Bash script to stop ssh and smbd depending on SSID - linux

My bash scripting skills are very rusty (it's been ~10 years since I scripted regularly). So, I'm probably overlooking something obvious. I am trying to get the following script to work:
SSID=$(iwgetid -r)
if [[ $SSID = NETWORK ]]; then
if (( $(ps aux | grep [s]shd | wc -l) > 0 )); then
sudo service ssh stop
if (( $(ps aux | grep [s]mdb | wc -l) > 0 )); then
sudo service smbd stop
if (( $(ps aux | grep [n]mdb | wc -l) > 0 )); then
sudo service nmbd stop
echo You are not connected to NETWORK
exit 0
What it should do: If I am connected to particular network (SSID removed from script), check to see if ssh, smbd, and nmbd are running, and if so, stop them. If they aren't, do nothing. If not connected to the network, say so and exit. Bash seems to be ignoring the last 2 if...then statements, and I'm not sure why (Wrong order maybe? Conditional formatting incorrect?)
Any help would be appreciated. Also, if you have style tips, I'll take those too (like I said, I'm very rusty). I spent a few hours looking around here and Google, but couldn't find anything relevant and helpful.

You almost certainly meant to do this:
SSID=$(iwgetid -r)
if [[ $SSID = NETWORK ]]; then
if (( $(ps aux | grep [s]shd | wc -l) > 0 )); then
sudo service ssh stop
if (( $(ps aux | grep [s]mdb | wc -l) > 0 )); then
sudo service smbd stop
if (( $(ps aux | grep [n]mdb | wc -l) > 0 )); then
sudo service nmbd stop
echo You are not connected to NETWORK
But there is no real cost to running service stop on something which is not running, so you can simplify:
SSID=$(iwgetid -r)
if [[ $SSID = NETWORK ]]; then
sudo service ssh stop
sudo service smbd stop
sudo service nmbd stop
echo You are not connected to NETWORK
Finally, I would recommend not using sudo inside the script. Instead, run the script itself with sudo check_ssid (or whatever it is called), so that the script ends up being:
SSID=$(iwgetid -r)
if [[ $SSID = NETWORK ]]; then
service ssh stop
service smbd stop
service nmbd stop
echo You are not connected to NETWORK
By the way, if you really want to use ps and grep to check if a process is running, consider my answer here: How to test if a process is running with grep in bash?


How can I check if apache2 service is running with a bash script?

I want to monitor apache service for ubuntu but below script is not working.
if [ $(ps aux | grep apache2 | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then
echo "Statistic:0"
echo "Statistic:1"
exit 0
I edited your question to make it readable - but I think it is working as expected once the format is cleaned up. It looks like you are trying to find out if apache2 is running.
if [ $(ps aux | grep apache2 | wc -l) -gt 1 ]; then
echo "Statistic:0"
echo "Statistic:1"
exit 0
Depending on what "flavor" of linux you are running, the following might be a better option for you. You can also use is-enabled, is-failed, to check other status.
if systemctl is-active -q apache2; then
echo "Statistic:0"
echo "Statistic:1"

Command to detect if elastic search is active in linux

I have to detect if elastic search is running on Linux. If it is not running than start it machine using shell script.
Used following code to detect if elastic search is running, but every time else condition is executed even if service is running:
if (( $(ps -ef | grep -v grep | grep $service | wc -l) > 0 ))
echo "$service is running!!!"
echo "$service is not running!!!"
Here is a sample script and used in a shell script to check if my sevice is running:
Take a look at this script to see if it helps you.
#verify if the service is running
ps aux | grep SERVICENAME | pidof java > /dev/null
if [ $zero = $verifier ]
echo "Service was successfully started"
echo "Service stopped"
In my case my service was done in java then I use the pidof to properly filter my service
The issue with checking for pid is that the service might have started, but it might not be ready actually. So instead, I check for port that ES is listening on. It works better for me.
netstat -uplnt | grep :9200 | grep LISTEN > /dev/null
if [ 0 = $verifier ]
echo "ES is listening on port 9200"
echo "ES is not ready yet"

