Translator between bounded contexts in DDD (and some other questions) - domain-driven-design

I've been reading Eric Evans' DDD: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of the Software and in the section in context maps, Evans cited an example of 2 bounded contexts (Booking context and Network Traversal Service) using a translator to integrate them.
If I understand correctly, when we create a model, we put everything into bounded contexts creating conceptual boundaries for the domain. My questions are:
If everything should be in a bounded context, where should the translator be located? In Evans' sample diagram, the translator is outside (in between) both bounded contexts.
Say we have a single team working on a ERP. Should the ERP be put in several bounded contexts or a single one only. Based on Evans' sample, the bounded contexts were devised so that multiple teams could work on their own model. But since this is a single team, wouldn't they benefit on a single model so integration wouldn't be an issue? Or did I understand this wrong?
In question 2's case, if multiple bounded contexts, what if in implementation, we need a class from Accounting to be used in Payroll? I don't think we need a translator here but I'm not sure how to share the required class. Will just referencing the needed class from another bounded context be fine?
And lastly, how is a module in DDD related to a bounded context?

In an Infrastructure layer (outside the Domain), it's a technical detail.
A bounded context(BC) emerges from the Domain, that's why we identify them and not defining them. Once identified, if there are many BCs and there are developers available then the workload can be split so that the app can be developed faster. A single model is not advisable, you want a single domain model per BC and also a simplified read model for querying (CQRS).
I don't know but for me Payroll is part of Accounting, there aren't really 2 BC. Account is a BC, however other BC might need a Payroll but that definition is specific to the BC. And probably the definition is just really some data (a read model). Payroll behaviour should stay in Accounting. So you need to have clearly defined what each BC understands by "Payroll". Usually you'll have a domain service who will use concepts from both BC and which will use the 'translator'.
It isn't. A module just groups things together from a technical point of view. A BC is pretty virtual, you might choose to have a project or a module corresponding to one BC but that's your decision how to organize things.

If everything should be in a bounded context, where should the translator be located? In Evans' sample diagram, the translator is
outside (in between) both bounded contexts.
I think this question has no sense. Each BC is a boundary in wich a domain model exist, and the boundary is determined by the UL, each BC has its own UL. If you just create one model, you don't need translation. Instead of spliting a big model into several smaller ones, you are joining them.
Say we have a single team working on a ERP. Should the ERP be put in several bounded contexts or a single one only. Based on Evans'
sample, the bounded contexts were devised so that multiple teams could
work on their own model. But since this is a single team, wouldn't
they benefit on a single model so integration wouldn't be an issue? Or
did I understand this wrong?
I think you understood wrong. You split a single model into several BCs according to the UL, not to the available teams. Then if you don't have enough teams for the number of BCs created, a team will have to develop more than one BC. By the way, the opposite is not desirable, i.e., a BC shouldn't be developped by more than one team.
In question 2's case, if multiple bounded contexts, what if in implementation, we need a class from Accounting to be used in Payroll?
I don't think we need a translator here but I'm not sure how to share
the required class. Will just referencing the needed class from
another bounded context be fine?
You shouldn't reference a domain object of another BC. That BC should protect its domain model, that's the application layer for. The application layer expose DTOs, plain objects, it shouldn't expose the domain model to the outside world. What you are asking for is a shared kernel (a model shared by other BC).
And lastly, how is a module in DDD related to a bounded context?
A module is just a java package, useful for keeping together things that a related to each other. So you split the source code of a BC in modules. Do it according to the UL, not to technical aspects. For instance, a module for each aggregate, not a module for entities, another one for repositories, etc.


