How to find data between two values - string

I am trying to find the data between two values. I am using this code in a GUI programme, the starting_value and ending_value which you can see in the code below are selected from 2 listboxes in a previous part of the code.
% --- Executes on button press in CalculateIntensity.
function CalculateIntensity_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to CalculateIntensity (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
% Trapz function
starting_value = getappdata(0,'StartValue');
ending_value = getappdata(0,'EndValue');
StartingValue = str2mat(starting_value)
EndingValue = str2mat(ending_value)
A = getappdata(0,'XYarray')
data_found = A(A(:,[1,2]) > StartingValue & A(:,[1,2]) < EndingValue)
I found help on:
However the
data_found = A(A(:,[1,2]) > StartingValue & A(:,[1,2]) < EndingValue)
part of the code wont work for me, I think starting_value and ending_value are strings so I tried converting it to a matrix but I get the error:
Error using <
Matrix dimensions must agree.
Error in MichelleLaycockGUImainwindow>CalculateIntensity_Callback (line 119)
data_found = A(A(:,[1,2]) > StartingValue & A(:,[1,2]) < EndingValue)
an example of data used is:
A =
1.0e+03 *
0.1660 1.1570
0.1664 0.4650
0.1668 0
0.1672 1.0200
0.1676 1.0110
0.1680 1.0200
0.1684 1.0640
0.1688 1.1100
0.1692 1.0370
0.1696 1.0050
0.1700 1.0750
0.1704 1.0850
0.1708 1.1310
0.1712 1.0630
0.1716 1.0370
0.1719 1.1070
0.1724 1.1450
I'm not really sure where I'm going wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated as it's all I need to complete my work. Thanks in advance!

As some of the values in my data vary rather than just decreasing or increasing the greater than or equal to method I was originally trying to use did not work. So rather than using the loop to get the data between the two points selected I went with a different method.
I use[~,indx1]=ismember(StartingValue,A,'rows') this finds the row number of the selected data and then I use this information to extract the data between and including the selected data.
Here is the full code I used to do this:
starting_value = getappdata(0,'StartValue');
ending_value = getappdata(0,'EndValue');
StartingValue = str2num(starting_value);
EndingValue = str2num(ending_value);
A = getappdata(0,'XYarray');
arrayfortrapz = A(indx1:indx2,1:2); %array of data including and between selected data
I hope this of some help to anybody that may run into a similar issue.


Argument to dynamic structure reference must evaluate to a valid field name (helperBluetoothChannelClassification)

Hi im doing a bluetooth project using bluetooth toolbox in matlab, and encountered a problem. So I have been following one of the example from this error occurred.
Argument to dynamic structure reference must evaluate to a valid field
Error in helperBluetoothChannelClassification (line 102)
obj.(varargin{idx}) = varargin{idx+1};
Error in ble_wlan_interference (line 58)
classifierObj = helperBluetoothChannelClassification(centralNode,peripheralNode,PERThreshold=50);
At line 102 of helperBluetoothChannelClassification.m is as follows,
% Constructor
function obj = helperBluetoothChannelClassification(varargin)
% Set name-value pairs
for idx = 1:2:nargin
obj.(varargin{idx}) = varargin{idx+1};
At line 58 of main code is as follows,
%enable channel classification
enableChannelClassification = true;
if enableChannelClassification
classifierObj = helperBluetoothChannelClassification(centralNode,peripheralNode,PERThreshold=50);
classifyFcn = #(varargin) classifierObj.classifyChannels;
userData = []; % User data needed to be passed to the callback function
callAt = 0; % Absolute simulation time, in seconds
periodicity = 125e-3; % In seconds
scheduleAction(networkSimulator,classifyFcn,userData,callAt,periodicity); % Schedule channel classification
I think the centralNode and peripheralNode parameter is not recognizable in helperBluetoothChannelClassification function, but don't know what is a problem.. Thanks :)

How to properly invoke Python 3 script from SPSS syntax window using SCRIPT command (+ additional problems during runtime)

