Vim (vimscript) get exact character under the cursor - vim

I am getting the character under the cursor in vimscript the following way:
It works exactly like it should, however there is something I dislike. consider this [] the cursor. When there is a bracket next to the cursor like so:
}[] , ][] , )[] or {[] the cursor actually returns the bracket. What do I have to set so it will always return the character exactly under the cursor or atleast ignore if there is a bracket to it's left?
Note: I suspect that it might have to do with the brackets highlight, though I am not sure.
Note2: for the situation to occur there has to be a matching bracket.

Though I cannot reproduce the problem you're describing, there's another problem with your code: Because of the string indexing (and this is one of the uglier sides of Vimscript), it only works with single-byte characters, but will fail to capture chars like Ä or 𠔻 (depending on the encoding used). This is a better way of capturing the character under the cursor:
:echo matchstr(getline('.'), '\%' . col('.') . 'c.')
Edit: Since about Vim 7.4.1742, Vim has new strgetchar() and strcharpart() functions that work with character indexes, not byte addressing. This is helpful in many circumstances, but not here, because you still can only get the byte-index position of the cursor (or the screen column with virtcol(), but that's not the same as character index).

nr2char(strgetchar(getline('.')[col('.') - 1:], 0))
strcharpart(getline('.')[col('.') - 1:], 0, 1)

Another way to get the character index under cursor that deal with both ASCII and non-ASCII characters is the like the following:
function! CharAtIdx(str, idx) abort
" Get char at idx from str. Note that this is based on character index
" instead of the byte index.
return strcharpart(a:str, a:idx, 1)
function! CursorCharIdx() abort
" A more concise way to get character index under cursor.
let cursor_byte_idx = col('.')
if cursor_byte_idx == 1
return 0
let pre_cursor_text = getline('.')[:col('.')-2]
return strchars(pre_cursor_text)
Then if you want to get char under cursor, use the following command:
let cur_char_idx = CursorCharIdx()
let cur_char = CharAtIdx(getline('.'), cur_char_idx)
See also this post on how to get pre-cursor char.


Vim statusline separation (%=) with Unicode characters

When I set fillchars=stl:x statusline=a%=b, I see the following statusline:
When I set fillchars=stl:· statusline=a%=b (· = middle dot, U+00B7), the status line becomes:
The same happens with Unicode box drawing characters (they become -).
I would have expected:
What am I missing or doing wrong?
If I don't set statusline to anything, then the default statusline draws the Unicode character correctly, something like:
Looks like Vim does not currently support multi-byte fill characters in custom status lines (version 8.1.2203):
/* Can't handle a multi-byte fill character yet. */
else if (mb_char2len(fillchar) > 1)
fillchar = '-';
To work around the issue, I created a function that draws the line instead:
function StatusLine()
let left = 'a'
let right = 'b'
let spacer_width = winwidth(0) - len(left) - len(right)
let spacer = repeat('·', spacer_width)
return left . spacer . right
set statusline=%{StatusLine()}
This is currently not supported.
Quote from :h 'fcs':
for "stl" and "stlnc" only single-byte values are supported.

In vim, how to split a word and flip the halves? FooBar => BarFoo

I sometimes write a multi-word identifier in one order, then decide the other order makes more sense. Sometimes there is a separator character, sometimes there is case boundary, and sometimes the separation is positional. For example:
$foobar becomes $barfoo
$FooBar becomes $BarFoo
$foo_bar becomes $bar_foo
How would I accomplish this in vim? I want to put my cursor on the word, hit a key combo that cuts the first half, then appends it to the end of the current word. Something like cw, but also yanking into the cut buffer and then appending to the current word (eg ea).
Nothing general and obvious comes to mind. This is more a novelty question than one of daily practical use, but preference is given to shortest answer with fewest plugins. (Hmm, like code golf for vim.)
You can use this function, it swaps any word of the form FooBar, foo_bar, or fooBar:
function! SwapWord()
" Swap the word under the cursor, ex:
" 'foo_bar' --> 'bar_foo',
" 'FooBar' --> 'BarFoo',
" 'fooBar' --> 'barFoo' (keeps case style)
let save_cursor = getcurpos()
let word = expand("<cword>")
let match_ = match(word, '_')
if match_ != -1
let repl = strpart(word, match_ + 1) . '_' . strpart(word, 0, match_)
let matchU = match(word, '\u', 1)
if matchU != -1
let was_lower = (match(word, '^\l') != -1)
if was_lower
let word = substitute(word, '^.', '\U\0', '')
let repl = strpart(word, matchU) . strpart(word, 0, matchU)
if was_lower
let repl = substitute(repl, '^.', '\L\0', '')
silent exe "normal ciw\<c-r>=repl\<cr>"
call setpos('.', save_cursor)
Mapping example:
noremap <silent> gs :call SwapWord()<cr>
Are you talking about a single instance, globally across a file, or generically?
I would tend to just do a global search and replace, e.g.:
(for all lines, change $foobar to $barfoo, every instance on each line)
EDIT (single occurrence with cursor on the 'f'):
3xep (had some ~ in there before the re-edit of the question)
Best I got for now. :)
nnoremap <Leader>s dwbP
Using Leader, s should now work.
dw : cut until the end of the word from cursor position
b : move cursor at the beginning of the word
P : paste the previously cut part at the front
It won't work for you last example though, you have to add another mapping to deal with _ .
(If you don't know what Leader is, see :help mapleader)

