How to 'p4 add' only new files from a directory - perforce

find . -type f -print | p4 -x - add
This adds all files from $PWD and its sub directories, but it prints the message can't add existing file for files already in perforce.
How do I add only new files which are not in P4?

For Perforce versions 12.1 and above, you can use the command p4 reconcile, which will reconcile any added, deleted, or edited files outside of Perforce. To use it specifically to add files, type p4 reconcile -a.
Just a note though, it doesn't do any harm to do the command you are doing. It issues a warning for any files already existing, but that's it. It will still add the files that don't currently exist in Perforce. Your command is the way I have done it until the p4 reconcile command was created.


P4V - remove identic files but with different history from changelist

I shelved files from another branch and unshelved them in the current branch. The problem is that now I have around 1500 files in the changelist and I want to remove the files that are identical between the branches. I've tried with Revert Unchanged Files and it reverts 0 files, but when I individually diff them I get the message that they are identical.
So, how can I remove them from the changelist if they are identical to the current version.
I don't think P4V has an equivalent to this, but this is a one-liner at the command line:
p4 diff -sr | p4 -x - revert
In P4V you can "open command prompt" to get a command prompt that already has the P4 client settings configured correctly; then just copy and paste the above.

Perforce (P4) - How can I submit all changes to files and directories?

I have a sandbox that I've completely reworked in the past several weeks. This includes modifying, creating, and deleting both files and directories within this sandbox.
How can I add all of these changes to a new change-list in Perforce? Can it be done with a single command?
I've tried find . -type f -print | p4 -x - add, but this gives me multiple errors for files, saying can't add existing file
p4 reconcile
This will open all the files. Follow it up with:
p4 submit

Perforce adding a folder to depot

I am new to Perforce. Could you add a new folder under the branch in the depot? I also tried to add one in my workplace but how could I get it to the depot? Do I have to do a merge/integrate or something?
p4 add doesn't support recursive add .
Here's a unix shell work-around to run from within the root folder you want to add:
find . -type f -print | p4 -x - add
If your server version is 2012.1 or later, you can use the reconcile command to do this, with full wildcard support:
p4 reconcile //depot/path/to/folder/...
From your local workspace, create your folder and a file you want to go inside it. Then either mark it as add from the visual client, or go into the folder from the command line, and type...
p4 add ./new_folder/new_file_name.ext
When you submit, the new file and folder will be in your repository. This assumes that new_folder is a subfolder of your existing workspace. Please let me know if it isn't and I'll update my answer.
Above command will add files under default changelist. And later if you want to see the if files are really added in default changelist
p4 opened
And for the submission of opened files, under the default changelist, to depot
p4 submit
Use command
p4 add directory_to_be_added/...
This will recursively add all contents starting drom "directory_to_be_added"
To add files from a directory in perforce
p4 reconcile -f -c [changeList] -a <dir_path_to add>
I had a situation that I need to add entire folder with files having wildcard name, so had to do it through command line using -f (force), I used "dir /b /s /a-d | p4 -x - add -f"
If you are using p4v to add a folder recursively, you need to click on:
"Connection" -> "Edit Current Workspace"
then manually add the mapping of the new folder to your depot.
Then go to your "Workspace" view and right click on the root folder, click "Mark for Add" and comment. All the files under it should show up in the new pending change list.

Get the changelist number of current workspace directory

Each time we do a build, we have to record the changelist number of source files for tracking. We have different projects (under different directories) and they are synced at different changelist number. May you please show me how can we get the changelist number of a specific directory?
Also, there's p4 changes -m1 //path/to/your/project/...#have which, if run in the client workspace that synced the files for building, will give you the highest changelist number of the files in the workspace.
You can also use the short version p4 changes -m1 #have if you don't want to specify the directory.
If you are using a shell for which "#" is a comment character like bash, remember to escape it as follows: p4 changes -m1 \#have
p4 cstat //path/to/your/project...#have |grep -B1 have|tail -n2
#thegeko, this does not require high max_scanrows perforce limits
If your build system always syncs to head on the directory before building, you can use p4 changes -m 1 //path/to/your/project/... to get the head changelist number for that directory.
If you go with this method, I would suggest running the changes command before syncing, and then explicitly syncing to that changelist. That should eliminate the chance of someone checking in between the changes command and the sync command.
I use the "lazy manual way" (aka I don't know better) within the P4V client:
Use this in the "Submitted" tab filters: //yourproject/...#>have
And it will show you which CLs you haven't synched, note the oldest one.
Remove the #>have filter and see what's the CL that came before the one you just noted.
From within the directory:
p4 changes -m1 //...#have
Using just the workspace path, p4 changes -m1 /path/to/your/workspace/...#have (or cd /path/to/your/workspace; p4 changes -m1 $(pwd)/...#have) gives you the highest changelist number of the files in the workspace. This is similar to the accepted answer above from user1054341 p4 changes -m1 //your-client-name...#have, but you don't have to remember the client name.
A path to a subdirectory in the client gives you the latest changelist in that subdirectory and its children, e.g. p4 changes -m1 /path/to/your/workspace/src/module1/...#have. This can be run from any directory within the workspace.
Omitting #have shows the latest changelist checked in to the depot.
These commands must be run from a directory in the workspace.
In my case, I just want to know what changelist number is opened (not syned to) in a specific directory. For that, I do:
p4 opened -s | cut -d' ' -f5 | uniq

P4 changes on a specific folder/file

I am trying to get the last checkin on a particular folder structure on perforce, I know "p4 changes -m1 'filepath" does the job, but the problem is the filepath has to be the depot file-path. What I have on the other hand is the local filepath something like "C:\Android\Version10.2\MyApp\" and not "//depot/Andoid/Version10.2/MyApp".
I tried using commands like "p4 fstat", "p4 where" and "p4 files", but for all of them it works fine with the depot file path, if I give the local file path, it keeps complaining file(s) not on client/no such file(s).
The other issue is I dont have rights to change the p4client on the machine. How do I get this to work?
Basic question then to sum up is being able to get the last change on a folder/file for which I have the local filepath.
If you're going to run any commands on files those files have to be in the workspace. The problem is probably that p4 on Windows defaults to the machine name as the workspace name if you don't supply one.
So you either have to run set P4CLIENT=<clientname> then run p4 changes -m1 <filename>,
or p4 -c <clientname> changes -m1 <filepath> where <filepath> can be the file on your local file system, so C:\Android\Version10.2\MyApp\ would be acceptable.
Does p4 filelog -m 1 <filename> give you what you want? You can add the -l (lowercase L, not one) switch to get more information.
If you have a local file (as opposed to the depot-path), then you also should have a client-spec. You need to specify this with the -c option:
p4 -c <name-of-client-spec> changes -m1 <filepath>