Formalizing Open-Host service

Martin Fowler gives a great example of describing the bounded context concept by the polyseme 'Meter' in the electric utility domain ( . Depending on the context, 'Meter' at least 3 meanings, which may result in 3 bounded contexts (BCs):
connection between the grid and a location -> lets call the corresponding BC 'geo';
connection between the grid and a customer -> lets call that BC 'customersupport';
the physical meter itself -> lets call that BC 'assetmanagement';
Lets say we want to design Open-Host services for exposing meter information for each bounded contexts: so a public API for meter in geo BC, a second one in customersupport BC and a third one in the assetmanagment BC.
In the electric utility domain we have a Common Information Model - CIM - ( - which is the electric utility industry standard for data exchange, describing both syntax and semantics. For instance it has for entity 'Meter' a 'canonical' model, describing Meter with a global set of attributes that is bounded context independend so to say.
Should the public APIs we intend to design make use of the CIM model as the source model for the published language by selecting the right attributes from the canonical 'Meter' model? We can take the CIM 'Meter' model, select a subset of the relevant attributes according to the bounded contexts and publish the API in json or xml, based on the CIM model and decoupled from the BC application model.
Would this be a way to design Open-Host services for the Meter polyseme Martin Fowler is referring to?
Sure, you can have a grand unified model which encompasses a number of bounded contexts. Those contexts can effectively ignore the aspects of the unified model which don't really concern them (and even add their own attributes if it makes sense for their purposes).
It might get tricky if there's some aspect of the unified model which multiple bounded contexts are going to want to process updates for, but that can be worked around in various ways.
Would this be a way to design Open-Host services for the Meter polyseme Martin Fowler is referring to?
Open Host Service is a pattern involved in bounded context cooperation. The idea is to provide a stable API for your service, hiding implementation changes from clients to protect them. For instance, you could split your persistence into 2 databases and still expose a single unified interface. Using the CIM model for your service is a good way to ensure a stable API to your clients, using an open standard. However this has nothing to do with polysemes.
Polyseme is a concept where the same object can have different properties and meaning depending on the bounded context considered. For instance, in an ecommerce application, a product can have:
a color and size in the customization BC
a unit price and discount in sales BC
a count and size in storage BC
Size in customization and storage BC could have different meanings. Polysemes do not imply cooperation between these contexts, but is rather about splitting your model into distinct bounded contexts, so different business areas stop interfering with each other. This has to do with application architecture regarding RDBMS as write performance bottlenecks in monolithic applications. Why have your database read-lock your product price and discount information when the storage team update the count from their latest inventory ?
Quoting Martin Fowler:
In those younger days we were advised to build a unified model of the entire business, but DDD recognizes that we've learned that "total unification of the domain model for a large system will not be feasible or cost-effective". So instead DDD divides up a large system into Bounded Contexts, each of which can have a unified model - essentially a way of structuring MultipleCanonicalModels.
Here, he is explicitly referring to stuff like the CIM model when is writes about a unified model of the entire business. Basically, what is saying is that you should not use the whole CIM model for your contexts.
Should the public APIs we intend to design make use of the CIM model as the source model for the published language by selecting the right attributes from the canonical 'Meter' model? We can take the CIM 'Meter' model, select a subset of the relevant attributes according to the bounded contexts and publish the API in json or xml, based on the CIM model and decoupled from the BC application model.
The CIM model is designed for data exchange in this domain. It sounds like a good starting point for your Ubiquitous Language. However, if you don't need your overall system to comply with the CIM model standard, you should definitely split that into smaller bounded contexts.

DDD - Multiple Bounded Contexts because of differing aggregate data?

We try to split up our domain into bounded contexts with the goal to have a modular application design/architecture.
We did an enlightening EventSorming session which helped us a lot to identify bounded contexts and its aggregates. After the workshop every participant agreed on the bounded contexts we identified.
Nevertheless we feel uncomfortable as we fear our bounded contexts are still too large. EventStomring focusses on the domain events / process and that's the major building block we used to identify our bounded contexts.
We also identified aggregates like "Contract". Every contract nearly follows the same process, but the amount of data these contracts contain can differ massively. There are very simple contract types and contract types which include a lot of additional data and attachments.
Is it meaningful to declare another bounded context just because the aggregate's data is more complex?
Both approaches have their drawbacks:
Implementing all contract types in one bounded context might lead to a lot of if-Statements in the code in order to handle the differing data.
Extracting a new bounded context might lead to a lot of duplicate code just because some data differs.
Any suggestions / best practices how to handle this?
...domain events / process and that's the major building block we used
to identify our bounded contexts
BCs are not identified by processes, BCs are related to the language. Each BC has its own ubiquitous language (UL). A BC is the context in which a concept has meaning. Anyway BCs belong to the solution space. First of all you should explore the domain (problem space) and split it in subdomains, distilling the core domain. Then you model each subdomain. A BC is the context where a model lives. Ideally the relationship between subdomains and BCs is 1:1.
The process of discovering subdomains is iterative, and you will find them as you know the domain better, talking to experts. When you find a word that may have different meanings, or when two different words have the same meaning, then it means that you are crossing a boundary between BCs.
So, subdomains identification is not about processes, but about concepts and UL.
Is it meaningful to declare another bounded context just because the
aggregate's data is more complex?
No, you shouldn't create BCs arbitrary just because aggregates are complex. BCs are based on the UL.
Any suggestions / best practices how to handle this?
You should learn more about the domain (contract, types, etc) by talking to domain experts, and study your aggregate (transactional consistency)... Anyway, if you split your aggregate into anothers, it doesn't mean that they belong to different BCs, they still can belong to the same BC. A BC can have more than one aggreagate. It all depends on your concrete domain.
Bounded contexts have little to do with if-statements, so I'm not sure what you mean.
Bounded contexts are a semantically closed set of business functionalities. Basically your bounded context is well defined if it can execute its functions in complete isolation, even if the other contexts are not available.
Other than that, you can have any design inside of the context. I feel the amount of if-statements depends more on your class/code-design, like whether you use polymorphism correctly, interfaces, things like that.
But, to your point: You don't need to have everything perfect the first time. If you identified some valid contexts, you already did the hard part. If any context can be further divided, that could happen later anytime with little impact on others (since contexts are more or less isolated).
No specific business teams for different kinds of contracts
No dedicated dev team for specific kinds of contracts
Same ubiquitous language is used for all contracts
Every contract nearly follows the same process
These to me are signs that all contracts belong to the same business subdomain and should ideally be in the same Bounded Context - unless legacy or third party systems force you otherwise.

