haskell type,new type or data for only an upper case char - haskell

If i want to make a String but holds only an uppercase character. I know that String is a [Char]. I have tried something like type a = ['A'..'Z'] but it did not work any help?

What you're wanting is dependent types, which Haskell doesn't have. Dependent types are those that depend on values, so using dependent types you could encode at the type level a vector with length 5 as
only5 :: Vector 5 a -> Vector 10 a
only5 vec = concatenate vec vec
Again, Haskell does not have dependent types, but languages like Agda, Coq and Idris do support them. Instead, you could just use a "smart constructor"
module MyModule
( Upper -- export type only, not constructor
, mkUpper -- export the smart constructor
) where
import Data.Char (isUpper)
newtype Upper = Upper String deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Ord)
mkUpper :: String -> Maybe Upper
mkUpper s = if all isUpper s then Just (Upper s) else Nothing
Here the constructor Upper is not exported, just the type, and then users of this module have to use the mkUpper function that safely rejects non-uppercase strings.
For clarification, and to show how awesome dependent types can be, consider the mysterious concatenate function from above. If I were to define this with dependent types, it would actually look something like
concatenate :: Vector n a -> Vector m a -> Vector (n + m) a
concatenate v1 v2 = undefined
Wait, what's arithmetic doing in a type signature? It's actually performing type-system level computations on the values that this type is dependent on. This removes a lot of potential boilerplate in Haskell, and it makes guarantees at compilation time that, e.g., arrays can't have negative length.

Most desires for dependent types can be filled either using smart constructors (see bheklilr's answer), generating Haskell from an external tool (Coq, Isabelle, Inch, etc), or using an exact representation. You probably want the first solution.
To exactly represent just the capitals then you could write a data type that includes a constructor for each letter and conversion to/from strings:
data Capital = CA | CB | CC | CD | CE | CF | CG | CH | CI | CJ | CK | CL | CM | CN | CO | CP | CQ | CR | CS | CT | CU | CV | CW | CX | CY | CZ deriving (Eq, Ord, Enum)
toString :: [Capital] -> String
toString = map (toEnum . (+ (fromEnum 'A')) . fromEnum)
You can even go a step further and allow conversion from string literals, "Anything in quotes", to a type [Capitals] by using the OverloadedStrings extension. Just add to the top of your file {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-}, be sure to import Data.String and write the instance:
type Capitals = [Capital]
instance IsString Capitals where
fromString = map (toEnum . (subtract (fromEnum 'A')) . fromEnum) . filter (\x -> 'A' <= x && x <= 'Z')
After that, you can type capitals all you want!
*Main> toString ("jfoeaFJOEW" :: Capitals)

bheklilr is correct but perhaps for your purposes the following could be OK:
import Data.Char(toUpper)
newtype UpperChar = UpperChar Char
deriving (Show)
upperchar :: Char -> UpperChar
upperchar = UpperChar. toUpper
You can alternatively make UpperChar an alias of Char (use type instead of newtype) which would allow you to forms lists of both Char and UpperChar. The problem with an alias, however, is that you could feed a Char into a function expecting an UpperChar...

One way to do something similar which will work well for the Latin script of your choice but not so well as a fully general solution is to use a custom type to represent upper case letters. Something like this should do the trick:
data UpperChar = A|B|C|D| (fill in the rest) | Y | Z deriving (Enum, Eq, Ord, Show)
newtype UpperString = UpperString [UpperChar]
instance Show UpperString
show (UpperString s) = map show s
The members of this type are not Haskell Strings, but you can convert between them as needed.


