Why use nextTimeout in sp_session_process_events()? - spotify

I am writing a Spotify app in C#.
I am currently verifying that the sp_session_process_events() call is working properly.
Trying to be very scientific about it, I've been using the out parameter nextTimeout to try and prevent the need for the lib to call NotifyMainThreadCallback.
The call seem to be as frequent with that feature as without it. The value of nextTimeout does not seem to be that valid everytime either. Below is a short example when I am only calling sp_session_process_events when required bý NotifyMainThreadCallback.
00:00:08.299: - NotifyMainThreadCallback
00:00:08.312: sp_session_process_events() next process requested in 1000 ms
00:00:08.376: - NotifyMainThreadCallback
00:00:08.381: - NotifyMainThreadCallback
00:00:08.389: sp_session_process_events() next process requested in 922 ms
00:00:08.396: - UserinfoUpdatedCallback
00:00:08.401: - NotifyMainThreadCallback
00:00:08.409: sp_session_process_events() next process requested in 15 ms
00:00:08.415: - MetadataUpdatedCallback
00:00:08.419: sp_session_process_events() next process requested in 891 ms
So why use the nextTimeout at all? As far as I can see it can be ignored.

The next_timeout value is there to prevent you from calling sp_session_process_events too frequently, and is not necessarily intended to reduce the number of main thread 'wake-ups'. I don't see anything unusual about the timeout values you're seeing.
The notify_main_thread callback is often invoked from sp_session_process_events, which you should be calling from the main thread anyway. This shouldn't cause you huge problems. I suppose you could add some extra logic to stay in the event loop rather than signalling in those cases, but that could require more synchronisation than you already have.


How to make a reliable Celery task with a blocking call inside?

I've a Celery (4.4.7) task which makes a blocking call and may block for long time. I don't want to keep worker busy for long time, so I setup soft_time_limit for the task. My hope was to fail a task (if it's impossible to complete it quickly) and retry it later.
My issue is that SoftTimeLimitExceeded exception is not being raised (I suppose due to the call blocking on OS level). As a result the task is killed by hard time_limit and I don't have a chance to retry it.
retry_kwargs={"max_retries": 10},
retry_backoff_max=1200, # 20 min
def my_task():
What I tried:
Hard time limit is impossible to intercept
I expected ack_late would push my timed-out task back to the queue, but it doesn't happen.
Tried adding reject_on_worker_lost, neither value changes things for me
SoftTimeLimitExceeded exception is 100% not there - neither autoretry_for, nor regular try ... except don't catch it
For now I ended up with setting explicit timeout for the blocking operation. This requires adding a parameter everywhere along the call chain.
Is there some other path I'm missing?

redis-py not closing threads on exit

I am using redis-py 2.10.6 and redis 4.0.11.
My application uses redis for both the db and the pubsub. When I shut down I often get either hanging or a crash. The latter usually complains about a bad file descriptor or an I/O error on a file (I don't use any) which happens while handling a pubsub callback, so I'm guessing the underlying issue is the same: somehow I don't get disconnected properly and the pool used by my redis.Redis object is alive and kicking.
An example of the output of the former kind of error (during _read_from_socket):
redis.exceptions.ConnectionError: Error while reading from socket: (9, 'Bad file descriptor')
Other times the stacktrace clearly shows redis/connection.py -> redis/client.py -> threading.py, which proves that redis isn't killing the threads it uses.
When I star the application I run:
self.redis = redis.Redis(host=XXXX, port=XXXX)
self.pubsub = self.redis.pubsub()
subscriptions = {'chan1': self.cb1, 'chan2': self.cb2} # cb1 and cb2 are functions
self.pubsub_thread = self.pubsub.run_in_thread(sleep_time=1)
When I want to exit the application the last instruction I execute in main is a call to a function in my redis using class, whose implementation is:
My understanding is that in theory I do not even need to do any of these 'closing' calls, and yet, with or without them, I still can't guarantee a clean shutdown.
My question is, how am I supposed to guarantee a clean shutdown?
I ran into this same issue and it's largely caused by improper handling of the shutdown by the redis library. During the cleanup, the thread continues to process new messages and doesn't account for situations where the socket is no longer available. After scouring the code a bit, I couldn't find a way to prevent additional processing without just waiting.
Since this is run during a shutdown phase and it's a remedy for a 3rd party library, I'm not overly concerned about the sleep, but ideally the library should be updated to prevent further action while shutting down.
This might be worth an issue log or PR on the redis-py library.
PubSubWorkerThread class check for self._running.is_set() inside the loop.
To do a "clean shutdown" you should call self.pubsub_thread._running.clean() to set the thread event to false and it will stop.
Check how it work here:

F# / MailBoxProcessor is unresponsive to PostAndReply under nearly 100% load

I have a MailBoxProcessor, which does the following things:
Main loop (type AsyncRunner: https://github.com/kkkmail/ClmFSharp/blob/master/Clm/ContGen/AsyncRun.fs#L257 – the line number may change as I keep updating the code). It generates some "models", compiles each of them into a model specific folder, spawns them as external processes, and then each model uses WCF to "inform" AsyncRunner about its progress by calling updateProgress. A model may take several days to run. Once any of the models is completed, the runner generates / spawns more. It is designed to run at 100% processor load (but with priority: ProcessPriorityClass.BelowNormal), though I can specify a smaller number of logical cores to use (some number between 1 and Environment.ProcessorCount). Currently I "async"-ed almost everything that goes inside MailBoxProcessor by using … |> Async.Start to ensure that I "never ever" block the main loop.
I can "ask" the runner (using WCF) about its state by calling member this.getState () = messageLoop.PostAndReply GetState.
OR I can send some commands to it (again using WCF), e.g. member this.start(), member this.stop(), …
Here is where it gets interesting. Everything works! However, if I run a "monitor", which would ask for a state by effectively calling PostAndReply (exposed as this.getState ()) in an infinite loop, the after a while it sort of hangs up. I mean that it does eventually return, but with some unpredictably large delays (like a few minutes). At that same time, I can issue commands and they do return fast while getState still has not returned.
Is it possible to make it responsive at nearly 100% load? Thanks a lot!
I would suggest not asyncing anything(other than your spawning of processes) in your main program, since your code creates additional processes. Your main loop is waiting on the loop return to continue before processing the GetState() method.

Is the first thread that gets to run inside a Win32 process the "primary thread"? Need to understand the semantics

I create a process using CreateProcess() with the CREATE_SUSPENDED and then go ahead to create a little patch of code inside the remote process to load a DLL and call a function (exported by that DLL), using VirtualAllocEx() (with ..., MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE), WriteProcessMemory(), then call FlushInstructionCache() on that patch of memory with the code.
After that I call CreateRemoteThread() to invoke that code, creating me a hRemoteThread. I have verified that the remote code works as intended. Note: this code simply returns, it does not call any APIs other than LoadLibrary() and GetProcAddress(), followed by calling the exported stub function that currently simply returns a value that will then get passed on as the exit status of the thread.
Now comes the peculiar observation: remember that the PROCESS_INFORMATION::hThread is still suspended. When I simply ignore hRemoteThread's exit code and also don't wait for it to exit, all goes "fine". The routine that calls CreateRemoteThread() returns and PROCESS_INFORMATION::hThread gets resumed and the (remote) program actually gets to run.
However, if I call WaitForSingleObject(hRemoteThread, INFINITE) or do the following (which has the same effect):
while(STILL_ACTIVE == exitCode)
if(!GetExitCodeThread(hRemoteThread, &exitCode))
followed by CloseHandle() this leads to hRemoteThread finishing before PROCESS_INFORMATION::hThread gets resumed and the process simply "disappears". It is enough to allow hRemoteThread to finish somehow without PROCESS_INFORMATION::hThread to cause the process to die.
This looks suspiciously like a race condition, since under certain circumstances hRemoteThread may still be faster and the process would likely still "disappear", even if I leave the code as is.
Does that imply that the first thread that gets to run within a process becomes automatically the primary thread and that there are special rules for that primary thread?
I was always under the impression that a process finishes when its last thread dies, not when a particular thread dies.
Also note: there is no call to ExitProcess() involved here in any way, because hRemoteThread simply returns and PROCESS_INFORMATION::hThread is still suspended when I wait for hRemoteThread to return.
This happens on Windows XP SP3, 32bit.
Edit: I have just tried Sysinternals Process Monitor to see what's happening and I could verify my observations from before. The injected code does not crash or anything, instead I get to see that if I don't wait for the thread it doesn't exit before I close the program where the code got injected. I'm thinking whether the call to CloseHandle(hRemoteThread) should be postponed or something ...
Edit+1: it's not CloseHandle(). If I leave that out just for a test, the behavior doesn't change when waiting for the thread to finish.
The first thread to run isn't special.
For example, create a console app which creates a suspended thread and terminates the original thread (by calling ExitThread). This process never terminates (on Windows 7 anyway).
Or make the new thread wait for five seconds then exit. As expected, the process will live for five seconds and exit when the secondary thread terminates.
I don't know what's happening with your example. The easiest way to avoid the race is to make the new thread resume the original thread.
Speculating now, I do wonder if what you're doing isn't likely to cause problems anyway. For example, what happens to all the DllMain calls for the implicitly loaded DLLs? Are they unexpectedly happening on the wrong thread, are they being skipped, or are they postponed until after your code has run and the main thread starts?
Odds are good that the thread with the main (or equivalent) function calls ExitProcess (either explicitly or in its runtime library). ExitProcess, well, exits the entire process, including killing all threads. Since the main thread doesn't know about your injected code, it doesn't wait for it to finish.
I don't know that there's a good way to make the main thread wait for yours to complete...