Sub-Domain with multiple bounded context and project structure

I have started reading few chapters of the blue book and have read the first three chapters of red book (Implementing Domain Driven Design). I have a two questions:
(1) Can a sub-domain have more than one bounded context? I am particularly looking at the example in Implementing Domain Driven Design book where there is a forecasting sub-domain sort of coupled/overlap with inventory. (Apologies if you have not read the book, but the idea is that there is a strong overlap between the two bounded contexts).
(2) How do I organize my project solution structure (I am using .net), are there any examples of real world projects that I can look at? Should I create folders namely sub-domain, core-domain, generic-domain and then specify the modules under it? I am struggling on how best to define my structure so that it shows the onion/hexagonal layers is in place.
Thanks in advance.
Yes. The Domain is composed from multiple sub domains (if it is complex enough) and each are in fact a group of bounded contexts. The Domain itself can be considered a bounded context (BC) from the app point of view.
A BC doesn't mean that it contains an unique model, but a specific representation of the business concept. So you can have a Book definition in multiple BC but in each, the definition is slightly different, ranging from full details to just an id. So the Book from Inventory is different than a Book from Sales for example. It matters how that BC understands a concept.
The resulting model is valid only in that BC, although it can have the same name as the model from another BC. But that's what namespaces are for.
There isn't a recipe for that, everyone structure their projects how they see fit. But most of the time you'll have at least one Domain project and UI, Persistence, Infrastrcuture projects. I think that the best structure depends on the app and on how the developers thinks so the way I do things might not be the optimum way for you. In a nutshell, structure the app as it makes sense for you.

How to be with huge Domain classes in DDD?

When you are developing an architecture in OO/DDD style and modeling some domain entity e.g. Order entity you are putting whole logic related to order into Order entity.
But when the application becomes more complicated, Order entity collects more and more logic and this class becomes really huge.
Comparing with anemic model, yes its obviously an anti-pattern, but all that huge logic is separated in different services.
Is it ok to deal with huge domain entities or i understand something wrong?
When you are trying to create rich domain models, focus entities on identity and lifecyle, and thus try to avoid them becoming bloated with either properties or behavior.
Domain services potentially are a place to put behavior, but I tend to see a lot of domain service methods with behavior that would be better assigned to value objects, so I wouldn't start refactoring by moving the behavior to domain services. Domain services tend to work best as straightforward facades/adaptors in front of connections to things outside of the current domain model (i.e. masking infrastructure concerns).
You can also put behavior in Application services, but ask yourself whether that behavior belongs outside of the domain model or not. As a general rule, try to focus application services more on orchestration-style tasks that cross entities, domain services, repositories.
When you encounter a bloated entity then the first thing to do is look for sets of cohesive set of entity properties and related behavior, and make these implicit concepts explicit by extracting them into value objects. The entity can then delegate its behavior to these value objects.
Since we all tend to be more comfortable with entities, try to be more biased towards value objects so that you get the benefits of immutability, encapsulation and composability that value objects provide - moving you towards a more supple design.
Value objects enable you to incorporate a more functional style (eg. side-effect-free functions) into your domain model and thus free up your entities from having to deal with the complexity of adding complicated behavior to the burden of managing identity and lifecycle. See the pattern summaries for entities and value objects in Eric Evan's and the Blue Book for more details.
When you are developing an architecture in OO/DDD style and modeling
some domain entity e.g. Order entity you are putting whole logic
related to order into Order entity. But when the application becomes
more complicated, Order entity collects more and more logic and this
class becomes really huge.
Classes that have a tendency to become huge, are often the classes with overlapping responsibilities. Order is a typical example of a class that could have multiple responsibilities and that could play different roles in your application.
Given the context the Order appears in, it might be an Entity with mutable state (i.e. if you're managing Order's commercial condition, during a negotiation phase) but if you're application is managing logistics, an Order might play a different role: and an immutable Value Object might be the best implementation in the logistic context.
Comparing with anemic model, yes its
obviously an anti-pattern, but all that huge logic is separated in
different services.
...and separation is a good thing. :-)
I have got a feeling that the original model is probably data-centric and data serving different purposes (order creation, payment, order fulfillment, order delivery) is piled up in the same container (the Order class). Can't really say it from here, but it's a very frequent pattern. Not all of this data is useful for the same purpose at the same time.
Often, a bloated class like the one you're describing is a smell of a missing separation between Bounded Contexts, and/or an incomplete Aggregate separation within the same bounded context. I'd have a look to:
things that change together;
things that change for the same reason;
information needed to fulfill behavior;
and try to re-define aggregate boundaries accordingly. And also to:
different purposes for the application;
different stakeholders;
different implicit models/languages;
when it comes to discover the involved contexts.
In a large application you might have more than one model, thus leading to more than a single representation of a single domain concept, at least for concepts that are playing many roles.
This is complementary to Paul's approach.
It's fine to use services in DDD. You will commonly see services at the Domain, Application or Infrastructure layers.
Eric uses these guidelines in his book for spotting when to use services:
The operation relates to a domain concept that is not a natural part of an ENTITY or VALUE OBJECT.
The interface is defined in terms of other elements in the domain model
The operation is stateless