Writing an interpreter for an imperative language in Haskell

I am trying to build an interpreter for a C-like language in Haskell. I have so far written and combined small monadic parsers following this paper, hence so far I can generate an AST representation of a program. I defined the abstract syntax as follows:
data LangType = TypeReal | TypeInt | TypeBool | TypeString deriving (Show)
type Id = String
data AddOp = Plus | Minus | Or deriving (Show)
data RelOp = LT | GT | LTE | GTE | NEq | Eq deriving (Show)
data MultOp = Mult | Div | And deriving (Show)
data UnOp = UnMinus | UnNot deriving (Show)
data BinOp = Rel RelOp | Mul MultOp | Add AddOp deriving (Show)
data AST = Program [Statement] deriving (Show)
data Block = StatsBlock [Statement] deriving (Show)
data Statement = VariableDecl Id LangType Expression
| Assignment Id Expression
| PrintStatement Expression
| IfStatement Expression Block Block
| WhileStatement Expression Block
| ReturnStatement Expression
| FunctionDecl Id LangType FormalParams Block
| BlockStatement Block
deriving (Show)
data Expression = RealLiteral Double
| IntLiteral Int
| BoolLiteral Bool
| StringLiteral String
| Unary UnOp Expression
| Binary BinOp Expression Expression
| FuncCall Id [Expression]
| Var Id
deriving (Show)
data FormalParams = IdentifierType [(Id, LangType)] deriving (Show)
I have yet to type-check my AST and build the interpreter to evaluate expressions and execute statements. My questions are the following:
Does the abstract syntax make sense/can it be improved? In particular, I've been running into a recurring problem. In the EBNF of this language I'm trying to interpret, a WhileStatement consists of an Expression (which I have no problem with) and a Block, which in the EBNF happens to be a Statement just like WhileStatement, and so I cannot refer to Block from my WhileStatement. I've worked around this by defining a separate data type Block (as is shown in the above code), but am not sure if this is the best way. I'm finding defining data types quite confusing.
Since I have to type-check my AST and evaluate/execute, do I implement these separately or can I define some function which does them both at the same time?
Any general tips on how I should go about type-checking and interpreting the language would also be greatly appreciated. Since the language has variable and function declarations, I am thinking of implementing some sort of symbol table, although again I am struggling with defining the type for this. So far I've tried
import qualified Data.Map as M
data Value = RealLit Double | IntLit Int | BoolLit Bool | StringLit String | Func [FormalParams] String
deriving (Show)
type TermEnv = M.Map String Value
but I'm unsure whether I should be using my LangType from before.
Addressing your question in the comments about how to proceed with type checking and evaluation.
If you don't have to do inference or polymorphism, type checking is pretty simple. Also type checking and evaluation mirror each other pretty closely in these conditions.
Begin by defining a monad with the features you need. For a type checker, you will need
A type environment, i.e. a Reader(Map Id LangType) component, to keep track of the types of local variables.
An error ability, e.g. ExceptString.
So you could define a monad like
type TypeEnv = Map.Map Id LangType
type TC = ReaderT TypeEnv (Except String)
And then your typechecker function would look like:
typeCheck :: AST -> TC ()
(We return () because there is nothing interesting to be gained from the typechecking process besides knowing whether the program passed.)
This will be largely structurally inductive, e.g.
typeCheck (Program stmt) = -- typecheckStmt each statement*
typeCheckStmt :: Statement -> TC ()
typeCheckStmt (VariableDecl v type defn) = ...
typeCheckStmt (Assignment v exp) = do
Just t <- asks (Map.lookup v)
t' <- typeCheckExp exp
when (t /= t') $ throwError "Types do not match"
-- Return the type of a composite expression to use elsewhere
typeCheckExp :: Expression -> TC LangType
There will be a bit of finesse required to make sure that variable declarations in a list of statements can be seen by later statements in the same list. I will leave that as a puzzle. (Hint: see the local function to provide an updated environment within a scope.)
Evaluation is a similar story. You're correct that you need a type of run-time values. Without some cleverness that you are probably not ready for (and is of questionable utility even if you were) there is not really a way to use LangType in Value, so you're on the right track.
You will need a monad that supports keeping track of the values of variables and the ability to do whatever else your language needs. To start I recommend
type Eval = StateT (Map Id Value) IO
and proceed structurally as before. There will again be some finesse required when handling variable scopes and shadowing, and you may need to change the environment type or mess with your Value type a bit to accommodate these subtleties, but thinking through these problems is important. Start simple, don't try to implement typechecking and evaluation for your whole language at once.

