Thread.yield and sleep - multithreading

I'm new to multithreading and I ran into a two questions about thread scheduling with thread.yield and sleep in which I couldn't find a clear anwser to from my book or with googling. I'm going to save all pseudo codes or real codes because I think I already understand the possible starvation problem if my assumptions aren't right.
I'm going to refer to 3 pseudo threads in my questions:
My first question is that if I call thread yield or sleep in one of my 3 threads, is it guaranteed that CPU tries to schelude and process the other 2 threads before it comes back to the thread which called yield? So basically are threads in a clear queue, that makes the yiealding thread go to last of the queue?
I know that yield should give other threads chance to run but is it possible for example that after the yielding thread one of the 2 other threads tries to run and after that it goes back to the original thread which called yield, skipping the last thread and not giving it a chance to run at all?
My second question is related to the first. So do yield and sleep both have the same propeties that they both go to be the last on the queue when called like I assumed in my first question or is there anything other differences between them but the sleeping time in sleep?
If these question doesn't make sense the possible problem in my code is that before the thread which goes to sleep it has unlocked a mutex which one of the other threads has tried locking before, failed and gone waiting for it to open. So after the thread has gone to sleep, is it guaranteed that the thread which tried to lock the mutex will lock it before the sleeping thread?

Thread.yield() is a hint to thread scheduler which means "hey, right now I feel ok if you alseep me and let other thread run". There is no guarantees, it is only a hint. The assumption about the ordering of threads in "queue" is also incorrect because thread scheduling is done also by OS and it is very hard to predict a particular exection order without additional thread interaction mechanisms.
Thread.sleep() puts current thread to sleep for a specified amount of time, so the answer to your second question is - no, they do different things.


How the epoll(), mutex and semaphore alike system calls are implemented behind the scene?

This is really a question confusing me for a long time. I tried googling a lot but still don't quite understand. My question is like this:
for system calls such as epoll(), mutex and semaphore, they have one thing in common: as soon as something happens(taking mutex for example, a thread release the lock), then a thread get woken up(the thread who are waiting for the lock can be woken up).
I'm wondering how is this mechanism(an event in one thread happens, then another thread is notified about this) implemented on earth behind the scene? I can only come up with 2 ways:
Hardware level interrupt: For example, as soon as another thread releases the lock, an edge trigger will happen.
Busy waiting: busy waiting in very low level. for example, as soon as another thread releases the lock, it will change a bit from 0 to 1 so that threads who are waiting for the lock can check this bit.
I'm not sure which of my guess, if any, is correct. I guess reading linux source code can help here. But it's sort of hard to a noob like me. It will be great to have a general idea here plus some pseudo code.
Linux kernel has a built-in object class called "wait queue" (other OSes have similar mechanisms). Wait queues are created for all types of "waitable" resources, so there are quite a few of them around the kernel. When thread detects that it must wait for a resource, it joins the relevant wait queue. The process goes roughly as following:
Thread adds its control structure to the linked list associated with the desired wait queue.
Thread calls scheduler, which marks the calling thread as sleeping, removes it from "ready to run" list and stashes its context away from the CPU. The scheduler is then free to select any other thread context to load onto the CPU instead.
When the resource becomes available, another thread (be it a user/kernel thread or a task scheduled by an interrupt handler - those usually piggy back on special "work queue" threads) invokes a "wake up" call on the relevant wait queue. "Wake up" means, that scheduler shall remove one or more thread control structures from the wait queue linked list and add all those threads to the "ready to run" list, which will enable them to be scheduled in due course.
A bit more technical overview is here:

Is wait_for_completion_timeout 100% fair?

Is it 100% guarantied that a thread which got first to wait_for_completion_timeout would wake up first when calling to complete?
Maybe I am wrong but I look at the following scenario:
thread A calls wait_for_completion_timeout and goes to sleep. when complete is called it wakes up and completes execution of timeout = action(timeout); in function do_wait_for_common.
Now lets say that another thread B calls wait_for_completion_timeout. now x->done is 1 so this thread sets x->done to 0 and goes on with its execution. Now thread A continues its execution, it goes to the next line:
} while (!x->done && timeout);
and goes back to sleep.
And so thread B executed first although thread A started waiting first.
Can someone please tell me what am I missing?
You're not missing anything. Threads aren't at war, they cooperate to make forward progress. Being strictly fair has a significant cost, and since it's almost never needed, there's no reason to pay that cost in the general case.
It's generally most efficient to run the thread that was most recently running, since much of its data may still be in cache. So every thread benefits from an "unfair" policy.

C++11 thread deadlock

I have written a simple synchronization for threads but it deadlocks and I don't know hot ot fix it in a clever way.
I have a
std::atomic<int> count_;
declared in my main (it is initialized equal to 0) and each threads run this code
while(!(count_%size_==0)); // wait until all the threads have reached this point
is the number of threads launched (in my case 2). This synchronization code is run several times inside the threads (in my case 3).
Sometimes it works fine, but sometimes it deadlocks.
I think that sometimes, not at the first call of this barrier, a thread increments again the count_ before that the other thread test the condition leading to a deadlock.
How can I fix this issue without putting any delay function? Is there a better way to create a checkpoint inside thread?
The race in exhibited by your code is as follows: Once the last thread reaches the barrier, all threads are allowed to continue. However, as soon as the first thread reaches the barrier again, the condition for continuing is no longer true. Any threads that have not left the barrier by that point will be stuck.
An easy solution to this problem is the use of C++11's condition_variable. I posted a sample implementation not too long ago as part of this answer.