Check if service exists in bash (CentOS and Ubuntu)

What is the best way in bash to check if a service is installed? It should work across both Red Hat (CentOS) and Ubuntu?
if [ -f "/etc/init.d/$service" ]; then
# mysqld service exists
Could also use the service command and check the return code.
service mysqld status
if [ $? = 0 ]; then
# mysqld service exists
What is the best solution?
To get the status of one service without "pinging" all other services, you can use the command:
systemctl list-units --full -all | grep -Fq "$SERVICENAME.service"
By the way, this is what is used in bash (auto-)completion (see in file /usr/share/bash-completion/bash_completion, look for _services):
COMPREPLY+=( $( systemctl list-units --full --all 2>/dev/null | \
awk '$1 ~ /\.service$/ { sub("\\.service$", "", $1); print $1 }' ) )
Or a more elaborate solution:
service_exists() {
local n=$1
if [[ $(systemctl list-units --all -t service --full --no-legend "$n.service" | sed 's/^\s*//g' | cut -f1 -d' ') == $n.service ]]; then
return 0
return 1
if service_exists systemd-networkd; then
Hope to help.
Rustam Mamat gets the credit for this:
If you list all your services, you can grep the results to see what's in there. E.g.:
# Restart apache2 service, if it exists.
if service --status-all | grep -Fq 'apache2'; then
sudo service apache2 restart
On a SystemD system :
serviceName="Name of your service"
if systemctl --all --type service | grep -q "$serviceName";then
echo "$serviceName exists."
echo "$serviceName does NOT exist."
On a Upstart system :
serviceName="Name of your service"
if initctl list | grep -q "$serviceName";then
echo "$serviceName exists."
echo "$serviceName does NOT exist."
On a SysV (System V) system :
serviceName="Name of your service"
if service --status-all | grep -q "$serviceName";then
echo "$serviceName exists."
echo "$serviceName does NOT exist."
In systemd (especially in Debian), it doesn't seems to work properly using the various answers from here. For some services like pure-ftpd if it's in disabled mode, it will not show up in service list when you trigger this command:
systemctl --all --type service
and when you start again the pure-ftpd with systemctl start pure-ftpd the list will appear again. So listing the service using systemctl --all --type service will not work for all services. Take a look at this for more information.
So, this is the best code so far (improvement from #jehon's answer) to check if a service is exist (even it has status inactive, dead or whatever status it is):
is_service_exists() {
local x=$1
if systemctl status "${x}" 2> /dev/null | grep -Fq "Active:"; then
return 0
return 1
if is_service_exists 'pure-ftpd'; then
echo "Service found!"
echo "Service not found!"
If systemctl status found a service, it must have a text 'Active:' we filter using grep and it would return 0. If there is no 'Active:' text it would return 1.
If systemctl status does not find the 'Active:' text, it will print out a standard error. So, I put redirection 2> /dev/null to redirect the standard error. For example, if you are looking for the non existence service, you would get this error message if you don't put that error redirection:
Unit pure-ftpdd.service could not be found.
We don't want to have the above standard error message if you are doing scripting
Another method is to list out unit files which able to detect disabled service as pointed by #Anthony Rutledge for Debian system:
systemctl list-unit-files --type service | grep -F "pure-ftpd"
But using this method will not always work especially for older system because some unit files might not be detected using this command as explained in here. Also, using this method is slower if you have large unit-files that need to be filtered (as commented by #ygoe about heavy load on a small computer).
To build off of Joel B's answer, here it is as a function (with a bit of flexibility added in. Note the complete lack of parameter checking; this will break if you don't pass in 2 parameters):
serviceCommand() {
if sudo service --status-all | grep -Fq ${1}; then
sudo service ${1} ${2}
serviceCommand apache2 status
After reading some systemd man pages ...
... and
... and a nice little article ...
I believe this could be an answer.
systemctl list-unit-files --type service
Pipe to awk {'print $1'} to just get a listing of the service units.
Pipe to awk again to get the service names exclusively. Change the field separator to the period with -F.
awk -F. {'print $1'}
In summary:
systemctl list-unit-files --type service | awk {'print $1'} | awk -F. {'print $1'}
With variation and augmentation of the base solution, you can determine the state of your system's services by combining a for loop with systemctl is-active $service.
status=$(/etc/init.d/mysql status)
print "$status"
#echo $status > /var/log/mysql_status_log
var=$(service --status-all | grep -w "$Service")
if [ "output" != "" ]; then
#executes if service exists
#executes if service does not exist
$Service is the name of the service you want to know if exists.
var will contain something like
[+] apache2
if the service does exist
if systemctl cat xxx >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo yes
Try this, as ps command can be used in both Ubuntu&RHEL, this should be work in both platform.
ps cax | grep mysqld > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "mysqld service exists"
echo "mysqld service not exists"

