Deploying Node/Mongo to Openshift - node.js

Hello I'm trying to get Node/Mongo service going on Openshift, here's what it looks like:
var db = new mongodb.Db('myServiceName',
new mongodb.Server('mongodb://$OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST','$OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_PORT', {})); (err, db_p) {
if (err) { throw err; }
db.authenticate('$USER', '$PASS', function (err, replies) {
if (err) { throw err; }
// should be connected and authenticated.
// ...
The app was created using rhc:
$ rhc create-app myServiceName nodejs-0.10 mongodb-2.4
The console shows the app was started and is running, and on cURL the response is 503
My logs don't show an error, however, the dB is obviously not live. Can anyone help?

If your mongodb driver supports connection with username/password, then use OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_URL instead of OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST
OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_URL gives you this format:
and OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST gives you this format:
ip addres, ex:
So you can just use OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_URL to connect and authenticate at the same time
with mongoskin, you can just do this:
var db = require('mongoskin').db(process.env.OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_URL + 'dbname'+ '?auto_reconnect=true',
{safe: true, strict: false}

It looks like you are attempting to connect to a server named "$OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST", (not a valid URL).
Instead, you'll probably want to read the value of the OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_HOST environment variable to find your connection information:
I have some additional notes up here:


Forever module with node app executable file

I am working on Node JS application.
In this I have to check first user is connected with internet or not. If yes then check KinectRuntime-v2.0_1409-Setup installed or not.. and further more such kind of validations are there. so I have used the following code in my entry script:
What I have Done:
broadcast.js: // entry file which we use to start app
var tempkinect = require('./controllers/tempkinect.js');
require('dns').lookup('',function(err) {
if (err){
server.listen(8000, function(req, res){
open('http://localhost:8000/internetnotfound'); // internet not found page.
return false;
var Kinect2 = require("kinect2");
var kinect = new Kinect2();
catch(ex) {
server.listen(8000, function(req, res){
return false;
} //else ends here
tempkinect.js file: // my controller file
module.exports.controller = function(app){
var errmsg = "KinectRuntime-v2.0_1409-Setup not installed on your computer. Download will start automatically, if not then";
var link = "";
var click = "Click Here!"
res.render('initialerror',{errormessage:errmsg, downloadlink : link, clickhere: click, title : 'Kinect Not Found'});
app.get('/internetnotfound', function(req,res){
require('dns').lookup('',function(err) {
if (err){
res.render('initialerror',{errormessage:'Please Connect Internet for Login.',downloadlink : '', clickhere : '', title : 'Internet Not Connected'});
app.get('/restart', function (req, res, next) {
I am using enclose module which compiled the node js application and creates .exe file. Now, If I run application on my local machine using command prompt:
run > node broadcast.js
then in case of internet not found app displays corresponding page.( then I connect internet manually ) after connecting internet when I refresh the page it restarts the process, which is good as per required.
BUT, when I do the same using compiled application then it is giving me error:
What Error I am getting:
So can anyone please suggest what should be modified there?
Besides this, Forever should be installed as global on the system so it is working fine on my system but not on others with the compiled app.
Looks like you already have something running at port 8000 (possibly other copy of your app). I would make sure your app port is configurable either through environment variables or command line options. Likewise make sure it can be shut down gracefully to release the port.
As for forever, there is no reason to install it globally, package it with the application and then its available at ./node_modules/.bin

How does one correctly set up a server based deepstream RPC provider?

I am building a SOA with deepstream and I want to use a deepstream client server to perform API-KEY based look ups that the user should not know. How do I actually set up an RPC client provider? I have looked in the deepstream docs and on google, but there is not a full code example on how to do this. I have created a file like below and run it with node. The output I get is below it:
var deepstream = require('')
const client = deepstream('localhost:6020').login()
console.log('Starting up')
client.on('error', (error,event,topic) => {
console.log(error, event, topic);
client.on('connectionStateChanged', connectionState => {
client.login({username: 'USER', password: 'PASSWORD'}, (success, data) => {
if (success) {
client.rpc.provide('the-rpc', function( data, response ){
} else {
Starting up
As you can see it runs the code, but does not actually connect to the deepstream server. I already have the deepstream server running, and a browser client that connects to it, so the config is correct. Please help!
I think your issue is based on the fact your trying to connect node via the webport. Try using port 6021 instead for tcp ( used by the node client ).
const client = deepstream('localhost:6021').login()
You should also only call .login() once, so the line would be:
const client = deepstream('localhost:6021')
We are working on a 2.0 release coming out very soon which will remove tcp entirely and only require a single port to make life easier in terms of deployment and performance.

