Node.js based express app EXTREMELY slow on ec2 micro instance - node.js

Here's the setup:
ec2 micro instance
MySQL 5.6
Redis server
Node.js (express based app)
Nginx as reverse front-end proxy.
It's slow. Very slow. I know it's a micro instance and you get what you pay for (considering it's free).
I ended up even using a swap file for MySQL and it's so slow to the point that it's unusable. Should I spin up 2 medium instances (1 for the db/redis and one for the app server)? Keep everything on one and upgrade it to a large instance?
Also, what should I be looking for? More RAM for MySQL and more CPU for the app server? Any input would be extremely helpful (especially those that have used a similar setup in the past).

Keep in mind that EC2 micro instances throttle the cpu - the can surge a bit but if you place consistent cpu load on a micro instance it will throttle down. They are really designed for development - I've used micro instances as web servers before and have paid the price when they throttled down just when the load went up - basically ground to a halt.
As to what you should use you'll really need to assess your own needs based on a combination of benchmarking and analysis on database size, working set size, number of users etc.
That said, if you intend to scale your app at all trying to keep everything on one virtualized server tends not to work well. EC2 currently has many different instance types optimized for different usage scenarios, variously emphasizing cpu, memory, local disk or network capacity. Scaling the node.js/nginx side of your app is very different than MySQL and Redis.
Personally (and it's just my opinion) I'd start with two smalls, MySQL and Redis on one, node and nginx on the other and monitor memory, cpu and disk usage carefully. The great thing about EC2 (or any of the major cloud based virtual instance providers) is the ease with which you can experiment and move to another instance type. To facilitate that I'd definitely use an EBS volume as your database as it makes it very easy to move it later (not to mention backups using volume snapshots for backups).


Choosing the right EC2 instance for three NodeJS Applications

I'm running three MEAN stack programmes. Each application receives over 10,000 monthly users. Could you please assist me in finding an EC2 instance for my apps?
I've been using a "t3.large" instance with two vCPUs and eight gigabytes of RAM, but it costs $62 to $64 per month.
I need help deciding which EC2 instance to use for three Nodejs applications.
First check CloudWatch metrics for the current instances. Is CPU and memory usage consistent over time? Analysing the metrics could help you to decide whether you should select a smaller/bigger instance or not.
One way to avoid too unnecessary costs is to use auto scaling groups and load balancers. By using them and finding and applying proper settings, you could have always right amount of computing power for your applications.
Depends on your applications. If your apps need more compute power or more memory or more storage? Deciding a server is similar to installing an app on system. Check what are basic requirements for it & then proceed to choose server.
If you have 10k+ monthly customers, think about using ALB so that traffic gets distributed evenly. Try caching to server some content if possible. Use unlimited burst mode of t3 servers if CPU keeps hitting 100%. Also, try to optimize code so that fewer resources are consumed. Once you are comfortable with ec2 choice, try to purchase saving plans or RIs for less cost.
Also, do monitor the servers & traffic using Cloudwatch agent, internet monitor etc features.

Is implementing elastic search service on same server as node server with auto scaling is a good idea?

Trying to deploy a project on t3 large server with auto scaling.
I have my elastic search service deployed on same system as node and react projects.(Not using AWS elastic search)
Will it be facing issues in future and i need to segregate elastic search service to some other server?
It's always nice to have a separate dedicated server for running the Elasticsearch server but as you are using AWS some of the things which you can do to minimize the issues:
Elasticsearch is a stateful application contrast to your node and react app unless you are storing the state there as well which is not a good idea and due to stateless nature of the applications, autoscaling is very useful as you can on-demand based on the CPU, memory or other metrics scale up or down the instances.
But in case of Elasticsearch or other stateful applications, it becomes tricky as when you scale up or down the instance, shards get relocated if they are not reachable within a threshold which can lead to unbalanced Elasticsearech cluster.
Now in order to minimize these issues:
Make sure you can storing Elasticsearch indices on the network-attached disk so that there is no data loss when autoscaling brings a new instance and new instance again should use earlier network attaches EBS(where your data is stored).
Make sure you don't create a new Elasticsearch process when you scale up or down the instances according to your autoscaling policy and the Elasticsearch process should be fixed and scale up/down with some manual intervention.
If you have to scale up the Elasticsearch cluster then make sure you disable shard allocation to avoid the issues mentioned earlier.
These are some known issues which you might face and there could be even more based on your configuration and while writing the answer itself I felt, it so easy to just have a dedicated instance for Elasticsearch to avoid these weird issues.
I would add to other answers following:
Elasticsearch performs best if it has enough RAM to keep indexes in entirety in RAM. If the Elasticsearch is competing with Node/Application for RAM it will affect it's performance.
From maintenance/performance perspective you should consider having at least 3-node cluster. Even if that means you have smaller machines. If AWS is upgrading infrastructure and you have 1 machine, when than 0.05% unavailability hits your search is down. If you need to do maintenance on the node or do upgrades having multiple machines will help with availability.
Depending on your use of Elasticsearch and how often you update/delete items in the indexes, and how fast your indexes will grow, adding more machines/nodes to the cluster will help with growth.
There are probably many more things to consider, but that totally depends on your application, budget, SLAs etc.

Is amazon EC2 micro instance enough for simple node.js and redis setup?