I would like to run two Python 3 scripts from SPSS syntax window. It is possible to perform it using BEGIN PROGRAM-END PROGRAM. block or SCRIPT command. This time I need to find a solution using second command.
Simplified code:
define export_tabs (!positional !tokens (1))
output modify
/select logs headings texts warnings pagetitles outlineheaders notes
/deleteobject delete = yes.
/CONTENTS EXPORT = visible LAYERS = printsetting MODELVIEWS = printsetting
OPERATION = createsheet
sheet = !quote(!unquote(!1))
define matrix_tab (!positional !charend('/')
/!positional !charend('/')
/!positional !charend('/')
/!positional !charend('/')
/stat = !tokens (1))
!do !i !in (!3)
/mrsets countduplicates = no
/vlabels variables = !concat(!1,_,!2,_,!i) display = label
/table !concat(!1,_,!2,_,!i)
[rowpct.responses.count !concat(!unquote(!stat),"40.0"), totals[count f40.0]]
/slabels position = column visible = no
/clabels rowlabels = opposite
/categories variables = !concat(!1,_,!2,_,!i) order = a key = value
empty = include total = yes label = "VALID COUNT" position = after
/titles title = !upcase(!4).
* Sheet 1.
output close all.
matrix_tab $Q1 / 1 / 1 2 / "QUESTION 1" / stat="pct".
script "C:\path\script".
script "C:\path\script".
export_tabs "Q1".
* Sheet 2.
output close all.
matrix_tab $Q2 / 2 / 3 4 / "QUESTION 2" / stat="pct".
script "C:\path\script".
script "C:\path\script".
export_tabs "Q2".
When I run a block for the first sheet everything works fine. However, when I run a block for the second sheet SPSS doesn't execute Python scripts and jumps straight to export_tabs macro (problems with synchronization?). I thought a problem had been possibly in a way I executed SCRIPT command. So I tried this:
script "C:\path\script" pythonversion = 3.
script "C:\path\script" pythonversion = 3.
but in effect SPSS - even though the syntax window coloured these parts of syntax - returned this error message:
>Error # 3251 in column 152. Text: pythonversion
>The SCRIPT command contains unrecognized text following the the file
>specification. The optional parameter must be a quoted string enclosed in
>Execution of this command stops.
Has anyone of you had such problem and/or have an idea why this happens?
NOTE: Both Python scripts run smoothly from the Python 3.4.3 shell installed with the version of SPSS I have, thus I don't think the core of the problem is within those codes.
This seems to be a document defect in the way this keyword was implemented. I have been able to replicate it and have logged a defect with IBM SPSS Statistics Development.
In this case, the order matters. Rather than this:
script "C:\path\script" pythonversion = 3.
Try instead:
script pythonversion = 3 "C:\path\script".

Compile Error: Function Call on Left-hand side of assignment

I got the compile error
"Function call on left-hand side of assignment must return Variant or Object"
Trying to fix an inherited Excel file that calculates various values related to HVAC. The file relies on a couple of Add-In .xla files which contain many functions. I am unable to get results from most of the functions. Either I get numbers that immediately turn to zeros, or I just get #VALUE and #NAME errors.
My VBA skills are somewhat limited as well as my knowledge of the calculations this file is performing.
Function EvapDeltaGrn(altitude, evap_on, tdb_ma, hr_ma, sat_goal, hr_min)
'use to calculate the delta grain when tdb_oa > than sat_goal
EvapDeltaGrn = 0
If tdb_ma = "" Then Exit Function
If hr_ma = "" Then Exit Function
If evap_on Then
If tdb_ma >= (sat_goal) Then 'use evaporative cooling
Enthalpy = Application.Run("'psychrometric functions.xla'!TdbGrainstoEnthalpy", altitude, tdb_ma, hr_ma)
'Range("v14") = enthalpy
EvapDeltaGrn = Application.Run("'psychrometric functions.xla'!TdbEnthalpytoGrains", altitude, sat_goal, Enthalpy)
EvapDeltaGrn = EvapDeltaGrn - hr_ma
EvapDeltaGrn = Round(EvapDeltaGrn, 2)
Else 'evaporative humidification
If hr_ma < hr_min Then EvapDeltaGrn = Round(hr_min - hr_ma, 2)
End If
End If
End Function
The error seems to be at Enthalpy =.

History of previously opened m-files in MATLAB

Is anyway to find history of previously opened m-files in MATLAB R2014b from 2 or 3 months ago? (a list of name of files and paths)
Matlab R2014b stores its recent files in:
It's a .xml file so it's easy to load and parse with xmlread. I'm not very familiar with xml parsing syntax, but here is how to get information about files (to be adapted to your needs of course):
function [recentFiles] = GetRecentFiles()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf('MathWorks\\MATLAB\\R%s\\%s', version('-release'), 'MATLAB_Editor_State.xml');
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
This returns a structure like this:
recentFiles =
1x43 struct array with fields:
NB: I've tried to type in matlab command window matlab.desktop.editor.*, but seems there's nothing regarding recent files (anyway there are a lot of interesting things to manipulate the editor from the command line)
Last answer waIs really helpful. I've just modified it to read and open the recent tab files. This works on Matlab R2013a:
function [recentFiles] = recover_tabs()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf('MathWorks\\MATLAB\\R%s\\%s', version('-release'), 'MATLAB_Editor_State.xml');
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
% loop to access files in the tab history
for j=1:length(recentFiles)
arquivo = [recentFiles(j).AbsPath '\' recentFiles(j).Name];
% if exists, then open
if exist(arquivo, 'file') == 2
Base in the answer by CitizenInsane, but for any Matlab version.
To find the .xml file in any Matlab version, use prefdir:
>> prefdir
ans = '/Users/user/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/R2018a'
MATLAB_Editor_State.xml will be stored there. Therefore the fuction would be:
function [recentFiles] = GetRecentFiles()
% Opens editor's state file
filepart = sprintf([ prefdir '/MATLAB_Editor_State.xml']);
filename = fullfile(getenv('APPDATA'), filepart);
document = xmlread(filename);
% Get information about 'File' nodes
recentFiles = struct([]);
fileNodes = document.getElementsByTagName('File');
for fni = 1:(fileNodes.getLength())
attributes = fileNodes.item(fni-1).getAttributes(); % Careful, zero based indexing !
for ai = 1:(attributes.getLength())
% Get node attribute
name = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getName()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
value = char(attributes.item(ai-1).getValue()); % Zero based + need marshaling COM 'string' type
% Save in structure
name(1) = upper(name(1)); % Just because I prefer capital letter for field names ...
recentFiles(fni).(name) = value;
In R2018b you can increase the Most recently used file list in Preferences > Editor/Debugger. I like the methods above, but they do not work if you're working across machines (e.g., using Github). I coded a solution that uses the modified file date from the machine, instead of relying on MATLAB itself.

