Nodejs alternative template paths for template engine - node.js

Is there any solution to configure template engine use some alternative paths, as described below?
at first resolves 1st path, if file doesnot exist, runs for 2nd and so on..
i'm using express and jade.

As far as I know, no. Jade uses the usual directory path structure not arbitrary file mapping, to map file to paths.
This is the natural and correct way. The directory structure would work for you too. If you want to implement a fallback, do it in node.js (for different files) or with express (for different requests). To be more precise do it in code, don't use include headers/lookup strategy to accomplish that.


How do I serve MathJax from a local Happstack server?

I'm not a developer/programmer. I'm just someone trying to use Gitit to take notes. I've got it to the point where it runs on Windows, but the math looks best using MathJax. I don't want to rely on a remote CDN to get the MathJax working (power cuts and internet disconnections are very frequent here). The author of the app mentions it can be setup in "4 lines of code" in Happstack:
# specifies the path to MathJax rendering script.
# You might want to use your own MathJax script to render formulas without
# Internet connection or if you want to use some special LaTeX packages.
# Note: path specified there cannot be an absolute path to a script on your hdd,
# instead you should run your (local if you wish) HTTP server which will
# serve the MathJax.js script. You can easily (in four lines of code) serve
# MathJax.js using
# Do not forget the "http://" prefix (e.g. http://localhost:1234/MathJax.js)
The link to the tutorial is broken, so I'd be grateful for some assistance. Is there is any MathJax configuration I need to change, or simply extracting the files will do? I'll be writing lots of math in gitit. I'd prefer not to set up Apache etc. to serve MathJax. Gitit already uses Happstack, I'd prefer using that. Thanks!
EDIT: Just to be clear I'm not sure how to assign the port 1234 to serve this script
Ok I got MathJax working using portable Apache and the MathJax archive downloaded from The URL needs to be of the form (assuming you extracted the files into apache2/htdocs/MathJax):
I wanted to keep this lightweight by reusing the same instance of Happstack as Gitit, but that seems beyond my skills/available time right now.
EDIT: Just found out that ghc will pack everything into one exe when building. So I doubt it is even possible to use the same Happstack instance, as the root directory of the server doesn't exist?
From the documentation, the static directory should work just fine:
On receiving a request, gitit always looks first in the static
directory (or in whatever directory is specified for static-dir in the
configuration file). If a file corresponding to the request is found
there, it is served immediately. If the file is not found in static,
gitit next looks in the static subdirectory of gitit's data file
($CABALDIR/share/gitit-x.y.z/data). This is where default css, images,
and javascripts are stored. If the file is not found there either,
gitit treats the request as a request for a wiki page or wiki command.
So, you can throw anything you want to be served statically (for
example, a robots.txt file or favicon.ico) in the static directory.
You can override any of gitit's default css, javascript, or image
files by putting a file with the same relative path in static. Note
that gitit has a default robots.txt file that excludes all URLs
beginning with /_.
Download the MathJax.js file from e.g. and place it in data/static/js/MathJax.js. Then change the config you quote to:
mathjax-script: http://localhost:5001/js/MathJax.js

Style tags and Javascript in Template files

I'm looking through a project built by a foreign team. I am looking through some of the template files ending in ".ejs" and ".tmp", but from my limited knowledge, there is some bad convention here, can some of you confirm? Here are a few things I see on each template file:
1) The doctype, html tags and head are re-defined in each template file (stylesheet and JS files are linked on every one, but a different number of stylesheets and JS files linked depending on which template file it is).
2) there are Style Tags with a bunch of CSS in it, and Script tags with Javascript in it. So I'm guessing they did that because they only need those styles/JS in that particular template, but isn't it bad convention?
This is a node/express app I'm talking about. Is this a sign of bad convention/organization, or is it some sort of performance enhancement/convention I do not understand? Please advise me on this!

EmberJS in combination with Ember-Runner

Good day,
I just started with EmberJS in combination with Ember-Runner. I found an working example on Github.
Ember-runner automaticly adds all your template files and JS (at least that is what I thought) together and generarates a singe HTML / JS / templates / CSS file from your own files every time you save. (And optionally minify's and such). A build tool, just like it says in the description.
This is what it does for the CSS and templates part, however for the JS part it only seems to include only one file in my JS folder which is called 'main.js'. Is it possible to scan that dir for other files so it includes those as well? (So I can have separate controller / model files and such).
I hope my question is clear.
Kind regards,
Matthijn Dijkstra

How can I implement a shared library in Node.js?

I'm looking for something similar conceptually to a Windows DLL. As a concrete example, suppose I have a function encrypt that I would like to share across several unrelated projects. If I want to change the implementation ideally I can do so once and every project has access to the new implementation. Is there a mechanism for doing this in Node.js?
Have a look at this document especially the section "Writing a Library"
If you are writing a program that is intended to be used by others,
then the most important thing to specify in your package.json file is
the main module. This is the module that is the entry point to your
If you have a lot of JavaScript code, then the custom is to put it in
the ./lib folder in your project.
Specify a main module in your package.json file. This is the module
that your users will load when they do require('your-library'). This
module should ideally expose all of the functionality in your library.
If you want your users to be able to load sub-modules from the "guts"
of your library, then they'll need to specify the full path to them.
That is a lot of work to document! It's better and more future-proof
to simply specify a main module, and then, if necessary, have ways to
dynamically load what they need.
For example, you might have a flip library that is a collection of
widget objects, defined by files in the flip/lib/widgets/*.js files.
Rather than having your users do require('flip/lib/widgets/blerg.js')
to get the blerg widget, it's better to have something like:

Is it possible to use virtual paths / subfolders registering scripts in Orchard Themes?

I'm trying to build a new Orchard theme, and to keep things structures I'd like to put script includes in separate folders (this particular script include needs quite a bit of files so to put all of them in the root of the scripts folder doesn't seem so great).
Basicly I can't wrap my head around this:
it seems only possible to do something like this:
Does anyone have any pointers on what virtual path to use, and if it's supported to use virtual paths?
I believe Script.Require is key/value dictionary of registered scripts. Try Script.Include("path"). This is what I do with my css file. I point it to a file on in public dropbox folder which makes changing the css super easy and no ftp!
