perl wkhtmltopdf Error: Unable to write to destination - linux

I have the following code running as CGI. It starts to run and returns an empty PDF file to the browser and writes an error message to the error_log.
Does anybody have suggestions on how to solve this?
linux: Linux version (...) (gcc version 4.5.1 20100924 (Red Hat 4.5.1-4) (GCC) ) #1 SMP Fri Oct 22 15:27:53 UTC 2010
wkhtmltopdf: wkhtmltopdf 0.10.0 rc2
perl: This is perl 5, version 12, subversion 2 (v5.12.2) built for i386-linux-thread-multi
Thank You in Advance.
perl CODE:
#### takes string containing HTML and outputs PDF to browser to download
#### (otherwise would output to STDOUT)
print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='testPDF.pdf'\n";
print "Content-type: application/octet-stream\n\n";
my $htmlToPrint = "<html>a bunch of html</html>";
### open a filehandle and pipe it to wkhtmltopdf
### *the arguments "- -" tell wkhtmltopdf to get
### input from STDIN and send output to STDOUT*
open(my $makePDF, "|-", "/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf", "-", "-") || die("$!");
print $makePDF $htmlToPrint; ## sends my HTML to wkhtmltopdf which streams immediately to STDOUT
error_log message:
Loading pages (1/6)
QPainter::begin(): Returned false============================] 100%
Error: Unable to write to destination

Here is my code that I got to work. Hopefully some folks will find it useful.
Make sure the rights are set up correctly on the server side. We have a sysadmin here that set the module up on the server side so I can't tell you what those need to be, just that it can cause problems.
use warnings;
use strict;
use IPC::Open3;
use Symbol;
my $cmd = '/usr/local/bin/wkhtmltopdf - -';
my $err = gensym();
my $in = gensym();
my $out = gensym();
my $pdf = '';
my $pid = open3($in, $out, $err, $cmd) or die "could not run cmd : $cmd : $!\n";
my $string = '<html><head></head><body>Hello World!!!</body></html>';
print $in $string;
while( <$out> ) {
$pdf .= $_
# for trouble shooting
while( <$err> ) {
# print "err-> $_<br />\n";
# for trouble shooting
waitpid($pid, 0 ) or die "$!\n";
my $retval = $?;
# print "retval-> $retval<br />\n";
print "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='testPDF.pdf'\n";
print "Content-type: application/octet-stream\n\n";
print $pdf;


