RequireJS issues accessing app object across app - requirejs

I have an application which has an app object which does the start routine and stores useful things like app.state and app.user. However I am trying to access this app instance without passing this from the app instance all the way around my large codebase.
Strangely I work on other projects which include app in the same way as in something.js and it works but I can't see why.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Cannot require app in another file</title>
<script data-main="config" src="require.js"></script>
deps: ['app']
], function(Something) {
'use strict';
var App = function() { = 'My app';
return new App();
], function (require, app) {
'use strict';
var SomeModule = function() {
app = require('app'); // EXCEPTION
console.log('App:', app);
return new SomeModule();
When loading this requirejs exception is throw because of the require in SomeModule:
Uncaught Error: Module name "app" has not been loaded yet for context: _
Demo of above (see console for error):

It's not clear to me why you need to have a circular dependency. As stated in the documentation for RequireJS:
Circular dependencies are rare, and usually a sign that you might want to rethink the design.
This being said, if you do need the circular dependency, the issue with your code is that require('app') is called too early. It cannot be called until after the module something has returned its value. Right now, it is called before the value is returned. If you look at the code given as example in the documentation:
define(["require", "a"],
function(require, a) {
//"a" in this case will be null if a also asked for b,
//a circular dependency.
return function(title) {
return require("a").doSomething();
you see that the module returns a function which then would be called by the code that required the module, which happens after this module has returned its value.
So how do you fix this? What you could do is have the class you return call a function that fetches module app whenever needed. So:
], function (require) {
'use strict';
var app_;
function fetch_app() {
if (app_ === undefined)
app_ = require("app");
return app_;
var SomeModule = function() {
// ...
SomeModule.prototype.doSomethingWithApp = function () {
var app = get_app();
return new SomeModule();
I've removed app from the list of arguments and store the value of the app module in app_ because doing it this way provides for early detection of a missing call to get_app() in any method of SomeModule. If app is made a parameter of the module's factory function then using app inside a method without calling get_app() first would be detected only if it so happened that no other method that calls get_app() was called first. (Of course, I could type app_ and face the same problem as the one I aim to prevent. It's a matter of respective likelihoods: I'd be very likely to forget to call get_app() everywhere it is needed because I don't usually write code with circular dependencies. However, I'd be unlikely to type app_ for app because I don't usually put _ at the end of my variable names.)


Using aws-sdk.js with require.js in a browser

I'm trying to figure out how to use the browser-based aws-sdk.js with require.js when building a web app.
If I try to build a class and include aws-sdk in the require.js define, once I try to create an instance and reference the AWS class, it says it is undefined.
For example, I have a function that checks to see if the credentials are an instance of AWS.Credentials and if not, it tries to initialize it with an STS token it retrieves via Rest.
The problem is, the code dies on the if(this.credentials instanceof AWS.Credentials) saying AWS is undefined. It even dies on my simple check of the needsRefresh.
This is what my define looks like - I'll include the 'needsRefresh' wrapper for an example of the sort of thing that is throwing the Undefined error:
function (require, AWS, $) {
// Aws helper class
function AwsHelper() { };
AwsHelper.prototype = {
credentials: null,
tokenNeedsRefresh: function () {
// errors out on the following line with: //
// TypeError: Cannot read property 'Credentials' of undefined //
if(this.credentials instanceof AWS.Credentials) {
return this.credentials.needsRefresh();
} else return true;
return AwsHelper;
I also tried the following format at the top of the file:
define(function (require) {
var AWS = require("aws-sdk"),
$ = require("jquery");
/* .. */
If I remove all onLoad references to the refresh code running, it will load and I can create an instance. But as soon as I call any function that references the AWS class, it dies.
How do I make sure that AWS class definition is still in global space once an instance is spawned?
Dunno what difference the paths will make (it's finding and loading the code just fine - I can see AWS Class in namespace in the debugger as it's loading but it's not in the namespace on the function call), but added on request:
baseUrl: '/js',
paths: {
lib: 'lib',
ImageUploader: 'ImageUploader'
I decided to try to play with this again and seemed to have figured out how I was going about it incorrectly. I have yet to integrate it back into my existing code setup, but I think I have a working solution.
The thing I was doing wrong was I was trying to set up the AWS class so I could load it as a module (thus why I tried wrapping it as the require.js suggested).
Playing with it this time around, I noticed something I hadn't before. I had an AWS that was undefined in the local scope and an other AWS that held the class definition in the global scope. So it was trying to specify AWS in my define that was creating the local 'null' version:
function ($, AWS, Dropzone, MyUtilities) {
"use strict";
function MyClass() {};
return MyClass;
jquery and dropzone have whatever is needed to make sure they load that way, but aws-sdk seems to do some of it's own asynchronous loading. Thus the scope variable in the function is undefined.
Technically, it seems the only thing I needed defined as a module in the function wrapper is my own utilities module. So by switching it to:
function (MyUtilities) {
"use strict";
function MyClass() {};
return MyClass;
... it seems $ and jquery are defined as needed, Dropzone is defined as needed and AWS is defined as needed. (and I don't get my errors when accessing the static AWS.config or AWS.Credentials definitions as I did before)

