Linux Driver Development - Can I seriously harm my system? - linux

I am currently reading a book about driver development for Linux.
Now I started writing a driver for the razer naga mouse.
My question is, what is the worst case scenario in driver development?
(I am not touching any CPU, Hard disk, Ram etc.)
I always thought the worst thing that could happen is that I crash the system and have to reboot it then. Before I continue writing code, I would like to make sure I can't seriously harm my system.

Hardware nowadays is pretty redundant. It is very hard to break hardware using software(heating issues aside).
Worst case scenario is you brick your system and might have to reinstall the OS. This can happen pretty easily during device driver development. You have file system drivers in the kernel and your drivers might corrupt the kernel stack which might leave it in an unusable state.
The linux kernel has pretty good safety measures built in, like dropping to read only mode once the kernel is corrupted. This mounts your root file system in read only mode so that you cannot trash it.
So, always be on the safe side. Try to develop in a VM like Virtualbox which gives you pretty much everything nowadays.


Using ZFS with Embedded Linux

I'm running embedded Linux (Debian on ARM/X86_64). Since it is very much like a full OS, with some hardware differential and a different platform, you may consider it as a regular machine. So, this will be used in the robotics field where the computer will ALWAYS be hard reset by turning off power. It would disqualify me to use a UPS so I would need to make the system infallible.
I'm running some processor-intensive tasks, like OpenCV and OpenNI and OpenKinect. How do I use an uber-powerful filesystem, like ZFS to mirror the entire disk on the SSD for error correction? Does ZFS perform well in Linux? I'm still kinda a newbie in Linux so I don't understand it's internal workings.
My list of possible platforms are:
Also, how can I make sure the filesystem doesn't get damaged during reset? I need the computer to start in good time, A.K.A, <3 minutes for the competition.
I will probably be using a 32GB SSD, so I guess a 16GB partition mirrored 2x works or 12 # 3x. I only need to get an OpenCV install working because the code will be downloaded from a SAMBA NFS automatically!
Thanks for your help and good luck ;)!
ZFS is not suited for low memory systems. It do perform well on system with 4GB of RAM and more.

Switching into (Linux) Kernel Mode

Linux n00b here. How does one switch from User Mode to Kernel Mode? I'm running Linux Ubuntu 12.10. Is there an interrupt that I can call using inline assembly code that will do this? If not, how can it be done?
I'm asking this question because I am wishing to write a SCTP (network)protocol stack which has access to the kernel and runs in the background constantly though the UI cannot directly access the kernel. Never done anything like this before so tips from pros would definitely be appreciated.
All switches to kernel mode are made via system calls. In the case of network protocols these system calls are socket, listen, accept, ioctl, read, write, recvmsg, etc.
You write a Linux kernel module. There is already a SCTP protocol stack for Linux though. You would likely be better off modifying it to do what you want.
Once you have written and compiled your module you can load it into the kernel using insmod and rmmod. In my experience you rarely get a chance to use rmmod because if you made a mistake the system crashes or freezes. So use a virtual machine for your testing. It is faster to reboot, you lose less data, and it is easier to hook up a virtual serial console for debugging.
I am sure this question is a duplicate by the way. You can find a lot of questions on this topic.

Should a bad USB device be able to crash a bug free Linux kernel?

