Grab numbers from file and add together - linux

I have a file like this
file A :
min:353 max:685 avg:519
min:565 max:7984 avg:4274
min:278 max:5617 avg:2947
min:624 max:6768 avg:3639
min:27 max:809 avg:418
min:809 max:3685 avg:2247
min:958 max:2276 avg:1617
I trying to get last two line of avg numbers to ad them together.
Like 2247+1617 than output the value 3864.
How can I achieve it?
So far my code is like this : (sorry for limited knowledge)
tail -n 2 file.A | awk -F '[: ]' '{print $6}'

Here is an awk only
awk -F: 'FNR==NR {n=NR;next} FNR>n-2 {sum+=$NF}END{print sum}' file.A{,}
Or you can just sum the two last value:
awk -F: '{f=s;s=$NF}END{print s+f}' file.A

You seem to want to add the last field. This would add the last field to a variable. The END block is executed after the input is exhausted, so sum would be printed at the end:
tail -2 file.A | awk -F: '{sum+=$NF}END{print sum}'

Similar approach as devnull's answer but using tac.
tac file.A | awk -F: '{sum+=$NF}NR==2{print sum;exit}'
tac reverses the file
Using awk we sum the last column ($NF).
When line number is 2 we print the sum and exit.


Count number of ';' in column

I use the following command to count number of ; in a first line in a file:
awk -F';' '(NR==1){print NF;}' $filename
I would like to do same with all lines in the same file. That is to say, count number of ; on all line in file.
What I have :
$ awk -F';' '(NR==1){print NF;}' $filename
What I would like to have :
Straight forward method to count ; per line should be:
awk '{print gsub(/;/,"&")}' Input_file
To remove empty lines try:
awk 'NF{print gsub(/;/,"&")}' Input_file
To do this in OP's way reduce 1 from value of NF:
awk -F';' '{print (NF-1)}' Input_file
awk -F';' 'NF{print (NF-1)}' Input_file
I'd say you can solve your problem with the following:
awk -F';' '{if (NF) {a += NF-1;}} END {print a}' test.txt
You want to keep a running count of all the occurrences made (variable a).
As NF will return the number of fields, which is one more than the number of separators, you'll need to subtract 1 for each line. This is the NF-1 part.
However, you don't want to count "-1" for the lines in which there is no separator at all. To skip those you need the if (NF) part.
Here's a (perhaps contrived) example:
$ cat test.txt
; ; ; ;;
; asd ;;a
a ; ;
$ awk -F';' '{if (NF) {a += NF-1;}} END {print a}' test.txt
Notice the empty line at the end (to test against the "no separator" case).
A different approach using tr and wc:
$ tr -cd ';' < file | wc -c
Your code returns a number one more than the number of semicolons; NF is the number of fields you get from splitting on a semicolon (so for example, if there is one semicolon, the line is split in two).
If you want to add this number from each line, that's easy;
awk -F ';' '{ sum += NF-1 } END { print sum }' "$filename"
If the number of fields is consistent, you could also just count the number of lines and multiply;
awk -F ':' 'END { print NR * (NF-1) }' "$filename"
But that's obviously wrong if you can't guarantee that all lines contain exactly the same number of fields.

Exact Match of Word using grep

I have data in file.txt as follows
Question 1:
I want to search for the exact match for word "CHICAGO" in first column and print second column.
Output should look like:
Question 2:
If multiple matches found then can we limit the out to only one ? so that the output will be only MANKING or NEWYORK
I tried below
grep -E -i "^CHICAGO" file.txt | awk -F '|' '{print $2}'
but i am getting below output
Expected output for Question 1:
Expected output for Question 2:
Here are some more ways:
Using grep and cut:
grep "^CHICAGO|" file.txt | cut -d'|' -f2
Using awk
awk -F"|" '/^CHICAGO\|/{print $2}' file.txt
For question 2 simply pipe it to head, i.e:
grep "^CHICAGO|" file.txt | cut -d'|' -f2 | head -n1
Similarly for the awk command.
how about an awk solution?
awk -F'|' '$1 == "CHICAGO"{print $2}' file
to only print one output, exit once you have a match, i.e.
awk -F'|' '$1 == "CHICAGO"{print $2; exit}' file
Making that more generic, you can pass in a variable, i.e.
awk -v trgt="CHICAGO" -F'|' '{targ="^" trgt " *$"; if ( $1 ~ targ ) {print $2}}' file
The " *$" regex limits the match to zero or more trailing spaces without any extra chars at the end of the target string. So this will meet your criteria to match skip matching CHICAGO PIT|BULL.
AND this can be further reduced to
awk -v trgt="CHICAGO" -F'|' '{ if ( $1 ~ "^" trgt " *$" ) {print $2}}' file
constructing the regex "in-place" in with the comparison.
So you could use more verbose variable names to "describe" how the regex is being constructed from the input and the regex "wrappers" (as in the 3rd example) OR, you can just combine the input variable with the regex syntax in place. That is just a matter of taste or documentation conventions.
You might want to include a comment to explain you are constructing a regex test that would look like the $1 ~ /^CHICAGO *$/.

