8086 qemu my own keyboard interrupt handler - keyboard

I am trying to write a bootloader which is just a program that sets its own keybord interrupt handler and handles keyboard presses.
However I am lost.
This one does not respond to keyboard presses by writing to video RAM.
org 7c00h ; BOOT PROGRAM
mov ax,03h
int 10h ; 80x25 video mode
mov ax,1112h;
int 10h ; 80x50 video mode
cli ; Zakaz preruseni
mov word[ds:20h],keyboard_handler ; nastaveni INT9 na moji funkci
mov word[ds:22h],0h
jmp $
push ax
push dx
push bx
in al,60h
mov dx,0b800h
mov es,dx
mov dx,0000h
mov ds,dx
mov dl,10h
div dl; al+ah
add ax,3030h
mov dl,ah
cmp al,3ah
jl not_add
add al,7h
not_add cmp dl,3ah
jl not_add2
add dl,7h
not_add2 mov ah,21h
mov dh,21h
mov bx,[ds:vidoff]
mov word[es:bx],ax
add bx,2h
mov word[es:bx],dx
add bx,2h
mov word[ds:vidoff],bx
;finalizing code
mov al,20h
out 20h,al ;odhlaseni preruseni
;mov word ax,[ds:22h]
;mov cs,ax
;mov ds,ax
;mov ss,ax
;mov es,ax
pop bx
pop dx
pop ax
vidoff dw 0FF0h
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0AA55h
And this one is messy, but it keeps writing to video RAM eventhough no key was pressed. If I press a key, however, at least it responds to my keypress by taking my scancode and writing to video RAM accordingly. Then it again continues as if some key was pressed continously.
org 7c00h ; BOOT PROGRAM
;++++++ Nastaveni video mode 80x50 a INT9(co reaguje na klavesnici pomoci preruseni IRQ1)
mov ax,03h
int 10h ; 80x25 video mode
mov ax,1112h;
int 10h ; 80x50 video mode
mov dx,0b800h
mov es,dx
mov dx,0h
mov ds,dx
mov di,0FF0h
mov bx,0h
mov ds,bx
cli ; Zakaz preruseni
mov word[ds:20h],keyboard_handler ; nastaveni INT9 na moji funkci
mov word[ds:22h],0h
; Povoleni preruseni
jmp $
push es
push ax
mov ax,0h
in al,60h
mov ch,10h
div ch
mov byte[prvni_cislice],al
mov byte[druha_cislice],ah
mov ch,al
mov cl,0dbh
mov word[barva_cislice],cx
mov bl,ah
mov bh,0dbh
cmp cx,bx
jne normal
xor ch,0fh
mov bh,ch
normal mov word[barva_podkladu],bx
mov word[es:di],bx
add di,2h
mov al,20h
out 20h,al ;odhlaseni preruseni
pop ax
pop es
prvni_cislice db 0h
druha_cislice db 0h
;hotove znaky
barva_podkladu dw 0h
barva_cislice dw 0h
offset_radku dw 0h
PRNGseed dw 0h
times 510-($-$$) db 0
dw 0AA55h
What I am doing wrong? Am I forgetting something? In some other code I saw somebody adding out,61h or something like that, I dont know what that does though.

The biggest problem with these programs is that you are NOT setting up the keyboard interrupt! Instead you are messing with the system timer interrupt.
mov word[ds:20h],keyboard_handler ; nastaveni INT9 na moji funkci
mov word[ds:22h],0h
Better use this :
mov word[ds:24h],keyboard_handler
mov word[ds:26h],0h
The rest of the code you've written poses a real challenge to people that do not speak your native language. Please use English-only names for labels and variables.
Also be generous with comments in your code. They make reading a lot easier and thus increase your chance of getting an answer.


