Play Framework: thread-pool-executor vs fork-join-executor - multithreading

Let's say we have a an action below in our controller. At each request performLogin will be called by many users.
def performLogin( ) = {
Async {
// API call to the datasource1
val id = databaseService1.getIdForUser();
// API call to another data source different from above
// This process depends on id returned by the call above
val user = databaseService2.getUserGivenId(id);
// Very CPU intensive task
val token = performProcess(user)
// Very CPU intensive calculations
val hash = encrypt(user)
I kind of know what the fork-join-executor does. Basically from the main thread which receives a request, it spans multiple worker threads which in tern will divide the work into few chunks. Eventually main thread will join those result and return from the function.
On the other hand, if I were to choose the thread-pool-executor, my understanding is that a thread is chosen from the thread pool, this selected thread will do the work, then go back to the thread pool to listen to more work to do. So no sub dividing of the task happening here.
In above code parallelism by fork-join executor is not possible in my opinion. Each call to the different methods/functions requires something from the previous step. If I were to choose the fork-join executor for the threading how would that benefit me? How would above code execution differ among fork-join vs thread-pool executor.

This isn't parallel code, everything inside of your Async call will run in one thread. In fact, Play! never spawns new threads in response to requests - it's event-based, there is an underlying thread pool that handles whatever work needs to be done.
The executor handles scheduling the work from Akka actors and from most Futures (not those created with Future.successful or Future.failed). In this case, each request will be a separate task that the executor has to schedule onto a thread.
The fork-join-executor replaced the thread-pool-executor because it allows work stealing, which improves efficiency. There is no difference in what can be parallelized with the two executors.


Kotlin coroutines multithread dispatcher and thread-safety for local variables

Let's consider this simple code with coroutines
import kotlinx.coroutines.*
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
fun main() {
runBlocking {
launch (Executors.newFixedThreadPool(10).asCoroutineDispatcher()) {
var x = 0
val threads = mutableSetOf<Thread>()
for (i in 0 until 100000) {
println("Result: $x")
println("Threads: $threads")
As far as I understand this is quite legit coroutines code and it actually produces expected results:
Result: 100000
Threads: [Thread[pool-1-thread-1,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-2,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-3,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-4,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-5,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-6,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-7,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-8,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-9,5,main], Thread[pool-1-thread-10,5,main]]
The question is what makes these modifications of local variables thread-safe (or is it thread-safe?). I understand that this loop is actually executed sequentially but it can change the running thread on every iteration. The changes done from thread in first iteration still should be visible to the thread that picked up this loop on second iteration. Which code does guarantee this visibility? I tried to decompile this code to Java and dig around coroutines implementation with debugger but did not find a clue.
Your question is completely analogous to the realization that the OS can suspend a thread at any point in its execution and reschedule it to another CPU core. That works not because the code in question is "multicore-safe", but because it is a guarantee of the environment that a single thread behaves according to its program-order semantics.
Kotlin's coroutine execution environment likewise guarantees the safety of your sequential code. You are supposed to program to this guarantee without any worry about how it is maintained.
If you want to descend into the details of "how" out of curiosity, the answer becomes "it depends". Every coroutine dispatcher can choose its own mechanism to achieve it.
As an instructive example, we can focus on the specific dispatcher you use in your posted code: JDK's fixedThreadPoolExecutor. You can submit arbitrary tasks to this executor, and it will execute each one of them on a single (arbitrary) thread, but many tasks submitted together will execute in parallel on different threads.
Furthermore, the executor service provides the guarantee that the code leading up to executor.execute(task) happens-before the code within the task, and the code within the task happens-before another thread's observing its completion (future.get(), future.isCompleted(), getting an event from the associated CompletionService).
Kotlin's coroutine dispatcher drives the coroutine through its lifecycle of suspension and resumption by relying on these primitives from the executor service, and thus you get the "sequential execution" guarantee for the entire coroutine. A single task submitted to the executor ends whenever the coroutine suspends, and the dispatcher submits a new task when the coroutine is ready to resume (when the user code calls continuation.resume(result)).