How to cut word which is having three digits in a file (100) - shell scripting

I am having file, it has below data. I want to get queue names (FID.MAGNET.ERROR.*) which is having 100 + depth. please help me here.
file name MQData -
Which command i should use to get queue names which is having 100+(three digits > + ) details?
Three digits and >=100 have different meanings.
0000 is more than 3 digits. well perhaps your data won't have those cases.
If the length is important, I will do awk 'length($1)>2{print $2} file
If the value is what you are looking at, I will do awk '($1+0)>=100{print $2}' file
The $1+0 makes sure if your $1 has leading zeros, the comparison will be done correctly too. Take a look this example:
kent$ awk 'BEGIN{if("01001"+0>100)print "OK";else print "NOK"}'
kent$ awk 'BEGIN{if("01001">100)print "OK";else print "NOK"}'
awk '$1 >= 100 {print $2}' MQData
Does that work?
You can skip lines with grep -v. I use echo -e to create a multi-line stream.
echo -e "1 xx\n22 yy\n333 zz\n100 To be deleted" | grep -Ev "^. |^.. |^100 "

cut command to delimit the output and add them

I am new in bash
I wrote a bash script and it gives me an output like this:
3387 /test/file1
23688 /test/file2
5813 /test/file3
10415 /test/file4
1304 /test/file5
46 /test/file6
8 /test/file7
138 /test/file8
I can delimit them by
wc -l /path/to/$dir/test | cut -d" " -f1
how can I add numbers to eachother and caculate them?
can I do:
output=`wc -l /path/to/$dir/test | cut -d" " -f1`
Is it possible to use "while" or "for" loop and add those numbers?
thank you in advance
You want awk here to avoid explicit loops. If your output was in the file data.txt you could use:
$ awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}' data.txt
In your case, pipe the output of your script to awk:
$ | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}'
Since the output you gave in your question was the output of wc -l, try:
$ wc -l /path/to/$dir/test | awk '{sum += $1} END {print sum}'
(Aside for anyone else landing on this page: wc -l, when given wildcards, will also give you a total, but it's great to use awk in this case because you can deal directly with the total line count and pipe just that to another process.)

Separating Awk input in Unix

I am trying to write an Awk program that takes two dates separated by / so 3/22/2013 for example and breaks them into the three separate numbers so that I could work with the 3 the 22 and the 2013 separately.
I would like the program to be called like
awk -f program_file 2/23/2013 4/15/2013
so far I have:
d1 = ARGV[1]
d2 = ARGV[2]
This will accept both dates, but I am not sure how to break them up. Additionally, the above program must be called with nawk, with awk says it cannot open 2/23/2013.
Thanks in advance.
you cannot do it in your way. since awk thinks you have two files as input. that is, your date strings were looked as filenames. That's why you got that error message.
if the two dates are stored in shell variables, you could:
awk -vd1="$d1" -vd2="$d2" BEGIN{split(d1,one,"/");split(d2,two,"/");...}{...}'
the ... part is your logic, in the line above, the splitted parts are stored in array one and two. for example, you just want to print the elements of one:
kent$ d1=2/23/2013
kent$ d2=4/15/2013
kent$ awk -vd1="$d1" -vd2="$d2" 'BEGIN{split(d1,one,"/");split(d2,two,"/"); for(x in one)print one[x]}'
or as other suggested, you could use FS of awk, but you have to do in this way:
kent$ echo $d1|awk -F/ '{print $1,$2,$3}'
2 23 2013
if you pass the two vars in one short, the -F/ won't work, unless they(the two dates) are in different lines
hope it helps
How about it?
[root#01 opt]# echo 2/23/2013 | awk -F[/] '{print $1}'
[root#01 opt]# echo 2/23/2013 | awk -F[/] '{print $2}'
[root#01 opt]# echo 2/23/2013 | awk -F[/] '{print $3}'
You could decide to use / as a field separator, and pass -F / to GNU awk (or to nawk)
If you're on a machine with nawk and awk, there's a chance you're on Solaris and using /bin/awk or /usr/bin/awk, both of which are old, broken awk which must never be used. Use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk on Solaris instead.
Anyway, to your question:
$ cat program_file
d1 = ARGV[1]
d2 = ARGV[2]
print array[1]
print array[2]
print array[3]
$ awk -f program_file 2/23/2013 4/15/2013
There may be better approaches though. Post some more info about what you're trying to do if you'd like help.