int 10h 13h bios string output not working

i am using nasm and this is my code :
org 0x7c00
bits 16
section .data
zeichen dw 'hello2'
section .text
mov ax,0x7c00
mov es,ax
mov bh,0
mov bp,zeichen
mov ah,13h
mov bl,00h
mov al,1
mov cx,6
mov dh,010h
mov dl,01h
int 10h
jmp $
times 510 - ($-$$) hlt
dw 0xaa55
it does put the cursor on the right position but it prints nothing.
i load this file with qemu-system-i386.
The int10 ah=13h is a string output and in register es:bp has to be the address of the string
For future reference, since i have been trying to get this working for a long time now, here is a working version!
org 0x7c00
bits 16
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
xor bh, bh
mov bp, msg
mov ah, 0x13
mov bl, [foreground]
mov al, 1
mov cx, [msg_length]
mov dh, [msg_y]
mov dl, [msg_x]
int 0x10
foreground dw 0xa
msg db 'Beep Boop Meow'
msg_length dw $-msg
msg_x dw 5
msg_y dw 2
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
here is a version closest to original.
org 0x7c00
bits 16
; video page number.
mov bh, 0
; ES:BP is the pointer to string.
mov ax, 0x0
mov es, ax
mov bp, msg
; attribute(7 is light gray).
mov bl, 0x7
; write mode: character only, cursor moved.
mov al, 1
; string length, hardcoded.
mov cx, 6
; y coordinate
mov dh, 16
; x coordinate
mov dl, 1
; int 10, 13
mov ah, 0x13
int 0x10
; keep jumping until shutdown.
jmp $
msg dw 'hello2'
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0
dw 0xaa55

Nasm Print String in TSR program

I am trying to print string in my program. When i put my instructions
mov ah,9h
mov dx,poruka
int 21h
before call _inst_09 it prints well. But when i print inside my code like shown below it prints weird stuff and characters.
This is picture of working program. String is printed well
This is picture of program not working when i print my string inside the code
This is my TSR code
org 100h
NULL equ 000h
ESC equ 001h
KBD equ 060h
EOI equ 020h
Master_8259 equ 020h
zelena equ 02h
mov ah,9h
mov dx,poruka
int 21h
call _inst_09
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax
;mov ax, [stari_int09_off]
mov bx, [es:09h*4]
mov [stari_int09_off], bx
mov [es:60h*4], bx ; U int60h ubacujemo off od int9h
mov bx, [es:09h*4+2]
mov [stari_int09_seg], bx
mov [es:60h*4+2], bx ; U int60h ubacujemo seg od int9h
mov dx, tastatura
mov [es:09h*4], dx
mov ax, cs
mov [es:09h*4+2], ax
mov ax,3100h
mov dx,500
int 21h
push ax
in al, KBD
mov [kbdata], al
cmp byte[kbdata],20h
je .lup
cmp byte[kbdata],ESC
je .krj
mov al, EOI
out Master_8259, al
pop ax
int 60h ; Vracamo stari interupt 9h
mov ax,0b800h ;dont forget 0 before b
mov es,ax
mov bx,word[video]
mov ah, 02h
int 1ah
mov al,dh
mov byte [es:100+bx],al ;also dont forget the byte thing
;inc byte[video]
;inc byte[video]
mov al, EOI
out Master_8259, al
pop ax
mov ah,9h
mov dx,poruka
int 21h
stari_int09_seg: dw 0
stari_int09_off: dw 0
kbdata: db 0
key: db 0
video: dw 100
poruka: db 'Poruka.$'
%include "ekran.asm"
Here is the deal with code. This is a TSR program, so it terminates and stays resident when i run it. When i press esc button it should print my string on the screen(it jumps on .krj label) but it will show something like you see on the 2nd picture. When i put my instructions before call _inst09 like i said before it will print my string lik in the 1st picture.
I think that somehow my string address has changed and that is why it is not working but i cannot figure it out.
I would appreciate if you could give me a direct answer regarding to my code.
With je .krj you jump to a routine that calls a DOS service for printing. You cannot use DOS services from within an interrupt handler because DOS might have been occupied when the interrupt was triggered.
Simplest solution here is to output to the screen using the BIOS teletype function 0Eh. Why not even write to the screen at segment 0B800h yourself since you're doing it already somewhere else?
If we jump to .krj, then we also have to terminate the ISR with sending an EOI, popping ax and end with iret. The last "ret" instruction is wrong.