Confused about threads

I'm studying threads in C and I have this theoretical question in mind that is driving me crazy. Assume the following code:
1) void main() {
2) createThread(...); // create a new thread that does "something"
3) }
After line 2 is executed, two paths of execution are created. However I believe that immediately after line 2 is executed then it doesn't even matter what the new thread does, which was created at line 2, because the original thread that executed line 2 will end the entire program at its next instruction. Am I wrong? is there any chance the original thread gets suspended somehow and the new thread get its chance to do something (assume the code as is, no sync between threads or join operations are performed)
It can work out either way. If you have more than one core, the new thread might get its own core. Even if you don't, the scheduler might give the new thread priority over the existing one. The original thread might exhaust its timeslice right after it creates a new thread.
So that code creates a race condition -- one thread is trying to do work, another thread is trying to terminate the process. Which one wins will depend on the threading implementation, the hardware, and perhaps even some random chance.
If main() finishes before the spawned threads, all those threads will be terminated as there is no main() to support them.
Calling pthread_exit() at the end of main() will block it and keep it alive to support the threads it created until they complete execution.
You can learn more about this here:
Assuming you are using POSIX pthreads (not clear from your example) then you are right. If you don't want that then indeed pthread_exit from main will mean the program will continue to run until all the threads finish. The "main thread" is special in this regard, as its exit normally causes all threads to terminate.
More typically, you'll do something useful in the main thread after a new thread has been forked. Otherwise, what's the point? So you'll do your own processing, wait on some events, etc. If you want main (or any other thread) to wait for a thread to complete before proceeding, you can call pthread_join() with the handle of the thread of interest.
All of this may be off the point, however since you are not explicitly using POSIX threads in your example, so I don't know if that's pseudo-code for the purpose of example or literal code. In Windows, CreateThread has different semantics from POSIX pthreads. However, you didn't use that capitalization for the call in your example so I don't know if that's what you intended either. Personally I use the pthreads_win32 library even on Windows.

Mutex lock: what does "blocking" mean?

I've been reading up on multithreading and shared resources access and one of the many (for me) new concepts is the mutex lock. What I can't seem to find out is what is actually happening to the thread that finds a "critical section" is locked. It says in many places that the thread gets "blocked", but what does that mean? Is it suspended, and will it resume when the lock is lifted? Or will it try again in the next iteration of the "run loop"?
The reason I ask, is because I want to have system supplied events (mouse, keyboard, etc.), which (apparantly) are delivered on the main thread, to be handled in a very specific part in the run loop of my secondary thread. So whatever event is delivered, I queue in my own datastructure. Obviously, the datastructure needs a mutex lock because it's being modified by both threads. The missing puzzle-piece is: what happens when an event gets delivered in a function on the main thread, I want to queue it, but the queue is locked? Will the main thread be suspended, or will it just jump over the locked section and go out of scope (losing the event)?
Blocked means execution gets stuck there; generally, the thread is put to sleep by the system and yields the processor to another thread. When a thread is blocked trying to acquire a mutex, execution resumes when the mutex is released, though the thread might block again if another thread grabs the mutex before it can.
There is generally a try-lock operation that grab the mutex if possible, and if not, will return an error. But you are eventually going to have to move the current event into that queue. Also, if you delay moving the events to the thread where they are handled, the application will become unresponsive regardless.
A queue is actually one case where you can get away with not using a mutex. For example, Mac OS X (and possibly also iOS) provides the OSAtomicEnqueue() and OSAtomicDequeue() functions (see man atomic or <libkern/OSAtomic.h>) that exploit processor-specific atomic operations to avoid using a lock.
But, why not just process the events on the main thread as part of the main run loop?
The simplest way to think of it is that the blocked thread is put in a wait ("sleeping") state until the mutex is released by the thread holding it. At that point the operating system will "wake up" one of the threads waiting on the mutex and let it acquire it and continue. It's as if the OS simply puts the blocked thread on a shelf until it has the thing it needs to continue. Until the OS takes the thread off the shelf, it's not doing anything. The exact implementation -- which thread gets to go next, whether they all get woken up or they're queued -- will depend on your OS and what language/framework you are using.
Too late to answer but I may facilitate the understanding. I am talking more from implementation perspective rather than theoretical texts.
The word "blocking" is kind of technical homonym. People may use it for sleeping or mere waiting. The term has to be understood in context of usage.
Blocking means Waiting - Assume on an SMP system a thread B wants to acquire a spinlock held by some other thread A. One of the mechanisms is to disable preemption and keep spinning on the processor unless B gets it. Another mechanism probably, an efficient one, is to allow other threads to use processor, in case B does not gets it in easy attempts. Therefore we schedule out thread B (as preemption is enabled) and give processor to some other thread C. In this case thread B just waits in the scheduler's queue and comes back with its turn. Understand that B is not sleeping just waiting rather passively instead of busy-wait and burning processor cycles. On BSD and Solaris systems there are data-structures like turnstiles to implement this situation.
Blocking means Sleeping - If the thread B had instead made system call like read() waiting data from network socket, it cannot proceed until it gets it. Therefore, some texts casually use term blocking as "... blocked for I/O" or "... in blocking system call". Actually, thread B is rather sleeping. There are specific data-structures known as sleep queues - much like luxury waiting rooms on air-ports :-). The thread will be woken up when OS detects availability of data, much like an attendant of the waiting room.
Blocking means just that. It is blocked. It will not proceed until able. You don't say which language you're using, but most languages/libraries have lock objects where you can "attempt" to take the lock and then carry on and do something different depending on whether you succeeded or not.
But in, for example, Java synchronized blocks, your thread will stall until it is able to acquire the monitor (mutex, lock). The java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock interface describes lock objects which have more flexibility in terms of lock acquisition.
