I've got a thread that invokes a function MyFunc with parameters params. Basically it outputs dots in a stream while MyFunc is running, with timeout 500 ms. I need to wait for a thread for 1 minute, then I need to output either "MyFunc successfully completed" if the function finishes its work within 1 min or "Timeout" if after 1 min it is still running. How can I do that ?
std::future<void> f = std::async(std::launch::async, MyFunc, params);
std::chrono::milliseconds span(500);
while (f.wait_for(span) == std::future_status::timeout)
std::cout << '.';
You can use wait_for(),without a problem.
std::future<void> f = std::async(std::launch::async, MyFunc, params);
auto because = std::async(std::launch::async,[&]()
// for your use, you may want to change it from 0 seconds to something
// like 1 second, or 500 ms
while(f.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(0)) != std::future_status::ready)
std::cout << ".";
if(because == std::future_status::ready)
std::cout << "Successfully Completed\n";
std::cout << "Timeout";
Remember when you started waiting, or count the number of times you waited. Then you check those values on each iteration and determine whether more than 1min has passed. In that case you exit the loop.
I am using a wrapper function in an external software to start a new thread, which updates a global variable, but yet this seems invisible to the main thread. I cant call join(), not to block the main thread and crash the software. boost::async, boost::thread and boost::packaged_task all behave the same way.
uint32 *Dval;
bool hosttask1()
PlugIn::gResultOut << " within thread global value: " << *Dval << std::endl;
return false;
void SU_HostThread1(uint32 *value)
Dval = value;
*Dval = 2;
PlugIn::gResultOut << " before thread: " << *value << " before thread global: " << *Dval << std::endl;
auto myFuture = boost::async(boost::launch::async,&hosttask1);
//boost::thread thread21 = boost::thread(&hosttask1);
//boost::packaged_task<bool> pt(&hosttask1);
//boost::thread thread21 = boost::thread(boost::move(pt));
When I call the function:
number a=0
sleep(2) //seconds
result(" function returned "+a+" \n")
before thread value: 2 before thread global value: 2
within thread global value: 3
within thread global value: 4
within thread global value: 5
within thread global value: 6
function returned 2
within thread global value: 7
within thread global value: 8
within thread global value: 9
within thread global value: 10
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
If you share data between threads, you must syncronize access to that data. The two possible ways are a mutex protecting said data and atomic operations. The simple reason is that caches and read/write reordering (both by CPU and compiler) exist. This is a complex topic though and it's nothing that can be explained in an answer here, but there are a few good books out there and also a bunch of code that gets it right.
The following code correctly reproduces what I intend to do. Mainly, the thread updates a global variable which the main thread correctly observes.
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/chrono.hpp>
unsigned long *dataR;
bool hosttask1()
bool done = false;
std::cout << "In thread global value: " << *dataR << "\n"; //*value11 << *dataL <<
unsigned long cc = 0;
boost::mutex m;
while (!done)
*dataR = cc;
std::cout << "In thread loop global value: "<< *dataR << "\n";
if (cc==5) done = true;
return done;
void SU_HostThread1(unsigned long *value)
dataR = value;
std::cout << "Before thread value: " << *value << " Before thread global value: " << *dataR << "\n"; //*value11 << *dataL <<
auto myFuture = boost::async(boost::launch::async, &hosttask1);
int main()
unsigned long value =1;
unsigned long *value11;
value11 = &value;
std::cout << "done with end value: " << *value11 << "\n";
return 0;
Before thread value: 1 Before thread global value: 1
In thread global value: 1
In thread loop global value: 0
In thread loop global value: 1
In thread loop global value: 2
In thread loop global value: 3
In thread loop global value: 4
done with end value: 4
Yet when I copy this exactly to the SDK of the external software, the main thread does not update global value. Any ideas how this is so?
output in external software:
before thread value: 1 before thread global value: 1
In thread global value: 1
In thread loop global value: 0
In thread loop global value: 1
In thread loop global value: 2
In thread loop global value: 3
In thread loop global value: 4
done with end value: 1
Likely this is because the compiler doesn't generally think about multithreading when optimising your code. If has seen you code checks a value repeatedly, and it knows that in single threading that value cannot change, so it just omitted the check.
If you declare the variable as volatile, then it will probably generate less efficient code that checks more often.
Of course you have to also understand that when a value is written, there are circumstances when it may not all be written in one go, so if you are unlucky enough to read it back when it is half-written, then you get back a garbage value. The fix for that is to declare it as std::atomic (which is automatically considered volatile by the optimiser), and then even more complex code will be emitted to ensure that the write and the read cannot intersect (or different processor primitives might be used for small objects such as integers)
most variables are not shared between threads, and when they are it is up to the programmer to identify those and balance optimisation against the thread synchronisation needs during design.
