Sails.js populate nested associations - node.js

I've got myself a question regarding associations in Sails.js version 0.10-rc5. I've been building an app in which multiple models are associated to one another, and I've arrived at a point where I need to get to nest associations somehow.
There's three parts:
First there's something like a blog post, that's being written by a user. In the blog post I want to show the associated user's information like their username. Now, everything works fine here. Until the next step: I'm trying to show comments which are associated with the post.
The comments are a separate Model, called Comment. Each of which also has an author (user) associated with it. I can easily show a list of the Comments, although when I want to display the User's information associated with the comment, I can't figure out how to populate the Comment with the user's information.
In my controller i'm trying to do something like this:
.populate('comments') // I want to populate this comment with .populate('user') or something
.exec(function(err, post) {
// Handle errors & render view etc.
In my Post's 'show' action i'm trying to retrieve the information like this (simplified):
<%- _.each(post.comments, function(comment) { %>
<%= %>
<%= comment.description %>
<% }); %>
The will be undefined though. If I try to just access the 'user' property, like comment.user, it'll show it's ID. Which tells me it's not automatically populating the user's information to the comment when I associate the comment with another model.
Anyone any ideals to solve this properly :)?
Thanks in advance!
For clarification, this is how i've basically set up the associations in different models:
// User.js
posts: {
collection: 'post'
hours: {
collection: 'hour'
comments: {
collection: 'comment'
// Post.js
user: {
model: 'user'
comments: {
collection: 'comment',
via: 'post'
// Comment.js
user: {
model: 'user'
post: {
model: 'post'

Or you can use the built-in Blue Bird Promise feature to make it. (Working on Sails#v0.10.5)
See the codes below:
var _ = require('lodash');
.then(function(post) {
var commentUsers = User.find({
id: _.pluck(post.comments, 'user')
//_.pluck: Retrieves the value of a 'user' property from all elements in the post.comments collection.
.then(function(commentUsers) {
return commentUsers;
return [post, commentUsers];
.spread(function(post, commentUsers) {
commentUsers = _.indexBy(commentUsers, 'id');
//_.indexBy: Creates an object composed of keys generated from the results of running each element of the collection through the given callback. The corresponding value of each key is the last element responsible for generating the key
post.comments =, function(comment) {
comment.user = commentUsers[comment.user];
return comment;
.catch(function(err) {
return res.serverError(err);
Some explanation:
I'm using the Lo-Dash to deal with the arrays. For more details, please refer to the Official Doc
Notice the return values inside the first "then" function, those objects "[post, commentUsers]" inside the array are also "promise" objects. Which means that they didn't contain the value data when they first been executed, until they got the value. So that "spread" function will wait the acture value come and continue doing the rest stuffs.

At the moment, there's no built in way to populate nested associations. Your best bet is to use async to do a mapping:{
// First get the post
post: function(cb) {
// Then all of the comment users, using an "in" query by
// setting "id" criteria to an array of user IDs
commentUsers: ['post', function(cb, results) {
User.find({id: _.pluck(, 'user')}).exec(cb);
// Map the comment users to their comments
map: ['commentUsers', function(cb, results) {
// Index comment users by ID
var commentUsers = _.indexBy(results.commentUsers, 'id');
// Get a plain object version of post & comments
var post =;
// Map users onto comments
post.comments = {
comment.user = commentUsers[comment.user];
return comment;
return cb(null, post);
// After all the async magic is finished, return the mapped result
// (or an error if any occurred during the async block)
function finish(err, results) {
if (err) {return res.serverError(err);}
return res.json(;
It's not as pretty as nested population (which is in the works, but probably not for v0.10), but on the bright side it's actually fairly efficient.

