How to save User reference in own Record - orchardcms

What I'm trying to achieve here is to save the current user instance in my ApiConfigurationRecord table. I already dig around the internet, and most of the example is using UserPartRecord. But the troble I encounter is to get the UserPartRecord object itself.
This is my Entity class look like:
public class ApiConfigurationRecord
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual UserPartRecord RegisterBy { get; set; }
This is my Migration.cs code look like:
public int Create()
SchemaBuilder.CreateTable("ApiConfigurationRecord", table => table
.Column<int>("Id", column => column.PrimaryKey().Identity())
.Column<string>("Name", column => column.NotNull())
return 1;
This is my Action Controller codes:
public ActionResult Test()
var userId = this._orchardServices.WorkContext.CurrentUser.Id;
// below code got error: The non-generic method IContentManager.Query() cannot be used with type arguments
this._orchardServices.ContentManager.Query<UserPart, UserPartRecord>().Where(u => u.Id == userId);
return null;
For hours I stuck in this problem. Need to know how to save this User relationship object, and most importantly, get the object itself. Please guide me.

Or you could just do
Though you will probably want to check user is not null there too. And as Bertrand Le Roy says, you will also need
using Orchard.ContentManagement;
to make use of the .As extension method.

My super-powers tell me that you are missing the following on top of your controller file:
using Orchard.ContentManagement;
The generic version of the Query method is an extension method that is in this namespace.


How to retrieve data using a strong typed model in LinqToSql

This code works fine.
using (ContextDB db = new ContextDB())
var custAcct = (from c in db.CustAccts
select new
But this one doesn't
public class CustAcct
public int AcctNo { get; set; }
public string Company { get; set; }
public string UserName { get; set; }
using (ContextDB db = new ContextDB())
CustAcct custAcct = (from c in db.CustAccts
select new
It returns this error:
Cannot implicitly convert type 'System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable' to 'EMailReader.Models.CustAcct'. An explicit conversion exists (are you missing a cast?)
I used Google, found many related topics but still couldn't put it to work using the available solutions
I just need to return data to a strong typed model.
After more research I found this solution bellow, but I wonder why I cannot retrieve directly in the list from LinqToSql.
List<CustAcct> temp = new List<CustAcct>();
IEnumerable<dynamic> items = custAcct;
foreach (var item in items)
temp.Add(new CustAcct()
AcctNo = item.AcctNo,
Company = item.Company,
UserName = item.UserName,
You are re defining those properties by creating new Class. And this will override LINQ2SQL generated class.
Just change "public class CustAcct" to "public partial class CustAcct".
This will solve your problem, and you do not need to define those properties again. Remove those from your class. Those will be automatically create for you.
If you can just post your class, and I will change it for you.

Orchard: how to persist a record without content

Allright, this should be fairly easy.
I would like to persist some records for my module in Orchard (1.7.2) without those records being also a ContentPartRecord.
In other words, I would like to be able to persist in DB the following objects:
public class LogItemRecord
public virtual string Message { get; set; }
..which is already mapped on to the db. But notice that this class is not derived from ContentPartRecord, as it is most certainly not one.
However, when I call IRepository instance's .Create method, all I get is a lousy nHibernate exception:
No persister for: MyModule.Models.LogItemRecord
...which disappears if I do declare the LogItem record as having been inherited from ContentPartRecord, but trying to persist that, apart from being hacky-tacky, runs into an exception of its own, where nHibernate again justly complains that the Id value for the record is zero, though in not so many words.
So... how do I play nicely with Orchard and use its API to persist objects of my own that are not ContentParts / ContentItems?
I'm running 1.7.3 (also tested in 1.7.2) and have successfully been able to persist the following class to the DB:
public class ContactRecord
public virtual int Id { get; set; }
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual string JobTitle { get; set; }
public virtual string Email { get; set; }
public virtual string Phone { get; set; }
Here are the relevant lines from Migrations.cs
table => table
.Column<int>("Id", col => col.Identity().PrimaryKey())
I'm going to assume that the code you've shown for LogItemRecord is the complete class definition when making the following statement...
I think that any Record class you store in the DB needs an Id property, and that property should be marked as Identity and PrimaryKey in the table definition (as I've done above).
When you create a *Record class which inherits from ContentPartRecord and setup the table like
table => table
// more column definitions
then you get the Id property/PK "for free" by inheritance and calling .ContentPartRecord() in the Migration.
See the PersonRecord in the Orchard Training Demo Module for another example of storing a standard class as a record in the DB.