Can one thread block complete ForkJoinPool

I was reading
Somewhere in between it states that
The problem is that all parallel streams use common fork-join thread pool, and if you submit a long-running task, you effectively block all threads in the pool.
My question is - shouldn't other threads in pool complete without waiting on long running task? OR is it talking about if we create two parallel streams parallely?
A Stream operation does not block threads of the pool, it will utilize them. Depending on the workload split, it is possible that all threads are busy processing the Stream operation that was commenced first, so they can not pick up workload for another Stream operation. The article seems to wrongly use the word “block” for this scenario.
It’s worth noting that the Stream API and default implementation is designed for CPU bound task which do not wait for external events (block a thread). If you use it that way, it doesn’t matter which task keeps the threads busy for the overall throughput. But if you are processing different requests concurrently and want some kind of fairness in worker thread assignment, it won’t work.
If you read on in the article you see that they created an example assuming a wrong use of the Stream API, with truly blocking operations, and even call the first example broken, though they are putting it in quotes unnecessarily. In that case, the error is not using a parallel Stream but using it for blocking operations.
It’s also not correct that such a parallel Stream operation can “block all other tasks that are using parallel streams”. To have another parallel Stream operation, you must have at least one runnable thread initiating the Stream operation. Since this initiating thread will contribute to the Stream processing, there’s always at least one participating thread. So if all threads of the common pool work on one Stream operation, it may degrade the performance of other parallel Stream operations, but not bring them to halt.
E.g., if you use the following test program
long t0 = System.nanoTime();
new Thread(() -> {
Stream.generate(() -> {
long missing = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toNanos(3) + t0 - System.nanoTime();
if(missing > 0) {
System.out.println("blocking "+Thread.currentThread().getName());
return "result";
}).parallel().limit(100).forEach(result -> {});
System.out.println("first (blocking) operation finished");
for(int i = 0; i< 4; i++) {
new Thread(() -> {
+" starting another parallel Stream");
Object[] threads =
Stream.generate(() -> Thread.currentThread().getName())
System.out.println("finished using "+Arrays.toString(threads));
it may print something like
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-5
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-13
blocking Thread-0
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-7
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-15
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-11
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-9
blocking ForkJoinPool.commonPool-worker-3
Thread-2 starting another parallel Stream
Thread-4 starting another parallel Stream
Thread-1 starting another parallel Stream
Thread-3 starting another parallel Stream
finished using [Thread-4]
finished using [Thread-2]
finished using [Thread-3]
finished using [Thread-1]
first (blocking) operation finished
(details may vary)
There might be a clash between the thread management that created the initiating threads (those accepting external requests, for example) and the common pool, however. But, as said, parallel Stream operations are not the right tool if you want fairness between a number of independent operations.

Understanding Threads Swift

I sort of understand threads, correct me if I'm wrong.
Is a single thread allocated to a piece of code until that code has completed?
Are the threads prioritised to whichever piece of code is run first?
What is the difference between main queue and thread?
My most important question:
Can threads run at the same time? If so how can I specify which parts of my code should run at a selected thread?
Let me start this way. Unless you are writing a special kind of application (and you will know if you are), forget about threads. Working with threads is complex and tricky. Use dispatch queues… it's simpler and easier.
Dispatch queues run tasks. Tasks are closures (blocks) or functions. When you need to run a task off the main dispatch queue, you call one of the dispatch_ functions, the primary one being dispatch_async(). When you call dispatch_async(), you need to specify which queue to run the task on. To get a queue, you call one of the dispatch_queue_create() or dispatch_get_, the primary one being dispatch_get_global_queue.
NOTE: Swift 3 changed this from a function model to an object model. The dispatch_ functions are instance methods of DispatchQueue. The dispatch_get_ functions are turned into class methods/properties of DispatchQueue
// Swift 3 .background).async {
var calculation = arc4random()
// Swift 2
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
var calculation = arc4random()
The trouble here is any and all tasks which update the UI must be run on the main thread. This is usually done by calling dispatch_async() on the main queue (dispatch_get_main_queue()).
// Swift 3 .background).async {
var calculation = arc4random()
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// Swift 2
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_BACKGROUND, 0)) {
var calculation = arc4random()
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
The gory details are messy. To keep it simple, dispatch queues manage thread pools. It is up to the dispatch queue to create, run, and eventually dispose of threads. The main queue is a special queue which has only 1 thread. The operating system is tasked with assigning threads to a processor and executing the task running on the thread.
With all that out of the way, now I will answer your questions.
Is a single thread allocated to a piece of code until that code has completed?
A task will run in a single thread.
Are the threads prioritised to whichever piece of code is run first?
Tasks are assigned to a thread. A task will not change which thread it runs on. If a task needs to run in another thread, then it creates a new task and assigns that new task to the other thread.
What is the difference between main queue and thread?
The main queue is a dispatch queue which has 1 thread. This single thread is also known as the main thread.
Can threads run at the same time?
Threads are assigned to execute on processors by the operating system. If your device has multiple processors (they all do now-a-days), then multiple threads are executing at the same time.
If so how can I specify which parts of my code should run at a selected thread?
Break you code into tasks. Dispatch the tasks on a dispatch queue.