I created an NPM module for this called nested-pop. You can find it at the link below.
Use it in the following way.
var nestedPop = require('nested-pop');
.then(function(users) {
return nestedPop(users, {
dogs: [
}).then(function(users) {
return users
}).catch(function(err) {
throw err;
}).catch(function(err) {
throw err;

Worth saying there's a pull request to add nested population:
Pull request isn't merged at the moment but you can use it installing one directly with
npm i Atlantis-Software/waterline#deepPopulate
With it you can do something like .populate('user.comments ...)'.

sails v0.11 doesn't support _.pluck and _.indexBy use sails.util.pluck and sails.util.indexBy instead.{
// First get the post
post: function(cb) {
// Then all of the comment users, using an "in" query by
// setting "id" criteria to an array of user IDs
commentUsers: ['post', function(cb, results) {
User.find({id:sails.util.pluck(, 'user')}).exec(cb);
// Map the comment users to their comments
map: ['commentUsers', function(cb, results) {
// Index comment users by ID
var commentUsers = sails.util.indexBy(results.commentUsers, 'id');
// Get a plain object version of post & comments
var post =;
// Map users onto comments
post.comments = {
comment.user = commentUsers[comment.user];
return comment;
return cb(null, post);
// After all the async magic is finished, return the mapped result
// (or an error if any occurred during the async block)
function finish(err, results) {
if (err) {return res.serverError(err);}
return res.json(;

You could use async library which is very clean and simple to understand. For each comment related to a post you can populate many fields as you want with dedicated tasks, execute them in parallel and retrieve the results when all tasks are done. Finally, you only have to return the final result.
.populate('comments') // I want to populate this comment with .populate('user') or something
.exec(function (err, post) {
// populate each post in parallel
async.each(post.comments, function (comment, callback) {
// you can populate many elements or only one...
var populateTasks = {
user: function (cb) {
User.findOne({ id: comment.user })
.exec(function (err, result) {
cb(err, result);
async.parallel(populateTasks, function (err, resultSet) {
if (err) { return next(err); }
post.comments = resultSet.user;
// finish
}, function (err) {// final callback
if (err) { return next(err); }
return res.json(post);

As of sailsjs 1.0 the "deep populate" pull request is still open, but the following async function solution looks elegant enough IMO:
const post = await Post
.findOne({ id: req.param('id') })
if (post && post.comments.length > 0) {
const ids = =>;
post.comments = await Comment
.find({ id: commentId })

Granted this is an old question, but a much simpler solution would be to loop over the comments,replacing each comment's 'user' property (which is an id) with the user's full detail using async await.
async function getPost(postId){
let post = await Post.findOne(postId).populate('user').populate('comments');
for(let comment of post.comments){
comment.user = await User.findOne({id:comment.user});
return post;
Hope this helps!

In case anyone is looking to do the same but for multiple posts, here's one
way of doing it:
find all user IDs in posts
query all users in 1 go from DB
update posts with those users
Given that same user can write multiple comments, we're making sure we're reusing those objects. Also we're only making 1 additional query (whereas if we'd do it for each post separately, that would be multiple queries).
await Post.find()
.then(async (posts) => {
// Collect all comment user IDs
const userIDs = posts.reduce((acc, curr) => {
for (const comment of post.comments) {
return acc;
}, new Set());
// Get users
const users = await User.find({ id: Array.from(userIDs) });
const usersMap = users.reduce((acc, curr) => {
acc[] = curr;
return acc;
}, {});
// Assign users to comments
for (const post of posts) {
for (const comment of post.comments) {
if (comment.user) {
const userID = comment.user;
comment.user = usersMap[userID];
return posts;


How can I retrieve documents' properties from a pre hook?