DDD: inter-domain referencing design issue?

What are DDD recommendations for inter-domain referencing design?
Should I try to connect them as "Matryoshka" (put one into another) or it is better to create upper-level "inter-domain" business service?
P.S. Crossing this smooth water, I was unable to find anything useful to read in the Internet, and have started thinking that for this kind of things exist better term than "inter-domain referencing"... Am I right?
I have two models/business services.
Semantically first domain (A) is CRM with sell/maintenance process for our goods, second domain (B) is "design" data of our goods. We have two view points on our goods: from seller perspective and from engineer perspective.
Actually each model is effective ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) tool to the same database.
There are some inter-domain activities e.g. validations (e.g. sometimes we can sell things to smb. only if some engineering rules are valid).
From developer's point of view I have two clear possibilities (reference B in A or create new cross reference domain/service C ). But from designer perspective I am lost in understanding what kind of Business Service I have when I compose business logic from two different domains.
As far as I know, DDD has no strict rules for 'inter-domain' referencing. At the end of the day your domain model will have to reference basic Java or .NET classes. Or it may reference specialized date/time or graph library (aka 'Generic Domain').
On the other hand DDD has a concept of Bounded Context. And it has quite a few patterns that can be applied when you work at the boundaries of the system. For example 'Anticorruption Layer' can be used to isolate you from legacy system. Other integration styles can be used depending on how much control you have over external code, team capabilities etc.
So there is probably no need to introduce artificial glue layer if you just dealing with two subdomains in one Bounded Context. Might also be worth reading Part 4 of DDD book (Strategic Design).
Based on the information you provided, it looks like you only have one Bounded Context. You don't seem to have 'linguistic clashes' where the same word have two different meanings. Bounded Context integration patterns are most likely not applicable to your situation. Your Sales domain can reference Products domain directly. If you think of Products domain being more low-level and Sales being high level you can use Dependency Inversion Principle. Define an interface like ProductCompatiblityValidator in Sales and implement it in Products domain. And then inject the actual implementation at the application layer. This way you will not have a direct reference from Sales to Products.
In addition to what Dmitry has already said...
I think of any code that crosses bounded contexts as application layer code. I would have that application layer code reference domain types from both contexts (and their repositories) but not have two domains reference each other. I think it's OK to have business logic in an application layer if it specifically crosses domain boundaries and is unit-testable.
If you really have a hierarchy, then it would be OK to have the the more concrete subdomain reference the more abstract domain. However, I would be careful if this causes you to need to have domain objects reference repositories of any type. Pulling objects out of of a repository is rarely a true domain concept. Referencing repositories is best done in an application layer that sits a layer above the domain model.
Of course this is all as much art as science. I'd try modeling a thin slice of your application a couple different ways and see what friction you run into with each approach.