I'm developing a very simple portfolio web site. It will most likely barely have any traffic. I want to use node.js and redis for the backend of the application.
Since amazon ec2 has 1 year free of micro instance, I was wondering if it will be good enough to host both redis and node.js on it.
As I said the site will be very lightweight and not accessed frequently.
A micro instance has been more than enough for my own site which runs nginx, wordpress, django, and a few other random things.
I'm sure it will be more than adequate for what your doing (unless it's number or IO intensive.. and if you don't know, it's probably not). And hey, it's free, so why not? AWS has a lot of cool features you can play with too!
The specs from Amazon lead me to believe so.
Obviously the redis is questionable with the allotted RAM but it should be fine for minimal traffic.
613 MiB memory
Up to 2 EC2 Compute Units (for short periodic bursts)
EBS storage only
32-bit or 64-bit platform
I/O Performance: Low
EBS-Optimized Available: No
API name: t1.micro
My understanding says that it's free for the new users, so just put your code up there and check what happens. Other way is that it only provides around 650 mb of RAM. So you should be fine at the start. Only when a lot of data gets generated by users, the RAM will become bottle neck.

spikes in traffic

I have a bare bones setup on Amazon, and wanted to know which is the better approach coming out of the gate on a new site, where we anticipate a spike of traffic occasionally (from tech press) before we gradually build up 'real' membership traffic to a reasonable level.
I currently am toying with two starter options:
1) Do I have 1 node app (micro ec2) pointing to a redis-server AND mongod (EC2 server) (which mounts one combined 10G EBS).
2) do I have 1 node app (micro ec2) running redis-server and mongod locally (but with 2 10G EBS mounts, 1 for redis and 1 for mongo).
If traffic went crazy (tech press etc), which is easiest/fastest to scale to handle the spike in traffic. I anticipate equal read writes for mongo and redis btw, and I have no caching (other than that provided by cloudfront assets like images and some css)
I can't speak to Redis, but for MongoDB you'll want to be sure that you run on an instance with sufficient RAM to hold your "working set" of data in memory. "Working set" means, roughly, the full set of data that your application accesses frequently -- for instance, consider Twitter -- the working set of Twitter data is the most recent set of status updates across all users, as this is what is shown on web pages and what Twitter provides via its APIs. For your application, the definition of working set may differ.
Mongo uses memory-mapped files for data access, which means that its performance is great when there is enough memory to hold the data you are accessing frequently, and can degrade when there is not. If you expect your data set to grow beyond about 2.5 gigabytes, you will also want to ensure that you are on a 64-bit instance -- on 32-bit instances, Mongo is limited to around 2.5 gigabytes of data, due to the limited memory address space available on such a platform. For more on MongoDB on EC2, see the Mongo docs on EC2 deployment on the wiki.
I would also caution against using EC2 Micro instances in your production environment. The nature of Micros is that they have "burstable" but very limited CPU resources. If you get a spike of traffic due to tech press, it's likely that your application would be limited by EC2 to a very low amount of available CPU, which will cause performance to suffer. You can mitigate this to a certain extent with load balancing and many Micro instances, but it may be more cost-effective and less complex to simply use Large instances for both Mongo/Redis and your application servers.
You may want to have a look at this question, since IMO, the answer also applies to your situation:
Benefits of deploying multiple instances for serving/data/cache
I would never put mongod and redis-server on the same box. MongoDB is meant to swap due to its usage of memory mapped files, and will generate swapping activity if the data cannot fit in RAM. Redis does not use data structures which are compatible with swapping (like MongoDB does with btrees), and will become unresponsive if its memory is swapped out. Currently, there is no easy way to lock Redis in memory.
So I would put Redis and the app server on the same box, and isolate MongoDB on its own box.
Depending on the size of the data you want to store in Redis, I would pick a large or a small EC2 instance. Redis works well in 32 bits, but memory is limited. For MongoDB, a 64 bits box is almost mandatory. In any case, I would avoid micro instances like the plague.

Scaling Node.JS across multiple cores / servers

Ok so I have an idea I want to peruse but before I do I need to understand a few things fully.
Firstly the way I think im going to go ahead with this system is to have 3 Server which are described below:
The First Server will be my web Front End, this is the server that will be listening for connection and responding to clients, this server will have 8 cores and 16GB Ram.
The Second Server will be the Database Server, pretty self explanatory really, connect to the host and set / get data.
The Third Server will be my storage server, this will be where downloadable files are stored.
My first questions is:
On my front end server, I have 8 cores, what's the best way to scale node so that the load is distributed across the cores?
My second question is:
Is there a system out there I can drop into my application framework that will allow me to talk to the other cores and pass messages around to save I/O.
and final question:
Is there any system I can use to help move the content from my storage server to the request on the front-end server with as little overhead as possible, speed is a concern here as we would have 500+ clients downloading and uploading concurrently at peak times.
I have finally convinced my employer that node.js is extremely fast and its the latest in programming technology, and we should invest in a platform for our Intranet system, but he has requested detailed documentation on how this could be scaled across the current hardware we have available.
On my front end server, I have 8
cores, what's the best way to scale
node so that the load is distributed
across the cores?
Try to look at node.js cluster module which is a multi-core server manager.
Firstly, I wouldn't describe the setup you propose as 'scaling', it's more like 'spreading'. You only have one app server serving the requests. If you add more app servers in the future, then you will have a scaling problem then.
I understand that node.js is single-threaded, which implies that it can only use a single core. Not my area of expertise on how to/if you can scale it, will leave that part to someone else.
I would suggest NFS mounting a directory on the storage server to the app server. NFS has relatively low overhead. Then you can access the files as if they were local.
Concerning your first question: use cluster (we already use it in a production system, works like a charm).
When it comes to worker messaging, i cannot really help you out. But your best bet is cluster too. Maybe there will be some functionality that provides "inter-core" messaging accross all cluster workers in the future (don't know the roadmap of cluster, but it seems like an idea).
For your third requirement, i'd use a low-overhead protocol like NFS or (if you can go really crazy when it comes to infrastructure) a high-speed SAN backend.
Another advice: use MongoDB as your database backend. You can start with low-end hardware and scale up your database instance with ease using MongoDB's sharding/replication set features (if that is some kind of requirement).