I posted this question yesterday because I didn't know how to solve my problem.
Change variable value in document after some time passes?
I was told I need to use a pre hook. I tried to do it, but "this" would refer to the query, not to the document. So I couldn't retrieve the documents to check if the 4 weeks passed. (check the question, you will get it)
Because I don't know how to make this .pre('find') to use variables from each of my document (so it checks if the 4 weeks passed) I was thinking about looping through all of them and checking if 4 weeks passed.
router.get('/judet/:id([0-9]{2})', middleware.access2, function(req, res)
var title = "Dashboard";
Somer.find({}, function(err, someri)
res.render("dashboard", {title: title,, someri:someri});
}); ///get route
var someriSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
nume: {type: String, required: true},
dateOfIntroduction: {type:Date, default:, get: formatareData},
someriSchema.pre('find', function(next) {
console.log(this.dateOfIntroduction); <- this will return undefined, because this refers to the query, actually
});///schema and the pre hook. I thought I could use it like this, and inside the body of the pre hook I can check for the date
Here's what I am talking about:
router.get('/judet/:id([0-9]{2})', middleware.access2, function(req, res)
var title = "Dashboard | Best DAVNIC73";
Somer.find({}, function(err, someri)
///check if 4 weeks passed and then update the deactivate variable
res.render("dashboard", {title: title,, someri:someri});
but I think this will be very bad performance-wise if I will get many entries in my DBs and I don't think this is the best way to do this.
So, if I was told correctly and I should use a pre hook for obtaining what I've said, how can I make it refer to the document?
Ok, I think I understood your requirements. this is what you could do:
this will always set a documents `statusFlag` to false, if the
`dateOfIntroduction` was before
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
someriSchema.pre('find', function(next) {
{ datofIntroduction: { $lte: new Date() }},
{ statusFlag : false})
.then((err, result) => {
// handle err and result
The only problem I see, is that you are firing this request on every find.
in query middleware, mongoose doesn't necessarily have a reference to
the document being updated, so this refers to the query object rather
than the document being updated.
Taken straight from the documentation of mongoose
I pointed you yesterday to their documentation; but here is a more concrete answer.'find', function(res) {
// res will have all documents that were found
if (res.length > 0) {
// Do your logic of checking if 4 weeks have passed then do the following
someri.deactivated = true
What this basically do is for every found schema you would update their properties accordingly, your res can have only 1 object if you only queried 1 object. your second solution would be to do the cron
EDIT: This is what you would do to solve the async issue
const async = require('async')'find', function(res) {
async.forEach(res, function(someri, callback) {
// Do your logic of checking if 4 weeks have passed
// then do the following - or even better check if
// is equal to expiryDate if created in the model as suggested
// by `BenSow`
// Then ONLY if the expiry is true do the following
someri.deactivated = true (err) {
err ? callback(err) : callback(null)
}, function(err){
err ? console.log(err) : console.log('Loop Completed')

Nested documents in mongodb implementation, just like Reddit comments

In my project, I would like to implement a comment section which consists of list of comments.
const myschema= mongoose.Schema({
_id: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
//other fields
comments : [comment]
},{collection : 'TABLE_NAME'} );
const comment= mongoose.Schema({
_id : mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
commentid: String, // id consists of uuid1()
senderid: Number, //user's id
body: String, // useful information
parent: String,// parent id consists of uuid1()
children: [] // I couldn't add children = [comment], it gives me an error,
//instead, I make it empty and will fill it when a comment comes
In the request tab, I will receive a JSON in the following format:
"userid": "NUMBERID HERE",
"comment": "COMMENT BODY",
"parent" : "Comment's parent id"
I would like to add a comment which can be a child of another comment. How can I search and find the appropriate position?
If there are no parent in JSON body, I'm doing this:
// import comment somewhere at the beginning
.then(doc =>{
var newc= new comment();
newc.cid = uuidv1();
newc.sender = req.body.userid;
newc.body = req.body.comment;
newc.parent = "";
newc.children = "";
// save to DB
.then(docres =>{
.catch(err => {
res.status(500).json({error: err});
I have no idea how to find a comment that resides in a deep level
You cannot search for an array element or object property given an unspecified, arbitrarily-nested depth. It just isn't possible. You would need to instead handle this in the application layer. Denormalizing your data is fine in many cases, but arbitrary nesting depths isn't a recommended use case for data denormalization, especially since you can't index efficiently!
If you want a pure MongoDB solution, then you'll need a different document structure. I would recommend taking a look at the documentation, particularly the section concerning an array of ancestors, in order to properly model your data.
I have found a solution.
The manually traversing the comments and inserting in the right place works. However, it only works up to some level. In my case, I can insert a comment below comment and save it. I can also insert a 3rd deep level comment and see the JSON dump of the object that I have inserted or even wrap it in an HTTP response object and send to the client. But the database does not save this update.
What I did is, after inserting the comment in the correct place I added this code before saving to the database.
doc.markModified('comments'); // this is added*prepare response*/);
Somehow the MongoDB or mongoose or javascript interpreter knows the document has been changed and save the updated version. If the markmodified part is not specified, probably the compiler thinks that the object has not been modified and skips it.
Hopefully, this helps people who encounter this issue.
This is my implementation
// find the document which comment is going to be inserted
MyDOC.findOne({'id' :})
.then(doc =>{
// if the comment has a parent, it should be inserted in nested
if(req.body.parent != null && req.body.parent != undefined)
// find correct position and insert
findComment(doc.comments, req.body);
.then(docres =>{
.catch(err => {
res.status(500).json({error: err});
//Add comment to the root level
var comment= new Comment();
comment.cid = uuidv1();
comment.body = req.body.comment;
comment.parent = "";
// save to DB
.then(docres =>{
.catch(err => {
res.status(500).json({error: err});
function findComment(comment, body)
comment.forEach(element => {
if(element.children.length != 0)
if(element.cid === body.parent)
// found, insert
var comment= new Comment();
comment.cid = uuidv1();
comment.body = body.comment;
comment.parent = body.parent;
return true;
if(findComment(element.children, body, usr))
return true;
// this comment does not have children. If this comments id and the body's parent is equal, add it
if(element.cid === body.parent)
// found, insert
var comment= new Comment();
comment.cid = uuidv1();
comment.body = body.comment;
comment.parent = body.parent;
return true;
return false;