Linux Script to check if process is running and act on the result

I have a process that fails regularly & sometimes starts duplicate instances..
When I run:
ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname"
I will get:
This is normal as the process runs with a recovery process..
If I get
I will want to start the process
if I get:
I will want to stop & restart the process
What I need is a way of taking the result of ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname"
Then setup a simple 3 option function
ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname"
if answer = 0 (start process & write NOK & Time to log /var/processlog/check)
if answer = 2 (Do nothing & write OK & time to log /var/processlog/check)
if answer = 4 (stot & restart the process & write NOK & Time to log /var/processlog/check)
The process is stopped with
killall -9 process
The process is started with
process -b -c /usr/local/etc
My main problem is finding a way to act on the result of ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname".
Ideally, I would like to make the result of that grep a variable within the script with something like this:
process=$(ps x |grep -v grep |grep -c "processname")
If possible.
Programs to monitor if a process on a system is running.
Script is stored in crontab and runs once every minute.
This works with if process is not running or process is running multiple times:
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof amadeus.x86 | wc -w)" in
0) echo "Restarting Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
/etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
1) # all ok
*) echo "Removed double Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
kill $(pidof amadeus.x86 | awk '{print $1}')
0 If process is not found, restart it.
1 If process is found, all ok.
* If process running 2 or more, kill the last.
A simpler version. This just test if process is running, and if not restart it.
It just tests the exit flag $? from the pidof program. It will be 0 of process is running and 1 if not.
pidof amadeus.x86 >/dev/null
if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] ; then
echo "Restarting Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt
/etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
And at last, a one liner
pidof amadeus.x86 >/dev/null ; [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "Restarting Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt && /etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
This can then be used in crontab to run every minute like this:
* * * * * pidof amadeus.x86 >/dev/null ; [[ $? -ne 0 ]] && echo "Restarting Amadeus: $(date)" >> /var/log/amadeus.txt && /etc/amadeus/amadeus.x86 &
cccam oscam
I adopted the #Jotne solution and works perfectly! For example for mongodb server in my NAS
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof mongod | wc -w)" in
0) echo "Restarting mongod:"
mongod --config mongodb.conf
1) echo "mongod already running"
I have adopted your script for my situation Jotne.
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof oscam1 | wc -w)" in
0) echo "oscam1 not running, restarting oscam1: $(date)" >> $logfile
/usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1 &
2) echo "oscam1 running, all OK: $(date)" >> $logfile
*) echo "multiple instances of oscam1 running. Stopping & restarting oscam1: $(date)" >> $logfile
kill $(pidof oscam1 | awk '{print $1}')
While I was testing, I ran into a problem..
I started 3 extra process's of oscam1 with this line:
/usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1
which left me with 8 process for oscam1. the problem is this..
When I run the script, It only kills 2 process's at a time, so I would have to run it 3 times to get it down to 2 process..
Other than killall -9 oscam1 followed by /usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1, in *)is there any better way to killall apart from the original process? So there would be zero downtime?
If you changed awk '{print $1}' to '{ $1=""; print $0}' you will get all processes except for the first as a result. It will start with the field separator (a space generally) but I don't recall killall caring. So:
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof oscam1 | wc -w)" in
0) echo "oscam1 not running, restarting oscam1: $(date)" >> $logfile
/usr/local/bin/oscam1 -b -c /usr/local/etc/oscam1 -t /usr/local/tmp.oscam1 &
2) echo "oscam1 running, all OK: $(date)" >> $logfile
*) echo "multiple instances of oscam1 running. Stopping & restarting oscam1: $(date)" >> $logfile
kill $(pidof oscam1 | awk '{ $1=""; print $0}')
It is worth noting that the pidof route seems to work fine for commands that have no spaces, but you would probably want to go back to a ps-based string if you were looking for, say, a python script named myscript that showed up under ps like
root 22415 54.0 0.4 89116 79076 pts/1 S 16:40 0:00 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/myscript
Just an FYI
The 'pidof' command will not display pids of shell/perl/python scripts. So to find the process id’s of my Perl script I had to use the -x option i.e. 'pidof -x perlscriptname'
I cannot get case to work at all.
Heres what I have:
#! /bin/bash
case "$(pidof -x | wc -w)" in
0) echo "script not running, Restarting script: $(date)" >> $logfile
# ./
1) echo "script Running: $(date)" >> $logfile
*) echo "Removed duplicate instances of script: $(date)" >> $logfile
# kill $(pidof -x ./ | awk '{ $1=""; print $0}')
rem the case action commands for now just to test the script. the above pidof -x command is returning '1', the case statement is returning the results for '0'.
Anyone have any idea where I'm going wrong?
Solved it by adding the following to my BIN/BASH Script:
In case you're looking for a more modern way to check to see if a service is running (this will not work for just any old process), then systemctl might be what you're looking for.
Here's the basic command:
systemctl show --property=ActiveState your_service_here
Which will yield very simple output (one of the following two lines will appear depending on whether the service is running or not running):
And if you'd like to know all of the properties you can get:
systemctl show --all your_service_here
If you prefer that alphabetized:
systemctl show --all your_service_here | sort
And the full code to act on it:
result=`systemctl show --property=ActiveState $service`
if [[ "$result" == 'ActiveState=active' ]]; then
echo "$service is running" # Do something here
echo "$service is not running" # Do something else here
If you are using CentOS, no need to write a script and set cron job. Here is one of the smartest ways to ensure systemd services restart on failure.
Make following changes to /usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service
Then under the [Service] section in the file, add the following 2 lines:
After saving the file we need to reload the daemon configurations to ensure systemd is aware of the new file
systemctl daemon-reload
Read the following link for the complete steps -

