more complicated in that I have multiple subscriptions and the App Service node under Azure is only displaying the app service (web site) for my MSDN subscription but nothing from my corporate subscriptions. Yet all the other nodes like SQL Databases does show the complete list across all subscriptions.
Fixed! I updated the Azure tools to version 2.6 (I had 2.5). I then right-clicked on the Azure node and selected "Manage and Filter Azure Subscriptions". I made sure that all my subscriptions were selected and then clicked the tab "Regions" and made sure all the regions were also selected. I previously had filtered the regions to only North America as I have no intentions of creating a website in Asia...;)
After I saved the changes the Azure node refreshed and all the sites appeared as expected. I think the core issue was the filtering of the regions. Even though all my sites are located in Central-US and that check box was clicked, it wasn't until I removed all filtering for Regions that my sites finally appeared.

How to get .publishsettings for Web Deployable Web Role?

I enabled the Web Deploy feature for my Web Role and deployed it.
But how can I get hold of the .publishsettings file so I can create a Publishing Profile for it?
This 2 year old article states that it should have been created automatically, but I haven't got that in my profile manager.
Any ideas?
If you are using Visual Studio 2012 or greater, the server explorer to the left will have several Azure items.
Specifically the Windows Azure Compute is what we are looking for, right click on that and say 'add deployment environment'. You will then be prompted with a dialog that allows you to sign in and download publish settings file:
You can get publishsettings file from the following link:
Well, the problem was really behind the keyboard.
So the publishing profile is actually provisioned correctly and automatically to the Web project as the documentation states.
The problem and confusion was that I have a secondary web application in my Solution that I also publish to the same Web Role (referenced as an additional Site in the ServiceDefinition.csdef file).
That Web Project does not get the Publishing Profile, and when I try to create a profile manually, it doesn't work since that (secondary) IIs instance is not configured for Web Deployment.
Oh well, back to the tedious Cloud Service deployment it is...

New to Windows Azure Preview

3 questions about Windows Azure Website Preview service (placing my website into cloud):
1. A little embarrassing, but I can't find my FTP credential. I tried my website setup credential as well as the data source string. Both are not applicable. So where is it?
2. I also need database access too, but can't seem to find the entry URL for that as well. Any inputs are appreciated.
3. Finally, I bought my own domain. How can I do an alias (maybe from Apache or IIS, not sure though) so that users only see instead of
You'll find the FTP credentials in the publish profile. In the Windows Azure portal, simply open the dashboard of that site and choose Download publish profile. Open that file with any text editor and you'll see the FTP credentials.
If you want to use a database, go to the dashboard of that site and choose to add a linked resource. There you'll be able to add an SQL Database. Once you've done that you'll see the connection string under Quick Glance > View connection strings
Using your own domain with Windows Azure Web Sites is only possible with reserved instances with a CNAME.
If you want to deploy your application to Windows Azure Websites over FTP, you can take a look at my blog here which explains most of the info related to FTP deployment.
As Sandrino explained you can look at View Connections Settings at Quick Glance, also if you look at following sections in the article here you will get more on this regard:
How to: Configure a website to use a SQL database
How to: Configure a website to use a MySQL database
Rest is already answered for you.

Published Web app to Azure, how do I browse to it, monitor it?

I have created my first app for azure. It's has an MVC3 web role which writes some data to table storage.
It also has a worker role that does some work behind the scenes to the same data.
It all works fine in the emulator.
I've uploaded it all to Azure as a staging deployment, the hosted service it is reports all roles as "ready". The health for all roles is "healthy", though the worker role appears to crash and goes to "degraded" and then resets itself (I assume this is what is happening).
So what now? I have found a "DNS Name" on my Web Role in the form "http://{guid}"
Clicking on that link just gives me a network access error, can't find it either.
What am I missing? Where can I see diagnostics similar to the emulator? I've set "Enable Diagnostics" to use my Azure storage account in each role. How do I get into the storage to see if it has traced anything? Can this be done through the Management Portal?
I've tried searching through MSDN, but I can't find a page that says "and then you click the DNS name link and your website will launch. I'm sure there is a lovely page like that but I can't find it.
thanks in advance!
In August 2011, the Windows Azure role templates were updated to work with the ASP.NET Universal Providers. As such, when you create a new project, the session state provider is backed by SQL Express by default. If you don't change this to SQL Azure or Cache (or disable session state), you'll run into issues.
I'm not sure this is exactly the issue you're running into, but it's a common one. See Nate Totten's blog post for more information about this (Nate calls out this issue a few pages down, under IMPORTANT NOTE).
You can access diagnostics data directly from Visual Studio Server Explorer.
Here you have all necessary information: Browsing Storage Resources with Server Explorer
Personally I use Azure Diagnostics Manager from Cerebrata that is easy and has a good dashboard