Perl: How to pass IPC::Open3 redirected STDOUT/STDERR fhs

I'm trying to capture the output my perl code generates both from print and similar statements and external commands.
Due to design constraints I can't use solutions like Capture::Tiny. I need to forward the output to the buffer variable as soon as it is generated and I need to be able to differentiate between STDOUT and STDERR. Ideally a solution for external commands would essentially work just like system apart from being able to capture STDOUT and STDERR instead of printing them.
My code is supposed to:
Save the old STDOUT/STDERR file handles.
Create a new ones for both STDERR and STDOUT.
Redirect all the output to this place.
Print a couple of things.
Restore the old filehandles.
Do something with the captured output, e.g. print it.
However I'm unable to capture the output generated from external commands. I can't do it with IPC::Run3 nor with IPC::Open3.
#!/usr/bin/perl -CSDAL
use warnings;
use strict;
use IPC::Open3;
#use IPC::Run3;
# Save old filehandles
open(my $oldout, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
open(my $olderr, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
my $buffer = "";
open(STDOUT, '>', \$buffer) or die "Can't redirect STDOUT: $!";
*STDERR = *STDOUT; # In this example STDOUT and STDERR are printed to the same buffer.
print "1: Test\n";
#run3 ["date"], undef, \*STDOUT, \*STDERR; # This doesn't work as expected
my $pid = open3("<&STDIN", ">&STDOUT", ">&STDERR", "date");
waitpid($pid,0); # Nor does this.
print STDERR "2: Test\n";
open(STDOUT, ">&", $oldout) or die "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
open(STDERR, ">&", $olderr) or die "Can't dup \$olderr: $!";
print "Restored!\n";
print $buffer;
Expected result:
1: Test
Mo 25. Mär 13:44:53 CET 2019
2: Test
Actual result:
1: Test
2: Test
I don't have a solution to offer you, however I can provide some explanations as to the behavior you are seeing.
First, IPC::Open3 is not supposed to work when your filehandles are variables; see this question for more explanations.
Now, why isn't IPC::Run3 working? First, notice that if don't redirect STDERR and run
run3 ["date"], undef, \$buffer, { append_stdout => 1 };
instead of
run3 ["date"], undef, \*STDOUT;
then it works as expected. (you need to add { append_stdout => 1 } or your previous outputs to $buffer will be overwritten)
To understand what's happening, in your program, after
open(STDOUT, '>', \$buffer) or die "Can't redirect STDOUT: $!";
print STDERR ref(\$buffer), "\n"
print STDERR ref(\*STDOUT), "\n"
Which will print
That's exactly what IPC::Run3::run3 will do to know what to do with the "stdout" you give it (see the source: _fh_for_child_output, which is called by run3):
if it's a scalar, then a temporary file is used (the corresponding line is $fh = $fh_cache{$what} ||= tempfile, where tempfile is a function from File::Temp.
On the other hand, when stdout is a GLOB (or tied to IO::Handle), that filehandle is used directly (that's this line of code).
Which explains why when you call run3 with \$buffer it works, but not with \*STDOUT.
When redirecting STDERR as well, and calling
run3 ["date"], undef, \$buffer, \$buffer, { append_stdout => 1, append_stderr => 1 };
, things start to appear weird. I don't understand what's happening, but I'll share here what I found, and hopefully someone will make sense of it.
I modified the source of IPC::Run3 and added
open my $FP, '>', 'logs.txt' or die "Can't open: $!";
at the beginning of the sub run3. When running, I only see
1: Test
on STDOUT (my terminal), but logs.txt contains the date (something in the lines of Mon Mar 25 17:49:44 CET 2019).
Investing a bit reveals that fileno $FP returns 1 (which, unless I mistaken, is usually STDOUT (but you closed it, so I'm no so surprised that its descriptor can be reused)), and fileno STDOUT returns 2 (this might depend on your Perl version and other opened filehandles though). What seems to be happening is that system assumes that STDOUT is the file descriptor 1 and thus prints to $FP instead of STDOUT (I'm just guessing though).
Please feel free to comment/edit if you understand what's happening.
I ended up with the following code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -CSDAL
use warnings;
use strict;
use IPC::Run3;
use IO::Scalar;
use Encode;
use utf8;
# Save old filehandles
open(my $oldout, ">&STDOUT") or die "Can't dup STDOUT: $!";
open(my $olderr, ">&STDERR") or die "Can't dup STDERR: $!";
open(my $FH, "+>>:utf8", undef) or die $!;
open(STDOUT, '>&', $FH) or die "Can't redirect STDOUT: $!";
open(STDERR, '>&', $FH) or die "Can't redirect STDOUT: $!";
print "1: Test\n";
run3 ["/bin/date"], undef, $FH, $FH, { append_stdout => 1, append_stderr => 1 };
print STDERR "2: Test\n";
open(STDOUT, ">&", $oldout) or die "Can't dup \$oldout: $!";
open(STDERR, ">&", $olderr) or die "Can't dup \$olderr: $!";
print "Restored!\n";
seek($FH, 0, 0);
# No idea why this is even required
print Encode::decode_utf8($_);
This is far from what I originally wanted, but appears to be working at least.
The issues I have with this are:
I need an anonymous file handle creating clutter on the hard disk.
For some reason I need to fix the encoding manually.
Thank you very much to the people who dedicated their time helping me out here.
Is there a reason you need to use the parent's STDOUT and STDERR? IPC::Open3 is easily capable of redirecting the child's STDOUT and STDERR to unrelated handles in the parent which you can read from.
use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::Open3;
my $pid = open3 undef, my $outerr, undef, 'date';
my $output = do { local $/; readline $outerr };
waitpid $pid, 0;
my $exit = $? >> 8;
This will read STDOUT and STDERR together, if you want to read them separately you need to pass my $stderr = Symbol::gensym as the third argument (as shown in the IPC::Open3 docs), and use a non-blocking loop to avoid deadlocking when reading both handles. IO::Async::Process or similar can fully automate this for you, but IPC::Run3 provides a much simpler solution if you only need to store the output in scalar variables. IPC::Run3 and Capture::Tiny can also both easily be fatpacked for deployment in scripts.
This is not an answer yet, but it seems like open3 requires STDOUT to be a regular tty file handle at the time you call open3, for example:
use feature qw(say);
use strict;
use warnings;
use IPC::Open3;
use Symbol 'gensym';
local *STDOUT; # <-- if you comment out this line open3 works as expected
my ($chld_in, $chld_out);
my $chld_err = gensym;
my $pid;
eval {
$pid = open3($chld_in, $chld_out, $chld_err, "date");
if ( $# ) {
say "IPC::Open::open3 failed: '$#'";
print "-> $_" for <$chld_out>;
waitpid $pid, 0;
# say "Cannot print to invalid handle..";
say "ok";
ma. 25. mars 16:00:01 +0100 2019
Note that the arrow -> in the beginning of the line is missing,
so nothing can be read from $chld_out in this case. However, if I comment out the line:
local *STDOUT;
The output is:
-> ma. 25. mars 16:01:10 +0100 2019