In the below code, there are two joins (of course one is commented). I would like to know what is the difference between
when join is executed before the loop and when join is executed after the loop?
#include <iostream>
#include <thread>
using namespace std;
void ThreadFunction();
int main()
thread ThreadFunctionObj(ThreadFunction);
for (int j=0;j<10;++j)
cout << "\tj = " << j << endl;
return 0;
void ThreadFunction()
for (int i=0;i<10;++i)
cout << "i = " << i << endl;
A join() on a thread waits for it to finish execution, your code doesn't continue as long as the thread isn't done. As such, calling join() right after starting a new thread defeats the purpose of multi-threading, as it would be the same as executing those two for loops in a serial way. Calling join() after your loop in main() ensures that both for loops execute in parallel, meaning that at the end of your for loop in your main(), you wait for the ThreadFunction() loop to be done too. This is the equivalent of you and a friend going out to eat, for example. You both start eating at relatively the same time, but the first one to finish still has to wait for the other (might not be the best example, but hope it does the job).
Hope it helps
I am working on a final project for a class. This project is to mimic multiple atm's. That is my program already runs. Inside of my main.cpp, I created the threads, for now just two, later on maybe more, They call a class Begin that rand() if customers are going to make a deposit or withdraw and then rand() the amount they are going to use and does this 5 times.
#include "ATM.h"
void main()
Begin test1;
thread first(&Begin::atm, test1);
thread second(&Begin::atm, test1);
delete resbox::cashbox;
I cannot figure out how to suspend my threads created in Main.cpp inside of my observe() function like so:
void watcher::observe()
float cash;
if (resbox::cashbox->gettotal() >= resbox::cashbox->getmax())
//suspend all other threads
cout << "Please empty cash box it is full! with $"<< resbox::cashbox->gettotal() << endl;
cout << "How much would like to withdraw?" << endl;
cin >> cash;
cout << "This is the amount in the reserve box now is $" << resbox::cashbox->gettotal() << endl;
//resume all other threads
if (resbox::cashbox->gettotal() <= 500)
//suspend all other threads
cout << "Please fill cashbox it is low, has $" << resbox::cashbox->gettotal() << endl;
cout << "How much would like to add?" << endl;
cin >> cash;
cout << "This is the amount in the reserve box now $" << resbox::cashbox->gettotal() << endl;
//resume all other threads
Whenever the condition is met for one of the if statements I need to be able to suspend all other threads except the current thread that met the condition. Then after the data is completed before leaving the if statement and observer functions resume all other threads.
I read about the possibility of using SuspendThread, and ResumeThread from here, how to suspend thread. Yet I am having a hard time passing the threads created in main.cpp to the observer function so that I could call those functions. I figured out how to create threads from cplusplus.com, I also notice I could potentially use a mutex locking as refered to from What is the best solution to pause and resume pthreads?
I am using c++ under Microsoft Visual Studio 2015 Community.
This is my first time dealing with threads. For my use which is better, pass the created threads to the observer function, or is there another to pause/suspend and then resume them and how would i do so? Thank you for any advice/help provided.
Currently If I run my program and one of the conditions is met by a thread, the other thread will also meet the same condition and I have to enter the amount to deposit/withdraw twice before the threads continue until each thread has dealt with 5 customers each for a total of 10 customers.
I finally figured out what I needed and what to use thanks to:
Class RWLock
By utilizing this class, inside my project. Then creating a global instance of that class.
Then I added the reader and writer lock and unlocks where it function inside my code the best. Like so:
void Begin::atm() //The main function that makes it easier for threads to
call and run the Program.
ATM atm;
int choice, amount;
for (int i = 0; i < imax; i++) //mimics a total of 5 customers
rw.ReadLock(); //Have to place to read lock here.
choice = rand() % 2; //Randomizes the choice of depositing or withdrawing.
amount = rand() % 5000 + 1; //Randomizes 'the amount of cash that the customers use.
rw.ReadUnlock(); //Read unlock must happen here otherwise it blocks the writers.
rw.WriteLock(); //Must happen here!
if (choice == 0)
cout << "\tCustomer depositing $" << amount << endl;
else if (choice == 1)
cout << "\tCustomer withdrawing $" << amount << endl;
//error checker against the randomizer for the choice of depsoiting or withdrawing.
cout << "error rand creating wrong number" << endl;
rw.WriteUnlock(); //Must Happen here!