Get the length of the string in substitution

I'd like to calculate the length of a replace string used in a substitution. That is, "bar" in :s/foo/bar. Suppose I have access to this command string, I can run and undo it, and may separate the parts marked by / with split(). How would I get the string length of the replace string if it contains special characters like \1, \2 etc or ~?
For instance if I have
the replace length would be strlen("bars\rreplace") = 12.
EDIT: Just to be clear, I hope to use this to move the cursor past the text that was affected by a substitute operation. I'd appreciate alternative solutions as well.
You have to use :help sub-replace-expression. In it, you use submatch(2) instead of \2. If the expression is a custom function, you can as a side effect store the original length in a variable, and access that later:
function! Replace()
let g:replaceLength = strlen(submatch(0))
" Equivalent of \2\rreplace
return submatch(2) . "\r" . 'replace'

vim scripting - count number of matches on a line

I'm trying to count the number of regex matches in a line, and I need to use the result in a vim function. For example, count the number of open braces.
function! numberOfMatchesExample(lnum)
let line_text = getline(a:lnum)
" This next line is wrong and is the part I'm looking for help with
let match_list = matchlist(line_text, '{')
return len(match_list)
So I'd like to find a way in a vim function to capture into a variable the number of regex matches of a line.
There are plenty of examples of how to do this and show the result on the status bar, see
:h count-items, but I need to capture the number into a variable for use in a function.
The split() function splits a string on a regular expression. You can use it to split the line in question, and then subtract 1 from the number of resulting pieces to obtain the match count.
let nmatches = len(split(getline(a:lnum), '{', 1)) - 1
See :h split().
For the special case of counting a single ASCII character like {, I'd simply substitute() away all other characters, and use the length:
:let cnt = len(substitute(line_text, '[^{]', '', 'g'))
You can use a hack with substitute() with side effects:
function CountFigureBrackets(lnum)
let line=getline(a:lnum)
let d={'num': 0}
call substitute(line, '{', '\=extend(d, {"num": d.num+1}).num', 'g')
return d.num

Vim: creating a C string literal around a block of text with vertically aligned quotes?

I would like to create a macro or a script in Vim that does the following:
wrap a block of text in double quotes
escaping any quotes that appear in the text itself
have the quotes on the right side in vertical alignment
For example:
<h1>High Score Server</h1>
would become:
"<html> "
"<head></head> "
"<body> "
"<h1>High Score Server</h1>"
"<table> "
"</table> "
"</body> "
"</html> ";
I am able to achieve this with a macro, but without the vertical alignment of the quotes on the right side. Can anyone help me with this one?
What I'd do :
With "surround" and "Align" plugins :
1) with cursor on first line (0,0), type <C-V>)$s"
2) then <S-V>):Align " and <Enter>.
Another solution without plugins :
1) set virtual mode
:set ve=all
2) <C-V> to go in block-wise selection, with cursor at the position 0,0
3) go down to the bottom of the text, then Shift-I, type " and Esc. This should prepend the quotes.
4) now go on the left end (since ve=all, you can go where there is no text)
5) <C-V>, go down to bottom, type r"
This is long to explain, but easy to do and reproduce. Also useful in lots of case.
function Enquote()
let [startline, endline]=sort([line("'<"), line("'>")])
let lines=getline(startline, endline)
let lengths=map(copy(lines), 'len(split(v:val, ''\zs''))')
let maxlen=max(lengths)
call map(lines, '''"''.v:val.repeat(" ", maxlen-lengths[v:key]).''"''')
return setline(startline, lines)
line("'<") and line("'>") get the line numbers of start and end of last visual selection.
sort([...]) sorts this line numbers since you may have started selecting lines from the end of the selection.
let [a, b]=[c, d] is a parallel assignment: sort will produce a sorted list of two items, where first item is lesser or equal to second item. Obviously, lesser is a first selected line.
len(split(v:val, '\zs')) is an advanced strlen() which supports unicode.
max(list) finds a maximum value. Obvious.
So, map(copy(lines), 'len(split(v:val, ''\zs''))') applies this strlen to all items in list. copy() is required since we do not want our list to be modified.
map(lines, '''"''.v:val.repeat(" ", maxlen-lengths[v:key]).''"''') modifies an lines in a way you require. I switched from printf to repeat because printf does not handle multibyte characters correctly (by «correctly» I mean that «¥» is one character long, while printf considers it two bytes long).
setlines(linenumber, listoflines) actually modifies buffer.
Making use of the unix program "par" to do this may well solve your problem. There's a Vimcast showing how to integrate it into vim over at
Is it possible to make two passes over the list of lines in vim script? Then you can do something like this (pseudocode):
let N = length of longest line
for each line L:
insert a " character at the beginning
append N - len(L) spaces
append a " character
best i got is a 3-pass regex.
select block in visual mode, then use:
:'<,'>s#$# #
with the 28 being the length of your longest line.
By all means heed the previous answers and get your vim-fu in shape. Or install/modify/poke-the-author of this plugin:
From the plugin's page:
This script converts multi-line text in a C++ file to a multi-line
string literal, escaping the quote and tab characters. It also does
the reverse conversion, un-escaping some characters. It's not too
complete for now, but it will be someday if needs come.
If you need to make changes use the source-code repository:
In two passes:
let l = max(map(getline("'<", "'>"), 'strwidth(v:val)'))
'<,'>s/.*/\=('"'.submatch(0).repeat(' ', l-strwidth(submatch(0)) )).'"'