Serial Dispatch Queue with Asynchronous Blocks

Is there ever any reason to add blocks to a serial dispatch queue asynchronously as opposed to synchronously?
As I understand it a serial dispatch queue only starts executing the next task in the queue once the preceding task has completed executing. If this is the case, I can't see what you would you gain by submitting some blocks asynchronously - the act of submission may not block the thread (since it returns straight-away), but the task won't be executed until the last task finishes, so it seems to me that you don't really gain anything.
This question has been prompted by the following code - taken from a book chapter on design patterns. To prevent the underlying data array from being modified simultaneously by two separate threads, all modification tasks are added to a serial dispatch queue. But note that returnToPool adds tasks to this queue asynchronously, whereas getFromPool adds its tasks synchronously.
class Pool<T> {
private var data = [T]();
// Create a serial dispath queue
private let arrayQ = dispatch_queue_create("arrayQ", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
private let semaphore:dispatch_semaphore_t;
init(items:[T]) {
for item in items {
semaphore = dispatch_semaphore_create(items.count);
func getFromPool() -> T? {
var result:T?;
if (dispatch_semaphore_wait(semaphore, DISPATCH_TIME_FOREVER) == 0) {
dispatch_sync(arrayQ, {() in
result =;
return result;
func returnToPool(item:T) {
dispatch_async(arrayQ, {() in;
Because there's no need to make the caller of returnToPool() block. It could perhaps continue on doing other useful work.
The thread which called returnToPool() is presumably not just working with this pool. It presumably has other stuff it could be doing. That stuff could be done simultaneously with the work in the asynchronously-submitted task.
Typical modern computers have multiple CPU cores, so a design like this improves the chances that CPU cores are utilized efficiently and useful work is completed sooner. The question isn't whether tasks submitted to the serial queue operate simultaneously — they can't because of the nature of serial queues — it's whether other work can be done simultaneously.
Yes, there are reasons why you'd add tasks to serial queue asynchronously. It's actually extremely common.
The most common example would be when you're doing something in the background and want to update the UI. You'll often dispatch that UI update asynchronously back to the main queue (which is a serial queue). That way the background thread doesn't have to wait for the main thread to perform its UI update, but rather it can carry on processing in the background.
Another common example is as you've demonstrated, when using a GCD queue to synchronize interaction with some object. If you're dealing with immutable objects, you can dispatch these updates asynchronously to this synchronization queue (i.e. why have the current thread wait, but rather instead let it carry on). You'll do reads synchronously (because you're obviously going to wait until you get the synchronized value back), but writes can be done asynchronously.
(You actually see this latter example frequently implemented with the "reader-writer" pattern and a custom concurrent queue, where reads are performed synchronously on concurrent queue with dispatch_sync, but writes are performed asynchronously with barrier with dispatch_barrier_async. But the idea is equally applicable to serial queues, too.)
The choice of synchronous v asynchronous dispatch has nothing to do with whether the destination queue is serial or concurrent. It's simply a question of whether you have to block the current queue until that other one finishes its task or not.
Regarding your code sample code, that is correct. The getFromPool should dispatch synchronously (because you have to wait for the synchronization queue to actually return the value), but returnToPool can safely dispatch asynchronously. Obviously, I'm wary of seeing code waiting for semaphores if that might be called from the main thread (so make sure you don't call getFromPool from the main thread!), but with that one caveat, this code should achieve the desired purpose, offering reasonably efficient synchronization of this pool object, but with a getFromPool that will block if the pool is empty until something is added to the pool.