batch download from URL

I want to download thousand of files from a URL. Each line in "FileName.txt" contains the name of file to download. I am using a Perl script to take the file name from "FileName.txt" and downloading them after a random time. I run script as "./ Filename.txt"
open(FP1, $file1);
{ chomp ($s1);
$range = 5;
$minimum = 3;
$random_number = int(rand($range)) + $minimum;
`wget --wait="$random_number" "http://URL=$s1"`;
I am getting the output for few initial file but not for remaining file. For remaining file $ emacs fileD.txt give
[13] 29699
Could you kindly tell me why I am getting "[13] 29699", and what is the best way to download file after random time interval. Sorry, the program at while does not show the correct handler. Thanks
You don't show where $id comes from, but presumably some URLs contain & which puts the process in the background. You should use single quotes for wget's argument or use the list form of system.
Further, wget's wait parameter is only relevant if your are using wget itself to traverse links from a given URL. In your case, you need your Perl script to sleep between invoking wget for each URL:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use constant WAIT_MINIMUM => 3;
use constant WAIT_RANGE => 5;
my ($url_list_file) = #ARGV;
or die "Need URL list\n";
open my $fh, '<', $url_list_file
or die "Cannot open '$url_list_file': $!";
while (my $url = <$fh>) {
$url =~ s/\R\z//;
my #cmd = (wget => 'http://$url');
print "#cmd\n";
my $error = system #cmd;
if ($error) {
warn "''#cmd' failed: $?";
What means URL=? wget takes url as simple paramter. Seems to be you need
`wget --wait=$random_number 'http://$s1'`;

Setting Binary Transfer mode

My Perl script below is very basic. It goes and copies a .zip file located on one server and transfers it to another server.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
my $remotehost ="XXXXXX";
my $remotepath = "/USA/Fusion_Keyword_Reports";
my $remoteuser = "XXXXXXX";
my $remotepass = "XXXXXXX";
my $inputfile ="/fs/fs01/crmdata/SYWR/AAM/list8.txt";
my $remotefile1;
#my $DIR="/fs/fs01/crmdata/SYWR/AAM";
open (FILEIN, "<", $inputfile) or die "can't open list8 file";
while (my $line =<FILEIN>) {
if ($line =~ m /Keywords-Report(.*?)/i && $line !~ m/Keywords-Report-loopback/i) {
print $line;
$remotefile1 =$line;
close FILEIN;
print "remotefile $remotefile1\n";
my $DIR1="/fs/fs01/crmdata/SYWR/AAM/$remotefile1";
my $cmd= "ftp -in";
my $ftp_command = "open $remotehost
user $remoteuser $remotepass
cd $remotepath
get $remotefile1
open (CMD, "|$cmd");
print CMD $ftp_command;
close (CMD);
When I run the script it does work but I get an error and the file that gets transferred is corrupted as a result.
226 Transfer complete.
WARNING! 40682 bare linefeeds received in ASCII mode.
File may not have transferred correctly.
I did some reading and I think I need to set the transfer mode to binary. However I am really not sure how to do that in my script. Additionally, I am not sure that is the right solution either.
I would really appreciate your thoughts about this error. If setting the transfer mode to Binary will fix this problem can you please show me where I would do that?
my $ftp_command = "open $remotehost
user $remoteuser $remotepass
cd $remotepath
get $remotefile1

