How to install SQL * PLUS client in linux - linux

I am working on AWS services. I have an ec2 ( centos ) instance. I need to configure SQL*Plus client on this centos machine.
The server with whom I want to connect is at some remote area. The server version is oracle-se(
How can I get the client installed on the CentOS machine?

Go to Oracle Linux x86-64 instant clients download page
Download the matching client
rpm -ivh oracle-instantclient11.2-basic-
rpm -ivh oracle-instantclient11.2-sqlplus-
Set environment variables in your ~/.bash_profile
export PATH
Reload your .bash_profile by simply typing source ~/.bash_profile (suggested by jbass) or Log-out user and log-in again.
Now you're ready to use SQL*Plus and connect your server. Type in :
sqlplus "username/pass#(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST="

The solution by #ChamaraKeragala is good, but it is unnecessary to logout/login. Instead type:
source ~/.bash_profile

For everyone still getting the following error:
sqlplus command not found
The original post refers to a set of environment variables, the most important of which is ORACLE_HOME. This is the parent directory where the oracle binaries get installed.
Depending on what version of oracle you downloaded you'll have to change the ORACLE_HOME accordingly. For example, the original question's ORACLE_HOME was set to:
My version of Oracle happens to be 12.1, so my ORACLE_HOME is set to:
If you are unsure of the version that you downloaded, you can:
cd /usr/lib/oracle after the installation and find the version.
Look at the RPM file oracle-instantclient12.1, where the bolded bits would refer to the version number.

There's a good blog post[1] on $subject. setup oracle client in ubuntu with minimum effort. Following are the main steps on how to step up the client.
In my case, I was installing rpm files using alien package.
Install alien and related packages
sudo apt-get install alien
Install oracle client packages using alien.
sudo alien -i oracle-instantclient11.2-basic-
sudo alien -i oracle-instantclient11.2-sqlplus-
In my opinion these two steps are the easiest way to install oracle client rpm's on your ubuntu system. (I'm not going to mention about export oracle specific variables as it's already clearly explained in above answers)
Hope it helps someone.

For any one who is using proxy, you'd need to add an extra line to the bash profile. At least this is what made it work for me. I'm using cntlm.
export no_proxy=

Install via zip (tried with 12_2)
First of all there is no need to set ORACLE_HOME.
Simply download the .zip files from here starting with the first one Basic: followed by SQL*Plus: and any additional zips you may need.
Extract them all under /opt/oracle
You will then have a directory: /opt/oracle/instantclient_x_y
On ubuntu I had to do also:
sudo apt install libaio1
To run:
# This can be also done by adding only the path below in: /etc/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/oracle/instantclient_x_y:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# This can be added in ~/.profile or ~/.bashrc
export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/instantclient_x_y
/opt/oracle/instantclient_x_y/sqlplus user/pass#hostname:1521/sidorservicename
At the bottom of the the above link page there are more details.


Puppet can't use config set server

I've installed Puppet (version 4.10.1) via Ruby Gems.
I then use:
sudo puppet config set server
Which returns the following error (same error without sudo).
Error: No such file or directory # rb_sysopen -
/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf Error: Try 'puppet
help config set' for usage
The gem install does not create the configuration files, the packages will.
Puppet is best installed with a package for the operating system you're on, rather than the gem.
The steps for installing are documented here:
If you're feeling lazy, I even wrote a script that will do all the work for you!
I'm not 100% sure what led to the situation of the /etc/puppetlabs/puppet folder not being created during the install process.
I found creating the folder manually with sudo mkdir /etc/pupppetlabs/puppet before running sudo puppet config set server fixed the issue.