Insert rows into Excel with MATLAB

The data in my Excel files is supposed to be contentious (index in the first column). But some data is missing in the file. For example, # 5, and 6 are missing between $ 4 and 7. My purpose are (1) identify the file with missing data and (2) if data is missing insert rows to make it continuous. Can anyone tell me how to add in rows in the existing data? Using xlswrite I can only add in rows at the end of the file or replace some rows.
I have another set of file in which the index is not so direct. The first 3 columns are described below (as shown in the Excel file):
Column 1:Year: 2003 (read as number in matlab)
Column 2:Date: 1-Sep (read as text in matlab)
Column 3:Time: 1:00 (1:00 read as number 0.04167 and 2:00 read as 0.0833, not sure how it works)
Then the way to tell if it is continuous will be quite complicate since there will be different years, months, and days. Could you give some hint on this?
Basically you need to read the entire data, preferably in raw(cell) format, add the missing rows(with respect to the indices) and write back.
Based on your question, this code might work -
% NOTE: We are assuming that the indexing starts with 1
% Read data from input excel file with missing indices
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('input.xls');
% Error-checking
if (size(num,1)-num(end,1)~=0)
disp('At least one index is missing!');
% Expand data such that all indices are covered.
data1(:,1) = 1:num(end,1);
for k = 1:num(end,1)
data1(k,:)= raw(k1,:);
k1 = k1+1;
% Write data
In view of your new requirements, additional code is added next.
Please note few things about this code -
The code adds data for every year and not from a specific month, date and time to another specific month, date and time. If you wish to achieve that, please edit the associated
function - 'create_comp_sheet'.
It saves an intermediate file named - 'proper_base_data.xls', which maybe deleted at the end of the code.
INPUT_FILENAME = 'input.xls'; % Excel file that has some missing year,date and time info
OUTPUT_FILENAME = 'output.xls'; % Excel file that has data from the input file along with all the missing year,date and time info
%% Base data
proper_base_data = create_comp_sheet(start_year,end_year);
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread('proper_base_data.xls');
for row_ID = 1:size(num,1)
base_data(row_ID) = {strcat(num2str(cell2mat(raw(row_ID,1))),'-', cell2mat(raw(row_ID,2)),'-',num2str(round(24*cell2mat(raw(row_ID,3)))))};
%% Input data
[num,txt,raw] = xlsread(INPUT_FILENAME);
for row_ID = 1:size(num,1)
input_data(row_ID) = {strcat(num2str(cell2mat(raw(row_ID,1))),'-', cell2mat(raw(row_ID,2)),'-',num2str(round(24*cell2mat(raw(row_ID,3)))))};
%% Setup final data
final_data = num2cell(NaN(size(proper_base_data,1),size(raw,2)));
final_data(:,1:3) = proper_base_data;
for k1=1:size(input_data,1)
for k2=1:size(base_data,1)
if strcmp(cell2mat(base_data(k2)),cell2mat(input_data(k1)))
final_data(k2,4:end) = raw(k1,4:end);
%% Write final data to excel
Associated function -
function data1 = create_comp_sheet(start_year,end_year)
months_string = {'Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'};
date_count = [31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31];
num_hours = 24;
for year_ID = start_year:end_year
for month_ID = 1:numel(months_string)
days_per_month = date_count(month_ID);
if rem(year_ID,4)==0 && month_ID ==2
days_per_month = days_per_month+1;
for date_ID = 1:days_per_month
year = repmat({num2str(year_ID)},[num_hours 1]);
date = repmat({strcat(num2str(date_ID),'-',char(months_string(month_ID)))},[num_hours 1]);
for k = 1:num_hours
time(k) = {strcat(num2str(k),':00')};
data1 = [data1 ; [year date time]];
Hope this saves all your troubles!
