Forced Submit when a tab is clicked - dreamweaver

I have a form with several tabs using spry tabbed panels in Dreamweaver CS6. I have a save button on every page which when clicked take the user to the next tab. Invariably they don't click the save button and just click the next tab and lose their changes. Is there a way I can force a submit when they click the tab ?


Menu button on keyboard to get Excel Context Menu

Normally on an excel file, when I click the Menu button on the keyboard, the normal context menu like below first screenshot will show. However I got a new computer and it gives me a totally different context menu like below 2nd screenshot. How can I change excel to show me the context menu like the first screenshot when I click the menu button on the keyboard? Many thanks.

SharePoint 2013 - On clicking of Edit icon, show popup box (or) modal dialog

I have a grid which displays data from the SharePoint list.
On clicking of Edit icon, it should display a popup, where it allows users to edit Expiration date and notes field as per below screenshots.
Once user clicks on save, it should save the data back to SharePoint list and grid.
May I know how it can be achieved in SP2013 visual web part?

Add Multiple textbox by add butoon click in .net

I Want to Create a Multiple textbox on add button click three textbox and a droplist should be added on every click and on save button the the value should be saved in database

p:commandButton displayed twice after navigating back to page

I have tab registers with a p:commantButton. By clicking on this button I load an entry list in a p:dataTable (about 10,000) to make some selections (navigated to another page). My selection is added to my p:dataTable on the p:tabView, where i clicked on the button. After comming back to the page the two buttons are displayed twice and a click on the same button does not call my java method any more until I refresh the page completely.
Any Idea ?
thanks for your help
my tabview

Sharepoint Text Display and Radio button list coding

How do I create a display of text, radio buttons and submit button in Visual Studio such that I can display my text to the user so that
The user cannot edit the text
The user's choice of radio button and the displayed question can be stored on clicking the button
(1) Simple: set enabled="false" for the control
(2) Store the information from the radio button into a session variable on btn submit click, I'm pretty sure you can edit the string you save