How to Fix Howbrew path issue permanently in ubuntu

I am using linuxbrew to install node. That works well, unless, for the fact that I can only use node after I do the following path export.
export PATH="/home/ericel/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"
If I close that terminal and open a new terminal, I will still have to do the same PATh export in order to get my node working.
Is there anyway to fix this permanently?
I do brew doctor, I get the following instructions:
ericel#ericel-X401A:~$ brew doctor
Please note that these warnings are just used to help the Homebrew maintainers
with debugging if you file an issue. If everything you use Homebrew for is
working fine: please don't worry and just ignore them. Thanks!
Warning: /usr/bin occurs before /home/ericel/.linuxbrew/bin
This means that system-provided programs will be used instead of those
provided by Homebrew. The following tools exist at both paths:
Consider setting your PATH so that /home/ericel/.linuxbrew/bin
occurs before /usr/bin. Here is a one-liner:
echo 'export PATH="/home/ericel/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Warning: Homebrew's bin was not found in your PATH.
Consider setting the PATH for example like so
echo 'export PATH="/home/ericel/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
Warning: You have a non-Homebrew 'pkg-config' in your PATH:
`./configure` may have problems finding brew-installed packages using
this other pkg-config.
Warning: Homebrew's share was not found in your XDG_DATA_DIRS but you have
this variable set to include other locations.
Some programs like `vapigen` may not work correctly.
Consider setting the XDG_DATA_DIRS for example like so
echo 'export XDG_DATA_DIRS="/home/ericel/.linuxbrew/share:$XDG_DATA_DIRS"' >> ~/.bash_profile
But even after doing that, node will work just for that one terminal. I am using ubuntu 16.**
Just had the same error. I think it was, because I installed linuxbrew at first from official page instructions and then i used apt-get.
So I removed the apt-get installation
sudo apt remove linuxbrew-wrapper
and then just added the path to
nano ~/.bashrc
as written in official documentation
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.linuxbrew/bin:$PATH"' >>~/.bash_profile
then you need to open new terminal for it to take effect.

<br>how to install nagios check_procs plugin in nagios</br>

I am new to nagios and I have installed nagios 3 on my linux machine.
i want to install nagios check_procs plugin.can any one suggest me.thanks
You can install from package which depends on Linux distribution you use.
If it is rpm based then install "nagios-plugins" package.
rpm -qf /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_procs
From the tags you've marked on your question, I assume you are using ubuntu as Operative System to your Nagios' Server,
First of all try to verify where is your resources file
# find /* -name resource.cfg
The answer should be something like '/usr/local/nagios/etc/resource.cfg'
Then find where are your plugins, pointed in the resources by the $USER1$ variable (the code below assumes your resources.cfg is in /usr/local/nagios/etc/
# grep '\$USER1\$' /usr/local/nagios/etc/resource.cfg
You'll get the folder of your scripts (in my case it is /usr/local/nagios/libexec/):
If in that folder you do not find a check_procs, than you'll need to install a newer version of nagios plugins:
- you can either run the command bellow
apt-get install nagios-plugins
Otherwise you can go to the official Nagios' site and download/install the plugins package:, inside the nagios-plugins .tar.gz archive there is a README file with good instructions for the manual installation process

sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Please suggest a solution for solving this issue?? While giving the command:
sqlplus /nolog
the error that occurred:
sqlplus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
The minimum configuration to properly run sqlplus from the shell is to set ORACLE_HOME and LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For ease of use, you might want to set the PATH accordingly too.
Assuming you have unzipped the required archives in /opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1:
$ export ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/instantclient_11_1
$ sqlplus
SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Wed Dec 31 14:06:06 2014
sudo sh -c "echo /usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib > /etc/";sudo ldconfig
I did solve this error by setting
yes, not only $ORACLE_HOME/lib but $ORACLE_HOME too.
You should already have all needed variables in /etc/profile.d/ Make sure you source it:
$ source /etc/profile.d/
The file's content looks like:
export PATH
If you don't have it, create it and source it.
I know it's an old thread, but I got into this once again with Oracle 12c and LD_LIBRARY_PATH has been set correctly.
I have used strace to see what exactly it was looking for and why it failed:
strace sqlplus /nolog
sqlplus tries to load this lib from different dirs, some didn't exist in my install. Then it tried the one I already had on my LD_LIBRARY_PATH:
open("/oracle/product/12.1.0/db_1/lib/", O_RDONLY) = -1
EACCES (Permission denied)
So in my case the lib had 740 permissions, and since my user wasn't an owner or didn't have oracle group assigned I couldn't read it. So simple chmod +r helped.
On Ubuntu Server 20.04 and using instant client version, I used alien to install the rpm package. I got this error when I just used the -i option. However when, I added -c I did not have this issue. from the man page for alien:
-c, --scripts
Try to convert the scripts that are meant to be run when the package is installed and removed. Use this with caution,
because these scripts might be designed to work on a system unlike
your own, and could cause problems. It is recommended that you
examine the scripts by hand and check to see what they do before using
this option.
So it seems the correct configuration (in 19c) or the environment variables (in earlier versions) are set in these scripts which are not generated unless you run alien like this. (Thanks #Christopher Jones for correcting me on this)
sudo alien -i -c BasicPackage.rpm
sudo alien -i -c SqlPlus.rpm
I want to stress the importance of permissions for "sqlplus".
For any "Other" UNIX user other than the Owner/Group to be able to run sqlplus and access an ORACLE database , read/execute permissions are required (rx) for these 4 directories :
Environment. Set those properly:
(example: ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oranpgm/product/12.1.0/PRMNRDEV/)
(example: ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oranpgm/product/12.1.0/PRMNRDEV/lib)
export PATH="$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$PATH"
You can try usage:
# echo "/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64/lib" > /etc/
# ldconfig
This problem are because oracleinstant client not configure shared library.
Could you please check if LD_LIBRARY_PATH points to the oracle libs
Don't forget
apt-get install libaio1 libaio-dev
yum install libaio
On Oracle's own Linux (Version 7.7, PRETTY_NAME="Oracle Linux Server 7.7"
in /etc/os-release), if you installed the 18.3 client libraries with
sudo yum install oracle-instantclient18.3-basic.x86_64
sudo yum install oracle-instantclient18.3-sqlplus.x86_64
then you need to put the following in your .bash_profile:
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client64
in order to be able to invoke the SQLPlus client, which, incidentally, is called sqlplus64 on this platform.
This worked for me: sudo dnf install libnsl
It means you didn't set ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID variables. Kindly set proper working $ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_SID and after that execute sqlplus /nolog command. It will be working.
#laryx-decidua: I think you are only seeing the 18.x instant client releases that are in the ol7_oci_included repo. The 19.x instant client RPMs, at the moment, are only in the ol7_oracle_instantclient repo. Easiest way to access that repo is:
yum install oracle-release-el7

debootstrap through authenticated proxy

I am to install debian on my PC by 'from other linux' method and I run into problem with debootsrapt not being able to go through our proxy. As I understand the debootstrap doesnt have config file neither takes arguments on command line (relating to proxy), so I set following two environment variables:
Still I am getting:
# /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch i386 wheezy /mnt/debinst
I: Retrieving Release
E: Failed getting release file
the Release file can be get via browser, so it exists and so on...
I wonder if this can be done at all
Well, I am to answer my question by myself.
With strace I found that debootstrap calls wget to fetch files from repositories. Obviously environment variables were somehow ignored but I edited /etc/wgetrc and put there all proxy related settings.
So it works.
BTW: debootstrap itself is just a script so maybe other workarounds would be possible.
You need to export the environment variables after setting them.
# ftp_proxy=
# http_proxy=
# export ftp_proxy http_proxy
# /usr/sbin/debootstrap --arch i386 wheezy /mnt/debinst
Also, if you try to set them from a user shell and then use sudo to run debootstrap, those variables may not pass through so it's better to set them after getting to a root shell.
Try changing APT proxy things :
$ cat /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/30proxy
Acquire::http::proxy "http://proxy:4128";
Acquire::https::proxy "https://proxy:4128";