Sequelize query inside then()

Trying to:
get a list of users
from the user details get the trips created by the users
and based on the output performing some actions
The following is the code I am trying to run.
.then(function (users) {
for (var i = 0; i < users.length; i++) {
var userName = users[i].name;
var userEmail = users[i].email;
models.trip.findOne({ attributes: [ [userName, 'name'], [userEmail, 'email'], 'id' ], where: { userId: users[i].id } })
.then(function (trip) {
if (trip == null) {
//Send Emails
.catch(function (error){ // enter code here
Due to call back the second Sequelize does not run correctly.
Can you please advice on how to approach this issue? Is it using asyncawait/coyield?
You should debug this by using console.log for example. First you should try to print your first callback result, may be the database connection is not properly configured, may be the table is empty. there are many reasons. also it's more comfortably to use .forEach method instead of 'for' loop
array.forEach((item, i, arr)=>{
Don't use the async method in for and any loop. It is better to use Promise.all or any async library.
The code will be like that.
var tasks = []
users.forEach(function (user) {
tasks.push(models.trip({/*some attrs*/}).then(function (trip){
if (trip) return Promise.resolve()
return sendEmailPromise(user)
Promise.all(tasks).then(function() {
If the models had associations, such that you could just include the other model and add where clause to it.
Sequelize Docs
User.hasMany(Trips, {foreignKey: 'userId'});
include: {
model: Trips,
where: {userId: id}

Sails/Waterline: How to retrieve relations inside a relation?

I need to retrieve an object and also get the relations and nested relations.
So, I have the three models below:
User model:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: 'string'
pets: {
collection: 'pet',
via: 'owner',
Pet model:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: 'string'
owner: {
model: 'user'
vaccines: {
collection: 'vaccine',
via: 'pet',
Vaccine model:
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: 'string'
pet: {
model: 'pet'
Calling User.findOne(name: 'everton').populate('pets').exec(....) I get the user and associated Pets. How can I also get the associated vaccines with each pet? I didn't find references about this in the official documentation.
I've ran into this issue as well, and as far as I know, nested association queries are not built into sails yet (as of this post).
You can use promises to handle the nested population for you, but this can get rather hairy if you are populating many levels.
Something like:
User.findOne(name: 'everton')
.then(function(user) {
user.pets.forEach(function (pet) {
//load pet's vaccines
This has been a widely discussed topic on sails.js and there's actually an open pull request that adds the majority of this feature. Check out
While the answer of Kevin Le is correct it can get a little messy, because you're executing async functions inside a loop. Of course it works, but let's say you want to return the user with all pets and vaccines once it's finished - how do you do that?
There are several ways to solve this problem. One is to use the async library which offers a bunch of util functions to work with async code. The library is already included in sails and you can use it globally by default.
.then(function (user) {
var pets = user.pets;
// async.each() will perform a for each loop and execute
// a fallback after the last iteration is finished
async.each(pets, function (pet, cb) {
// I didn't find a way to reuse the attribute name
pet.connectedVaccines = vaccines;
}, function(){
// this callback will be executed once all vaccines are received
return res.json(user);
There is an alternative approach solving this issue with bluebird promises, which are also part of sails. It's probably more performant than the previous one, because it fetches all vaccines with just one database request. On the other hand it's harder to read...
.then(function (user) {
var pets = user.pets,
petsIds = [];
// to avoid looping over the async function
// all pet ids get collected...
// ... to get all vaccines with one db call
var vaccines = Vaccine.find({pet: petsIds})
return vaccines;
// with bluebird this array...
return [user, vaccines];
//... will be passed here as soon as the vaccines are finished loading
.spread(function(user, vaccines){
// for the same output as before the vaccines get attached to
// the according pet object
// as seen above the attribute name can't get used
// to store the data
pet.connectedVaccines = vaccines.filter(function(vaccine){
return ==;
// then the user with all nested data can get returned
return res.json(user);

