Is there any source code for Vuforia's Text recognition [For android] - vuforia

I'm working on Vuforia with android on Eclipse. I need the source code of the sample app Text Recognition
The apk file is given in the Samples Tab of
But I need the source code for the same. [If available]

Sure, you should go to this link to download the source code file.
then put it in samples directory of your vuforia sdk


How to save dart file in file system with android studio generated comments?

I like how Android Studio and Visual Studio , generate the comments for each closing brackets, but when I open the same file in notepad++ or any other text editor, I don't see those comments. Is there a way to generate the saved dart file so it has those comments stored as part of the text code( in comment) ?
Here is one code example that how code looks in android studio.
but when opened with notepad it does not have the comment MaterialApp. I am guessing there is some settings in android studio that will let me save file with generated comments, so it can be useful outside of Android studio like in git etc.
These comments are generated "on the fly" by the Flutter plugin for Android Studio. At no time, these comments are inserted into your source files. They are just shown within the IDE. So I think there is no way to "export" these comments.

difference between ic_launcher, ic_launcher_foreground and ic_launcher_round

I am using Android Studio (v 3.4.1) to create Adaptive Launcher Icons. I am confused about the PNG files it is generating.
I used the Asset Studio to create Launcher Icons (Adaptive and Legacy). The process was simple enough. But I question if some of the output files are necessary.
The output consists of the following:
\release\res\mipmap-nndpi (for each pixel density)
I think each \mipmap-nndpi folder only needs the [foreground & round].png files. When I created the icons manually, I did not create ic_launcher.png and didn't see a difference.
Is ic_launcher.png required for minimum Target SDK 28+?
Take a look at
ic_launcher_forground is the name of the forgound image
ic_launcher is the icon for older versions of android
ic_launcher_round is the icon for older pixels

Firebreath : Getting these errors while building Firebreath with example projects

I'm new to this plugin development. so bear with me.
I have downloaded the FireBreath project. It was wonderful. When i build it as the way they said, I got following three errors.
I have built it using visual studio 2005, I executed the following line in command prompt
"prep2005.cmd examples"
The Errors are,
1. 'SwitchToThread': identifier not found d:\Projects\firebreath-FireBreath-b73d799\src\libs\log4cplus\src\threads.cxx 92
2. Cannot open include file: 'vfwmsgs.h': No such file or directory d:\Projects\firebreath-FireBreath-b73d799\examples\BasicMediaPlayer\Win\error_mapping.cpp 18
3. Cannot open include file: 'dshow.h': No such file or directory d:\Projects\firebreath-FireBreath-b73d799\examples\BasicMediaPlayer\Win\MediaPlayerWin.cpp 24
Whether am i doing right. Am i missed something ?
FireBreath comes with two samples, namely BasicMediaPlayer and FBTestPlugin. When you type prep2005.cmd examples, it builds visual studio project for both the plugins. The BasicMediaPlayer sample uses DirectX to play specified videos in the browser. The two headers which are not found are the directx header. So it seems like those headers are not present on the default location on your system, so firebreath generated project is not able to find it. Check for their exact location and change it in the generated project. It will work. If you build only FBTestPlugin, it will build successfully.

Programming with GDCM in Windows and changing pixel data with VTK?

I have two questions.
First: I haven't got any definite documentation on how to use the GDCM library in Windows. Is it at all possible to use GDCM library in Visual Studio in windows? If so, could you please provide me any instruction how to install the library in Visual studio? I want to change or add something to the way the GDCM command "gdcmimg" functions.
Second: I have some multiframe dicom images where I need to modify the pixels and keep all the tags(private or non-private) intact. I have tried with Matlab, GDCM and Dcmtk. But in each case there is some problem. Matlab can't change multiframe images as it runs out of memory. GDCM can't keep the tags intact(I use the "gdcmimg" command) and I don't know yet how to change this functionality, dcmtk(I use the "dcmodify" command for that purpose) can only change the single frame dicom images and mysteriously it fails to do so in case of multi-frame dicom images when the images are provided by some vendors. What I mean is that, I tried with the multi-frame dicom images made by myself using matlab and I could change their pixel data in using "dcmodify", but when I try to do so with vendor provided multi-frame dicom image it fails to change the pixel data. So, now I want to try with VTK. Could you please say me whether or not VTK can change the pixel data of a Multi-frame dicom image while keeping all the tags, private or non-private, intact?
You can work with GDCM on windows in Visual Studio.
Download the GDCM source.
Download CMake
User CMake to generate a visual studio solution for GDCM
Build the Visual Studio Solution
Use the built library in your own projects.
GDCM has very little documentation.
In regards to the private tags. The general practice is that when you modify/derive an image you do not keep the private tags. The only private tags should be the ones you add.
When all else fails, read the documentation:Configuring and Building With VS .NET 2003. Of course this works with any newer Visual Studio, thanks to the use of CMake.

I downloaded the Coco2d-x game from the link on the downloads page of now, how to get it working?

From this link Cocos2D_Game I downloaded the game and extracted the files.
Visual c++ express 2010 and marmalaid 5.2.1(from is installed (of-course on windows 7).
Now, which file is to be used to run the game. I tried almost all expected files. and when I press run, it returns an error "unable to start program... blah blah blah"
is there any special file to run the project ?
I didn't found *.mkb file in that project.
Please help me setting up this Cocos2d-x setup on my system for the first time.
And yeah, i just recalled on more thing.
I downloaded Cocos2d-x on my system. Extracted it. and kept it in my "d: drive".
Where shall the extract of Cocos2d-x be kept? Do I need specific path for that?
I can't shake the feeling that you haven't read any of the cocos2d-x documentation, in particular the Visual Studio user's guide. That's where you should start.
