OpenSceneGraph CullVisitor::apply(Geode&) detected NaN - openscenegraph

I am trying to use OSG for displaying some cubes on the screen.
at some runs it works perfectly but sometimes it does not display anything, just prints this in the virtual console:
CullVisitor::apply(Geode&) detected NaN,
depth=nan, center=(0 0 0),
-1 0 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 1 0 0
-nan -nan -nan -nan
the reason why it sometimes works and other times doesn't is probably that the cubes are positioned randomly, and some positions apparently do not work.
The question is:
what does it mean and how do I avoid it?
note: you may be tempted to downvote this question right away, but please note that google only provides miserably useless results and I see no way of solving this problem other than asking for help.

Did you search your code for the usual list of suspects?
It's also possible you're trying to cull your scene before an object is fully initialized (no position yet) - the fix would be to not add it to your scene until you've initialized it. But we're really just guessing unless you post some of your relevant code.

The point is the view matrix is not correctly initialized.
Perform a check and, if the view matrix is invalid, replace it by the identity matrix:
// if the view matrix is invalid (NaN), use the identity
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Camera> camera = _viewer->getCamera();
if (camera->getViewMatrix().isNaN())


How to print a turtle variable equivalent to item 0 in a list in Netlogo?

I am trying to export a turtle variable value that is <= item 0 of a patch list. These are the values I am interested in recording, but I am having trouble getting the code right for that.
I've tried below:
file-print turtles with [turtlevariable <= item 0 patchlist]
I know that's not right as I am getting the number of turtles, and not the turtle variable value. I would like to run this model 1000 times and am unsure how to create code for a file that will be manageable to manipulate in Excel.
I'm pretty sure there is a simple answer, but I just can't figure it out! Any help is greatly appreciated.
You have multiple questions here. You need to post each question separately. I will take on the following: how can you get a list of values for turtlevariable, but only for the values that are < item 0 patchlist.
globals [patchlist]
turtles-own [tvar]
patches-own [pvar]
to test
ask patches [set pvar random-float 1.0]
set patchlist [pvar] of patches
let _p00 item 0 patchlist ;;compute only once
crt 100
ask turtles [set tvar random-float 1.0]
let _tset (turtles with [tvar < _p00])
let _tvals [tvar] of _tset
print _tvals
You can always file-print anything you can print, so now you need to decide how exactly you want to format this list. This is a separate question. If you want to save as .csv, that is a separate question. (But you will find multiple questions on this site addressing that.) If you want to create one output file for multiple replicates, that is a separate question. (But see questions on this site about BehaviorSpace.) Hth.

Error series vanishes on resizing window

Following plot has a error series Series2 which is not displayed on this chart, but legends says about its existence. This series needs to be displayed with minimum y value as infinity. But, Tee chart doesn't have any provision to specify -Infinity directly. So, we defined a huge negative number instead; which is significantly larger than the y axis to give an appearance of -Infinity to the user. But, if the chart area becomes too small compared to this huge negative number, the series (here series2) vanishes entirely.
Here is the series data used -
Series2 Points:
X-------------------->>Bar-------------------->>Std. Error
1432 --------->> -50.19380462 ----------->> 50.20619538
1797 ---------->> 50.19380462 ----------->> 50.20619538
2164 ---------->> -50.19380462 ----------->> 50.20619538
2529 --------->> -50.19380462 ----------->> 50.20619538
Can anyone please help to resolve this issue?
Thanking you.
The next release of TeeChart for .NET includes support for extended Axis ranges, from Double.MinValue to Double.MaxValue, and goes some way further to handle infinite value issues. That doesn't say for sure that it will resolve the issue you describe here. If you are able to send Steema Support a sample project that shows the issue we can test it with the new release.

Is this a valid SVG path?

I've run into a problem rendering the following SVG path with various svg libraries:
<path d="M19.35 10.04c-.68-3.45-3.71-6.04-7.35-6.04-2.89 0-5.4 1.64-6.65 4.04-3.01.32-5.35 2.87-5.35 5.96 0 3.31 2.69 6 6 6h13c2.76 0 5-2.24 5-5 0-2.64-2.05-4.78-4.65-4.96zm-2.35 2.96l-5 5-5-5h3v-4h4v4h3z"/>
specifically, you can see something odd about this block:
this fixes it:
... as does this:
4.04-3.01 0.32-5.35
My reading of the SVG spec suggests the original path is invalid, but since the icon comes right out of Google's material design icons ( - and there's many similar "errors", I'm a little suspect of my reading of the BNF.
Can anyone offer a second opinion?
4.04-3.01.32-5.35 is valid. The SVG path specification grammar says that we're processing this
curveto-argument comma-wsp? curveto-argument-sequence
The ? after comma-wsp means 0 or 1 of those. In this case we've 0.
Tracing through the BNF we end up in the part that's about parsing numbers prior to any exponentiation character i.e.
digit-sequence? "." digit-sequence.
Once we've seen one full stop we can't see any more unless we see an exponent and so the second full stop must be part of something else i.e. the next number.
So the above character sequence corresponds to the values: 4.04 -3.01 .32 -5.35

Sound plays for half a second then stops?

When I play the sound file by itself (in interface) it works fine and plays all the way through. However, when I play it as part of the code (followed by an action) it only plays the first half second. I'm using sound:play-sound-and-wait, so I'm not sure why it isn't working.
extensions [sound] ; I have them in the same folder
to-report mouse-up?
ifelse mouse-down?
[report "false"]
[report "true"]
to twirl
if mouse-up?
[ask turtles with [shape = ballerina]
[set shape ballerina-2
ask turtles with [shape = ballerina-2]
[set shape ballerina
twirl] ]
These are 2 different ballerina's facing different directions. When you switch between them, they look like they're twirling. She keeps doing that until you make her stop
to ballet-box
ask patches [set plabel-color 105] ;gives the background this color
sound:play-sound-and-wait "love.aif" ;this works perfectly fine in interface
twirl ;and then I want the ballerina to twirl until you make her stop
Any help would be super appreciated!
Sounds like or . I don't think anyone has yet investigated or attempted to fix these issues. I don't think we even know under exactly what circumstances they do or don't occur.

modx Decrement a TV to obtain 0

I need my [[+idx]] tv to start at 0 instead of 1 so I tried this:
[[+idx:decr]] or [[+idx:substract=1]] but it gives me -1 (minus one).
Does anyone know another way to obtain 0?
Thank you
Using this in chunk for getImageList works (at least for me):
It gives: 0,1,2,3 ....
P.S. using modx revo 2.3.1
set your template variable default to 0 when you create the variable.
What are you trying to do, your question is vague at best.
ok - what I think will work for you is to write a snippet to do the math... where ever you call the [[+idx]] instead write a snippet
[[!FixIDX? &itemindex=`[[+idx]]`]]
then in your FixIDX snippet just do the math with php and return the corrected index. Though perhaps a custom output modifier would be the better way to go:
Though looking at the docs, your code should certainly work - I see no reason for it not to.