Sleep(5000); // Sleeps the program between customer usage to mimic actual use.
My ray tracer is currently multi threaded, I'm basically dividing the image into as many chunks as the system has and rendering them parallel. However, not all chunks have the same rendering time, so most of the time half of the run time is only 50% cpu usage.
std::shared_ptr<bitmap_image> image = std::make_shared<bitmap_image>(WIDTH, HEIGHT);
auto nThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
std::cout << "Resolution: " << WIDTH << "x" << HEIGHT << std::endl;
std::cout << "Supersampling: " << SUPERSAMPLING << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ray depth: " << DEPTH << std::endl;
std::cout << "Threads: " << nThreads << std::endl;
std::vector<RenderThread> renderThreads(nThreads);
std::vector<std::thread> tt;
auto size = WIDTH*HEIGHT;
auto chunk = size / nThreads;
auto rem = size % nThreads;
//launch threads
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nThreads - 1; i++)
tt.emplace_back(std::thread(&RenderThread::LaunchThread, &renderThreads[i], i * chunk, (i + 1) * chunk, image));
tt.emplace_back(std::thread(&RenderThread::LaunchThread, &renderThreads[nThreads-1], (nThreads - 1)*chunk, nThreads*chunk + rem, image));
for (auto& t : tt)
I would like to divide the image into 16x16 chunks or something similar and render them paralelly, so after each chunk gets rendered, the thread switches to the next and so on... This would greatly increase cpu usage and run time.
How do I set up my ray tracer render these 16x16 chunks in a multithreaded manner?
I assume the question is "How to distribute the blocks to the various threads?"
In your current solution, you're figuring out the regions ahead of time and assigning them to the threads. The trick is to turn this idea on its head. Make the threads ask for what to do next whenever they finish a chunk of work.
Here's an outline of what the threads will do:
void WorkerThread(Manager *manager) {
while (auto task = manager->GetTask()) {
So you create a Manager object that returns a chunk of work (in the form of a Task) each time a thread calls its GetTask method. Since that method will be called from multiple threads, you have to be sure it uses appropriate synchronization.
std::unique_ptr<Task> Manager::GetTask() {
std::lock_guard guard(mutex);
std::unique_ptr<Task> t;
if (next_row < HEIGHT) {
t = std::make_unique<Task>(next_row);
return t;
In this example, the manager creates a new task to ray trace the next row. (You could use 16x16 blocks instead of rows if you like.) When all the tasks have been issued, it just returns an empty pointer, which essentially tells the calling thread that there's nothing left to do, and the calling thread will then exit.
If you made all the Tasks in advance and had the manager dole them as they are requested, this would be a typical "work queue" solution. (General work queues also allow new Tasks to be added on the fly, but you don't need that feature for this particular problem.)
I do this a bit differently:
obtain number of CPU and or cores
You did not specify OS so you need to use your OS api for this. search for System affinity mask.
divide screen into threads
I am dividing screen by lines instead of 16x16 blocks so I do not need to have a que or something. Simply create thread for each CPU/core that will process only its horizontal lines rays. That is simple so each thread should have its ID number counting from zero and number of CPU/cores n so lines belonging to each process are:
y = ID + i*n
where i={0,1,2,3,... } once y is bigger or equal then screen resolution stop. This type of access has its advantages for example accessing screen buffer via ScanLines will not be conflicting between threads as each thread access only its lines...
I am also setting affinity mask for each thread so it uses its own CPU/core only it give me a small boost so there is not so much process switching (but that was on older OS versions hard to say what it does now).
synchronize threads
basically you should wait until all threads are finished. if they are then render the result on screen. Your threads can either stop and you will create new ones on next frame or jump to Sleep loops until rendering forced again...
I am using the latter approach so I do not need to create and configure the threads over and over again but beware Sleep(1) can sleep a lot more then just 1 ms.
I called "sleep" functions, but seems not really counted, like this:
using namespace std;
int main(){
clock_t t1=clock();
clock_t t2=clock();
return 0;
It prints a very small number of millisecond time interval between 2 "clock()" calls. I expected that it should report 2,000,000.
Is my guess correct? man page doesn't specify any answer to my question. Is there a better function to get the time elapsed between 2 lines of code?
clock(3) doesn't return seconds, it returns the number of seconds used, divided by CLOCKS_PER_SEC (value 1000000).
In C++, you probably want to use
auto t1 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto t2 = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto duration = t2 - t1;
std::cout << duration.count() << endl;
Don't forget to compile with -std=c++11