Riak connectivity from Node

this is probably not a bug but rather a gap in my understanding but putting it here as afraid havent been able to find a way so far. Appreciate if you can provide your inputs please.
I'm trying to connect to my Riak cluster (hosted on AWS) of 3 nodes via two options - 1) Using an ejabberd server, and 2) using a Node server.
Connecting from the ejabberd server is successful after I put the hostname and port in the ejabberd configuration, but when I use a simple Node server (code below), I get the "Error: No RiakNodes available to execute command." error. Am I missing out on something here please - I can confirm that the 3 nodes are indeed up with Riak running? Note that if I dont do the client ping on the nodes, the server doesnt throw any error, so it is probably got to do with how pings are handled. The same server (without the ping) gives an ECONNREFUSED error if one of the nodes are brought down. So clearly the connection is going through but not the ping.
Apologize if am missing out on something basic here ... even the firewall settings for the Riak nodes have been set to all inbound, so it is not a case of the ejabberd server having access but not the Node server.
var async = require('async');
var assert = require('assert');
var logger = require('winston');
var Riak = require('basho-riak-client');
logger.add(logger.transports.Console, {
level : 'debug',
colorize : true,
timestamp : true
var nodes = [
var client = new Riak.Client(nodes, function (err, c) {'Now inside Riak.Client');
// NB: at this point the client is fully initialized, and
// 'client' and 'c' are the same object
}); (err, rslt) {'Now entered');
if (err) {'There is an error encountered in');
throw new Error(err);
} else {
// On success, ping returns true' has resulted in success!');
assert(rslt === true);

Mongoose not connecting on Ubuntu Ubuntu 14.04

I've got a node app built on Hapi using MongoDB and mongoose. Locally, I can use the app without issue. I can connect to the db, add data, find it, etc.
I've created an Ubuntu 14.04 x64 droplet on Digital Ocean.
I can ssh into my droplet and verify that my db is there with the correct name. I'm using dokku-alt to deploy and I have linked the db name to the app using dokku's mongodb:link appName mydb
I was having issues once I deployed the app where it would hang and eventually timeout. After a lot of debugging and commenting out code I found that any time I try to hit mongo like this the app will hang:
var User = request.server.plugins.db.User;
.findOne({ id: })
.exec(function(err, user){
// do something
Without this, the app loads fine, albeit without data. So my thought is that mongoose is never properly connecting.
I'm using grunt-shell-spawn to run a script which checks if mongo is already running, if not it starts it up. I'm not 100% certain that this is needed on the droplet, but I was having issues locally where mongo was already running... script:
if pgrep mongod; then
echo running;
mongod --quiet --dbpath db/;
exit 0;
shell: {
make_dir: {
command: 'mkdir -p db'
mongodb: {
command: './',
options: {
stdin: false,
And here's how I'm defining the database location:
{ register: require('./app/db'), options: { url: process.env.MONGODB_URL || 'mongodb://localhost:27017/mydb' } },
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var _ = require('lodash-node');
var models = require('require-all')(__dirname + '/models');
exports.register = function(plugin, options, next) {
mongoose.connect(options.url, function() {
var db = mongoose.connection;
plugin.expose('connection', db);
_.forIn(models, function(value, key) {
plugin.expose(key, value);
exports.register.attributes = {
name: 'db'
My app is looking for db files in db/. Could it be that dokku's mongodb:link appName mydb linked it to the wrong location? Perhaps process.env.MONGODB_URL is not being set correctly? I really don't know where to go from here.
It turns out the solution to my problem was adding an entry to the hosts file of my droplet to point to the mongo db url:
For some reason, linking the db to my app with Dokku didn't add this bit. I would have thought that it was automatic. The app container's host file did get a mongodb entry when i linked the db to the app.

Node.js and node-sqlanywhere - No Connection Available

I have been trying to use node-sqlanywhere to query my Sybase database.
However, I cannot seem to be able to connect to the database.
var sqlanywhere = require('sqlanywhere');
var sqlanywhere_conn = sqlanywhere.createConnection();
var sqlanywhere_conn_params = {
DatabaseFile: 'C:\Users\support\Dropbox\database.db',
AutoStart: 'YES',
UserId: 'user_id',
Password: 'password'
sqlanywhere_conn.connect(sqlanywhere_conn_params, function(){
sqlanywhere_conn.prepare('SELECT * FROM some_table WHERE some_column = ?', function (err, stmt){
if (err) throw err;
// do something with the statement
Whether I am trying to connect to the database using Server attribute or the DatabaseFile attribute, I always get error code -2005 No Connection Available.
That being said, I am able to connect to my database using Interactive SQL by either specifying the server or the database file.
So.. I must be missing something here and I can't figure it out !
Thanks !!
Try doubling up the backslash characters, like DatabaseFile: 'C:\\Users\\support\\Dropbox\\database.db'.
FYI you can also ask SQL Anywhere-specific questions on
Full disclosure: I work for SAP in SQL Anywhere engineering. I am responsible for both the node.js driver and the site.