How to access a closure function in a require.js module?

I am trying to use require.js to load my modules dependencies and so far it is working, but I have a doubt. I've created a little function to test the modules and placed it in a file called panelTest.js:
define(['./panel/View', './panel/TitleView'], function(View, TitleView) {
return function test(container) {
// main view
var panel = new View(container, 'main');
var panelTitle = new TitleView(panel.getContainer(), 'main-title');
panelTitle.setTitle('Properties Panel');
// sections
var top = new View(panel.getContainer(), 'top');
var middle = new View(panel.getContainer(), 'middle');
var bottom = new View(panel.getContainer(), 'bottom');
In the html that uses the modules I included this script tag as shown in the require.js documentation to load panelTest.js.
<script data-main="panelTest.js"
My question is how can I call the test function from outside the module, since the container parameter it is supposed to come from outside the module.
You have to access the module through the appropriate channels provided by RequireJS. You could do it like this in a script tag that appears after the one that loads RequireJS:
require(['panelTest'], function (panelTest) {
panelTest(/* some value */);
Given the code you show, your panelTest module does not seem to really make sense as a "main module" so I would not put it as data-main.
If you want to use it from anther module, put the module in its own file and define it like this:
define(['panelTest'], function (panelTest) {
panelTest(/* some value */);

Scope of JS Functions outside Node Modules

I know that in Node, if you've got variables defined outside your module.exports, it's still locally meaning it's not poluting the global namespace. It's not public. What's public is what's defined in your module.
However what about functions. Do they act the same as variables? Could function names that live outside module.exports collide?
var iAmStillPrivate = "private";
module.exports = {
...whatever code I wanna expose through this module
function find(somethingId)
..some code
var iAmStillPrivate = "private";
module.exports = {
...whatever code
function find(somethingId)
..some code
do the find() conflict and pollute the global namespace?
Should I do this instead?:
var iAmStillPrivate = "private";
module.exports = {
find: find(id)
...whatever code
var find = function find(somethingId)
..some code
or doesn't it matter throwing it into a variable? good practice? doesn't really matter?
mySecond.js (I'm a mother fu**ing module. I create an implicit anonymous function that wraps everything in here when I'm 'required' inside other .js files)
`var iAmStillPrivate = "private";` (no I'm scoped to the module, the root anonymous function that is...)
(module.exports - I'm allowing this stuff to be public. When I say public in node,that is...public in that the stuff in here is accessible to other modules in other .js files or whatever.)
module.exports = {
...whatever code
(I'm still a function scoped to the module but I've not been exported so I'm not available to other modules, I only belong to the module (the root anonymous function)
function find(somethingId)
..some code
Functions in each module of NodeJs are local for that module and do not conflict with functions of other modules with the same name.
Think about it as though the module was wrapped in a function.
Also you really don't need to define a variable for your functions because at the end it doesn't matter, the scope of functions and variables of these two lines are the same and local for module:
var find = function find(somethingId) ...
function find(somethingId) ...
Side Question
Also in you comment you asked about this scenario:
what if I have a function in global scope and a module also has a private function with the same name. do they conflict?
What happens is that inside your module any call to that function will trigger the local function not the global one. once you are outside of that module or inside another modules any call to that function will trigger the global function.
Let's look at it with an example. suppose our Node app starting point is index.js here its content:
function echo(txt){
console.log("we are in index.js", txt);
And here is a module called include.js:
function echo(txt){
console.log("we are in include.js", txt);
if you run this app using node index.js command, the output should be:
we are in index.js one
we are in include.js two
we are in index.js three
See? All the functions are there working as I explained earlier.