My question is rather broad, I know, but I have been wondering about this for a long time.
A little background. I work in a Physics lab where all the lab computers are running Debian (mix of old version and Lenny) or more recently Ubuntu 10.4 LTS. We have written a lot of custom software to interface with experiment hardware and other computers.
We have a lot of FPGA boards that are controlling various parts of the experiment, these are connected via USB to different computers. After upgrading a computer controlling an experiment we started seeing crashes/lockups of the computer running all the lasers. This used to be completely stable.
My question is this: If the entire computer locks up because of an issue with
a) Python/GTK software gui
b) USB device driver
c) The actual device
can this be blamed on the Linux kernel (or other levels of the OS)?
Is it unfair to ask of the linux kernel not to panic even if I make mistakes in my implementation of software/hardware.
My own guess: Any user level applications should never be able to crash the entire system since they should only have access to their own stuff.
Any device driver becomes a part of the kernel itself and will therefore be able to crash it. Is my reasoning sound?
Bonus question: IS there a way to insulate device and kernel somehow such that Linux will keep running happily no matter what stupid mistakes are made with the hardware. That would be very useful for two reasons:
1) debugging is easier with a running system,
2) For the purposes of the experiment we really need long uptimes and having only a part of the system crash is infinitely better than crashes in one part of the system propagating to the rest.
Any links and reading material on this subject would be appreciated. Thank you.
You are correct that unprivileged code should not be able to bring down the system, unless there's a kernel bug. The line between unprivileged and privileged isn't exactly the same as user-space vs kernel, however. A user-mode program can open /dev/kmem and trash the OS's internal data structures, if the user account has superuser privileges.
To insulate the main kernel from device driver problems, run the device driver inside a virtual machine.
Several popular VM systems, including VMWare Workstation, support forwarding an arbitrary USB device from the host to the guest without a device-specific driver on the host.

Minimum configuration to run embedded Linux on an ARM processor?

I need to produce an embedded ARM design that has requirements to do many things that embedded Linux would do. However the design is cost sensitive and does not need huge amounts of horse power. Mostly will be talking to serial interfaces. Ideally I would like to use one of the low end ARMs. What is the lowest configuration of an ARM that you have successfully used embedded Linux on.
The application needs a file system on some kind of flash device and the ability to run applications for processing the data. Some of the applications might be written by others than myself. I also need to ability to load new applications or update old apps using the serial ports to accept the apps.
When I have looked at other embedded OSes they seem to be more of a real time threading solution than having the ability to run applications. I am open to what ever will get the job done.
I think you need to weigh your cost options here.
ARM + linux is an option but you will be paying a very high operating overhead for such a simple (from your description) set of features. You can't just look at the cost of the ARM chip but must also consider external RAM which will very likely be required as well as flash to get enough space available to run the kernel + apps.
NOTE: you may be able to avoid the external requirements with a very minimal kernel and simple apps combined with a uC with large internal resources.
A second option is a much simpler microcontroller with a light weight OS. This will cut your hardware costs on the CPU and you can likely run something like this without external RAM or flash (dependent on application RAM and program space requirement)
third option: I don't actually see anything in your requirements that demands any OS at all be used. Basic file systems are very simple, for instance there are even FAT drivers out there for 8 bit PIC's. Interfacing to an SD card only requires a SPI port and minimal external circuitry.
The application bit could be simple or complex. I've built systems around PIC18 microcontollers that run a web server and allow program updates via a simple upload screen, it just stores the new program into an EEPROM or flash, reboots into a bootloader and copies the new program into internal program memory. You could likely design a way to do this without the reboot via a cooperative multitasking type of architecture. Any way you go the programmers writing the apps are going to need to have knowledge of the architecture and access to libraries / driver you write. Your best bet to simplify this is to provide as simple an API as possible and to try to automate the build process for them.
The third option will be the "cheapest" in terms of hardware as there will be very little overhead in the processing of your applications allowing you to get away with minimal processing power and memory. It likely will require some more programming/software architecting on your part but won't require nearly the research you will need to undertake to get linux up and running in addition to learning to write the needed device drivers under a linux paradigm.
As always you have to include the software development costs in the build cost of the device. If you plan to build 10,000+ of these your likely better off keeping hardware costs down and putting more man power into designing a software solution that allows that hardware to meet the design goals. If your building 10 of them, your better off spending an extra $15-20 on hardware if it can cut down on your software development costs. For example an ARM with MMU with full linux kernel support and available device drivers.
I kind of feel that your selecting the worst of both worlds at the moment, your paying extra to get a uC you can run linux on but by doing so your also selecting a part that will likely be the most complex to get linux up and running on, especially having not worked with linux on embedded platforms before.
I've had success even on ARM7TDMI, so I don't think you're going to have any trouble. If you have a low-requirements system, you could use any kind of lightweight real-time executive and have a lot better experience than you would getting Linux to work.
I've used a TS-7200 for about five years to run a web server and mail server, using Debian GNU Linux. It is 200 MHz and has 32 MB of RAM, and is quite adequate for these tasks. It has serial port built in. It's based on a ARM920T.
This would be overkill for your job; I mention it so you have another data point.
For several years I've been using a gumstix to do prototyping and testing and I've had good results with it. I don't know if the processor they are using (Intel PXA255 on my board) is considered low-cost, but the entire Verdex line seems pretty cheap to me for an adaptable device.
ucLinux is designed specifically for resource constrained targets, but perhaps more importantly for targets without an MMU.
However you have to have a good reason to use Linux on such a system rather than a small real-time executive. Out-of-the-box networking, readily available drivers and protocol stacks for complex hardware and support for existing POSIX legacy or open source code are a few perhaps. However if you don't need that, Linux is still large, and you may be squandering resources for no real benefit. In most cases you will still need off-chip SDRAM and Flash if you choose Linux of any flavour.
I would not regard serial I/O as 'complex hardware', so unless you are running a complex, but standard protocol, your brief description does not appear to warrant the use of Linux IMO
My DLINK DIR-320 router runs Linux inside.
And I know some handymen, flashing it with Optware and connecting USB-hub, HDDs, USB-flash, and much more.
It's low-cost ready for use "platform". (If you don't need mass production). But maybe more powerful than you need.
Additionally, it can be configured wirelessly via web-interface even through your pda :)