Node.js multithreading using threads-a-gogo

I am implementing a REST service for financial calculation. So each request is supposed to be a CPU intensive task, and I think that the best place to create threads it's in the following function:
exports.execute = function(data, params, f, callback) {
var queriesList = [];
var resultList = [];
for (var i = 0; i < data.lista.length; i++)
var query = (function(cod) {
return function(callbackFlow) {
params.paramcodneg = cod;
doCdaQuery(params, function(err, result)
if (err)
return callback({ERROR: err}, null);
f(data, result, function(ret)
flow.parallel(queriesList, function() {
callback(null, resultList);
I don't know what is best, run flow.parallel in a separeted thread or run each function of the queriesList in its own thread. What is best ? And how to use threads-a-gogo module for that ?
I've tried but couldn't write the right code for that.
Thanks in advance.
Kleyson Rios.
I'll admit that I'm relatively new to node.js and I haven't yet used threads a gogo, but I have had some experience with multi-threaded programming, so I'll take a crack at answering this question.
Creating a thread for every single query (I'm assuming these queries are CPU-bound calculations rather than IO-bound calls to a database) is not a good idea. Creating and destroying threads in an expensive operation, so creating an destroying a group of threads for every request that requires calculation is going to be a huge drag on performance. Too many threads will cause more overhead as the processor switches between them. There isn't any advantage to having more worker threads than processor cores.
Also, if each query doesn't take that much processing time, there will be more time spent creating and destroying the thread than running the query. Most of the time would be spent on threading overhead. In this case, you would be much better off using a single-threaded solution using flow or async, which distributes the processing over multiple ticks to allow the node.js event loop to run.
Single-threaded solutions are the easiest to understand and debug, but if the queries are preventing the main thread from getting other stuff done, then a multi-threaded solution is necessary.
The multi-threaded solution you propose is pretty good. Running all the queries in a separate thread prevents the main thread from bogging down. However, there isn't any point in using flow or async in this case. These modules simulate multi-threading by distributing the processing over multiple node.js ticks and tasks run in parallel don't execute in any particular order. However, these tasks still are running in a single thread. Since you're processing the queries in their own thread, and they're no longer interfering with the node.js event loop, then just run them one after another in a loop. Since all the action is happening in a thread without a node.js event loop, using flow or async in just introduces more overhead for no additional benefit.
A more efficient solution is to have a thread pool hanging out in the background and throw tasks at it. The thread pool would ideally have the same number of threads as processor cores, and would be created when the application starts up and destroyed when the application shuts down, so the expensive creating and destroying of threads only happens once. I see that Threads a Gogo has a thread pool that you can use, although I'm afraid I'm not yet familiar enough with it to give you all the details of using it.
I'm drifting into territory I'm not familiar with here, but I believe you could do it by pushing each query individually onto the global thread pool and when all the callbacks have completed, you'll be done.
The Node.flow module would be handy here, not because it would make processing any faster, but because it would help you manage all the query tasks and their callbacks. You would use a loop to push a bunch of parallel tasks on the flow stack using flow.parallel(...), where each task would send a query to the global threadpool using threadpool.any.eval(), and then call ready() in the threadpool callback to tell flow that the task is complete. After the parallel tasks have been queued up, use flow.join() to run all the tasks. That should run the queries on the thread pool, with the thread pool running as many tasks as it can at once, using all the cores and avoiding creating or destroying threads, and all the queries will have been processed.
Other requests would also be tossing their tasks onto the thread pool as well, but you wouldn't notice that because the request being processed would only get callbacks for the tasks that the request gave to the thread pool. Note that this would all be done on the main thread. The thread pool would do all the non-main-thread processing.
You'll need to do some threads a gogo and node.flow documentation reading and figure out some of the details, but that should give you a head start. Using a separate thread is more complex than using the main thread, and making use of a thread pool is even more complex, so you'll have to choose which one is best for you. The extra complexity might or might not be worth it.
