Manual install of Deis on CoreOS - coreos

I have installed CoreOS via the VMWare image file. Does anyone know how to install I have read through the documentation and most of it is how to install Deis on other systems.

You can move forward setting up Deis by exporting FLEETCTL_TUNNEL and issuing a make run like the documentation suggests, but you'll be missing some of the provisioning steps that Deis performs as part of the cloud-init script. You'll likely run into trouble.
The recommended path is to install Vagrant and issue a vagrant up in the project root to use the Deis project Vagrantfile. This sets up networking and executes the project cloud-init script.
Vagrant should detect that you have VMWare installed and not VirtualBox, and will provision appropriately.


Installation of chef-client(Bootstrapping) on docker container in a VM on Azure/AWS

Bootstrapping container to chef server in the same way as we bootstrap azure VM's.
Steps to Reproduce:
Install Chef-client using knife bootstrap
Run some recipe/role to install or configure container
Expected Result:
Installation of software such as java, python, or tools such as Jenkins, tomcat
Actual Result:
Error : SSH connection timeout when knife bootstrap command is run on Local workstation
Platform Details
Centos 7.1 (Azure VM)
Docker Container - Centos 6.4
This is not how either Docker or knife bootstrap works. Containers are not tiny VMs and should not be treated as such. If you want to use Chef code to build Docker image files, Packer can do this. Using chef-client inside containers at runtime for production operations is very very not recommended.

Can't install agent for Cassandra in Docker container

I have successfully set up a two node Cassandra cluster using Docker containers on two separate machines. When I try to administer the cluster using OpCenter it fails because the DataStax Agents are not installed.
Automatic installation of the agents via OpCenter fails.
I open up a bash shell in the Cassandra Docker container and try to install the agent manually, but that fails, too. It appears that the agent installer is expecting sudo support, which is not present in the container.
So, I'm wondering what the "right way" to install the agent into a docker container would be. Anyone done this? Any thoughts?

Installing npm modules in a VM shared directory and grunt issues

I'm trying to put together a development environment and npm is causing me problems. Here is my scenario:
I have a development machine running Windows and VMWare Player. I have a Ubuntu Server VM (no UI) which is configured with Apache, PHP, NodeJS etc. As the VM has no UI I want to use the host OS for development. I set up a shared directory which in the VM is accessed as /mnt/hgfs/source/<project name>.
The problem comes when I attempt to run npm install within this directory. I see a lot of errors like Error: UNKNOWN, symlink '../requirejs/bin/r.js'. I know that my package.json file is OK because if I copy all files out of the share and into a regular unix directory (/var/www/<project name>) npm install works fine. So npm has a problem installing modules in the shared directory.
I thought I could get around this by installing the node packages globally but, for whatever reason, the GruntJS enthusiasts don't like that and it must be present locally. I then tried to create an npm link from global to local but that just results in a new error: Error: May not delete: /usr/lib/node_modules/grunt. I have full permissions on the /usr/lib/node_modules directory and all sub-directories.
I really don't want to write the entire project using a command-line text editor in the VM but it looks like I cannot have my code-base in a directory available to both the host and guest OS through VMWare.
I would very much appreciate any suggestions on how to either 1) allow npm modules to be installed in my shared directory, 2) run Grunt globally, or 3) solve the npm link error I'm seeing.
EDIT: Shortly after posting this I realised the fundamental issue here - it's not possible to create symbolic links within a VM shared directory when the host OS is Windows. As npm install uses symlinks by default it didn't work, and this is why the accepted solution does work.
Try the following:
npm install --no-bin-links
Grunt should be local since the plugins and gruntfile.js may require a certain version of Grunt in order to run your tasks. If another developer would like to run your tasks, they could just issue an npm install and they are set. (See this for more info.) grunt-cli is global which is used to run the local version of grunt

How to install Cloud9 Local IDE on Chromebook

i'm using a Chromebook HP 11 in developer mode.
I installed Ubuntu v12.04 Unity on it, with Crouton.
On Ubuntu, i installed Nodejs (v0.6.12), npm (v1.1.4) and build-essential as it's said here :
But i don't know how to install the Cloud9 Local IDE, which i downloaded here :
Can someone tell me how i should do it ?
In advance, Thanks.
you can do this two ways...
if you plan to install it directly to chromeOS you will need to put your machine into developer mode and have writeable rootfs. There's a tutorial here. NOTE- it's my understanding that this option voids a warranty, although perhaps that's true also with option #2 below
The other option is to install Ubuntu with Crouton as it's own OS and then install node/npm.
I opted for the later and have the cloud9 service running locally with Apache and MySql. Ubuntu will share the Downloads folder, so you can set up a folder there to manage all your local virtual hosts, etc.

/xampp/lang.php not found

I am new to linux(ubuntu). I installed XAMPP server in my system.. but after installing when i am using browser it shows the following error:
Not Found
The requested URL /xampp/lang.php was not found on this server.
Apache/2.2.22 (Ubuntu) Server at localhost Port 80
If you are using linux, you don't need xampp, linux has native packages for PHP development, called lamp (linux, apache, MySQL, PHP). In fact almost all web servers around the world that runs PHP are linux servers.
There are some easy steps that you can quickly install lamp unsing ubuntu's terminal.
sudo apt-get install lamp-server^
Note The caret (^) at the end of the command is important.
This will install the latest PHP, MySQL and Apache2 that is it in the Ubuntu repository (depending on your ubuntu version)
You can also install each component individually, here you can find the complete steps
Install LAMP Server on Ubuntu with a 1-line Command
It is also a good idea for development environment to setup a workspace directory in your home folder to hold your projects and than making virtualhost files in your /etc/apache2/sites-available folder (you need sudo privileges).
More about virtual hosts on Apache virtual hosts
This approach helps a lot with permissions of read/writes on your project files.
Best regards,
