Threading in unity - multithreading

On button click I run method Initialize().
private IEnumerator Initialize()
Download download;
download = new Download();
StartCoroutine(download.LoadAsset("http://localhost/3dobjects?key=11","car13",(x)=>{j = x;}));
yield return j;
int k=download.GetRate(j)
Second one (GetRate) depends on result from first method (LoadAsset), so it should run after LoadAsset finishes working.
But they run synchronously like in different thread, how to solve it?

I think you want to
yield return StartCoroutine( ...
otherwise you won't be waiting for the coroutine to end.


How do you wait one second before completing an action in HaxeFlixel?

I'm looking to find a way to have HaxeFlixel wait one second before an action, but FlxTimer isn't being useful. Thanks.
Create a timer variable and assign a callback function. This code will wait for one second before running the sayHello() function:
var timer:FlxTimer = new FlxTimer().start(1, sayHello);
private function sayHello(timer:FlxTimer)

How can I update progress bar without blocking UI? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I update the GUI from another thread?
(47 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Currently I am creating a background STA thread to keep the UI responsive but it slows down my function calls on the main thread.
Based on this thread How to update progress bar while working in the UI thread I tried the following but the UI only gets updated after all of the work has finished. I tried playing around with the Dispatcher priorities but none of them seem to work.
What I also tried is adding _frmPrg.Refresh() to my Progress callback but this does not seem to change anything.
Dim oProgress = New Progress(Of PrgObject)(Sub(runNumber)
_frmPrg.Status = runNumber
End Sub))
End Sub)
DoLongRunningWork(oProgress, _cancellationToken)
End Sub, System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherPriority.Background)
I can't really help you with your problem, but I'll try to clarify what happens in your posted code.
DoLongRunningWork will be invoked through Dispatcher on the UI thread, when the UI thread is not busy. But once started, it will block the UI thread until it completes. So you can't show a progress this way. Your single chance is, to let DoLongRunningWork run on a background thread. That brings you nothing, if the long-running methods come from office objects, which must be accessed from the UI thread...
The Progress class (see the remarks section) invokes your event handler on the UI thread automatically, so you don't need _frmPrg.Invoke in your event handler.
Maybe you can start a STAthread for your progress form and show it from there. The instance of your Progress class must be created in this thread too, but not before your form is shown to ensure, that the thread becomes a WindowsFormsSynchronisationContext (or you set one explicitly after starting the thread). A plain SynchronisationContext won't work!
At least you get updates in your form this way, but the UI thread of the office app will still be blocked. And of course, any action you make with your progress form must be invoked on the UI thread, if accessing office objects.
After reading some other posts, I decided to suggest another solution. My previous answer still contains usable information, so I'll leave it there. I'm not familiar with VB.NET syntax, so the samples are in C#. I have tested the code in a VSTO plugin for PowerPoint, but it should run in any office application.
Forget the Progress class and background threads. Run everything on the UI thread!
Now use some async code. To stay on the UI thread, we need a "good" SynchronizationContext.
private static void EnsureWinFormsSyncContext()
// Ensure that we have a "good" SynchronisationContext
// See
if (SynchronizationContext.Current is not WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext)
SynchronizationContext.SetSynchronizationContext(new WindowsFormsSynchronizationContext());
This is the event handler of a button. Note the manually added async keyword. The SynchronizationContext.Current gets resetted again and again, so ensure the good one in the EventHandler:
private async void OnButtonClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Return from event handler, ensure that we are really async
// See
await Task.Yield();
await RunLongOnUIThread();
This will be the worker method, also running on the UI thread.
private async Task RunLongOnUIThread()
//Dummy code, replace it with your code
var pres = addIn.Application.Presentations.Add();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++)
Debug.Print("Creating slide {0} on thread {1}", i, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId);
// If you have some workloads that can be run on a background
// thread, execute them with await Task.Run(...).
var layout = pres.Designs[1].SlideMaster.CustomLayouts[1];
var slide = pres.Slides.AddSlide(i + 1, layout);
var shape = slide.Shapes.AddLabel(Microsoft.Office.Core.MsoTextOrientation.msoTextOrientationHorizontal, 0, 15 * i, 100, 15);
shape.TextFrame.TextRange.Text = $"Text on slide {i + 1}";
catch (Exception ex)
Debug.Print("I don't know what am I doing here, I'm not familiar with PowerPoint... {0}", ex);
// Update UI
statusLabel.Text = $"Slide {i + 1} done";
progressBar1.Value = i + 1;
// This is the magic! It gives the main thread the opportunity to update the UI.
// It also processes input messages so you need to disable unwanted buttons etc.
await IdleYield();
The following method is for Windows Forms Applications where it does the job perfect. I've tried it also in PowerPoint. If you are facing problems, try the WPF flavour with await Dispatcher.Yield(DispatcherPriority.ApplicationIdle) instead of await IdleYield().
private static Task IdleYield()
var idleTcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();
void handler(object s, EventArgs e)
Application.Idle -= handler;
Application.Idle += handler;
return idleTcs.Task;
Here are the (clickable) links to the answers that I used (I can't put them in the code-blocks...).
Incorrect async/await working, Excel events in Excel Application Level Add-in
When would I use Task.Yield()?
Task.Yield - real usages?
If in your real code something runs not as expected, check the thread you are running on and SynchronizationContext.Current.