Linux/Unix command to determine if process is running?

I need a platform independent (Linux/Unix|OSX) shell/bash command that will determine if a specific process is running. e.g. mysqld, httpd...
What is the simplest way/command to do this?
While pidof and pgrep are great tools for determining what's running, they are both, unfortunately, unavailable on some operating systems. A definite fail safe would be to use the following: ps cax | grep command
The output on Gentoo Linux:
14484 ? S 0:00 apache2
14667 ? S 0:00 apache2
19620 ? Sl 0:00 apache2
21132 ? Ss 0:04 apache2
The output on OS X:
42582 ?? Z 0:00.00 (smbclient)
46529 ?? Z 0:00.00 (smbclient)
46539 ?? Z 0:00.00 (smbclient)
46547 ?? Z 0:00.00 (smbclient)
46586 ?? Z 0:00.00 (smbclient)
46594 ?? Z 0:00.00 (smbclient)
On both Linux and OS X, grep returns an exit code so it's easy to check if the process was found or not:
ps cax | grep httpd > /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Process is running."
echo "Process is not running."
Furthermore, if you would like the list of PIDs, you could easily grep for those as well:
ps cax | grep httpd | grep -o '^[ ]*[0-9]*'
Whose output is the same on Linux and OS X:
3519 3521 3523 3524
The output of the following is an empty string, making this approach safe for processes that are not running: echo ps cax | grep aasdfasdf | grep -o '^[ ]*[0-9]*'
This approach is suitable for writing a simple empty string test, then even iterating through the discovered PIDs.
PIDS=`ps cax | grep $PROCESS | grep -o '^[ ]*[0-9]*'`
if [ -z "$PIDS" ]; then
echo "Process not running." 1>&2
exit 1
for PID in $PIDS; do
echo $PID
You can test it by saving it to a file (named "running") with execute permissions (chmod +x running) and executing it with a parameter: ./running "httpd"
ps cax | grep httpd
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Process is running."
echo "Process is not running."
Please keep in mind that you're simply parsing the output of ps ax which means that, as seen in the Linux output, it is not simply matching on processes, but also the arguments passed to that program. I highly recommend being as specific as possible when using this method (e.g. ./running "mysql" will also match 'mysqld' processes). I highly recommend using which to check against a full path where possible.
You SHOULD know the PID !
Finding a process by trying to do some kind of pattern recognition on the process arguments (like pgrep "mysqld") is a strategy that is doomed to fail sooner or later. What if you have two mysqld running? Forget that approach. You MAY get it right temporarily and it MAY work for a year or two but then something happens that you haven't thought about.
Only the process id (pid) is truly unique.
Always store the pid when you launch something in the background. In Bash this can be done with the $! Bash variable. You will save yourself SO much trouble by doing so.
How to determine if process is running (by pid)
So now the question becomes how to know if a pid is running.
Simply do:
ps -o pid= -p <pid>
This is POSIX and hence portable. It will return the pid itself if the process is running or return nothing if the process is not running. Strictly speaking the command will return a single column, the pid, but since we've given that an empty title header (the stuff immediately preceding the equals sign) and this is the only column requested then the ps command will not use header at all. Which is what we want because it makes parsing easier.
