Sharepoint workflow wont start automatically - sharepoint

So I have a contact form on this website that populates a list, I then have a workflow that whenever a new item is created it sends an email with the contents of the form.
So I can actually go into the list and add a new item manually and it will send perfectly, however whenever I go and use the form on the website it does not send the email.
I've checked to make sure that the form is populating the list and it is. Anyone have any ideas why its not starting automatically?

If your form saves the item as a system account the workflow wont start. Is the form saving as the logged in user, using impersonation or elevated privileges?


Send an email (using flow) when the text field changes in PowerApps

I have a PowerApps App which is linked to a SharePoint List. When the user makes some changes to the text field in the app; I want the flow to send the user an email regarding the update.
I've been trying to track the SharePoint List entry and see if the entry is modified, then send an email. But so far I'm unable to do so.
I've been able to send an email when a text field changes to a specific text; but I'm looking for something where a particular entry in the list is changed.
When an item is created or modified > Condition (Column is equal to Yes) > Send email based on the condition
You don't need Powerapps for the same, what I mean is you need Flow for this.
Create and Run your flow on SharePoint directly.
In your flow check whatever your field is changed, if changed then you can send the user email.
You do not need to depend on Powerapps, Flow can alone work for this scenario.
Ensure you are using the Sharepoint When an item is created or modified Trigger in Power Automate (the tool formerly known as Flow)
Add a Trigger Condition for the column in question. Something along the lines of #triggerBody()?.Status,'Pending')
Trigger Conditions are not very well documented at the moment, but provide a powerful way to control when a Power Automate runs.

Emailing out an item in sharepoint 2010 to users that don't have access to the site

I am trying to figure out how to email out one item from a list by when you have an item clicking on a button as a web part. Sort of like when you create a print button and it prints out just the one item.
I don't want all of my users to have to download anything. Is there a way just to code the webpart to create a button where your outlook email pops up with a new email and the list item and details are in the body of the email?
While it is possible to build a button that would use JavaScript to scrape the contents of a specific element on a page (since you are building client side script) and put them into the body of an email, there's a lot of formatting issues that can arise there since non-text elements might be lost, styling might drop off and there's the potential for XSS, etc. You would also have to edit the item template for that button to show up.
You can also build a custom action that sends the content of the item through email with a workflow. This requires a bit of dev work in SharePoint that you may or may not be familiar with.
Additionally, if they don't have access to that site, why would you automate sending them content from it? If it's content they should have access to, why not put it in a list/library that is more tailored to their permission level?

Sending Test Email in Workflow

I am editing a workflow (that I did not create) and inside the email that it sends, there is this link that I cannot click on. So I want to have the workflow send me the email so I can click on it through my email client to see where it leads to. Is it possible to send an email without having to run the workflow? There is an if statement that it has to go through in order to send the email and I don't want to go through the trouble to initiate it.
It's not possible to make a workflow generate an e-mail without running the workflow through the branch that creates the e-mail...
This is one reason why debugging workflows isn't very easy.

Add custom text to Sharepoint Email Alert

We have an alert set-up for sharepoint list, but I want to add some custom text to the alert email. We do not have any access to SPD or sharepoint server and can make changes to sharepoint client only.
Can anyone please advice?
The code that sends out emails runs on the SharePoint server via the Timer Job. Since you have no access to do anything with the server you've got absolutely no chance of modifying the built in alert emails.
Could you do this with javascript?
You can't send emails with JavaScript directly. You can open up a draft email in a users default email client using a mailto link but this won't achieve what you want as a user will still have to edit it.
You could, I suppose, put some javascript onto an edit page using a content editor web part (which you can do without SPD) to on changes make an AJAX call to a separate web server to do the actual sending.

How to allow Users to request access to a particular document in SharePoint?

I would like to create something in SharePoint that allows users to request access to particular documents and then for me to be able assign access for a period. Would this be possible in SharePoint? If so, how would i go about doing this? What must i use?
Thanks in advance!
Set up a SharePoint Group for those documents and then allow users to request membership to the group.
This is how I would do it:
Add a hyperlink column to the Document Library
Add a 'New Item' event handler to the DL which adds the url to the hyperlink column, and point the hyperlink to your own ASP.Net page (or even the DL itself), with details of the document required (ID et al) in the GET string. Call this hyperlink 'Request Access' or something similar.
Create a webpart which checks the GET string for the right variables, identifies the user (currently logged in user viewing the page the webpart is on) and sends you an email informing you of the request. Add this webpart to the target ASP.Net page in step 2.
When a document is added, the event handler will update the hyperlink column with the required hyperlink. When a user requires access, they will click on the properly formed hyperlink, which will take you to a page with the receiver webpart on it. The receiver webpart will get the required information from the GET string, inform you via email, and also inform the user that the request has been received.
Although I'm sure theres a better way to do this...
You can modify the "popup" menu that's shown while hovering over the document. Add a link to that menu, here's an example of how to change the hover menu:
