textmate 2.0 alpha.9543 not automatic use ruby document type - textmate2

Yesterday I upgraded alpha.9543, When I open a ruby file does not automatically switch ruby document type.
I have already installed Ruby bundle. But other bundle is work.

rm -rf ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate


How to Uninstall Eclipse IDE and the packages that were installed, during installation process in Ubuntu?

I had installed Eclipse IDE for Java, I found it difficult to use and I switched to IntelliJ Idea.
I ran this command
cd .local/share/applications/
rm *eclipse*.desktop epp*.desktop
It removed the Eclipse Ide,now are the packages also removed that were installed during installation process. If No, then how should I remove the packages ?
In the case you are using the packge by unzip and run the the sh file to start the eclipse. we can find the folder that stores the eclipse packe and delete it.
Find the folder: sudo find f . -name {1 file name you know}
After that you can remove all folder - that include this file. If you have UI you can access directly to folder to check it before remove all of them

"Unknown function: <SNR>37_repo_dir" when opening a new file in vim

I recently updated oh-my-zsh, vim and ran rcup to update dotfiles and vim plugins.
When opening a new file in vim I get an error, part of which contains:
Unknown function: <SNR>37_repo_dir
This seems to be related to the fugitive plugin that I have installed as it is mentioned above the error.
The vim syntax in one of the previously existing fugitive.vim configuration files is invalid for in the latest version of vim. fugitive.vim was removed from the latest version of thoughtbot/dotfiles. Since rcup only replaces files dotfiles and doesn't delete them if they were removed from the dotfiles folder the fugitive.vim file needs to be manually removed.
The most straightforward thing to do is:
rm -rf ~/.vim && rcup

Vim: When using Vundle how can I also include a plugin that I am writing?

Where should I put my own code when developing a plugin while at the same time using Vundle? I tried to use a local repo but I have to commit in order for vim to see the changes I am making… What is the right way of doing this?
Once Vundle has retrieved the plugin's source, you can just remove the directory of your bundle in the vim plugins directory and make a symbolic link to your git workspace.
rm -rf ~/.vim/bundle/yourplugin/
ln -s /path/to/the/plugin/youre/developing/plugin ~/.vim/bundle/yourplugin
It's more hackish than #demure's answer, but it works.
According to this ticket, use the following:
Bundle '~/path/your-plugin/.git'
Where ~/path/your-plugin is the working copy.

TextMate Haskell Bundle

I wonder that there is no Haskell TextMate Bundle. Macromates.com says that there was a bundle but it seems that it doesn't exists anymore. Are there any other ways to get Haskell Syntax Highlighting on TextMate?
If you've got git installed, go into terminal and enter
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles/
git clone https://github.com/textmate/haskell.tmbundle.git
Then in TextMate, Bundles > Bundle Editor > Reload Bundles.
The syntax highlighter isn't perfect but usable. It gets confused on some comments and identifiers. I hacked it a little to fix it.
Seems like the Bundles location changed, so I did
cd /Applications/TextMate.app/Contents/SharedSupport/Bundles
Apart from that I did as mentioned by Jason (git repo still works).
Or maybe I am wrong and you can just create that folder as in:
mkdir -p /Library/Application\ Support/TextMate/Bundles
(did not try doing that though, but saw it on another installation instruction -git bundle-)
PS: I am new here and I could not find a way to comment on his post (maybe I don't have permission for that yet?)
There seems to be some work done here but I cannot confirm how well it works.
I downloaded the zip from git:
Then I extracted it and renamed the folder to a .tmbundle (it had some numeric suffix).
Then I just opened it in Finder and it was recognised and imported.

change svn used by svnant

I've installed a newer version of svn on my system in ~my/home/bin and put the path to it.
So now from command line a newer version of svn is used instead of the old one, located in /usr/bin/.
However svnant keeps using an older svn in /usr/bin.
How can I tell svnant to use a newer svn?
As seen there svnant does not always uses the executable : http://subclipse.tigris.org/svnClientAdapter.html
1st-JavaHL native (JNI) subversion library (http://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/subversion/trunk/subversion/bindings/javahl/)
2nd-JavaSVN (pure Java) subversion API implementation (http://tmate.org/svn/)
3rd-svn(.exe) command line client wrapper
For the first too you would have to upgrade the jar.
If it really uses the executable you should try putting your executable in the path first before the other svn exe or linking it to /usr/bin
ln -s /home/yourself/bin/svn /usr/bin/svn
You may want to do something like:
mv /usr/bin/svn /usr/bin/svn_old
ln -s ~/your/home/bin/svn /usr/bin/svn
So you have a copy of the old one if you need it, while linking the currently used binary to your new version.
Add your new svn path to java.library.path