This will work on Linux, BSD, Solaris, etc.
Another strategy would be to test on the exit value from the above ps command. It should be zero if the process is running and non-zero if it isn't. The POSIX spec says that ps must exit >0 if an error has occurred but it is unclear to me what constitutes 'an error'. Therefore I'm not personally using that strategy although I'm pretty sure it will work as well on all Unix/Linux platforms.
On most Linux distributions, you can use pidof(8).
It will print the process ids of all running instances of specified processes, or nothing if there are no instances running.
For instance, on my system (I have four instances of bashand one instance of remmina running):
$ pidof bash remmina
6148 6147 6144 5603 21598
On other Unices, pgrep or a combination of ps and grep will achieve the same thing, as others have rightfully pointed out.
This should work on most flavours of Unix, BSD and Linux:
PATH=/usr/ucb:${PATH} ps aux | grep httpd | grep -v grep
Tested on:
SunOS 5.10 [Hence the PATH=...]
Linux 2.6.32 (CentOS)
Linux 3.0.0 (Ubuntu)
Darwin 11.2.0
Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4
Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5
The simpliest way is to use ps and grep:
running=`ps ax | grep -v grep | grep $command | wc -l`
if [ running -gt 0 ]; then
echo "Command is running"
echo "Command is not running"
If your command has some command arguments, then you can also put more 'grep cmd_arg1' after 'grep $command' to filter out other possible processes that you are not interested in.
Example: show me if any java process with supplied argument:
is running
ps ax | grep -v grep | grep java | grep | wc -l
Putting the various suggestions together, the cleanest version I was able to come up with (without unreliable grep which triggers parts of words) is:
kill -0 $(pidof mysql) 2> /dev/null || echo "Mysql ain't runnin' message/actions"
kill -0 doesn't kill the process but checks if it exists and then returns true, if you don't have pidof on your system, store the pid when you launch the process:
$ mysql &
$ echo $! > pid_stored
then in the script:
kill -0 $(cat pid_stored) 2> /dev/null || echo "Mysql ain't runnin' message/actions"
Just a minor addition: if you add the -c flag to ps, you don't need to remove the line containing the grep process with grep -v afterwards. I.e.
ps acux | grep cron
is all the typing you'll need on a bsd-ish system (this includes MacOSX) You can leave the -u away if you need less information.
On a system where the genetics of the native ps command point back to SysV, you'd use
ps -e |grep cron
ps -el |grep cron
for a listing containing more than just pid and process name. Of course you could select the specific fields to print out using the -o <field,field,...> option.
I use pgrep -l httpd but not sure it is present on any platform...
Who can confirm on OSX?
This approach can be used in case commands 'ps', 'pidof' and rest are not available.
I personally use procfs very frequently in my tools/scripts/programs.
egrep -m1 "mysqld$|httpd$" /proc/[0-9]*/status | cut -d'/' -f3
Little explanation what is going on:
-m1 - stop process on first match
"mysqld$|httpd$" - grep will match lines which ended on mysqld OR httpd
/proc/[0-9]* - bash will match line which started with any number
cut - just split the output by delimiter '/' and extract field 3
You should know the PID of your process.