Mathmatic AST in Haskell

I am currently trying to write an AST in Haskell. More specifically, I have a parser that converts text to AST and then I want to be able to simplify an AST into another AST.
For example x + x + x
-> Add (Add (Variable 'x') (Variable 'x')) (Variable 'x')
-> (Mul (Literal 3) (Variable 'x'))
-> 3x
I have found other examples but none that take into account different data types. I want to use this approach to allow simplification rules depending on what the inner type of the left and right side of a binary expression is.
Here is roughly what I have so far for my datatypes:
data UnaryExpression o = Literal o
| Variable Char
data BinaryExpression l lo r ro = Add (l lo) (r ro)
| Mul (l lo) (r ro)
| Exp (l lo) (r ro)
-- etc...
I think I have 2 problems:
First, I need to have the correct data structure, and being new to Haskell, I am not sure what is the correct approach.
Second, I need to have my simplify function that is aware of the left and right datatypes. I feel like there should be a way to do this, but I am not sure.
So I think what you actually want is something like this:
AST o should be a mathematical expression representing a value of numerical type o.
This can be either a literal of type o, or a binary expression containing expressions that represent more specialised number types than o (e.g. Int being more specialised than Double).
First, always keep it simple and avoid duplication, so we should only have one constructor in AST for all binary operators. For distinguishing between different operators, make a separate variant type:
data NumOperator = Addition | Multiplication | Exponentiation
Then, you need to have some way what you mean by “more specialised number type”. Haskell has a bunch of numerical classes, but no standard notion of which types are more general than which others. One library for that implements this is convertible, but it's a bit too liberal “convert anything into anything else regardless of whether it's semantically clear how”. Here a simple version:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class ConvertNum a b where
convertNum :: a -> b
instance ConvertNum Int Int where convertNum = id
instance ConvertNum Double Double where convertNum = id
instance ConvertNum Int Double where convertNum = fromIntegral
Then, you need a way to store different types in the binary-operator constructor. This is existential quantification, best expressed with a GADT:
data AST o where
Literal :: o -> AST o
Variable :: String -> AST o
BinaryExpression :: (ConvertNum ol o, ConvertNum or o)
=> NumOperator -> AST ol -> AST or -> AST o

Restricting values in type constructors [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to create a type bounded within a certain range
I have the data type:
data Expr = Num Int
| Expression Expr Operator Expr
In the context of the problem, the numbers that (Num Int) will represent are single digit only. Is there a way to ensure that restriction within the type declaration?
Of course we could define a function to test whether the Expr is valid, but it would be nice to have the type system handle it.
You can use an abstract data type with a smart constructor:
newtype Digit = Digit { digitVal :: Int }
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
mkDigit :: Int -> Maybe Digit
mkDigit n
| n >= 0 && n < 10 = Just (Digit n)
| otherwise = Nothing
If you put this in another module and don't export the Digit constructor, then client code can't construct values of type Digit outside of the range [0,9], but you have to manually wrap and unwrap it to use it. You could define a Num instance that does modular arithmetic, if that would be helpful; that would also let you use numeric literals to construct Digits. (Similarly for Enum and Bounded.)
However, this doesn't ensure that you never try to create an invalid Digit, just that you never do. If you want more assurance, then the manual solution Jan offers is better, at the cost of being less convenient. (And if you define a Num instance for that Digit type, it will end up just as "unsafe", because you'd be able to write 42 :: Digit thanks to the numeric literal support you'd get.)
(If you don't know what newtype is, it's basically data for data-types with a single, strict field; a newtype wrapper around T will have the same runtime representation as T. It's basically just an optimisation, so you can pretend it says data for the purpose of understanding this.)
Edit: For the more theory-oriented, 100% solution, see the rather cramped comment section of this answer.
Since there are only ten possibilities, you could use Enum to specify all of them.
data Digit = Zero | One | Two deriving (Enum, Show)
Then you'd have to use fromEnum to treat them as numbers.
1 == fromEnum One
Similarly, using toEnum you can get a Digit from a number.
toEnum 2 :: Digit
We can go even further and implement Num.
data Digit = Zero | One | Two deriving (Enum, Show, Eq)
instance Num Digit where
fromInteger x = toEnum (fromInteger x) :: Digit
x + y = toEnum $ fromEnum x + fromEnum y
x * y = toEnum $ fromEnum x * fromEnum y
abs = id
signum _ = 1
Zero + 1 + One == Two