How update an entity inside Aggregate

I have an aggregate named Campaigns every with a root entity named campaign, this root entity has a list of attempts (entity)
public class Attempts: IEntity<Attempts>
private int id;
public AttempNumber AttemptNumber {get;}
//other fields
public class Campaign: IEntity<Campaign> //root
private int id;
public IList<Attempt> {get;}
//other fields
Im using a method to add a campaign attempt
public virtual void AssignAttempts(Attempts att)
Validate.NotNull(att, "attemps are required for assignment");
Problem comes when i try to edit a specific item in attempts list. I get Attempt by AttempNumber and pass it to editAttempt method but i dont know how to set the attempt without deleting whole list and recreate it again
public virtual void EditAttempts(Attempts att)
Validate.NotNull(att, "attemps are required for assignment");
Any help will be appreciated!
Pedro de la Cruz
First, I think there may be a slight problem with your domain model. It seems to me like 'Campaign' should be an aggregate root entity having a collection of 'Attempt' value objects (or entities). There is no 'Campaigns' aggregate unless you have a parent concept to a campaign which would contain a collection of campaigns. Also, there is no 'Attempts' entity. Instead a collection of 'Attempt' entities or values on the 'Campaign' entity. 'Attempt' may be an entity if it has identity outside of a 'Campaign', otherwise it is a value object. The code could be something like this:
class Campaign {
public string Id { get; set; }
public ICollection<Attempt> Attempts { get; private set; }
public Attempt GetAttempt(string id) {
return this.Attempts.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Number == id);
class Attempt {
public string Number { get; set; }
public string Attribute1 { get; set; }
If you retrieve an Attempt from the Campaign entity and then change some of the properties, you should not have to insert it back into the campaign entity, it is already there. This is how the code would look if you were using NHibernate (similar for other ORMs):
var campaign = this.Session.Get<Campaign>("some-id");
var attempt = campaign.GetAttempt("some-attempt-id");
attempt.Attribute1 = "some new value";
this.Session.Flush(); // will commit changes made to Attempt
You don't need an Edit method. Your code can modify the Attempts in-place, like so:
Attempt toModify = MyRepository.GetAttemptById(id);
toModify.Location = "Paris";
MyRepository.SaveChanges(); // to actually persist to the DB
Of course how you name the SaveChanges() is up to you, this is the way Entity Framework names its general Save method.

AutoMapper Problem - List won't Map

I have the following class:
public class Account
public int AccountID { get; set; }
public Enterprise Enterprise { get; set; }
public List<User> UserList { get; set; }
And I have the following method fragment:
Entities.Account accountDto = new Entities.Account();
DAL.Entities.Account account;
Mapper.CreateMap<DAL.Entities.Account, Entities.Account>();
Mapper.CreateMap<DAL.Entities.User, Entities.User>();
account = DAL.Account.GetByPrimaryKey(this.Database, primaryKey, withChildren);
return accountDto;
When the method is called, the Account class gets mapped correctly but the list of users in the Account class does not (it is NULL). There are four User entities in the List that should get mapped. Could someone tell me what might be wrong?
Try not passing in the accountDto, and let AutoMapper create it for you. When you map to an existing destination object, AutoMapper makes a few assumptions, that you won't have any already-null destination collections for one. Instead, do:
var accountDto = Mapper.Map<DAL.Entities.Account, Entities.Account>(account);
The last thing you should check is that your configuration is valid, so you can try:
After those CreateMap calls. This checks to make sure everything lines up properly on the destination type side of things.

"Lambda Parameter not in scope" exception using SimpleRepository's Single method

I'm attempting to use the SimpleRepository to perform a fetch based on a non-ID property. Here's the Customer class I'm using:
public class Customer : IEntity<Guid>
public Guid ProviderUserKey { get; set; }
public Guid ID
get; set;
I'm using SimpleRepository with migrations turned on. The code that throws the "Lambda Parameter not in scope" is below:
public class CustomerRepository :
private readonly IRepository _impl;
public CustomerRepository(string connectionStringName)
_impl = new SimpleRepository(connectionStringName,
public Customer GetCustomer(string userName)
var user = Membership.GetUser(userName);
// Code to guard against a missing user would go here
// This line throws the exception
var customer = _impl.Single<Customer>(c => c.ProviderUserKey.Equals(user.ProviderUserKey));
// Code to create a new customer based on the
// ASP.NET Membership user would go here
return customer;
I'm not sure at what point in the LINQ expression compilation this throws, but I am running this example on an empty database. The schema generations gets far enough to create the table structure, but can't evaluate the expression.
Does anyone know what I might be doing wrong?
I've had reports of this - can you add this (and your code) as an issue please?