find by _id with Mongoose

I am having trouble with a simple findById with mongoose.
Confirmed the item exists in the DB
With mongoose
Story.findById(topic.storyId, function(err, res) {"res", res);
won't find it.
I also tried converting to a mongoId, still cannot be found (even though mongoose supposedly does this for you)
var mid = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(storyId);
let story = await Story.findOne({_id: mid}).exec();
I'm actually trying to use this with typescript, hence the await.
I also tried the Story.findById(id) method, still cannot be found.
Is there some gotcha to just finding items by a plain _id field?
does the _id have to be in the Schema? (docs say no)
I can find by other values in the Schema, just _id can't be used...
update: I wrote a short test for this.
describe("StoryConvert", function() {
it("should read a list of topics", async function test() {
let topics = await Topic.find({});
for (let i = 0; i < topics.length; i ++) {
let topic = topics[i];
// topics.forEach( async function(topic) {
let storyId = topic.storyId;
let mid = mongoose.Types.ObjectId(storyId);
let story = await Story.findOne({_id: mid});
// let story = await Story.findById(topic.storyId).exec();
// assert.equal(topic.storyId, story._id);"storyId", storyId);"mid", mid);"story", story);
Story.findOne({_id: storyId}, function(err, res) {
if (err) {
} else {"no error");
}"res1", res);
Story.findOne({_id: mid}, function(err, res) {"res2", res);
Story.findById(mid, function(err, res) {"res3", res);
// assert.isNotNull(res);
It will return stuff like
Testing storyId 572f16439c0d3ffe0bc084a4
Testing mid 572f16439c0d3ffe0bc084a4
Testing story null
Testing no error
Testing res1 null
Testing res2 null
Testing res3 null
I noticed that topic.storyId is a string
not sure if that would cause any issues mapping to the other table.
I tried also adding some type defs
storyId: {
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
required: false
Because this query finds the doc in the shell:
That means that the type of _id in the document is actually a string, not an ObjectId like Mongoose is expecting.
To find that doc using Mongoose, you'd have to define _id in the schema for Story as:
_id: { type: String }
If your Mongo schema is configured to use Object Id, you query in nodeJS using
where Foo is your model and id is your id.
here's a working example
router.get('/:id', function(req, res, next) {
var id =
.lean().exec(function (err, results) {
if (err) return console.error(err)
try {
} catch (error) {
console.log("errror getting results")
In Mongo DB your query would be
One solution is to use mongoose.ObjectId()
const Model = require('./model')
const mongoose = require('mongoose')
Model.find({ id: mongoose.ObjectId(userID) })
It works, but it is weird because we are using id instead of _id
This is how we do it now:
const { mongoose } = require("mongoose");
YourModel.find({ _id: mongoose.Types.ObjectId("572f16439c0d3ffe0bc084a4") });
I got into this scenario too. This was how I solved it;
According to the mongoose documentation, you need to tell mongoose to
return the raw js objects, not mongoose documents by passing the lean option and setting it to true. e.g
Adventure.findById(id, 'name', { lean: true }, function (err, doc) {});
in your situation, it would be
Story.findById(topic.storyId, { lean: true }, function(err, res) {"res", res);
If _id is the default mongodb key, in your model set the type of _id as this:
_id: mongoose.SchemaTypes.ObjectId
Then usind mongoose you can use a normal find:
YourModel.find({"_id": "5f9a86b77676e180c3089c3d"});
Try this
Story.findOne({_id:"572b19509dac77951ab91a0b"}, function(err, story){
if (err){
//return done(err, null);