Current Linux Kernel debugging techniques

A linux machine freezes few hours after booting and running software (including custom drivers). I'm looking a method to debug such problem. Recently, there has been significant progress in Linux Kernel debugging techniques, hasn't it?
I kindly ask to share some experience on the topic.
If you can reproduce the problem inside a VM, there is indeed a fairly new (AFAIK) technique which might be useful: debugging the virtual machine from the host machine it runs on.
See for example this:
Debugging Linux Kernel in VMWare with Windows host
VMware Workstation 7 also enables a powerful technique that lets you record system execution deterministically and then replay it as desired, even backwards. So as soon as the system crashes you can go backwards and see what was happening then (and even try changing something and see if it still crashes). IIRC I read somewhere you can't do this and debug the kernel using VMware/gdb at the same time.
Obviously, you need a VMM for this. I don't know what VMM's other than VMware's VMM family support this, and I don't know if any free VMware versions support this. Likely not; one can't really expect a commercial company to give away everything for free. The trial version is 30 days.
If your custom drivers are for hardware inside the machine, then I suppose this probably won't work.
SystemTap seems to be to Linux what Dtrace is to Solaris .. however I find it rather hostile to use. Still, you may want to give it a try. NB: compile the kernel with debug info and spend some time with the kernel instrumentation hooks.
This is why so many are still using printk() after empirically narrowing a bug down to a specific module.
I'm not recommending it, just pointing out that it exists. I may not be smart enough to appreciate some underlying beauty .. I just write drivers for odd devices.
There are many and varied techniques depending on the sort of problems you want to debug. In your case the first question is "is the system really frozen?". You can enable the magic sysrq key and examine the system state at freeze and go from there.
Probably the most directly powerful method is to enable the kernel debugger and connect to it via a serial cable.
One option is to use Kprobes. A quick search on google will show you all the information you need. It isn't particularly hard to use. Kprobes was created by IBM I believe as a solution for kernel debugging. It is essentially a elaborate form of printk() however it allows you to handle any "breakpoints" you insert using handlers. It may be what you are looking for. All you need to do is write and 'insmod' a module into the kernel which will handle any "breakpoints" hit that you specify in the module.
Hope that can be a useful option...
How I debug this kind of bug, was to run my OS inside the VirtualBox, and compile the kernel with kgdb builtin. Then I setup a serial console on the VirtualBox so that I can gdb to the kernel inside the VirtualBox's OS via the serial console. Anytime the OS hang, just like magic sysrq key, I can enter ctrl-c on the gdb to stop and understand the kernel at that point in time.
Normally kernel stack tracing is just too difficult to pinpoint the culprit process, so the best way I think is still generic "top" command, just looking at the application logs to see what are the cause of hanging - this will need a reboot to see the log of course.