My array is showing empty after I insert huge data into it in perl

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This is a perl script which is used to parse the audio files
# present in the device and build's the xml containing all the
# track i.e both audio and video files duration
# The xml file is created in the name of ParsedMetadataInformation.xml
# in <ATAF Path>/tmp/ directory.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
use strict;
use warnings;
use Env;
use File::Find;
use XML::TreePP;
use Data::Dumper;
my $data;
if (not defined $ATAF){
print "=====================================================\n";
print "ERROR: ATAF Path is not set.\n";
print "(Example: export ATAF=/home/roopa/ATAF)\n";
print "=====================================================\n";
exit 1;
print "Enter the Absolute path for the device to be scanned\n";
print "(Example: /media/RACE_1.6A)\n";
my #metadataInfo = ();
print "Enter Path:";
my $configDir = <STDIN>;
chomp $configDir;
my #configFiles;
find( sub {push #configFiles, "$File::Find::name$/" if (/\.mp3|\.wma|\.wav|\.ogg| \.flac| \.m4a|\.mp4|\.avi|\.mpg|\.mpeg|\.mov|\.wmv|\.m4b$/i)}, $configDir);
chomp #configFiles;
if (!#configFiles){
print "=====================================================\n";
print "ERROR: No Files Found!!!\n";
print "=====================================================\n";
exit -1;
my $tpp = XML::TreePP->new();
my $metadataHashTree1 = ();
print "=====================================================\n";
print "Extracting the Metadata Information\n";
print "=====================================================\n";
foreach my $file (#configFiles){
print "Currently in: $file\n";
(my $fileName = $file) =~ s/^.*\///g;
$file =~ s/([\!\$\^\*\&\(\)\|\}\{\[\]\:\"\;\'\?\>\<\,\=\`\s])/\\$1/g;
#metadataInfo = (`ffmpeg -i $fileName`);
my $size= scalar (#metadataInfo);
#chomp #metadataInfo;
foreach my $eachfile (#metadataInfo){
if ($eachfile =~ m/^Duration: /i){
$eachfile =~ m/Duration:(.*?),/;
$data= $1;
print "=====================================================\n";
print "Building XML tree\n";
print "=====================================================\n\n";
my $xml = $tpp->write($metadataHashTree1);
sleep 5;
print "=====================================================================\n";
print "Writing the XML tree in <ATAF Path>/tmp/ParsedMetadataInformation.xml\n";
print "=====================================================================\n\n";
open (FILEHANDLE, ">$ATAF/tmp/ParsedDurationInformation.xml") or die "ERROR: $!\n";
print FILEHANDLE $xml;
sleep 5;
print "=====================================================\n";
print "Successfully Completed!!!\n";
print "=====================================================\n\n";
In the above program I am trying to get the duration of a track using ffmpeg command and saving the output in #metadataInfo. But the array size shows 0 if I try to print using the command
$size= scalar (#metadataInfo);
should be
Appending $/ makes no sense.
You don't convert the file name to a shell literal.
`ffmpeg -i $fileName`
should be
use String::ShellQuote qw( shell_quote );
my $cmd = shell_quote('ffmpeg', '-i', $fileName);
This will handle problems such as a spaces in the file name.
You don't check if the backticks succeeded. What's the value of $?? And if that's -1, what's the value of $!?

Read unbuffered data from pipe in Perl

I am trying to read unbufferd data from a pipe in Perl. For example in the program below:
open FILE,"-|","iostat -dx 10 5";
$old=select FILE;
select $old;
foreach $i (<FILE>) {
print "GOT: $i\n";
iostat spits out data every 10 seconds (five times). You would expect this program to do the same. However, instead it appears to hang for 50 seconds (i.e. 10x5), after which it spits out all the data.
How can I get the to return whatever data is available (in an unbuffered manner), without waiting all the way for EOF?
P.S. I have seen numerous references to this under Windows - I am doing this under Linux.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
open(PIPE, "iostat -dx 10 1 |") || die "couldn't start pipe: $!";
while (my $line = <PIPE>) {
print "Got line number $. from pipe: $line";
close(PIPE) || die "couldn't close pipe: $! $?";
If it is fine to wait in your Perl script instead on the linux command, this should work.
I don't think Linux will give control back to the Perl script before the command execution is completed.
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
my $j=0;
open FILE,"-|","iostat -dx 10 1";
$old=select FILE;
select $old;
foreach $i (<FILE>)
print "GOT: $i";
I have below code working for me
use strict;
use warnings;
open FILE,"-|","iostat -dx 10 5";
while (my $old=<FILE>)
print "GOT: $old\n";
The solutions so far did not work for me with regards to unbuffering (Windows ActiveState Perl 5.10).
According to, "To get an unbuffered stream specify an unbuffered layer (e.g. :unix ) in the open call:".
open(PIPE, '-|:unix', 'iostat -dx 10 1') or die "couldn't start pipe: $!";
while (my $line = <PIPE>) {
print "Got $line";
which worked in my case.