Can't figure out where to put require.config when using TypeScript, RequireJs, and Jasmine

I've been following the pattern for setting up TypeScript, RequireJS, and Jasmine that Steve Fenton describes here:
That pattern as really worked well and truly unblocked me (yay!), but I'm now at the point where I need to customize some settings for RequireJS but I can't seem to figure out where to put my require.config call. Everywhere I've tried has caused breaks and regressions. Here are the two approaches that seem most logical/promising
In SpecRunner.cshtml
<script data-main="/Scripts/TypeScript/RequireJsConfig" src="/Scripts/require.js"></script>
In RequireJsConfig.ts
baseUrl: "../Scripts",
paths: {
jquery: "../jquery-2.1.3"
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// Attempt 1: When I try it this way I immediately get this error
// JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'config'
import TestLoader = require("Tests/TestLoader");
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
// Attempt 2: When I try it this way, everything builds and runs without errors, but
// Jasmine doesn't find any of the tests. All I get is "No specs found" even
// though I see the breakpoints on my "it" statements getting hit.
require(["Tests/TestLoader"], (testLoader) => {
// =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
In TestLoader.ts
import GuidHelperTests = require("Tests/T3/Helpers/GuidHelperTests");
import ObjectHelperTests = require("Tests/T3/Helpers/ObjectHelperTests");
class TestLoader {
public static Run: () => void = () => {
export var Run = () => TestLoader.Run();
In GuidHelperTests.ts
import T3 = require("T3/T3Lib");
export var Run = () => {
describe("GuidHelper tests", () => {
it("GUID validator validates good GUID", () => {
// etc. ...
My guess is that Attempt 2 doesn't work because of some kind of sequencing issue where the test discovery process is happening before modules are loaded, or something like that. I'm just not versed enough in RequireJS to know what my options are here.
I prefer to keep my configuration away from my application - you can pre-register the configuration like this, and it will be picked up by RequireJS when it loads. No need to add it to your first file.
var require = {
baseUrl: "../Scripts",
paths: {
jquery: "../jquery-2.1.3"
<script data-main="/Scripts/TypeScript/RequireJsConfig" src="/Scripts/require.js"></script>

Multi-context requirejs and inheriting dependencies between contexts

I am using RequireJs to load AMD-modules on my company's main web site. We are also using requireJS to load modules hosted on separate domains. requireJS supports this using the "context"-field; ie. create a separate sandboxed environment with a separate baseUrl.
The problem at hand is when we want the two separate contexts to share a common object; eg. jquery (to avoid loading it twice) or a pubsub-implementation that trigger events in between widgets.
I've figured a way to inject modules in between contexts, using a define function together with a global requireJS
main.js - hosted on
require(['jquery'], functin($){
// create sandbox/contexted instance of requireJs
var sandbox = requireJS.config({
context: "myContext",
baseUrl : ''
// load module (with internal dependencies) from other domain
sandbox.require(['modules/bootstrap.js'], function(bootstrap){;
bootstrap.js - eg. hosted on
// define jquery into sandboxed environemnt
requireJs('jquery', function($) {
define('jquery', function(){
return window.jQuery;
// obtain sandboxed instance from parent
var sandbox = requireJs.config({
context: "myContext"
sandbox(['jquery'], function($){
The problem is that if Im defining jquery (or any other module that returns a function), tje "requreJS"-way (not using globals) it will always throw an error
// define jquery into sandboxed environemnt
requireJs('jquery', function($) {
define('jquery', $);
Is this a bug or a feature ?
Ive actually solved this myself. The trick is to wrap the returned function within a new anonymous function.
// inject global module into contexted require
function injectContext(moduleId, module){
var m = module;
if(typeof module === 'function') {
m = function() {
return module;
define(moduleId, m);