Conditional jump fails in linux x86 intel syntax(NASM)

I started reading a pdf tutorial about programming in assembly(x86 intel) using the famous nasm assembler and i have a problem executing a very basic assembly code(inspired by a code about loops from the tutorial).
This assembly code should read a digit(a character(that means '0'+digit)) from stdin and then write to the screen digit times "Hello world\n".Really easy loop :decrease digit and if digit equals zero('0' not the integer the character) jump(je) to the exit(mov eax,1\nint 0x80).
Sounds really easy but when i try to execute the output is weird.(really weird and BIG)
It runs many times throught the loop and stops when digit equals '0'(weird because until the program stops the condition digit == '0' been tested many times and it should be true)
Actually my problem is that the code fails to jump when digit == '0'
segment .text
global _start
;Print 'Input a digit:'.
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,msg1
mov edx,len1
int 0x80
;Input the digit.
mov eax,3
mov ebx,0
mov ecx,dig
mov edx,2
int 0x80
;Mov the first byte(the digit) in the ecx register.
;mov ecx,0
mov ecx,[dig]
;Use ecx to loop dig[0]-'0' times.
mov [dig],ecx
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,dig
mov edx,1
int 0x80
mov eax,4
mov ebx,1
mov ecx,Hello
mov edx,Hellolen
int 0x80
;For some debuging (make the loop stop until return pressed)
;mov eax,3
;mov ebx,0
;mov ecx,some
;mov edx,2
;int 0x80
;Just move dig[0](some like character '4' or '7') to ecx register and compare ecx with character '0'.
mov ecx,[dig]
dec ecx
cmp ecx,'0'
;If comparison says ecx and '0' are equal jump to exit(to end the loop)
je exit
;If not jump back to loop
jmp loop
;Other stuff ...(like an exit procedure and a data(data,bss) segment)
mov eax,1
int 0x80
segment .data
msg1 db "Input a digit:"
len1 equ $-msg1
Hello db ":Hello world",0xa
Hellolen equ $-Hello
segment .bss
dig resb 2
some resb 2
Input a digit:4
4:Hello world
3:Hello world
2:Hello world
1:Hello world
0:Hello world
...(many loops later)
5:Hello world
4:Hello world
3:Hello world
2:Hello world
1:Hello world
That is my question:What is wrong with this code?
Could you explain that ?
AND i dont need alternative codes that will magically(without explanation) run cause i try to learn(im a newbie)
That is my problem(and my first question in Stackoverflow.com )
ECX is 32 bit, a character is just 8 bit. Use a 8 bit register, such as CL instead of ECX.
As jester mentioned, ecx comes in as a character so you probably should use cl
mov [dig],cl
mov cl,[dig]
dec cl
cmp cl,'0'
jne loop
You can also load ecx with movzx which clears the top bits of the register (i.e. a zero-extedning load):
movzx ecx, byte [dig]
mov [dig], cl ; store just the low byte, if you want to store
movzx ecx, byte [dig]
dec ecx
cmp ecx, '0'
jne loop
Note that it is often suggested that you do not use the al, bl, cl, dl registers as their use is not fully optimized. Whether this is still true, I do not know.

strlen in NASM Linux

Excuse me again. I am trying understand learn assembly languaje. However I have many problems. I am trying working with strings in NASM. I have copy a string constant to string variable. The maximum size is 50. So I want verify this bound. However this program throw a segmentation fault. I use a example in MASM, so perhaps exist a use error with NASM syntax.
My program is the following:
section .data
_cte_hola db "Hola", 0
_cte_mundo db "Mundo", 0
section .bss
section .text
global _start
mov bx, 0
cmp WORD [SI+BX],0 t
je strend
inc bx
jmp strl01
call strlen
jle copiarsizeok
copiarsizeok:mov cx, bx
rep movsb
mov al,0
mov BYTE [DI], al
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
mov si, [MAIN_d]
mov di, [_cte_hola]
call strcpy
mov eax, 1
mov ebx, 0
int 80h
Thanks in advance and excuse me. My question are stupid for a assembly programmer.
I believe you are trying to make 32bit program in Linux, but your examples are 16bit.
In Linux, all pointers are 32bit. So, use extended registers: esi, edi, ebx etc. You still can use 8 and 16bit registers for arithmetics and data processing but not as memory pointers.
In strlen you have to compare byte [esi+ebx], 0 not word.
Don't set the segment registers in Linux. They will be set by the OS and you can't touch them. In Linux all memory is one flat area and you don't have to use segment registers anymore.
Here's a more concrete example of how you could write your strlen function (which is the first of your problems)
section .data
_cte_hola db "Hola", 0xa, 0
_cte_mundo db "Mundo", 0
section .bss
section .text
global _start
mov ebx, 0
cmp BYTE [esi+ebx], 0
je strlen_end
inc ebx
jmp strlen_loop
mov eax, ebx
mov esi, _cte_hola
call strlen ; Get the length of _cte_hola
mov edx, eax ; The length was stored in eax by strlen
mov ecx, _cte_hola
mov ebx,1
mov eax, 4
int 0x80 ; Write to stdout
mov eax, 1
int 0x80 ; Exit
There are definitely better ways of implementing this (I'd use repne to implement strlen, for example) but I wanted to keep it close to your implementation.
Hope this helps!

Clearing out a string variable

I have writen this little experiement bootstrap that has a getline and print_string "functions". The boot stuff is taken from MikeOS tutorial but the rest I have writen myself. I compile this with NASM and run it in QEMU.
So the actual question: I've declared this variable curInpLn on line 6. What ever the user types is saved on that variable and then after enter is hit it is displayed to the user with some additional messages. What I'd like to do is to clear the contents of curInpLn each time the getline function is called but for some reason I can't manage to do that. I'm quite the beginner with Assmebly at the moment.
You can compile the code to bin format and then create a floppy image of it with: "dd status=noxfer conv=notrunc if=FILENAME.bin of=FILENAME.flp" and run it in qemu with: "qemu -fda FILENAME.flp"
jmp start
welcomeSTR: db 'Welcome!',0
promptSTR: db 'Please prompt something: ',0
responseSTR: db 'You prompted: ',0
curInpLn: times 80 db 0 ;this is a variable to hold the input 'command'
curCharCnt: dw 0
curLnNum: dw 1
mov ax, 07C0h ; Set up 4K stack space after this bootloader
add ax, 288 ; (4096 + 512) / 16 bytes per paragraph
mov ss, ax
mov sp, 4096
mov ax, 07C0h ; Set data segment to where we're loaded
mov ds, ax
call clear_screen
lea bx, [welcomeSTR] ; Put string position into SI
call print_string
call new_line
lea bx, [promptSTR]
call print_string
call getLine ; Call our string-printing routine
jmp .waitCMD
mov cx, 80 ;number of loops for loopne
mov di, 0 ;offset to bx
lea bx, [curInpLn] ;the address of our string
mov ah, 00h ;This is an bios interrupt to
int 16h ;wait for a keypress and save it to al
cmp al, 08h ;see if backspace was pressed
je .gtlRemChar ;if so, jump
mov [bx+di], al ;effective address of our curInpLn string
inc di ;is saved in bx, di is an offset where we will
;insert our char in al
cmp al, 0Dh ;see if character typed is car-return (enter)
je .gtlDone ;if so, jump
mov ah, 0Eh ;bios interrupt to show the char in al
int 10h
loopne .gtlLoop ;loopne loops until cx is zero
jmp .gtlDone
;mov [bx][di-1], 0 ;this needs to be solved. NASM gives error on this.
dec di
jmp .gtlCont
call new_line
lea bx, [responseSTR]
call print_string
mov [curCharCnt], di ;save the amount of chars entered to a var
lea bx, [curInpLn]
call print_string
call new_line
print_string: ; Routine: output string in SI to screen
mov si, bx
mov ah, 0Eh ; int 10h 'print char' function
lodsb ; Get character from string
cmp al, 0
je .done ; If char is zero, end of string
int 10h ; Otherwise, print it
jmp .repeat
mov ax, [curLnNum]
inc ax
mov [curLnNum], ax
mov ah, 02h
mov dl, 0
mov dh, [curLnNum]
int 10h
push ax
mov ax, 3
int 10h
pop ax
times 510-($-$$) db 0 ; Pad remainder of boot sector with 0s
dw 0xAA55 ; The standard PC boot signature
I haven't written code in Assembly for 20 years (!), but it looks like you need to use the 'stosw' instruction (or 'stosb'). STOSB loads the value held in AL to the byte pointed to by ES:DI, whereas STOSSW loads the value held in AX to the word pointed to by ES:DI. The instruction automatically advances the pointer. As your variable curInpLn is 80 bytes long, you can clear it with 40 iterations of STOSW. Something like
xor ax, ax ; ax = 0
mov es, ds ; point es to our data segment
mov di, offset curInpLn ; point di at the variable
mov cx, 40 ; how many repetitions
rep stosw ; zap the variable
This method is probably the quickest method of clearing the variable as it doesn't require the CPU to retrieve any instructions from the pre-fetch queue. In fact, it allows the pre-fetch queue to fill up, thus allowing any following instructions to execute as quickly as possible.