haskell - types - functions - trees

For haskell practice I want to implement a game where students/pupils should learn some algebra playfully.
As basic datatype I want to use a tree:
with nodes that have labels and algebraic operators stored.
with leaves that have labels and variables (type String) or numbers
Now I want to define something like
data Tree = Leaf {l :: Label, val :: Expression}
| Node {l :: Label, f :: Fun, lBranch :: Tree, rBranch :: Tree}
data Fun = "one of [(+),(*),(-),(/),(^)]"
-- type Fun = Int -> Int
would work
Next things I think about is to make a 'equivalence' of trees - as multiplication/addition is commutative and one can simplify additions to multiplication etc. the whole bunch of algebraic operations.
I also have to search through the tree - by label I think is best, is this a good approach.
Any ideas what tags/phrases to look for and how to solve the "data Fun".
To expand a bit on Edward Z. Yang's answer:
The simplest way to define your operators here is probably as a data type, along with the types for atomic values in leaf nodes and the expression tree as a whole:
data Fun = Add | Mul | Sub | Div | Exp deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Val a = Lit a | Var String deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data ExprTree a = Node String Fun (ExprTree a) (ExprTree a)
| Leaf String (Val a)
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
You can then define ExprTree a as an instance of Num and whatnot:
instance (Num a) => Num (ExprTree a) where
(+) = Node "" Add
(*) = Node "" Mul
(-) = Node "" Sub
negate = Node "" Sub 0
fromInteger = Leaf "" . Lit
...which allows creating unlabelled expressions in a very natural way:
*Main> :t 2 + 2
2 + 2 :: (Num t) => t
*Main> 2 + 2 :: ExprTree Int
Node "" Add (Leaf "" (Lit 2)) (Leaf "" (Lit 2))
Also, note the deriving clauses above on the data definitions, particularly Ord; this tells the compiler to automatically create an ordering relation on values of that type. This lets you sort them consistently which means you can, for instance, define a canonical ordering on subexpressions so that when rearranging commutative operations you don't get stuck in a loop. Given some canonical reductions and subexpressions in canonical order, in most cases you'll then be able to use the automatic equality relation given by Eq to check for subexpression equivalence.
Note that labels will affect the ordering and equality here. If that's not desired, you'll need to write your own definitions for Eq and Ord, much like the one I gave for Num.
After that, you can write some traversal and reduction functions, to do things like apply operators, perform variable substitution, etc.
It looks like you want to construct a symbolic algebra system. There is a large and varied literature on the subject.
You don't want to represent operators as Int -> Int, because then you can't check what operation any given function implements and then implement peephole optimization for things like simplification, etc. So a simple enumerated data type would do the trick, and then write the function eval which actually evaluates your tree.

General conversion type class

I'd like to see if it is feasible to have a type class for converting one thing into another and back again from a mapping of [(a,b)].
This example should illustrate what I'd like to do:
data XX = One | Two | Three deriving (Show, Eq)
data YY = Eno | Owt | Eerht deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Convert XX YY where
mapping = [(One, Eno), (Two, Owt), (Three, Eerht)]
-- // How can I make this work?:
main = do print $ (convert One :: YY) -- Want to output: Eno
print $ (convert Owt :: XX) -- Want to output: Two
Here's my stab at making this work:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
lk = flip lookup
flipPair = uncurry $ flip (,)
class (Eq a, Eq b) => Convert a b where
mapping :: [(a, b)]
mapping = error "No mapping defined"
convert :: a -> b
convert = fromJust . lk mapping
-- // This won't work:
instance (Convert a b) => Convert b a where
convert = fromJust . lk (map flipPair mapping)
It is easy to do this with defining two instances for the conversion going either way but I'd like to only have to declare one as in the first example. Any idea how I might do this?
Edit: By feasible I mean, can this be done without overlapping instances any other nasty extensions?
I, er... I almost hate to suggest this, because doing this is kinda horrible, but... doesn't your code work as is?
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
import Data.Maybe(fromJust)
lk x = flip lookup x
flipPair = uncurry $ flip (,)
class (Eq a, Eq b) => Convert a b where
mapping :: [(a, b)]
mapping = error "No mapping defined"
convert :: a -> b
convert = fromJust . lk mapping
instance (Convert a b) => Convert b a where
convert = fromJust . lk (map flipPair mapping)
data XX = One | Two | Three deriving (Show, Eq)
data YY = Eno | Owt | Eerht deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Convert XX YY where
mapping = [(One, Eno), (Two, Owt), (Three, Eerht)]
main = do print $ (convert One :: YY)
print $ (convert Owt :: XX)
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( GeneralConversion.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main.
*Main> main
I'm not sure how useful such a type class is, and all the standard disclaimers about dubious extensions apply, but that much seems to work. Now, if you want to do anything fancier... like Convert a a or (Convert a b, Convert b c) => Convert a c... things might get awkward.
I suppose I might as well leave a few thoughts about why I doubt the utility of this:
In order to use the conversion, both types must be unambiguously known; likewise, the existence of a conversion depends on both types. This limits how useful the class can be for writing very generic code, compared to things such as fromIntegral.
The use of error to handle missing conversions, combined with the above, means that any allegedly generic function using convert will be a seething pit of runtime errors just waiting to happen.
To top it all off, the generic instance being used for the reversed mapping is in fact a universal instance, only being hidden by overlapped, more specific instances. That (Convert a b) in the context? That lets the reversed mapping work, but doesn't restrict it to only reversing instances that are specifically defined.