When you launch it, its PID will be recorded in the $! variable. Save this PID into a file.
Then you will need to check if this PID corresponds to a running process. Here's a complete skeleton script:
if [ -f $FILE ];
PID=$(cat $FILE)
ps -o pid= -p $PID
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "Process already running."
echo "Starting process."
run_my_app &
echo $! > $FILE
Based on the answer of peterh. The trick for knowing if a given PID is running is in the ps -o pid= -p $PID instruction.
None of the answers worked for me, so heres mine:
process="$(pidof YOURPROCESSHERE|tr -d '\n')"
if [[ -z "${process// }" ]]; then
echo "Process is not running."
echo "Process is running."
|tr -d '\n'
This removes the carriage return created by the terminal. The rest can be explained by this post.
This prints the number of processes whose basename is "chromium-browser":
ps -e -o args= | awk 'BEGIN{c=0}{
if(!match($1,/^\[.*\]$/)){sub(".*/","",$1)} # Do not strip process names enclosed by square brackets.
}END{print c}' cmd="chromium-browser"
If this prints "0", the process is not running. The command assumes process path does not contain breaking space. I have not tested this with suspended processes or zombie processes.
Tested using gwak as the awk alternative in Linux.
Here is a more versatile solution with some example usage:
isProcessRunning() {
if [ "${1-}" = "-q" ]; then
local quiet=1;
local quiet=0;
ps -e -o pid,args= | awk 'BEGIN{status=1}{
if(name !~ /^\[.*\]$/){sub(".*/","",name)} # strip dirname, if process name is not enclosed by square brackets.
if(name==cmd){status=0; if(q){exit}else{print $0}}
}END{exit status}' cmd="$1" q=$quiet
printf "Process \"${process}\" is "
if isProcessRunning -q "$process"
then printf "running.\n"
else printf "not running.\n"; fi
printf "Listing of matching processes (PID and process name with command line arguments):\n"
isProcessRunning "$process"
Here is my version. Features:
checks for exact program name (first argument of the function). search for "mysql" will not match running "mysqld"
searches program arguments (second argument of the function)
# $1 - cmd
# $2 - args
# return: 0 - no error, running; 1 - error, not running
function isRunning() {
for i in $(pidof $1); do
cat /proc/$i/cmdline | tr '\000' ' ' | grep -F -e "$2" 1>&2> /dev/null
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
return 0
return 1
isRunning java ""
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "not running, starting..."
[ $pid ] && [ -d /proc/$pid ] && command if you know the pid
The following shell function, being only based on POSIX standard commands and options should work on most (if not any) Unix and linux system. :
isPidRunning() {
PATH=\`getconf PATH\` export PATH
ps -e -o pid= -o comm= |
awk '$2 ~ "^.*/'"$1"'$" || $2 ~ "^'"$1"'$" {print $1,$2}'
[ -n "$cmd" ] &&
printf "%s is running\n%s\n\n" "$1" "$cmd" ||
printf "%s is not running\n\n" $1
[ -n "$cmd" ]
$ isPidRunning httpd
httpd is running
586 /usr/apache/bin/httpd
588 /usr/apache/bin/httpd
$ isPidRunning ksh
ksh is running
5230 ksh
$ isPidRunning bash
bash is not running
Note that it will choke when passed the dubious "0]" command name and will also fail to identify processes having an embedded space in their names.
Note too that the most upvoted and accepted solution demands non portable ps options and gratuitously uses a shell that is, despite its popularity, not guaranteed to be present on every Unix/Linux machine (bash)