Cross Thread UI

I have an issue with cross threading on a UI. I have read all the ways to do it and have implemented them as seen below.
public void UpdateList(object obj)
// do we need to switch threads?
if (listBox1.InvokeRequired)
MethodInvoker del = () => UpdateList(obj);
// ok so now we're here, this means we're able to update the control
// so we unbox the object into a string
string text = (string)obj;
// and update
The issue comes when I try to do a
After that call I am trying to update my list.
Without the wait is fine. When I add the Wait it hangs on the UpdateList Invoke. There is no just hangs.
I am handling this call in a button event.
Wait() is creating a deadlock on the mainthread.
Replace the hubconnection.Start.Wait() with:
await hubconnection.Start() in an async method:
public void async StartHubClickedEvent(...){
await hubconnection.Start()
The Microsoft Async library enables use of async/awaut on .net 4.0 and VS12.
Install-Package Microsoft.Bcl.Async
See Deadlock when thread uses dispatcher and the main thread is waiting for thread to finish
You've generated a recursive loop. Assuming an Invoke is Required, you'll call up the same method, hit if (listBox1.InvokeRequired) again (which will still pass true) and start looping as you keep calling up the same method again and again. It's better to do an If..Else pattern here where you directly invoke the change on the ListBox or simply perform the change without the invoke
An Example
if (listBox1.InvokeRequired)
listBox1.Invoke(()=> { listBox1.Items.Add((string)text) };
string text = (string)obj;
// and update

Waiting till the async task finish its work without blocking UI thread or Main thread

I am new to multithreading in Android and I have a doubt. I have a AsyncTask instance which I call as BackGroundTask and I start this as:
BackGroundTask bgTask = new BackGroundTask();
However I would like to wait until this call is finished its execution, before proceeding to the other statements of code without blocking UI thread and allowing user to navigate through application.
Please help me so that I can achieve this.
put your code inside onPostExecute method of AsyncTask, which you
wants to execute after work done By worker thread.
Try using bgTask.execute().get() this will wait for the background task to finish before moving to the next instruction in the called thread. (Please note that this will block the called thread until background task finishes)
I have found the answer at
How do I retrieve the data from AsyncTasks doInBackground()?
And the answer is to use callback as shown below which is copied from above shared link:
The only way to do this is using a CallBack. You can do something like this:
new CallServiceTask(this).execute(request, url);
Then in your CallServiceTask add a local class variable and class a method from that class in your onPostExecute:
private class CallServiceTask extends AsyncTask<Object, Void, Object[]>
RestClient caller;
CallServiceTask(RestClient caller) {
this.caller = caller;
protected Object[] doInBackground(Object... params)
HttpUriRequest req = (HttpUriRequest) params[0];
String url = (String) params[1];
return executeRequest(req, url);
protected onPostExecute(Object result) {
Then simply use the Object as you like in the onBackgroundTaskCompleted() method in your RestClient class.
A more elegant and extendible solution would be to use interfaces. For an example implementation see this library. I've just started it but it has an example of what you want.

How to use the Asynchronous Command in UI built using LWUIT ResourceEditor

I am using LWUIT ResrouceEditor(latest SVN code revision 1513) to generate a UI State machine.
I want to show a wait screen when a long running command is invoked by a user using a button on the current form. I believe I can use the asynchronous option when linking the command on the button. I have setup a form in which I have a button which should invoke the asynchronous command. In command selection for that button, I have set the action to show the wait screen form and have marked the command as asynchronous. However when I use the asynchronous option, the code shows the wait screen, but after that it throws a NullPointerException.
As per my understanding, once you mark a command as asynchronous, it will call the following methods from a different thread where you can handle its processing.
protected void asyncCommandProcess(Command cmd, ActionEvent sourceEvent);
protected void postAsyncCommand(Command cmd, ActionEvent sourceEvent);
However this methods are not getting called and it throws a NullPointerException.
When I looked at the LWUIT code, in 2278), I see that it constructs the new thread for an asynchronous command as follows:
new Thread(new FormListener(currentAction, currentActionEvent, f)).start();
But when running it through Debugger I see that currentAction and currentActionEvent are always null. And hence when the FormListener thread starts running, it never calls the above two async command processing methods. Please see the listing of the run() method in the no. 2178)
public void run() {
if(currentAction != null) {
if(Display.getInstance().isEdt()) {
postAsyncCommand(currentAction, currentActionEvent);
} else {
asyncCommandProcess(currentAction, currentActionEvent);
// wait for the destination form to appear before moving back into the LWUIT thread
} else {
if(Display.getInstance().isEdt()) {
if(Display.getInstance().getCurrent() != null) {
Form f = (Form)createContainer(fetchResourceFile(), nextForm);
} else {
if(processBackground(destForm)) {
In the above method, since the currentAction is null, it always goes into the else statement and since the nextForm is also null, it causes the NullPointerException.
On further look at the code, I noticed what is causing the NullPointer exception. It seems when the FormListner is created, it is passed currentAction and currentActionEvent, however they are null at that time. Instead the code should be changed as follows(starting at line 2264):
if(action.startsWith("#")) {
action = action.substring(1);
Form currentForm = Display.getInstance().getCurrent();
if(currentForm != null) {
Form f = (Form)createContainer(fetchResourceFile(), action);
/* Replace following with next lines for fixing asynchronous command
if(Display.getInstance().getCurrent().getBackCommand() == cmd) {
} else {;
new Thread(new FormListener(currentAction, currentActionEvent, f)).start();
new Thread(new FormListener(cmd, evt, f)).start();
Can lwuit development team take a look at the above code, review and fix it. After I made the above change, the asynchronous command processing methods were invoked.
Thank you.
Thanks for the information, its probably better to use the issue tracker for things like this (at
I will make a similar change although I don't understand why you commented out the form navigation portion.
To solve your use case of a wait screen we have a much simpler solution: Next Form. Just show the wait screen and in it define the "Next Form" property.
This will trigger a background thread to be invoked (processBackground callback) and only when the background thread completes the next form will be shown.