Delphi threads and variables

So this is my question , threads are so confusing for me , let's say I have 5 threads , and 50 or 100 or more sites. So as far as I've learned about threads , I can make constructor create (link:string) and start new threads with different links , but than I wold need to make as much threads as the number of links I need to parse.So how can I make variable link shared between threads , so when thread one downloads link listbox1.items[0] it tells others that number 0 is downloaded and next thread should ask what link should I download and get answer listbox1.items[1] and so on until they download all links when they should terminate.
Can anyone provide me with simple example of how can this be done. Threads are killing me :(
You could have a thread-safe list of URLs to process, and a static-sized pool of worker threads each taking an unprocessed URL from the list at a time, processing it (downloading and parsing) and adding any found new URLs to the list, in a loop, as long as there are any unprocessed items in the list. Keep finished URLs in the list, only mark them as done, to avoid recursion.
Sounds like you simply need to set up a critical section.
This needs to be set up around the code segment which reads the next URL. To do this you would typically place a semaphore at the start of the code so that only one thread can enter it at any time. The semaphore is reset at the end of the code. As each new thread sees the URL list has expired, then it terminates.
Typically semaphores are boolean, but they can be integers for example if you want to allow a specific number of threads to enter the region at any time.
In your case you can simply set up a global boolean variable (visible to all threads), say "fSemaphore".
At the start of the region, the thread checks the flag. If it is false it sets it to true and enters the region (to get the next URL).
If it is true, then it loops - e.g. repeat sleep(0) until (not fSemaphore).
When it exits the region it set fSemaphore := False;
Obviously you need to make sure you guard against a possible infinite loop scenario...
Define a 'TURI' class for the request URI, result, error message and anything else needed for the web query except for the component to be used for the URI access. Descending from TObject shoud be fine. Create, initialize 100 of these and push them on a producer-consumer queue, (TObjectQueue, TCriticalSection and a semaphore should do fine). Hang a few TThreads off the queue that loop around and process the TURI instances until the queue is empty, whereupon they block.
You do not say what action you need taking with the processed TURI's - they will need freeing somewhere. If you wish to notify the main thread, PostMessage the completed URI's and free them in the message-handler.
Terminate the threads? Sure, if you really have to, then queue up some object that signals them to commit suicide, (a NIL maybe - the threads can check for 'assigned' just after popping the queue). When doing something like this, I oftem just leave the threads lying around even if I don't need to process any more URI during the app run - it's not worth the typing of terminating them.
Sadly, the Delphi examples and, I'm afraid, many textbooks, dont' get much further than suspend/resume control of threads, (don't do it), and 'TThread.Synchronize', 'TThread.WaitFor' and 'TThread.OnTerminate'. If you get a textbook like that, take it outside and burn it - you will learn next-to-nothing good.
